Rep AWAI Copywriting Pricing Guide PDF

Title Rep AWAI Copywriting Pricing Guide
Author Dragan Trifunovic
Course Macroeconomics
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 59
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File Type PDF
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State of the Industry Report


How to Harness the Power of Copywriting


Today’s Top 7 Marketing Trends


Success Tips for Marketers & Copywriters


Fee Ranges for the Top 75 Copywriting Projects

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American Writers & Artists Inc. 101 Southeasat 6th Avenue, Suite A Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 561-278-5557 Fax: 561-278-5929 Website:

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 2017 STATE OF THE COPYWRITING INDUSTRY Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Top 7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting . . . 11 Copywriting Essentials for Marketing Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

AWAI’s 2017 COPYWRITING PRICING GUIDE Overview: Evaluating Your Return on a Copywriting Investment . . . . .26 Fee Ranges for the 75 Hottest Copywriting Projects . . . . . . . . . . .28 How to Create the Right Copywriting Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

SUCCESS TIPS FOR MARKETERS How to Recognize and Hire Skilled Copywriters . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Recognizing a Great Copywriter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Finding a Skilled Copywriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Planning Your Copywriting Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 What Trained Copywriters Mean for Your Business

. . . . . . . . . . .46

SUCCESS TIPS FOR COPYWRITERS Be the Solution for a Growing Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Where to Find Clients That Value You. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Presenting Proposals That Get a Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

SUMMARY Important Next Steps to Harness the Power of Copywriting . . . . . . .51 About AWAI Copywriter Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Resources for Marketers and Copywriters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

2017 STATE OF THE COPYWRITING INDUSTRY Executive Summary Just 22 years ago, in 1995, the U.S. National Science Foundation allowed Internet use to go beyond a research/nonprofit platform and include commercial enterprise for the first time. This landmark decision opened the door for the first commercial websites to launch that year, including,, and Google was launched a year later. 1995 was arguably a landmark year for copywriting as well — expanding the field from traditional media (TV and radio as well as direct mail, advertising, and other print materials) to a whole new world of online marketing: websites, emails, blogs, articles, online video, and more. Today, the use of quality, results-oriented copywriting is at a peak demand, with at least 4.76 billion pages on the “Indexed Web,” 205 billion emails sent/received per day worldwide, 317 million monthly active Twitter users, 1.79 billion monthly users on Facebook, 467 million LinkedIn members, 111 million active Google+ users, and more than 150 million users on Pinterest.1 That’s because millions upon millions of companies — all jockeying for attention, search-engine traffic, and sales — need to publish a steady stream of stories, how-to information, clear demonstrations, benefit-focused offers, and other copywritten content that performs across a wide variety of marketing channels. To help you tap into this peak demand for copywriting and make it work wonders for you now … The team here at AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) — the world’s leading publisher of direct-response copywriting, travel writing, photography, and graphic design home-study programs — dug deep into the latest statistics and


trends to uncover the major value of copywriting, as well as how to overcome the challenge of finding skilled writers. We also reached out to our A-team network of “from the trenches” copywriters and marketers to weigh in on these subjects. You see, we’re uniquely positioned to give you the inside scoop because we not only use direct-response online and offline copy every day to help thousands of aspiring copywriters find our training programs, learn the craft, and succeed as writers … We’re continually studying who’s doing what when it comes to lead generation and direct sales. Plus, over the years, marketers, creative directors, business owners, and others have turned to AWAI as a resource for finding the right copywriter to help build opt-in mailing lists, get targets to open those emails, drive organic traffic to a website, convert website visitors to buyers, and increase the response rates on all promotions. We know exactly what today’s marketers want and need in a skilled copywriter. The result of our exhaustive research is your true INSIDER’S GUIDE to the 2017 State of the Copywriting Industry: what’s making it tick and thrive, and how you can make the most of it. Let’s begin by taking a look at the biggest trends and predictions for the year.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers When you take a closer look at what’s working now in Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) marketing, it’s easy to see that all signs point to unique, audience-focused, and engaging communication (aka copywriting) as the common thread and key ingredient for success in today’s online and offline channels. According to the 2016 DMA Statistical Fact Book: • Online shopping continues to grow • Digital ad spending increased 17% in the last year • 60% of marketers cite creating a personalized customer experience as a top goal • Printed direct mail is making a resurgence • 59% of consumers report email influences their buying decisions • 25% of marketers are working on integrating print and online marketing • 50% of marketers want to do better at targeting individual market segments • 70% of marketers acknowledge they need help with social media


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Content marketing will continue to dominate. While we can expect new marketing trends to emerge in 2017, experts from Forbes to the Content Marketing Institute to the Direct Marketing Association agree that content marketing will remain a key element in any online marketing strategy.

Key Takeaways The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as a strategic marketing approach focused on: •

creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content

attracting and retaining a clearly-defined audience

driving profitable customer action

Native advertising is a specific content marketing strategy to watch. Essentially advertorials, these types of content pieces are expected to explode in popularity according to Jayson DeMers, a Forbes contributer.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Mobile marketing cannot be ignored.

“Mobile Marketing Statistics” from Smart Insights.2 “It’s no longer a case of asking whether mobile marketing is important, we know it is! It’s now a question of using the statistics to understand how consumers behave when using different types of mobile devices and what their preferences are.”

comScore “2016 U.S. CrossPlatform Future in Focus” report.3 “Although desktop is relatively flat in total engagement, it is losing share to mobile – which now accounts for 65% of digital media time spent. Mobile apps now drive the majority of digital time spent at 56%, and smartphone apps alone look to account for a majority of digital media consumption in 2016.”

Key Takeaways Copywriters and marketers who understand mobile marketing will position themselves for success in 2017. They’ll reach a broader audience, considering that… •

80% of Internet users own a smartphone.

68% of companies use mobile marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.

50% of digital ad spend is going to mobile marketing.

34% of email subscribers only view email via a mobile device.

Companies need copywriters who understand how to craft copy and content that is easily consumed through a mobile device.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Video Marketing Will Play a Key Role. HubSpot reports in the article 31 Video Marketing Statistics to Inform Your Strategy 4 “Video is no longer an “up-and-coming” marketing tactic -- it’s here, and it’s a powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers and prospects.”

Key Takeaways Video has become a meaningful part of both content marketing strategies and direct response marketing campaigns. •

Video increases email clickthrough rates by up to 300%.

87% of online marketers already use video content as part of their strategy.

Landing page conversions increase by 80% when video is used on the page.

65% of marketers plan to increase their mobile budgets to do more video.

These companies all need good copywriters and content writers to craft engaging scripts for their online videos.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, and social media are more integrated than ever. Which is best? Content marketing… SEO… or Social media? The answer is all three, working together. These days, digital marketers need to use search data to inform the content they develop, they need to write good, optimized content, and they need to share it in social media. Great content. Optimized. And shared. That’s how you develop a loyal and growing audience.

Key Takeaways •

If you’re a marketer, you need to reach your target audience and connect with them in a meaningful way.

In short, how can you help your target audience solve their problems? And how can you help them find you?

A skilled copywriter can: •

help you answer your audience questions,

tell your story in an engaging way,

help you get found by your audience, and

set you apart from your competition.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


A documented content strategy will be critical for success. From the recent infographic, “B2B Content Marketing Trends”5 “Brands with documented content strategies rated themselves highly in terms of content effectiveness.”

Key Takeaways Every marketer should have: •

a document strategy

a creative brief to help copywriters understand the company’s mission, products, and unique offerings

Skilled copywriters can then turn those strategies into relevant, highly-effective copy that connects with customers and drives them to action.


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Businesses are using LinkedIn and other social networks more to distribute content. From Hootsuite’s “125+ Social Media Statistics Every Marketer Should Know” 6 “94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content, making it the social media platform used most often (they also say it’s the most effective social media platform).”

Key Takeaways •

B2B marketers will want to include LinkedIn in their competitive strategies.

Skilled copywriters can create the most effective kinds of LinkedIn content that: 1. gets noticed 2. is shared more frequently 3. brings in more business


7 Marketing Trends and Predictions for Staying Connected to Your Customers


Finding skilled copywriters is a challenge for most. From Content Marketing Institute’s “B2B 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends – North America” 7 “Sixty percent of B2B marketers list producing engaging content as a top challenge… 57% struggle with producing content consistently… and 35% cite producing a variety of content as a top challenge. These are all problems a skilled copywriter can help solve”

Key Takeaways This guide will help marketers: •

understand how to identify the right, qualified copywriters for their needs

hire them at a mutually-beneficial price

bring out their best work for the best results

Great copywriters are out there! This guide will show you how to find them. This guide will help copywriters: •

understand what marketers need now

position themselves as the ideal solution in specific niche markets


What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting What is the value of copywriting? Why is it a critical tool in marketing success? The following benchmarks may provide answers. You’ll see that … Copywriting is the foundation of a strategic marketing mix. The right messages — presented in the right way — will be the key to successful content marketing in today’s competitive climate. As you consider the marketing channels listed, keep in mind that copywriting is the common thread, whether it’s email, blogs, SEO, social media, or paid advertising.


What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s, B2B Content Marketing 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends — North America: 8

72% of B2B marketers

66% of B2B marketers say they use

are creating more content than they did one year ago.

paid search engine marketing most often to promote and distribute content.

From HubSpot’s The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics:9

60% of marketers

3.5x The increase in

4.5x The increase

cite blogging as a top inbound strategy.

traffic from posting 16 times or more vs. 4 times a month or less.

in leads from posting 16 times a month vs. 4.

And revealed this eye-opening statistic:10

The average return on an email marketing investment is

$44.25 for every dollar spent. 12

What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting

When asked, “Which

of the following channels is part of our digital marketing mix?” B2B Companies Listed:11 100 90 80




Display Ads


Paid Search




Content Marketing


Lead Nurturing


10 0




When asked about content marketing tactics, B2C companies report using the following, among others:12 100






Webisite Articles






Social Media


30 20 10 0





What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting

More of what’s working today:13 •

Local SEO: 72% of people doing a local search followed up by visiting a store within 5 miles.

Longer Content: The average length of a page ranking number 1 on Google is 1,890 words.

Content Marketing: 47% of buyers view 3 to 5 content pages from a company before contacting a sales representative.

Video: 48% of marketers plan to add YouTube as a distribution channel in the coming year

Companies continue to use both online and offline marketing strategies, but online spending has outpaced offline budgets.

Key Statistics • Site traffic is a key success metric. 80% of companies meeting revenue goals attract at least 10,000 visitors a month to their site. • Email is another key channel, with three quarters of marketers listing the ROI from email as either “excellent” or “good.” • Trust in social media profitability is going up, with 90% of marketers feeling confident social media has increased exposure for their business and more than half saying social helps increase sales.


What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting

Content Types .Content types that B2B buyers use when making a purchasing decision:14 • • • • • • • • •

White papers (82%) Webinars (78%) Case Studies (73%) eBooks (67%) Blog Posts (66%) Infographics (66%) Third party reports (62%) Video (47%) Interactive presentations (36%)

In HubSpot’s State of Inbound report, the “Top Inbound Marketing Projects — North America” were listed in this order:15 • Blog content creation (“B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not blog.”) • Growing SEO/organic presence • Content distribution/amplification • Webinars • Long-form/visual content creation • Interactive content creation • Product how-to videos HubSpot also collected statistics within the past several months, including these fascinating findings on content length and effectiveness:16 • “The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words. The higher up you go on the search listings page, the more content each web page has.” • “If a post is greater than 1,500 words, on average it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook Likes than a post that is under 1,500 words.”


What’s Working the Best Right Now When it Comes to Copywriting

In the SalesForce 2016 State of Marketing Report, surveyed marketers shared their successes with established and emerging marketing channels:17 Key insights include: • 82% of marketers cite social media as being core to their business. • 80% of high-performing marketers publish new content two or three times a week. • 77% of marketers say mobile marketing generates a return on investment… up from 31% last year. • 64% of high performers have fully integrated email with their overall strategy, with 95% saying the integration is effective. • 63% have integrated social media and 98% cite the effort as effective. • 60% of high-performing marketing teams have fully integrated mobile marketing into their overall strategy. 96% s...

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