Ted talks 3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do PDF

Title Ted talks 3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do
Course Anglais Communication
Institution Université Savoie Mont Blanc
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²Ted talks: 3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do by Stacey Abrams Former Georgia House Democratic Leader, Stacey Abrams made history in 2018 when she earned the Democratic nomination for governor of Georgia. In this talk she shares with us 3 question that we need to ask ourselves about everything we do. She begins by telling a little story that happened to her and that opened her eyes regarding what she wanted to become but also to accomplish in the future. To summarize, as a student in Avondale, she graduated valedictorian and thus was invited (with her parents) to meet the governor of Georgia. She goes on to say that the only thing she remembers from that day is when they arrived at the guard gate and the first thing the guard said to her after judging her and her parents was “You don't belong here." And even after mentioning the fact that she was valedictorian and therefore a guest, the guard didn't bother to look at the guest list, he just repeated the same thing. Eventually they were able to get inside but that day, have become the day when she decided she wanted to be the person who open the gates. Unfortunately, as you may know, everything did not work out the way she would have liked. That's why now Stacey's wondering, what to do next? And that’s when she said “I'm going to do what I've always done. I'm going to move forward, because going backwards isn't an option and standing still is not enough.” It is from there that all by explaining her race to become governor she exposes us 3 essential questions to ask ourselves whether we’re running for office or starting a business … etc. The first question is: what do I want? In her case, she knew exactly what she wanted: she wanted change, but then she asks herself what change does she want to see? Once you know what you want the second question is why you want it? (and revenge can never be a good reason). She emphasized the fact that it’s not something that should be done but something that must be done. It has to be something that wakes you up in the morning and gets you excited about it or something that makes you so angry that you know you have to do something about it. Third, how are you going to get it done? This is perhaps the most important but also the most complicated point, even though she became the first black woman to ever become the nominee for governor in the history of the United States of America for a major party, she faced a few obstacles. However it help’s her understand that there are three things that always hold us hostage. -

The first is finance. Our dreams are bounded by how much we have in resources, but as she said” I’m sure you’ve heard again and again the stories of those who overcome those resource challenges”. The second is fear, the kind of fear that terrifies paralyze you, but once you know what you’re afraid of, you can figure out how to get around it. The third is fatigue: sometimes you just get tired of trying, but that is in those moment that fatigue is an opportunity to evaluate how much you want it and that when you go back to the “why” of it.

She finishes her speech by saying that every morning she wakes up and move forward, she’s able to do that because she knows what’s in her past, the obstacle she had to face and today they’re energizing her and give her the strength to continue. At the end of the ted talks she answers these three questions herself: Stacye Abrams know what she wants, and that is justice. she knows why she want it, because poverty is immoral. And she knows how she's going to get it: by moving forward every single day. Great life lesson / allows us to ask ourselves what we want and why...

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