Tableau inclass 1 PDF

Title Tableau inclass 1
Author Poonam Chaudhary
Course Business analytics
Institution Indus University
Pages 4
File Size 110.7 KB
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tableau visualization assignment...


Connect to EU Superstore Data Source. Exercise 1: Building your first Worksheet A Worksheet represents a single visualisation which can than be combined to form a comprehensive Dashboard. Dashboards and Worksheets can be combined with a narrative using Stories. All of these are saved in as a Workbook. With Tableau Desktop open and the EU Superstore Data Source selected:  o  o   

Under Dimensions click and drag Order Date into Columns. This will display Order Date (By Year). Under Dimensions click and drag Country into Rows. This will display a list of Countries. Under Measures click on Sales and drag onto the Text Button within the Marks Panel You will now see Sales by Country and by Year. Save the Tableau Workbook.

Exercise 2: Exploring Different Marks Lets start by opening the Workbook saved in Exercise 1. Looking at this we have selected our dimensions put this into the columns and rows. We then decided to Mark our data by displaying the Sum(Sales) measure as text. Let us try a different type of mark. Drag Sales into the Color Mark. The colour of the Mark will change based on SUM(Sales).  Change the Mark Type in the selector box to from Automatic to Text.  Drag Sales onto Size. o The size of the Text Marks will change based on SUM(Sales).  Drag Profit, Profit Ratio and Quantity into the Tooltip. o Hover over any of the items to see that Profit, Profit Ratio and Quantity now appear.  Save the Workbook. 


Exercise 3: Extra Credit      

Click on the Colour Button in the Marks Panel and explore the various options. Click on Tooltip in the Marks Panel and modify the Tooltip Text. Click on the Size Button in the Marks Panel and explore the various options. Change the Marks Type and see what results you have. Right Click on the any item in the Tableau Canvas and select Format. Explore options. Right Click on the Year and explore Sorting options.

Exercise 4: Filtering

Filtering your data is essential to ensure you only see the information you require as well as easing the burden on the source systems. There is no valid reason to query the entire database when you only want values for the current week. Let us explore how you can filter data within Tableau.   o  o o  o o o  o o     

Open the Workbook that you saved in Exercise 4. In the Main Menu click on Worksheet → New Worksheet. At the bottom you should be able to see that a new sheet has been created for you – Sheet 2. Double Click on the tab (or right click) to change the name of the Worksheets: Sheet 1 → Total Sales Value by Year and Country. Sheet 2 → Product Sales by Month. In Product Sales by Month Worksheet drag Order Date into the Columns Product into Rows. Sales into the Text Mark. Right Click the YEAR(Order Date) in the columns and select Month Notice that month appears two times in the menu. Tableau allows you to either choose to display the actual values (Green) or the date parts (Blue). Try both options and check out the differences in results. In this exercise choose the date part option. Click and Drag the Order Date into the Filters Panel. In the prompt box select the Years (it will be blue for discrete). Select 2014 and click Ok. Save your Workbook

NOTE: We have some pretty large Data Sources within JUST EAT. Some of these sources have upwards of 500 million records. For performance reasons please always filter the data to get the minimum required Data Set. Exercise 5: Quick Filters You can always change your filter value by Right Clicking the item in the Filter Panel but we would like to make our Worksheets more dynamic.         

Open the Workbook Saved in Exercise 6. In the Product Sales by Month drag Country to the Filter Panel. When prompted select on Use all and click Ok. In the Filters Panel, right click on YEAR(Order Date) and select Show Quick Filter. Do the Same for Country. In the Country Quick Filter, hover around the top right of this box and click on the Down Caret and select Single Value (Dropdown). In the Country Quick Filter, hover around the top right of this box and click on the Down Caret, go down to Customise and uncheck the Show “All” Values. Explore the various options for the YEAR(Order Date) Quick Filter. Save your Workbook.

NOTE: Filtering your Dashboard to get a minimum valuable Data Set is great for performance reasons. Creating Quick Filters is essential for creating multi-purpose Dashboards. Extra Credit: Right Click on the YEAR(Order Date) in the Filters box and select Filter and Explore the use of Relative Date. Remove and re-add the Order Date to the Filter. This time select Relative date and explore options. On the Category Pill in Rows click on the Plus Sign to drill down. Explore Drill Down for the Order Date Pill in Columns.

   

Exercise 6: Duplicating and Reusing Worksheets Copy and Paste is one of the biggest time savers you can image. So let us do the same for Tableau. Open the Workbook you saved in Exercise 7. Right Click on the Product Sales by Month and select Duplicate Rename this new worksheet to Average Product Sales by Month. In this new Worksheet right click the SUM(Sales) in the Marks Panel and change the aggregation type from Sum to Average.

   

At this point we have explored the basics of Tableau. To recap you should now be able to:    o o o o      

Log in Tableau Connect to a Data Source Use Items in the Data Source to: Show a Value Highlight by Colour Highlight by Size Add a Tooltip Selecting Different Measure Types Drill Down on Values Use Filters Use Quick Filters Duplicate Worksheets Save a Tableau Workbook

In Class Practice Questions 1. Show the Total Sales per Country for January and highlight the values in Green which are greater than £10,000. 2. Show the Total Sales daywise.


Show the Total Sales, Profit and Quantity per Country by Category.

4. Make an Data extract containing the following variables: (1) Category segment (4) profit and (5) quantity

(2) order date (3)...

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