Santos Renzo - AG6 - Portfolio PDF

Title Santos Renzo - AG6 - Portfolio
Course Ingles I
Institution Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Pages 2
File Size 155 KB
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ANIMAL CRUELTY Currently, many of us have a pet at homes such as a dog, a cat, a parrot, etc. and we love to have that pet with us because it is not just a simple animal, it is part of the family, but what about the people who only think that they Animals do not feel and do not think, so there is nothing wrong with cruelly punishing him or abandoning him on the street. There are many different forms of animal abuse for example cockfighting, using animals for transportation, bullfighting, and many and many and many more. For these reasons, law N ° 30407 ON ANIMAL PROTECTION AND WELFARE was created, to protect all those animals that suffer daily abuse by people without feelings. Not only should it be respected, but it should also be promoted because nobody cares about it, even with this law animal abuse doesn’t end because many industries test their products on animals and this is completely inhumane because it includes daily torture towards an animal so we can use shampoo, soap, toothpaste, a Shaving foam among many everyday products, these tests on animals should not only stop but also jail all people who do it unnecessarily. European regulations say that in no way should it be tested on animals unless it is extremely necessary. Actually, America testing on animals is not prohibited, only Colombia prohibits testing on animals for beauty products But is it necessary to test on animals? Each year more than 115 million dies, counting only vertebrates, they are subjected to experimentation with the supposed purpose of benefiting human beings. This includes practices such as forcing them to inhale toxic gases, applying corrosive substances to their skin and eyes, even infect them with HIV, or removing part of their brain. Certainly, the number of non-human animals that suffer and die from these practices is much less than that of those who are victims of the food industry, or individuals in the wild that suffer from natural causes. In fact, since the basic interests of these animals are not suffering and not dying matter, it is still necessary to reflect on whether experimentation with them is ethically justified. We tend to closely associate animal experimentation with efforts to increase the quality and duration of human lives. However, as will be seen, this is not the goal in most cases. In addition, concerning those in which it is, there are strong ethical reasons to reject the current practice of animal experimentation, if we consider that it would not be justified with human beings either. Basically, most of the experiments carried out on non-human animals have no biomedical purpose, that is, they do not seek to obtain improvements in human health, all these cases have in common that the benefit that human beings can receive credits for these irrelevant practices. Despite this, a large number of animals are subjected to serious damage. The question here is, can animals be extinguished by test death?

THE DOG WITH 2 LIVES It was the night of September 29, 1994. After having spent a wonderful day swimming in my uncle's pool, two girls and their dogs were running north near my uncle's house, their children María and José were exhausted from running a lot. Suddenly, a drunken young man's car pulled up next to them. My uncle and I were worried, before leaving the house, we did sing to them. The drunk boy from the car was getting closer and closer to them so we decided to go out and help them, my uncle and me. We waited for the boy to get closer to them to see what his intentions were, while we waited, the mothers and their children were still resting because they were exhausted, but when we saw that the boy a few meters before he got out of his car with a gun, my uncle and I called the police but they weren't going to arrive on time so my uncle went to arrest him. while waiting, I talk to the police and tell them where we are located, a girl notices the boy, seeing the gun, she chose to flee. My uncle got to catch the boy but before that, the boy shot a dog, so I went to help the dog, but it was very bad so I took him to the vet and the dog was saved. Accused by the girls, the boy was jailed. After a week my uncle and I found out that the boy had wanted to murder the girls because the girls had cheated him, before thinking another thing, we called the girls and they told us how things were and upon hearing the girls said that The boy was in jail, my uncle and I had things clearer. Today the two girls live in another city and became professionals, they even have their own clothing company. I felt and until now I feel really relieved to have saved that puppy from having died, a week ago, before living the country, I visited the dog because I wanted to know how he was, and when I saw him I felt very, very happy that I'm alive and running, but the most important thing is that I was able to help someone who needed it. while doing a good thing, I always feel good....

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