SIOP - SIOP Lesson Plan PDF

Title SIOP - SIOP Lesson Plan
Author Peninah Cherotich
Course Advanced Methodologies of Structured English Immersion
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
File Size 205.9 KB
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SIOP Lesson Plan...



Benchmark - Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan Catherine Mugo Grand Canyon University ESN 433N July 31, 2020




SIOPR LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP STANDARDS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.1 “Asking and answering questions in a manner that demonstrate an understanding of the text while referring to generate answers.” (CCSS.ELA) THEME: TEXT COMPREHENSION AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS. LESSON TOPIC: READING A TEXT, UNDERSTANDING IT AND GIVING ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ASKED IN LINE WITH THE TEXT. OBJECTIVES: Language: Students will have the option to comprehend procedures of appreciating text, understanding the inquiries fronted, and giving suitable answers. This lesson is purposed at offering to the students on the methodologies of seeing even long entry and grasping. Students will likewise have the option to comprehend the relevant significance of writings and giving fitting answers. Content: Student will distinguish the methodologies of understanding printed content, determining relevant importance, and giving fronted answers. LEARNING STRATEGIES: Foundation information will be actuated through giving an unmistakable connection on the past ideas with the upgraded one. In accordance with this, the educator will relate the past guidelines on vocabularies to have the option to exhibit the embodiment of getting the relevant significance of expressions in text as proposed by Hanson and Filibert (2006).

The educator will likewise lay an accentuation on distinguishing the key vocabularies in the content. The educator will likewise connect with the students to help in getting the relevant significance of vocabularies as utilized in messages. KEY VOCABULARIES: The instructor lists all the key terms in the text. MATERIALS:



Short story Books Graphic Organizers Scripts MOTIVATION (Building Background) DISCUSSING IN CLASS. The instructors will apply endeavors to interface with the student's experience by understanding their previous encounters and foundations just as connecting this with the new learning.

The instructors will assist the students with comprehending the writings by clarifying the new vocabularies just as exhibiting to them that such a methodology helps in comprehension of the literary material (Short, 2017).

The educator will at that point cause the students to comprehend the new vocabularies in different regions, for example, biological system, along the waterfront countries just as abuses. PRESENTATION: (Language and content Objectives, comprehensible input, Strategies, interaction, feedback). *LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: The language target will include talking, tuning in, and perusing, composing. The language functions that will be to assist the students with understanding read, compose the answers to the inquiries just as talk utilizing the relevant terms from the content of intrigue. To do this, the students will peruse data from the short stories, for example, the biological systems, clarify in an oral way how the living beings in an environment exist together, and sum up by making a composed supposition. *CONTENT OBJECTIVE: This includes a survey of what the students will have the option to do because of having this lesson (Sparks, 2016).In light of this, the student will comprehend what is a characteristic environment, comprehend the interrelation between various living beings and at last build up their English language abilities. *COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT: Some of the expressions may not be comprehended by the language students, which comprise the fathomable info. Such understandable info incorporate wordings that depict an environment, for example, living space and biology. *STRATEGIES: THESE ARE YOUR SEI STRATEGIES : The SEI procedures includes the methods that will be utilized for the quick English language learning (Short, 2017). In this lesson, they incorporate associating the students to the foundation information, decide the language objectivity,



making sound-related and visual lessons, and the utilization of the helpful learning.

*INTERACTION: Reading and composing by students utilizing little Ss-Ss groups.


Being a literary and composing lesson plan, the instructor will utilize different intends to give feedback. In the first place, the educator will utilize facial appearance, gestures, just as non-verbal communication to the reader as recommended by Short (2017). As a feature of rectification, the educator will utilize a revision code to make the student aware of return and make remedy. PRACTICE AND APPLICATION (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback) *INTERACTION: Developing accomplices, helpful groups, and group conversations. After examining in pairs and in groups, they should look for explanation from the instructor (Sparks, 2016). *STRATEGIES: framework procedures where the educator support is bit by bit pulled back until the students take care of issue without anyone else and energize innovative thinking. *PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: The language functions that will be to assist the students with understanding read, compose the answers to the inquiries, just as talk utilizing the relevant terms from the content of intrigue (Sparks, 2016). To do this, the students will peruse text boisterous from the short stories, for example, the biological systems, clarify in an oral way how the living beings in an environment exist together, and sum up by making a composed supposition. FEEDBACK: The students will formulate feedback from peers through encouraging criticism among them: Peer to Peer review. REVIEW AND ASSESMENT: (Review objective and vocabulary, assess learning). For this lesson the review and assessment will be conducted through quizzes, tests, and independent completion of worksheets. The instructor will likewise lead question and answer meetings in class just as mentioning for composed tasks (Short, 2017). EXTENSION: The lesson will be extended out by connecting it to the ensuing subject on, the CCSS.ELA-



LITERACY.RI.3.3, which includes depicting connections between arrangement of chronicled occasions just as ideas. This will assist with fortifying composition and perusing abilities as recommended by Short (2017). REFERENCES Hanson, S., & Filibert, C. (2006). Teaching English learners the SIOP way. Pacific Educator, 12-15. Sparks, A. (2016). Review of The trouble with SIOP. Education Review//Reseñas Educativas, 23. Short, D. J. (2017). How to integrate content and language learning effectively for English language learners. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7b), 42374260....

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