Speaking topic brainstorming- by Azin-Saeed-Hamid-Mahdi PDF

Title Speaking topic brainstorming- by Azin-Saeed-Hamid-Mahdi
Author marc ronaldo
Course Materials thermodynamic
Institution Islamic Azad University Najafabad
Pages 53
File Size 2.3 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
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43. What would you most like to take a course in? Mathematics Painting Science Math: 1) I have liked Math since I was a child. (I spent some time thinking about prime numbers): Same reason for other ones. 2) I use math in my field which is robotics (or any engineering field). 3) Math is challenging. I like to face challenges. 4) Solving math problems is just like solving mysteries and riddles. Painting: 1) It helps us to be more creative. 2) It is fun and one can relieve the pressure by painting. 3) It is important to spend some time for art. It is not good to concentrate on a single field. ***

44. Do you agree or disagree? It is important for a child to spend a short period of time living far away from home, visiting relatives and friends. Agree: 1) They can socialize with their relatives and other people. 2) They can take the control of their own lives and they can learn how to be independent. ***

45. Your friends are planning to take a part-time job while attending the university. Do you think it is a good idea? Why? Good idea: 1) They can achieve new insights about different jobs and they can broaden and promote their knowledge. 2) They can earn money and it can be very helpful for their lives. 3) They can improve their social skills while they take a job. 1

4) They can fill their free time. Bad idea: 1) They should concentrate on their courses, part-time job can be distractive. 2) They can’t study enough because they will not have enough time. They will have many problems during the semester. They may fail to pass the exams. ***

48. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late to get a degree in university. Agree: 1) It is always beneficial to get a degree in university. (benefit: job opportunities) 2) It helps people to be updated in the field (rapid promotion of technology) 3) Even with job experiences, nowadays it is essential to attain a degree. Disagree: 1) Young people have the energy to get a degree. It is difficult for older ones to take the degree. 2) Older people have more problems in life. They don’t have enough time. 3) Nowadays, many companies prefer to employ experienced people instead of others. So getting a degree is unnecessary. ***

49. If you are going to choose a roommate, which of the following qualities is more important to you? Cleanness Friendliness 1) Roommates should be friends in order to be consistent. With their friendships, they can solve the disagreements. 2) Roommates should be friends to help each other in bad situations. They spend a lot of time together and they can talk to each other to relieve the stress and mental pains. Quietness 2

1) Roommates can concentrate on their homework and projects and they can study in a better way. 2) Roommates will be calm and they can rest. They will be well prepared for their classes. ***

50. Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books. What is your opinion? New books 1) Buying new books can be financial assistant for publishers and writers of our favorite books. 2) There are some notes written by other people in used books which are not presented in new ones. Generally, new ones are cleaner. 3) New versions usually contain new features. Used books 1) They are cheap. New books are usually expensive. 2) Buying old books is better for the environment (wood consumption). 3) There are some notes written by other people in used books which are sometimes helpful in understanding the contents. ***

52. Some are willing to own and manage their own company, and some prefer to work in others’ companies. Which do you prefer and why? Own 1) They can implement their own ideas in the company. 2) They can get more money and profit. 3) They can choose the employees by themselves. So they can work with any person they like. 4) They can rule their own company. Others’ 1) It is not risky. If the company fails, they are not involved dramatically. 2) Some people prefer to be managed instead of managing others. They don’t like to have high responsibility. 3

3) They have less stress. Managers are always in a rush. ***

54. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways to learn about a country’s culture is through watching television shows in that country. Agree 1) Social TV shows are helpful to understand habits and traditions. 2) Language is an essential way to understand the culture. ***

56. Some people learn more in the morning. Some others learn more in the afternoon. Which is better for you? Morning 1) It is the first of the day and people are not tired of working and doing different hard tasks. 2) It is quieter in the morning. Afternoon 1) Sleeping in the morning helps people not to be tired. Some people are tired in the morning. 2) In the afternoon, all people are awake and they can study together. ***

57. There is a project at school which needs a leader. What qualities the leader should have in your opinion? Please talk about it and give details. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

He/ She should be reliable and helpful. He should have general knowledge about the project. He should have social skills to handle the team. He should have the ability to manage critical situation. He should be a good listener. ***


58. Some people think it is more important to spend time with family rather than study or work. Which opinion would you prefer? Why? Family 1) People work and study to have better lives with their family. Family has more priority. 2) Family members are the most reliable persons in our lives. They are valuable. 3) It is fun to spend time with family and it is relaxing. People can relieve their pressure and stress by talking to a family member. ***

60. Do you agree or disagree? Government should not allow violence and bad language in television programs. Agree 1) People especially children are affected by the language and violence. They may learn bad language and violence. 2) TV is very popular. A vast diversity of people with different personalities watch TV. All of them should be ok with the programs. Many people disagree with violence and bad language. Disagree 1) TV is very popular. A vast diversity of people with different personalities watch TV. Some of them like to watch programs with violence and bad language. They should be satisfied as well as other people. 2) Bad language and violence unfortunately exist in our society. It is important to concern people about these facts in TV programs. In these programs, violence should be shown as a negative fact. ***

61. There are many disagreements between friends. Which is one of the effective ways to resolve the disagreements? Use your examples and details to explain. 5

1) Talking is an essential way to solve disagreements. Friends know each other very well and they know how to talk tactfully. 2) ??? ***

62. Some students prefer to choose a career before getting into college. Other students prefer to choose a career after taking some university courses. Which one do you prefer and why? Before 1) Experiencing career before attending college is helpful for goal decision (broaden the knowledge and insight about their field and they can better decide about their future work). 2) They can learn how to socialize with other people and they may face many social problems at first which are useful in college. For example they may face some problems with some personalities at first but they learn how to deal with them and they can use their experience in college) 3) They can experience different tasks and they can decide about the courses which they want to choose. For example they may find out they like working with different computer software programs and they will take a course about computers. After 1) After they take some courses, they understand more about themselves and their favorite fields. So they will have the opportunity to choose a career which they like. 2) It is necessary to attend college to learn basic social skills. Without these social skills, it is impossible to work well in career. ***

64. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees. Agree 6

1) It is important for a boss to be strict to manage the employees. They should finish their works and duties before the deadline and the boss should have the power to make them do their best. 2) Sometimes it is essential for the company to fire some of the employees or replace them with some fresh young brains. Forming close friendship will make this task difficult. Disagree 1) Manager should be a good listener and should have social skills to handle the project. Forming close friendship is the best way to create a great communication with the employee. 2) Making friendship with the employees is helpful for making the office environment fun and happy. It is helpful for promoting the working efficiency. 3) Employee may talk easier with the manager about their problems and the manager can recognize the shortcomings and problems in the company to overcome them. ***

65. There are many events at school which are negative when we confront them initially while they become positive after we experience them. Please give an example of events that were negative at first and became positive later for you. 1) The first day at school (separated from our parents). a. Learnt how to be independent in some directions. b. Learnt to socialize with mates and colleagues. c. Finding new friends in school. 2) The first homework. a. We found them useful in learning the lessons. b. It felt good to solve the problems and to face the challenges. ***

66. Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day while others take exercise or go to gym when 7

they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer to and give your reasons. Each day 1) Regular practice is more beneficial. Daily exercise is essential nowadays for being healthy. 2) Having a daily program for exercising, forces people not to be lazy about exercise. They will go to gym even when there is not much time. ***

67. Teaching is a challenging profession. Even the best teacher can make mistakes. What are the common mistakes a teacher can make? 1) Evaluating students with bad questions in the midterm or final exam. 2) Killing students’ creativity without considering their own ideas about different topics during the classes. 3) Not recognizing different social features and shortcomings of the students. 4) Acting differently with different students (acting well with some of the students and ignoring other ones). ***

68. Some kids like to play games outdoors, and some like to play inside homes. What did you prefer when you were a kid and why? Outside 1) The scenery is better outside. 2) It is possible to play with many friends outside. 3) It is possible to play many different games outside like hide and seek and soccer. ***

70. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students learn more when teachers assign a lot 8

of homework. Use specific details and examples to explain why. Disagree 1) They should spend a lot of time just for writing their homework and they have less time to understand the topics. 2) Some of the students may copy their homework when it is a lot and so they learn nothing. 3) Each student should be considered individually. Many of them don’t need a lot of homework. It is a waste of time for them to do a lot of homework. 4) Many students learn from searching or experiencing the topic by themselves instead of doing their homework. ***

71. Nowadays, many people tend to move to a new city to work or study. List some advantages of it. Disagree 1) They can find new job opportunities. Different cities have different kinds of works. For example, cities near seas have different job opportunities. 2) They meet new people who don’t judge them for their past and they can start a new job. 3) They can meet more people so they have the opportunity to find the people who they like to work with. 4) They can learn more about different cultures and their habits. ***

72. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for children to learn to draw or paint. Agree 1) It helps them to be creative. They can use their imagination and draw pictures. 2) They may become good painters in the future. 9

3) It helps them to show their emotions and feelings. For example, a painting with black elements shows that children are maybe sad. 4) Children enjoy painting and they can relieve stress and have fun while they are painting. That is just like playing. 5) They can improve their hand skills by drawing and painting which is really useful for them in the future. ***

73. Which do you think is better: watching the news or reading the news? Explain why. Watching 1) Watching the news gives more information about the news. 2) Watching TV is easier for people. 3) TV provides the latest NEWS with sufficient data. 4) There are many channels offered by TV and people can see different kinds of NEWS (whatever they want) in different channels. Reading 1) You can choose what to read, but you cannot choose what to watch when you are watching a specific TV channel. 2) You can repeat reading an article many times if you don’t understand it exactly. Sometimes NEWS contains specific information which you need to understand and write them down. ***

74. If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose: a lab assistant, a campus tour guide or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons. Lab assistant 1) I can learn many things and experience a research job. I am interested in researching for . . . 2) I can work with other people in a lab as a team and I can learn how to work within a team. 3) I can practically experience whatever I learned. 4) I can earn money as I work on my own thesis. 5) It is not boring and every day I will face new challenges. 10

Library assistant 1) I can read many books as I work in the library because I will have the access to many books. 2) Library is quiet and I can rest or do anything when I don’t have to work. I can do my personal tasks 3) I can find out more about different topics which people like to read about. It helps me to decide which book is better to be read. ***

75. Some people prefer to learn about current events from watching television news programs. Others prefer to read about current events in newspaper or on the Internet. Watching 1) Watching the news gives more information about the news. 2) Watching TV is easier for people. 3) TV provides the latest NEWS with sufficient data. 4) There are many channels offered by TV and people can see different kinds of NEWS (whatever they want) in different channels. Reading 1) You can choose what to read, but you cannot choose what to watch when you are watching a specific TV channel. 2) You can repeat reading an article many times if you don’t understand it exactly. Sometimes NEWS contains specific information which you need to understand and write them down. 3) You can search for old NEWS on the internet and review them. 4) You can find NEWS on the internet which is not important for people and it is not shown in TV. However they are maybe important for you. 5) In some countries, NEWS is censored by TV shows. ***

78. Describe the disadvantages of moving to a new place. 1) One should search for new friends. You may lose the old ones. 2) You should show and proof your advantages to find a new job. 3) There are many factors you are not sure about. Who are the neighbors? How they will act? 11

4) You should take all of your furniture and utensil and carry them to the new place. 5) It takes a lot of time to settle down and decorate the new place. ***

79. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools need to encourage students to be more creative and use imagination to be successful person. Agree 1) In this new era, students should be more creative to be successful in the country and world. 2) Most of the fields of science and art are related to creativity and imagination. 3) Most of parents don’t consider creativity as an important issue. So, it is the schools’ duty to encourage the students. ***

80. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. Agree 1) Family has more priority in life. 2) Family members are the most reliable persons in our lives. They are valuable and they truly love us. 3) It is fun to spend time with family and it is relaxing. People can relieve their pressure and stress by talking to a family member because they can trust the family members. 4) One can lose his or her friend in near future. However, family members will not leave you alone.


81. Some people get to know a person by the first observation while others prefer to get to know a person by long time observation. Which one do you prefer and explain why. Judge person by long time observation: -

Generally, the first impression we get is the appearance, dressing, or other external things. → we can’t judge the book by its cover! Personal experience: see someone and judged him/her by the first observation → wrong assumption and so on!  It takes a long time to know a person very well!

82. If you are a teacher of a tutor group and you are going to take students to a study trip, where would you take them to? A. science museum B. local farm C. theater performance Local farm: -


Benefit them both mentally and physically Students can relax help out each other Contacting with nature (most of my students work hard for the final examination and they do not have an opportunity to contact the nature which is fantastic and attractive), enjoying fresh air, blue sky, etc. Besides, it is cheaper

83. Describe one of the most popular websites in your country? Explain why it is popular with details or examples. Youtube  : -

Educational videos (nature, learning software, cooking, and so on) Free and accessible :))))))))) Personal example (teachers encourage to have further study about something, my mother uses it to cook new recipes)

84. What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children? Please include details in your response. - value for one self - curiosity and critical thinking: Both are critical to becoming a fully-realized, self-ware adult

Encourage them to find their interests - to resolve disagreements amicably: Disagreements are inevitable in life, especially in today’s hyper-competitive, self-serving world. Children should practice keeping a level head in the face of co...

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