Request for Approval Task 2. Pass PDF

Title Request for Approval Task 2. Pass
Author Chad Roush
Course MED, Learning and Technology Capstone
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 3
File Size 164.5 KB
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Request for Research Approval Task 2. Pass...


Western Governors University Institutional Review Board Request for Approval to Conduct Research This application must be completed and submitted for WGU Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) approval prior to beginning your capstone research project. Please carefully review the “WGU IRB Policy Statement” located in the WGU Student Handbook and the “WGU IRB Policies and Procedures,” found at the IRB Information site, before completing this application. Note: The description of the proposed research project should align with the proposal previously approved in Task 1 and with the description provided to participants in the Informed Consent document. Once you have completed each portion of the application, submit the application and all other required documentation.

Name: Chad Roush Student ID Number: 001355016 WGU Email address: [email protected] Degree Program: Masters in Education Learning and Technology Capstone Course Instructor: Dan Brennan Title of Your Research Proposal: The Impact of the Read Aloud Strategy During Instruction

Brief Description of Research Proposal (in 150 words or less): Our classroom research will aim to improve reading comprehension for sixth graders in my district. The instructional unit includes lessons on context clues, text structure, and summarizing skills but focuses primarily on if the read aloud strategy imacts scores. A pre and post test will be used to determine any impacts made. This test will come from our district benchmark testing, STAR. A pre and post unit questionnaire will also be completed to determine students attitudes and understanding of the skills covered throughout the unit. This research will take place over eight classroom hours. All students in Mr. Roush’s ELA classes will participate, providing they agree to complete the study.

Please provide complete information for each of the following: 1. Describe the research method(s) and procedure(s) to be utilized in the proposed study. For action research studies, include an overview of the proposed intervention/instruction. I will be completing an action research study to determine if the read aloud strategy changes or impacts the reading comprehension skills of sixth graders. All texts assessed will be on the sixth grade reading level. In order to do this, each lesson plan of the instructional unit has a unique skill addressed and practiced. The skills/strategies studied are as follows: context clues, text structure, and summarizing. The students will then participate in a classroom read aloud of a different

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text each class (these focus specifically on the day’s skill) and are to complete grade level state standardized questions after the reading. 2. Describe in detail the data collection tool(s) your study will employ (instruments such as tests, surveys, interview or focus group protocols, etc., as well as plans for audio or video recording data). The data collection tool used will be a pre and post test administered through the online resource STAR. The STAR reading assessment covers reading comprehension and gives a scaled score based on the student’s performance on reading passages and the state standardized questions that follow. These two tests will be compared to determine if improvement was made in reading comprehension. I will also be administering a questionnaire to gauge the student’s attitudes and knowledge of the skills covered in the unit pre and post unit. These responses will be recorded to determine the answer to my second research question. 3. Describe the research population, including the age, number, and the relationship of any research participants to the researcher (“relationship” includes teacher/student, supervisor/employee, professional colleagues, etc.). My research population is sixth grade learners in my district, particularly Mr. Roush’s ELA classes. I have two classes, totalling for thirty four students. I am the primary and only language arts teacher for these students. There are no inclusion or 504 students. Ages of the students range from 11-12. 4. Will your population include any members of vulnerable or protected populations such as (but not limited to) the following: individuals with physical or developmental disabilities, pregnant women, children, prisoners, residents of a facility such as a nursing home or group home, individuals with mental or emotional disabilities, non-English speakers, individuals at or above the age of 65, traumatized individuals, economically disadvantaged individuals, terminally ill individuals, or employees or students of the researcher? If so, explain the justification for including these populations and provide the contextual factors associated with this group of participants. (This refers to studies entirely composed of these individuals.We do not ask researchers to inquire about these categories in selecting participants. If known and part of a larger group, proper safeguards should be in place to ensure vulnerable individuals are not singled out or discriminated against. Please note that when research is conducted in a school setting, children and/or students of the researcher and/or individuals with disabilities are often included and must be discussed here as vulnerable subjects.) My population consists of thirty four students, all under the age of 18, so all students are considered vulnerable. Because this research project is to determine if there is an effect from using the read aloud strategy with middle school students, it is vital that I use the population selected. Students will not be subjected to any risk outside of their own expectations placed upon themselves. They will be reassured this is for research purposes, not an academic grade. I will not require students to complete the study as a make up if they are absent on any testing days.

5. If your population includes children under the age of 18, identify whether your study poses (i) only minimal risk, (ii) greater than minimal risk but with a benefit to participants, or (iii) greater than minimal risk but with no benefit to participants, and explain your choice.

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My study possesses minimal risk. My students are subject to an ELA curriculum that has already briefly covered some of the aspects of this study. There will be times when the content is review. There will be no homework for this study. Students will not be subject to any make up work should they miss a day of the study.

6. Describe the steps that will be taken to minimize known risks (physical, emotional, psychological, etc.) to research participants. Steps taken to minimize known risks to research participants are the following: forewarning, reassurance, encouragement and gratitude. I will be sure to let all of my students know that they are participating in a study that is for my research purposes, not their academic skillsets. I will reassure them as we work that there is no pressure to perform at an extraordinary level, just what they are capable of, and I will be sure to express my gratitude to them each day for participating. 7. Describe the steps you will take to ensure anonymity and/or confidentiality of research participants and collected data and how you will deal with personal identifiers. If subjects will not participate in the study in an anonymous and/or confidential manner, discuss why this research design is necessary. To ensure anonymity and confidentiality of the research participants in this study I will be sure to assign all students a number for data analyzing rather than use their names. All scores are kept in a password protected computer, on a password protected network with a password protected Google account. If papers are required to be printed they will be shredded when I am finished with them. 8. Discuss the procedures you will employ to gain informed consent from each stakeholder in your study, including administrator/supervisor of the organization, parent/guardian (if study includes minors), and participants (informed assent if participants are minors of middle school age or above). Please do not provide the content of the Informed Consent form; rather, describe the procedures you will follow to obtain consent. My administrator and I have been meeting to discuss my research and we will continue to do so. The vice principal is also aware of the assignments in case our principal were to miss extended periods of school. All students participating will only get to take part if they return the consent form approved by Western Governors University. This consent form will be outlined and described in class, and signed by the parental gurdians of the students. A physical copy will go home with the students from school and another copy of it will be posted to my classroom website for convenience. Any questions from the guardians will be directed to my email, and followed up with a phone call.

Reminder: If your research study requires access to members of organizations, agencies, school districts, etc., be sure to obtain the signature of a school or district administrator (for school-based research) or supervisor (for workplace- or organization-based research) on your Informed Consent form before submitting for IRB approval.

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