Quiz on Chapter 4 and 5 - Quiz Study Guide. Professor Butterfield PDF

Title Quiz on Chapter 4 and 5 - Quiz Study Guide. Professor Butterfield
Course Criminology
Institution Johnson & Wales University
Pages 4
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Quiz Study Guide. Professor Butterfield...


Quiz on Chapter 4 & 5 

Make sure to look at learning outcomes because your short-answer question will probably come from there - Goals they want us to learn by end of chapter. - May get question how brain disfunction relate to criminality? - In beginning of book

Know key terms and names on p. 128

Make sure you can explain the origins of the Positivist school of Criminology and the basic assumptions of positivism (SHORT ANSWER) o One of the founders was Enrico Ferri o Began to look at crime as a social phenomenon- rather than crime being due to free will, it was due to biological, psychological, economic and social forces that propel individuals into engaging in crime. o Started using the scientific method o Assumptions of Positivism  Determinism- crime is a result of many causes  Rejects free will and rationality  Criminals have personal characteristics that make them different from others  Crime is caused by numerous factors Take a look at the early biological theories on p. 85 Make sure you know phrenology o Phrenology- Franz Joseph Gallo One of the first to locate the roots of personality in the brain o The study of the shape of the head to determine anatomical correlates of human behavior o Relied on physical measurements of skull and comparing them to other individuals. o Johann Gaspar Spurzheim brought phrenology to the U.S. o Popular into early 20th century  Considered a pseudoscience now Contributions of Cesare Lombroso and Italian School o Lombroso  Founder of Italian school of criminology  Rejected ideas of Classical school and believed that crimes were a result of primitive urges surviving evolutionary process.  Studied primarily deceased offenders and criminals- measured bodies.  Specific bodily features of criminals  Twisted nose  Long arms  Large jaw  Excessive wrinkles

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 Excessive cheekbones  Large chin  Tattoos  Masculine women showed to have greater risk to be criminal  Criminaloids are occasional criminals Explain atavisms, born criminals, atavistic stigmata o Criminality is the result of primitive urges that survived the evolutionary process. (Atavism aka born criminals) o Charles Goring  Failed to find support for atavism o Atavistic stigmata is the body abnormalities Masculinity Hypothesis o Women who commit violent crimes have masculine tendencies Explain constitutional theories and somatotyping o Ernst Kretschmer  Proposed relationship between body build and personality type William H. Sheldon o Endomorph- soft and round, has a large stomach o Mesomorph- large bones, considerable muscle mass and athletic o Ectomorph- thin and fragile Explain eugenics, eugenic criminology, and the concept of genetic determinism o Root causes of criminality were from getting a “bad gene” (eugenic criminology) o Genetic Determinism- Genes are the major determining factor in whether you’ll be criminal Know contribution of Sir Francis Galton (first western scientist to study heredity systematically and influence on influence of traits being passed from parent to child) o Systematic study of heredity contributed to field of behavioral genetics What did twins studies find? o Twin studies compare MZ and DZ twins to examine role of heredity in crime causation. o Research supports relationship between heredity and risk of criminality. o Minnesota Twin Family Study found MZ twins reared apart are about as similar as those reared together. Impact of Darwin on biological perspectives o Define sociobiology o Introduced by Edward O. Wilson in 1975 o Systematic study of the biological basis of all social behavior o A new paradigm in criminological theories o Brought renewed attention to biological theories in social sciences o The main determinant of behavior is the need to ensure the survival and continuity of genetic material throughout generations. Critique early biological theories o The way that they study

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 Methodology They only studied criminals Make generalization about all people Opens up door for disparity

Chapter 5 • Look at learning outcomes on p. 102, stresses the importance of biological and environmental ineraction o •

What is the Human Genome Project? o

Trying to be able to read our DNA

• Frontal brain hypothesis, (i.e the impact of the brain, and dysfunctions on crime- the case of Phineas Cage) o

Phineas Cage got pole up head, survived, became more aggressive

• Take a look at Modern Biological Theories on p. 110. This will provide a good synopsis of the time periods and theorists associated with theories o •

Look at the various factors associated with crime- you can find them listed on power point

• They include environmental pollution, genetics and heritability, hormones, psychobiotics, low resting heart rate, galvanic skin response, climate, weather and climate, gender, serotonin, etc. o o

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Environmental pollution- Correlation between juvenile crime and exposure to lead and manganese Psychobiotics- Examines psychological and behavioral effects of bacterial on mind, feelings, emotions, behavior o Central focus  Gut bacteria that produce chemical messengers that interact with brain, nervous system Hormones- men commit more crime because of testosterone, women have small amount but more masculine women are more likely to commit crime Low resting heartrate- People who consistently engage in antisocial behavior tend to exhibit low resting heart rates. Appears mostly in males Galvanic skin response- Direct relationship between sympathetic nervous system activity and emotional arousal o Skin conductivity/galvanic skin response (GSR) under control of sympathetic nervous system o Research found heightened skin resistance correlated with negative and antisocial qualities.


Also, know criticisms of biosocial criminology o o o o

Fail to predict criminality accurately Methodological problems Findings difficult to generalize Do not explain regional, temporal variations in crime rates o Crime rates going down, exposure to substances increasing

Dan White o

Weather and climate- weather seems to have a relationship to higher crime rates o Correlation between high temps, heavy rainfall and crime

Ate so may twinkies that the sugar went through his arteries which caused him to commit murders

Warrior Gene o

MAOA gene that can cause an individual to become very violent. Brad Waldroup...

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