Psyc1001Assignment 2 PDF

Title Psyc1001Assignment 2
Course Introduction to Psychology I
Institution Carleton University
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Psyc 1001 Assignment 2 Below are a series of questions based on the chapters we have covered (Chpts.5-7). You will find your textbook and notes helpful in answering some of these questions. When uploading your assignment onto CU LEARN, make sure it is in a WORD or PDF format. Other formats will NOT BE MARKED. Make sure your name and student number is included on your submission. The value for each question is indicated. TOTAL: 29 marks. Chapter 5: This activity encourages you to research information on consciousness by answering a series of true/false questions. (8 marks) Instructions: Answer the questions below indicating true or false 1.Consciousness has an unlimited capacity. FALSE 2.Most university students should take courses early in the day or early in the evening for best performance. TRUE 3.People who sleep seven to eight hours a night tend to outlive those who are chronically sleep deprived. TRUE 4.The most common dreams are those with sexual imagery. FALSE 5.The majority of characters in men’s dreams are female. FALSE 6.Most psychologists believe that dreams provide a key to understanding our inner conflicts. FALSE 7.Under hypnosis, people can be induced to perform feats they would otherwise find impossible. FALSE 8.Under hypnosis, people can be induced to perform feats they would otherwise find immoral. TRUE 1

Chapter 6: Of all the concepts presented in the learning chapter, students typically experience the most challenges with schedules of reinforcement. This activity can be useful in addressing this issue. Instructions: Define each of the schedules under its name and then come up with your own example for each of the following schedules: (9 marks)

1.FIXED-RATIO Definition: this is a continuous reinforcement schedule that occurs each time a fixed number of responses of a particular type are emitted. It is the least resistant to extinction. Example: if I make three bracelets in 5 minutes, I get a cookie.

2.FIXED-INTERVAL Definition: a fixed interval schedule is when reinforcement is given to a desired response after specific or predictable amount of time has passed Example: getting my paycheck every 2 weeks.

3.VARIABLE-RATIO Definition: A variable ratio schedule is a schedule of reinforcement where a reinforcer occurs after a certain number of a particular response and the number of responses required for each reinforcer changes unpredictably from one reinforcer to the next. Example: playing the lottery

4.VARIABLE-INTERVAL Definition: a variable interval schedule is when a varying amount of time passes between each reinforcement. Example: when you check your emails or when you have to flip pancakes every 2-3 minutes.

Which schedule is most resistant to extinction? Answer: Variable interval schedule Chapter 7: This activity is designed to get you to explore the implications of memory and memory research. Instructions: Watch the Ted Talk by Elizabeth Loftus on memory, and answer the questions below. Do not add unnecessary information in your answers or you will lose marks. The value is indicated beside each question. TOTAL: 12 marks 2

Elizabeth Loftus Ted Talk: 1. Approximately how many DNA exonerated cases are due to faulty eyewitness testimony? 1 mark. Around 3/4th of 300 people, which is around 225 people were exonerated cases due to false memory. 2. What is meant by constructive/reconstructive memory. Explain in a couple of sentences. 2 marks. This is when memory is constructed during encoding or reconstructed during recall not based on actual reality but based on perceptions, beliefs and emotions of the person. 3. Identify one result that happened when Loftus varied a word in her car crash study. 1 mark. The leading smashed question made people more likely to say they saw broken glasses in the accident scene. 4. What can be concluded from the studies of the suggestibility. Explain in a sentence or two. 2 marks. It was seen that individuals could recall and actually believe the false memories fed to them by the experimenters. 5. List two ways we can be exposed misleading information. 2 marks. 

when to talk to other witnesses about an event

when you are questioned in a leading way

6. Briefly explain how, according to Loftus, psychotherapy contributes to false memories. (A couple of sentences) 2 marks. Imagination exercises, dream interpretation, hypnosis and exposure to false information can lead to false memories 7. Are implanted false memories potentially permanent? 1 mark. YES 8. Is there a correlation between confidence and detail with memory accuracy? 1 mark. NO


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