Topic 4 DQ 1-2 - other PDF

Title Topic 4 DQ 1-2 - other
Course Personality Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Topic 4 DQ 1 Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using twins to analyze genetic heritability. Why might it be useful for future twin studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins? There are many advantages and disadvantages to in using twins to analyze genetic heritability such as personalities. In monozygotic twins, they have identical DNA. This can help when seeing how one twin is extrovert while the other twin is introvert. If this happens you can do researcher to see why this happened or if both twins are extroverts, you can do research to see that due to DNA being identical, it shows that DNA helps with personality traits. If their personalities are different, research can show that social, environmental atmosphere help mold personalities. When it comes to weight or height, one healthy and one not healthy, they can use twin’s DNA to research why this might happen. A disadvantage to using twins as tests and research is that they can show different traits for each one. When it comes to research it would be hard to use twins because some twins, such as dizygotic (fraternal), do not share the same DNA, no more hereditarily alike than any other two siblings that are not twins(Burger, 2017). When you are doing future studies to separate out monozygotic (identical) from dizygotic (fraternal) twins, it might help find out that DNA does or does not always factor out how they will be while growing up. As we watch TV, read magazines or books about twins, we see sometimes that separating twins at birth does not change who they are. In some cases, separating twins at birth does change them due to environment, social experiences, people they hang around or the people and where they grow up. I think that future studies would help us understand how DNA does or does not help us with cloning in the future. It can help us understand how things are made, produce, or created and how traits can help create different characteristics. Burger, J. M. (2017). Personality (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth-Thomson Learning. ISBN-13: 9781337559010

Topic 4 DQ 2 Extroversion is highly connected to the need for stimulation in a way that is similar to ADHD. If a pill were developed to make people extroverted should some people start taking it, what are the risks and benefits? When it comes to taking a pill, if a lot of people would take a pill to become more extroverted then we would have a lot of the population making impulse decisions. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Depending on the situation it could good. “Extraverts are also more impulsive than introverts. Extraverts are more likely to act on the spur of the moment, and this impulsivity can

cause problems” (Burger, 2017, p. 241). A pro could be that extroverts do help increase happiness according to Burger, which can help with increasing the lives of introverts in this world. “Although introverts may have difficulty understanding this at first, researchers find that on average, extraverts report higher levels of happiness than introverts” (p. 240) When it comes to having a magic little pill to help with anything, such as ADHD, results could vary from minimal to extremely drastic. I think that people should not take any pills due to the fact that each person is different, and the results may vary like anything else in this world. Coming from a family, where my mother is on multiple pills to stay alive, I would not recommend pills ever if it were possible. In an article from Extraversion and introversion through Wikipedia, it stated that extroverts are their happiest when they are around people and when they can express their feelings. It also stated that introverts enjoy their solitude and their imagination. Another thing that Burger made known in which would make results of this pill that could be harder and have lower test results, Burger stated, “Unless the study material is particularly exciting, the extravert will probably take a number of breaks, look around for distractors, and generally have a difficult time keeping his or her mind on the task” (p. 239). So, does the pill actually help? There are always going to be pros and cons, but for me, there are more cons than pros. Burger, J. M. (2017). Personality (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285740225. Extraversion and introversion. (2020, September 2).

Optional participation When the video clip started off, the first thing that I did not know that only 1 of 250 pregnancies or all pregnancies would be produced. You would think that it would be much more since we do not see twins, or multiples, on day to day basis. All these twins have such a unique bond, no one could ever see, feel, or know how it is to be a twin with someone who looks and acts just like you. Another amazing thing I learned was that twins match each other’s IQs up to 80% of the time. I know that they match and have the same DNA was the same. I would think that IQ and doing homework, would be the same because they do it together but no. It is seemed to be researched that it is because of their DNA and the IQ they get passed down from their parents. Interesting to know. One last thing I thought was very interesting was that twins will do a lot of things the same in their WHOLE life. I knew twins would be similar and do things that same, but I would think

growing up they would do things a little differently in their adult life. Even when they did not grow up together, they are so similar in everything in life, career, likes, dislikes, etc. Secret life of twins (2015) [Video file]. (2015). Retrieved from

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