Syllabus MUS 114 PDF

Title Syllabus MUS 114
Course Listening Experience
Institution Central Michigan University
Pages 7
File Size 154 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 72
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Syllabus and course content. Easy class, must show up. All work is online, time consuming but simple....


MUS 114 Listening Experience Group I-B University Program Course Spring 2018 M/W 10:00-10:50 – CRN#22344075 M/W 1:00-1:50 – CRN#22344077

Professor: Susan M. Lindahl Office: 176 Music Building Office Phone: (989) 774-3585 12:00 Email: [email protected] Appointment

Office Hours: Monday: 2:00-3:00 Wednesday: 11:00Additional times by

COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES Listening Experience is designed for students who want to experience a deeper and more active level of listening and musical understanding. Students who enroll in this course should have mature study skills that allow them to undertake the reading and listening assignments on their own. Listening Experience allows non-music majors to experience a variety of music events, develop musical awareness, sharpen perception, and increase musical discrimination. At the end of the course, you will be able to:  Identify the basic elements of western music  Identify the principal instruments and voices associated with western music  Identify the four historic periods of western music – including stylistic features, genres, representative composers, and specific works  Identify aurally, representative compositions from the four historic periods of western music as well as specific musical elements within those compositions  Experience a variety of musical events REQUIRED MATERIAL  The Enjoyment of Music, Third Essential Listening Edition. W.W. Norton & Company *ebook, tutorials, InQuizitive Chapter Quizzes, InQuizitive Listening Guides, and ebook playlist – all materials are accessed through blackboard

IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES Chapter Quizzes and Listening Guides: daily/weekly deadlines Exam 1: Monday, Feb 12 Concert Attendance Deadline for Review 1: Sunday, Feb 25 Exam 2: Monday, Mar 19 Personal Concert/Program Notes Project: Monday, April 2 Concert Attendance Deadline for Review 2: Sunday, April 15 Exam 3: University Final Exam Schedule Section 22344075 (M/W 10:00): Monday, April 30 @ 10:00-11:50 Section 222344077 (M/W 1:00): Wednesday, May 2 @ 12:00-1:50

Personal Exploration and Opinion Essays: TBA CLASS EVALUATION The final course grade will be determined by the following class requirements and a total of 1000 points: 1. Online Assignments = 300/30% Chapter Quizzes: daily reading reviews through Norton InQuizitive = 150/15% Listening Guides/Quizzes: aural study of representative works through Norton InQuizitive = 150/15% 2.

Exams (3) = 300/30%


3. 4. 5. 6.

Song Comparison Project = 100/10% Attendance of two School of Music Concerts along with written reviews = 150/15% Attendance/In-class Responses = 100/10% Personal Exploration and Opinion – Short Essays = 50/5%

GRADING SCALE A 100-93 A92-90

B+ B B-

89-87 86-83 82-80

C+ C C-

79-77 76-73 72-70


69-67 66-63 62-60 59-0

INFORMATION REGARDING CLASS REQUIREMENTS 1. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS For each class period during the course of the semester there will be a set of assignments for you to complete. These assignments include reading, listening, listening exercises, and multiple choice/short answer questions. The assignments consist of two parts: one, INQUIZITIVE: CHAPTER QUIZZES which will assist in your reading comprehension and class preparation and two, INQUIZITIVE: LISTENING GUIDES/QUIZZES that will require you to respond to specific information regarding the pieces from class discussion. These assignments are available through the Norton Materials file on blackboard. Each assignment will be open for a designated window of time corresponding to the material studied each week. You can stay current with these dates by checking the blackboard announcement page and/or the class schedule. You are advised not to wait until the closing date/time to begin these assignments. Note: Students are allowed ONE free reset of ONE assignment provided it is requested within ONE week of the missed work.

2. EXAMS There are three exams during the semester. The exams will assess your knowledge of the course material and your ability to identify certain key works and their characteristics. It is your responsibility to know the dates, times, and locations of these exams, failure to take an announced exam will result in a zero. Any student taking an exam at a time other than their designated class time will receive a score of zero.

2-A. EXAM DATES Exam 1: Monday, Feb 12 Exam 2: Monday, Mar 19 Exam 3: University Final Exam Schedule Section 22344075 (M/W 10:00): Monday, April 30 @ 10:00-11:50 Section 222344077 (M/W 1:00): Wednesday, May 2 @ 12:00-1:50 2-B. MISSED EXAMS In the event of serious illness, family crisis, conflicts with university sponsored events, or when you have multiple exams scheduled on the same


day (final exams only), please plan to meet with the instructor. Any requests to make-up a missed exam must be accompanied by a “Request to Reschedule” form and proper documentation. This form can be obtained from the additional materials file on blackboard. All requests must be completed within 24 hours of the exam. All rescheduled exams must be completed within one week of the original exam time unless an extenuating circumstance exists. Make-up exams may be presented in a different format from that used in class and will include essay questions.

3. PERSONAL CONCERT/PROGRAM NOTES PROJECT For this project, you will create a playlist for a concert and program notes to accompany your playlist. The goal of the assignment is to consider the overall experience and effectiveness of a collection of musical presentations upon the listener. This project will provide an opportunity for students to work with the musical elements discussed during class meetings through a format that is familiar to them. Students can elect to work either independently or in groups. Specific information regarding this project will be posted to blackboard and discussed in class.  Project Due Date: Monday, April 2

4. CONCERT ATTENDANCE You will attend two concerts during the semester. After attending each concert, you will turn in a review of that concert. Directions regarding both the concert attendance as well as the review content will be discussed in class and posted to blackboard. The deadline for each concert assignment is indicated below. Extensions will only be granted in cases of documented illnesses or family crises. You must file a “Request to Reschedule” form as soon as possible before the due date or within 24 hours after the review is due.


Concert Attendance Deadline for Review 1: Sunday, Feb 25 Concert Attendance Deadline for Review 2: Sunday, Apr 15

4-B. CONCERT REVIEW DUE DATES All reviews are due at the within one week of the concert date and are submitted online *late reviews are assessed 5 pts. per day *the concert review template is provided on Bb and must be used for your review 

Note: Students will often attend concerts and work on their concert reviews together – this is not a problem, however, please be advised that each student is responsible for submitting their own work. Working on an assignment together does not include turning in the same response. All reviews are graded on an individual basis.


5. ATTENDANCE/CLASS RESPONSES As part of class time there will be a time for review and reflection based on your reading/listening assignments, our class discussions, and specific audio examples. These in-class responses are graded and recorded. There are no make-up opportunities for these responses. You are allowed TWO missed responses during the course of the semester – students completing all responses will receive extra credit if applicable.




During the course of the semester you will write two short essays on an assigned topic. Throughout the course of the semester there will be four topic choices presented – you can pick the two topics you want to explore and prepare. A third short topic essay can be prepared for extra credit. These short essays will be announced in class and posted to blackboard.

Class Policies COMPUTERS: Computers can be used during class time for the purpose of note taking. Please make sure that you use these items in the manner in which they are intended as part of class participation, and be mindful of the classroom setting as well as your peers when doing so. You are responsible for all material presented in class as well as any material interfered with due to disruptions caused by the misuse of these items. Note: Cell Phones are not allowed during class time, and use of recording devices and cameras is strictly prohibited. Disregard of these policies will result in the removal of all electronic devices from the classroom. Please do not put other members of class at risk due to your disrespect for both your classmates and the classroom.

ATTENDANCE: Please be on time so that class can begin and end promptly. Regular, punctual attendance and active participation in class is expected of all students. If a protracted illness or personal situation results in your missing an excessive number


of classes, please speak with me so that I can accommodate your individual needs. Nevertheless, you are responsible for all announcements, assignments, and course materials whether or not you are present in class. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: CMU provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodation to participate in educational programs, activities, or services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodation to participate in class activities or meet course requirements should first register with the office of Student Disability Services (120 Park Library, 989-774-3018), and then contact the professor as soon as possible. Before I can make any accommodations, you must give me an official notification form from the Student Disability Services office; alterations to the terms listed on this notification must be made in writing. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The Undergraduate Bulletin states: “In the academic community the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work which students submit must be the product of their own efforts and must be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, plagiarism and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior, is prohibited.” A student who commits any act of academic dishonesty in this course will receive an E for their final grade and will be reported to the Office of Student Life as prescribed in section 5.A.1 of CMU’s Policy on Academic Integrity. If you have any doubts as to what may constitute academic dishonesty, it is your responsibility to ask. GRADES: To protect your rights to privacy, all discussions about grades or how a particular grade was determined must be confidential. As such, I can only discuss grades with you in my office. All requests regarding grade information made by email will be refused since confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Grades will be posted in as timely a manner as possible. To ensure accurate grade reporting and expedite the correction of errors, you should retain all graded documents in your possession until the final grade in this course has been submitted at the end of the semester. *All grade inquiries must be addressed within ONE week of a grade posting, after this time all grades are considered final.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Class enrollment for MUS 114 is large. Mature and appropriate behavior is expected in the classroom. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in your removal from the classroom, the reduction of your final grade, or official disciplinary action. Please show respect and consideration for your classmates. EMAIL: You are responsible for any email that is sent to your account, and you are expected to check and maintain this account regularly according to the university’s policy on student email. The syllabus and other materials for this course have been crafted to provide you with as much detail as possible. Please consult this syllabus or Blackboard first for information, and only email me if you have a question that is not addressed clearly in these locations. Due to the high volume of email I receive I will not respond to questions regarding information that can be found at these sites. When contacting me, please indicate your name and section number in your message, and allow me at least two working days to respond to any email you send. NOTE: I do not accept assignment via email for any reason. DO NOT leave assignments in the music office; assignments turned in to the School of Music Secretary will receive a zero.


Concert Attendance Policies and Procedures REQUIREMENTS To complete this assignment, you will attend two concerts. *A concert list and assignment directions are located on blackboard.   

Concert Deadline for Review 1: Sunday, Feb 25 Concert Deadline for Review 2: Sunday, April 15 All reviews are due at the within one week of the concert date and are submitted online. *late reviews are assessed 5 pts. per day **the concert review template is provided on Bb and must be used for your review

It is possible for concerts to be cancelled or moved to another venue without notice; certain ticketed concerts may also be sold out. No special provisions can be made in the event of a cancelled or sold-out concert, nor if an illness or excused absence causes you to miss a concert. You will have to choose another concert from the list. It is recommended that you attend concerts well in advance of the due dates. It is inadvisable to put off attending concerts until just before the due date of your review. If you disregard this advice and choose to attend your concert at the latest possible date, you alone are accountable for conflicts and cancellations that might arise.

PROCEDURE All concerts are free to students enrolled in MUS 114 Listening Experience unless otherwise indicated on the concert list. In order to receive credit for attending a concert, you will need to bring your student ID to the concert venue. Your ID will be scanned both BEFORE and AFTER the concert. All concerts are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Concert time for MUS 114 students is five minutes prior to the posted concert time. The student monitors must process a large number of students registered for all sections of MUS 114 and, as directed by the hall manager and events coordinator, will stop processing students five minutes before the concert begins. If you arrive after the monitors have left their post in the concert venue lobby, you are too late and will not receive credit for the concert. It makes no difference if you simply arrive before the concert begins; you must arrive in time to be processed for MUS 114 attendance.

CONCERT ETIQUETTE Appropriate, attire is expected at all concerts, and you may be denied entrance to any concert if you are improperly dressed. Courteous and appropriate behavior is required at all concerts. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to talking or whispering after the house lights have dimmed, sleeping, studying, reading, coughing unnecessarily, chewing gum, eating, drinking, tapping, resting your feet on the chair in front of you, standing before the house lights have been raised and the performers have taken their final bow, or any other activity that interferes with the enjoyment of the concert by others in attendance. Cell phone use is not permitted in the concert hall – your cell phone must be turned off (this does not mean “silent mode”) before you enter the concert hall. Applause should be held until the conclusion of an entire work or section of a program. A good rule of thumb: when in doubt, hold your applause until the majority of the audience begins to applaud and the performers acknowledge the applause.


Students leaving a concert before the house lights have come up or an encore will not receive credit for the concert. If any monitor or School of Music official finds your behavior during the concert disruptive, he or she will ask you to leave the venue. You must leave the concert venue immediately. Your name will be forwarded to the professor, the matter will be investigated, and, if necessary, disciplinary action will be taken. Usually, this will result in a “no credit” penalty applied to the grade for the respective assignment, but further disciplinary action may be sought if the degree of the offense warrants it. All monitors and School of Music officials should be treated with the respect that would normally be given to any senior university official. Failure to do so may also result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the course. If you are dismissed from a concert for any reason, it is your responsibility to set up a meeting with the instructor as soon as possible. *If you are dismissed from a concert it will be kept on file and recorded as a “zero” until all matters pertaining to the issue are resolved.


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