Reto 1 Reto 1. The world of tomorro PDF

Title Reto 1 Reto 1. The world of tomorro
Course idioma extranjero II v2
Institution Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato
Pages 6
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| Reto 1. The world of tomorrow Nombre completo Matrícula Fecha de elaboración Nombre del Módulo Nombre del Asesor

Idioma extranjero III v2


Future predictions Instructions: Read these 5 predictions about technology in the future and respond by indicating if you think the prediction is likely or unlikely to happen (true or false). Write 50-75 words for each prediction using the future form ‘will+ verb’ or ‘won´t+ verb’ to give your opinion. Instrucciones: lee estas 5 predicciones sobre tecnología futurística y responde indicando si tú piensas que la predicción es probable o improbable que pase (verdadero o falso). Escribe un mínimo de 50 palabras y máximo de 75 para cada predicción usando la forma futura ‘will + verb’ o ‘won´t + verb’ para dar tu opinión.

Example Prediction: In 2070 most university courses will be available online. Predicción: en 2070, la mayoría de los cursos universitarios estarán disponibles en línea.

Answer: I think this prediction will happen because people will want to combine their work with their studies. Studying in person at a university won´t be very convenient for the student or cost effective for the institution. I think even important universities like the UNAM or UDG will move most of their programs to online platforms. Respuesta: creo que esta predicción sucederá porque las personas querrán combinar su trabajo con sus estudios. Estudiar en persona en una universidad no será muy conveniente para el estudiante ni rentable para la institución. Creo que incluso universidades importantes como la UNAM o UDG moverán la mayoría de sus programas a plataformas en línea.




Basic computer skills will be taught in primary schools to very young children. Computer studies will be an obligatory subject in all levels of education and the vast majority of jobs will require high levels of computer literacy.

I think this prediction will happen because technology has constantly increased and is becoming indispensable on a day-to-day basis, so it will be necessary for anyone of any profession to be able to use them. Lately the use of automation and smart homes is becoming more common, so computing is becoming more and more essential.


By the year 2070 artificial intelligence will be present in most daily activities, from shopping, to ordering in a restaurant and customer service calls. Most homes will have an intelligent operating system similar to Amazon's ‘Alexa’.

I think this prediction will happen because lately, the application of smart homes is growing a lot, more and more things like refrigerators, televisions, lamps are connecting to the internet, in addition to this, internet access in homes is becoming more and more common, so it is very likely that within a few years all or most of the homes will have this type of intelligence



The rise of computer-controlled industries and artificial intelligence will leave many people without a job and global unemployment will rise.

I think this prediction will happen, due to the implementation of robots in factories, the people who work as operators will run the risk of unemployment, thus reducing the number of workers in it, but in order to combat this, it will be necessary for governments to strive to provide better study facilities so that people can improve themselves and thus reduce the strong unemployment rate that is coming.


There will be an increased threat to our safety and security due to the rise of hacking, identity theft and dark networks involved in cyber-terror.

I think this prediction won`t happen, although there will be more hackers in the world and there will be more people trying to steal identities, with the growth of life connected to the internet, the encryption and protection of networks will be constantly growing, so these acts must be heavily attacked by these security systems.


It won't be necessary to learn how to speak a foreign language because we will be able to communicate in real time through sophisticated translation applications.

I think this prediction won`t happen, the fact that technology increases do not mean that we should remain stagnant, it will be necessary for people to learn more languages, mainly English, because the most common language currently used in programming is the internet, and if we want to live in this new digital stage, it will be necessary to know more languages.

My plans after graduation Instructions: In this part, you are going to write a short paragraph of 150-200 words about your plans and intentions for after you finish your studies with the UVEG. Don´t forget to use ‘I am going to + verb’ or ‘I am not going to + verb’ to refer to your plans. You can use the questions below to guide you. Instrucciones: en esta parte, vas a escribir un breve párrafo de 150-200 palabras sobre tus planes e intenciones para después de terminar sus estudios con la UVEG. No olvides usar ‘I am going to + verb’ or ‘I am not going to + verb’ para referirte a tus planes. Puedes usar las siguientes preguntas para guiarte.


What are you going to do at the graduation ceremony?


How are you going to celebrate?


How are you going to apply what you learned in the course?


Where are you going to work?


What are you going to do next year in your personal life?


What aren't you going to do next year?

I am going to be very happy at my graduation ceremony, after of my graduation I am going to have dinner with my wife, son, and parents at my favorite restaurant and teach my son that with effort and dedication one can fulfill his dreams. I am going to use what I learned in this course by speaking more with my son in English, my wish is that he learns English faster than I do so that in the future he does not struggle to find a job, I am going to work in a company dedicated to automation where they need a greater command of English, or in a statistical analysis company where they require a greater command of this language in order to receive higher income. In the next year I will continue studying to finish my engineering and spend more quality time with my family, in the next year I will not leave my studies, I will continue studying my university career.

CRÉDITOS: Autora: Eleanor Frances Edwards © UVEG. Derechos reservados. El contenido de este formato está sujeto a las disposiciones aplicables en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, por lo que no puede ser distribuido, ni transmitido, parcial o totalmente, mediante cualquier medio, método o sistema impreso, electrónico, magnético, incluyendo el fotocopiado, la fotografía, la grabación o un sistema de recuperación de la información, la autorización por escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato.

BIBLIOGRAFÍA: Briseno, T. (22 de agosto de 2012). 10 Futuristic Predictions in the World of Technology. [Página web]. Recuperado el 4 de mayo de 2020, de

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