Sexto-Semana 2 - Kdkdnd PDF

Title Sexto-Semana 2 - Kdkdnd
Author The High Class Crew
Course Introducción a las Ciencias Sociales
Institution Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Pages 7
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Tema 2 “Conditionals” Materia: INGLES Catedrático: LIC. ANDREA ESTEPHANIE FRANCO VARGAS Grado: Sexto

1.1 First Conditional 1.2 Third Conditional 1.3 Activity 1.4 Quiz 1.5 Referencias

Como ya sabemos hemos estado viendo las condicionales

Como ya sabemos hemos estado viendo las condicionales desde la Zero Conditional y Second Conditional. En Zero Conditional hablábamos de cosas que el resultado siempre es el mismo, ya que son acciones probadas que si haces una acción sucederá otra. En Second Contional hablábamos de actos irreales, o que con muy poca probabilidad pasen, ya que este lo utilizamos para sueños o deseos. Ahora nos centraremos en los últimos 2 condicionales que nos ayudaran para ciertas situaciones en específico:

1.1 First Conditional Esta condicional la usamos para hablar de resultados o acciones en futuro, hablando de que si hacemos una acción en el presente, en el futuro tendremos un resultado muy probable de que suceda. Por ejemplo: Si tu estudias, tu pasaras el examen, aquí me dice que mi acción en presente es el de estudiar y mi resultado en futuro es que pasare el examen. En ingles es la misma situación, y el ejemplo quedaría asi: If you study, you will pass the exam. Otros ejemplos serian: If Marie save money, Marie will buy a car. If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the beach If you do exercise, you will lose weight If she plays football every day, she will play better Will you take the train, if you miss the bus? La estructura affirmative sería la siguiente: If + Persona + Verbo + Complemento + Persona + Will + verbo + Complemento If + Presente Simple + Futuro Will

La estructura Negative sería la siguiente: If + Persona + Don´t / Doesn´t + Verbo + Compleneto + Persona + Verbo + Complemento If + Presente Simple (negative) + Futuro Will

La estructura Question sería la siguiente: Will + Persona + Verbo + Complemento + if + Persona + Verbo + Complemento Futuro Will (question) + If + Presente Simple

1.2 Third Conditional Este condicional lo usamos cuando hablamos de acciones en el pasado que no sucedieron, o sea que son cosas que nos arrepentimos de no hacer en el pasado. Por ejemplo: Si yo hubiera estudiado, habría pasado mi examen. Aquí nos dice que la acción ya paso, pero que no estudie, por eso decimos que es una acción que no sucedió, pero que al día de hoy me estoy arrepintiendo de no haberlo hecho, ya que, si hubiera estudiado, habría pasado mi examen. En ingles este ejemplo quedaría se la siguiente manera: If i had studied, i would have passed my exam. Otros ejemplos serian: if Marie had saved money, she would have bought a car If it hadn't been raining, we would have gone to the beach if you had exercised, you would have lost weight if she had played football every day, she would have played better Would you have taken the train, if you had missed the bus? Affirmative Structure: If + Persona + Had + Past Participle + Complement + Persona + Would + Have + Past Participle + Complement. Negative Structure: If + Persona + Hadn´t + Past Participle + Complement + Persona + Would have + Past Participle + Complement Question Structure: Would + Persona + Have + Past Participle + Complement + If + Persona + had + Past Participle + Complement

1.1 Activity 


Crea 15 oraciones en First Conditional, cada una deberá de estar en Afirmativo,Negativo y Pregunta.

If he tells the truth, they will forgive him If he doesn’t tell the truth, they won’t forgive him Will they forgive him if he tells the truth?


If she has enough money next year, she’ll buy a motorbike. If she doesn't have enough money next year, she won't buy a motorbike Will she buy a motorbike if she has enough money the next year?


If the weather is good, we’ll go to the beach. If the weather isn't good, we won't go to the beach. Will we go to the beach if the weather is good?


If I go to Paris, I’ll visit my friend John. If I don't go to Paris, I won't visit my friend john Will i visit my friend John if i go to París?


If he finishes his homework, he’ll go to the party If he doesn’t finishes his homework, he won’t go to the party Will he go to the party if he finishes his homework?


If you don’t study hard, you will fail your exam If you study hard, you won’t fail your exam Will you fail your exam if you don't study hard?


If you eat, you will be healthy If you don’t eat, you will not be healthy If you don’t eat, will you be healthy?


If she marries him, she will be happy If she doesn’t marry him, she won’t be happy If she marries him, will she be happy?


If I call you, You will come If I don’t call you, you won’t come If I call you, will you come?

10. If we are late, we will miss the bus If we are not late, we won’t miss the bus If we are late, will we miss the bus? 11. If they have a baby, they will buy a lot of toys If they don’t have a girl, they will not buy a lot of toys If they have a haby, will they buy a lot of toys? 12. If he plays soccer, he will get tons of girls If he doesn’t play soccer, he won’t get tons of girls If he plays soccer, will he get tons of girls? 13. If I paint my house, it will look pretty If I don’t paint my house, it won’t look pretty Will it look pretty if i paint my house? 14. If I buy that dog, it will be spoiled If I don’t buy that dog, it won’t be spoiled Will it be spoiled If i buy that dog? 15. If you run, you will be exhausted If you don’t run, you won’t be exhausted Will you be exhausted If you run?

Crea 15 oraciones en Third Conditional, cada una deberá de estar en Afirmativo,Negativo y Pregunta.


If she had been there, I would have seen her. If she hadn’t been there, i wouldn’t have seen her Would i have seen her if she had been there?


If we had had more time, we would have visited Pompeii. If we hadn’t more time, we wouldn’t have visited pompeii Would we have visit pompeii if we had more time?


If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam. If i hadn’t studied more, i wouldn’t have passed the exam Would i have passed the exam if i had studied more?


If I had been able to afford it, I would have bought the Porsche. If i hadn’t been able to afford it, i wouldn’t have bought the porsche Would i have bought the Porsche if i han been able to afford it?


If Bill had arrived earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train. If bill hadn’t arrived earlier we would have missed the train Would we have missed the train if bill had arrived earlier?


If I hadn’t lost my keys, we would have been able to get in the house. If i had lost my keys, we wouldn’t have been able to get in to the house Would we have been able to get in to the house if i hadn’t lost my keys?


If they hadn’t told me about the exhibition, I never would have known. If they had told me about the exhibition, i never wouldn’t have known Would i never have known about the exhibition if i they hadn’t told me?


If I hadn’t gone to the concert, I would never have met Sylvia. If i had gone to the concert, i wouldn’t never have meet Sylvia Would i never have meet Sylvia if i hadn’t go to the concert?


If you had answered the phone, I would have told you the news. If you hadn’t answered the phone, i wouldn’t have told you the news Would i have told you the news if you had answered the phone?

10. If she had been friendlier, she wouldn’t have offended anyone. If she hadn’t been friendlier, she would have offended anyone Would she have offended anyone if she had been friendlier

11. If it had rained, you would have gotten wet. If it hadn’t rained, you wouldn’t have gotten wet Would you have gotten wet if it had rained?

12. If I hadn’t forgotten his number, I would have phoned him If i had forgotten his number, i wouldn’t have phone him Would i have phoned him if i hadn’t forgotten his number? 13. If I had saved enough money, I would have buy a car If i hadn’t saved enough money, i wouldn’t have buy a car Would i have buy a car if i had saved enough money? 14. If he had found the key, he would have opened the door. If he hadn’t found the key, he wouldn’t have opened the door Would he have opened the door if he had found the key 15. If it had rained yesterday, we would have stayed ay your house If it hadn’t rained yesterday, we wouldn’t have stayed at your house Would we have stayed at your house if it had rained yesterday?

1.4 QUIZ 1. ¿Para que sirve el First Contidional? o

Para hablar de situaciones que ocurrirán si se da una condición en particular. Es decir, que empleamos el first conditional para hablar de cosas que creemos que es probable que ocurran en un futuro.

2. ¿Para que sirve el Third Contidional? o

Para hablar de las cosas que no pasaron, o para imaginar qué habría pasado si las cosas hubiesen sido diferentes.

3. ¿Cuál es la estructura positiva corta del third conditional? o

If + past perfect + conditional perfect.

4. ¿Cuál es la estructura negativa del First Conditional?


If + does not + presente simple, will + verbo en infinitivo.

5. ¿Cuál es la estructura Question corta del First Conditional? o

Futuro Will (question) + If + Presente Simple

5. ¿ Cual es la estructura Positiva corta del Fist Conditional? o

If + Presente Simple + Futuro Will

6. ¿Cuál es la estructura Question de Third Conditional? o

Would + Persona + Have + Past Participle + Complement + If + Persona + had + Past Participle + Complement

1.5 Referencias 

Quick Learning (2014). Reading & Writing Club

Quick Learning (2014). Debates and discussions

GcfGlobal (2018) Conditionals.

Curso de Inglés (2016). Conditional Sentences....

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