Purposive - summarized PDF

Title Purposive - summarized
Author John Amante
Course BS tourism management
Institution STI College
Pages 3
File Size 62.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 74
Total Views 159




Preparation Hilarious Politician – WORST SPEECH EVER

The way he speak has a lot of confidence and making eye contact to his audience has a big impact about his speech, making eye contact is critical for building rapport with one’s audience. In this case, however, Davison’s eye contact was far too intense. And that pacing did indeed magnify the effect. How to improve it? Well, I do think that if he were to control his emotions more the next time, there would be a positive knock-on effect in many aspects of his delivery, including the eye contact. I think that being more relaxed would help his facial expressions, and the face is a backdrop, if you will, for the eyes. Smiling at one’s audience also works wonders at building rapport. Who was it who said that a smile








Making eye contact with people is certainly not a problem for Davison and he sure seemed to cover the entire audience, which was good. So if he can harness the emotion I can’t help but come back to that relax and smile a bit, it will help immensely. One more thing that stood up is his passion about the speech, Phil Davison’s passion about his subject grabs your attention and keeps it. No sleeping through Phil’s speech. In some cases audiences tends to be sleepy in speeches especially if it is non energetic and monotonic voice this kind

of speeches will make you feel alive as the speaker displaying adrenaline and too much emotion which was made it more memorable. In fact what impresses me in Davison’s speech is the high level of adrenaline. His voice is trembling, like it seems to be his all body. Passion is a must in this kind of campaigns, he was clearly wound up about something. The problem was that he let his emotions get the better of him. If he could learn to focus that emotional energy constructively, he could be a good speaker and that is by training and learn to feel audience emotion as well, from that certain point you will able to see where are you going to look back. Lastly, is his movement Phil Davison owns the stage. He walks from side to side, emphasizing his points with hand gestures. Unfortunately these hand gestures are a little too aggressive for the type of speech Phil is delivering, but he is on the right track. Having said that he did a great job in having those posture and movements , definitely his strengths. My method on how to improve this kind of thing would be taking his time when he will go speak, take pauses if necessary to adjust his next move though his posture was good but a lot of gestures was a little too much which is why he needs to lessen these unnecessary gestures, I highy doubt that emotion was the reason for this in the first place which is why he needs to practice and not rely so much about the notes. Partly, I think he needs to be able to judge

an audience, a moment, and a set of circumstances, and adjust his rhetoric and passion on the fly. That Phil Davison got it so spectacularly wrong just underlines the need to get it right. Basically he needs to learn how to adjust....

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