Term Paper Outline 434 - med ethics PDF

Title Term Paper Outline 434 - med ethics
Course Pediatrics
Institution West Coast University
Pages 5
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med ethics...


Term Paper Outline Tereza Gabrielyan West Coast University: Los Angeles Campus Professor Pam Alcasey November 22, 2021


Introduction a. I have chosen the end-of-life topic because it is utterly controversial and there are many pros and cons for it. “A physician intentionally helping a person to terminate his/ her life by providing drugs for self-administration, at that person’s voluntary and competent request” (Ahlzen, 2020). There are many controversial positions on this topic.


Body Paragraph 1 – Technical aspects of your topic

a. Topic Sentence: The physician Hippocratic Oath states that prohibits providers and physicians from harming patients in any way, even if asked by the patient to (Ahlzen, 2020)

i. Supporting detail 1: However, there have been physicians that have not followed the oath.

ii. Supporting detail 2: They believe physician assisted suicide will end the misery the terminally ill patients feel.

iii. Supporting detail 3:


Body Paragraph 2 – Description of public policy debates surrounding your topic a. Transition: There are countries and states that physician assisted suicide is legal in.

b. Topic Sentence: There is a current Death with Dignity Law.

i. Supporting detail 1: In the United States, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington are the only states that have physician assisted suicide legalized according to (“Death with dignity acts,” 2021).

ii. Supporting detail 2: Physician assisted suicide is permitted in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg (Lewis, 2015)

iii. Supporting detail 3: In the United States, a second doctor must see the patient and diagnose the patient to being terminally ill and competent.


Body Paragraph 3 -Arguments

a. Transition: Physician assisted suicide is highly controversial in a sense that it is argued to be unethical.

b. Topic Sentence: It is argued that choosing the right time for someone’s death has consequences and is unethical.

i. Supporting detail 1: Choosing the right time to die for the patient, takes away the patient’s rights concerning their own body and health care (Ahlzen, 2020)

ii. Supporting detail 2: It is argued that it is against certain religions.

iii. Supporting detail 3: It is also argued that no one should have the right to end someones life.


Body Paragraph 4 - Arguments a. Transition: Others argue that if a patient is terminally ill and has had a thorough psychiatric evaluation, then they should be able to get physician assisted suicide if asked for.

b. Topic Sentence: Terminally ill patients lose their autonomy and dignity and are in constant pain.

i. Supporting detail 1: Patients should get evaluated on their decision for at least 15 days in case they change their mind.

ii. Supporting detail 2: Physician assisted suicide means that the physician provides the ill patient with a drug that will end their life and the patient him or herself takes it so it is not taking away the patient’s rights.

iii. Supporting detail 3: As long as the patient is competent then their wishes should be heard.


Opinion and Conclusion

a. Transition: There are many opinions on physician assisted suicide because there are many pros and cons for it.

b. Statement of Opinion: My opinion is that physician assisted suicide helps those who are terminally ill with no way of living out their last weeks or months contently.


References – In APA format


Ahlzen, R. (2020, July 13). Suffering, authenticity, and physician assisted suicide. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11019-01909929-z#citeas Death with dignity acts. (2021, April 7). Death With Dignity. https://deathwithdignity.org/learn/death-with-dignity-acts/ Lewis, P. (2015, October 6). Assisted dying: What does the law in different countries say?BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-34445715...

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