Slender Man - This is one of the big papers that we had to do in this class. We had to chose PDF

Title Slender Man - This is one of the big papers that we had to do in this class. We had to chose
Author Octavies Keels
Course English Composition Ii
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Pages 5
File Size 86.5 KB
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This is one of the big papers that we had to do in this class. We had to chose anything to write about and white long paper about both sides of the subject and talk about it. This is my paper to help students out and give an idea on what they should have in their paper....


Octavies Keels English 102 Research Proposal 4 March 2018 Slender Man Growing up almost everyone has had their childhood fear of some type of imaginary or mythical creature that they were afraid of. Whether is was the Boogeyman, Pennywise, or any other legendary creature or life form that you may have had a strong belief for. But why do we have this strong confidence for something that very few people have claimed they have actually seen in real life while we were very young? Parents are sometimes woken up by the screams of their child and rush to their room as their child tells them “There is a monster under my bed or I saw someone in the corner.” As parents just think this is a normal thing and daintily tells them that there is nothing there and to go back to sleep. What if they really weren’t lying? Is it true that children can really see things that adults can’t? Or do children just have a very creative imaginary mind, containing the idea that anything is possible which allows them to believe anything they hear. Like when parents are raising their children they would tell them about Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny they believe it immediately. Children are known to hear or see or even draw weird things that others cannot explain. So could it be that it’s possible that some of the things that children bring up are not all as fake as we all though they were? The first time the name “Slender Man” was ever heard of and brought up in print and on screen was back on the exact date of June 10, 2009 on a website known as which is a forum website. Someone started a discussion forum for a Paranormal Pictures photo contest where contestants had to create their own photoshopped digitally manipulated photos that were creepy and abnormal in any sort of way. They had to try to pass them off as real and make them look as authentic as possible. There was one user on the forum under the name of Victor Surge, later identified that his real name is Eric Knudsen. He posted photo in black in white that featured children and in the background was strange tall faceless figure in all black with a short

Octavies Keels English 102 Research Proposal 4 March 2018 description beneath the photo that read “Slender Man". Ever since then, the image started getting out and more and more people from outside the forum began to hear about this. The “Slender Man” starting obtaining fans. People everywhere were making drawings and fanart of him, creating their own stories about him, and some have even started to claim that their have been sightings of him. If he is is a fictional character that someone created than how do people see him? Is it true that the more you believe in something or have a strong feeling of connection for something that it may become real only for you and only you may be able to see it? In an article on called “Why Some People See Ghosts and Other Presences”. In most of the article it explains how and why people feel paranormal presences and see things. Have you ever had that feeling that you are not the only person in a room or someone is watching you? To paraphrase, the article explained that people who usually have those feelings are stressed individuals who are recluse and who become isolated themselves in a strange environment. These people say that these presences are here to help them through bad situations. These feelings often happen in places with very little human interaction and socialization. Psychologists say that the reasons that people sense presences are from the motion of boats, atmospheric or geomagnetic activity, and altered sensations and states of consciousness that are affected by change in brain chemistry triggered by stress, lack of oxygen, monotonous stimulation, or a buildup of hormones. There is new proof showing that it’s the precise stimulation of specific brain regions that trick people into feeling the "presence" of a ghostly apparition. Since it is proven that means it’s scientifically true but what about the people who don’t fit in that category? Do the individuals who are not isolated have belief in paranormal acts because those who are isolated have placed those ideas onto them? What about people with certain mental disorders? What about blind or deaf people? Can the blind create perception of

Octavies Keels English 102 Research Proposal 4 March 2018 images in their head by what they hear and feel? Or can deaf people hear things and create sounds based on what they see? This all relates to the story of the Slender Man Stabbing Case that all started back on May 31st, 2014. The attackers, two 12 year old girls by the names of Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser, and their best friend that was the victim of the stabbing, Payton Leutner lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin. December of 2013 Anissa and Morgan had discovered Slender Man on a webpage called “CreepyPasta Wiki”. After reading through they 100% believed that Slender Man was real. Their belief for him became so strong that they decided to become his what they called “proxies” or servants to Slender Man. The two girls said that he threatened to kill their families if they didn’t kill their best friend Payton. The night before the killing, May 30th, 2014 all three girls were at a birthday sleepover. They had the killing planned for months and planned on killing Payton that night by stabbing her while she was asleep, wrapping her up in blankets to make it look like she was still asleep then flee. But they changed their plan and decided to wait until the next day because they wanted Payton to have one more day to live. The next day Anissa and Morgan planned on killing Payton in the bathroom of a local park because the bathroom had a drain which they wanted the blood to run into. They asked to go to the park and told Peyton to come to. Peyton was a little hesitant at first and didn’t want to. They sort of forced her. On the way to the park Morgan lifted up her jacket and showed Anissa the knife that she took from the kitchen tucked in her pants. At that moment Anissa said what went through her mind was “Dear God, this was really happening.” When they got to the bathroom they were hesitant about doing the killing in there, so they decided to lure Payton into the woods by playing hide and seek. During the game they pinned Payton to the ground. Morgan got on top of her and was hesitant to stab her. Morgan hands Anissa the knife and says “I can’t do it, you know where all the soft spots

Octavies Keels English 102 Research Proposal 4 March 2018 are. Anissa then hands it back and says “You do it, go ballistic, go crazy. Make sure she’s down” Morgan then says “I’m not going to until you tell me to.” Anissa walks a few feet away then says “Now!” She stabs Payton repeatedly as she screams in pain. They then leave her to die in the woods as they head off to the Nicolet National Forest where they believed Slender Man’s mansion was. Payton managed to crawl herself out of the woods to a street where she saw a cyclist that called 911. I feel like that there are a few minor problems here to this first part of this story. But to start off there are a lot of things that could have been changed to lesson the situation to to even have avoided all this. What if Creepypasta Wiki never existed? Would the girls still have found out about Slender Man some other way? What if they used something worse else besides the knife to hurt Peyton? What if Peyton didn’t go to the park with them? What if that cyclist was never there to call for help? Little changes like this could have changed the whole story and made a big difference. I feel like that their parents knew something was up. In an article on titled “Mothers of teens who pleaded guilty in 'Slender Man' stabbing case say there were no warning signs of violence”. In this article it stated that the mothers of the two said there were no warning signs of violence. “They [Morgan and Payton] would sit up in Morgan's room and they would do each other's nails, and they would laugh, and make a mess," Angie Geyser said. "They were just typical girls.” as stated in the article. But Morgan’s mother said that she had already knew about her daughters obsession with Slender Man. “She would show us some of the pictures, and she would read us some of the stories, and while some of the subject matter was a little dark, I wasn’t concerned,” Angie Geyser said. “When I was Morgan's age, I was reading Stephen King novels. I remember being 11 years old and riding home from the library with [the book] 'IT' under my arm. And that's a very scary and dark story, so I just thought

Octavies Keels English 102 Research Proposal 4 March 2018 it was normal for a child of middle school age to be interested in scary stories.” she said. I’m not a mother but I know that mothers can sense little changes and know when something is different about their child. She could’ve over heard something that Morgan has said or seen any text messages of her and Anissa that didn’t seem normal but probably just didn’t mention it. The girls had this planned out for around 6 months the mom should’ve suspected that something was. Her and Anissa are best friends meaning they probably are together all the time because they had to come up with the stabbing plan somehow meaning the parents have to had known something. id=52739807...

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