TTL1- Module 1-30points DE VERA, Glaiza G BSE-SST II-1 PDF

Title TTL1- Module 1-30points DE VERA, Glaiza G BSE-SST II-1
Course Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 7
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Download TTL1- Module 1-30points DE VERA, Glaiza G BSE-SST II-1 PDF




If there is one thing that changed the world so fast, it is technology. While there exists technology in the past as non-digital technology, the current digital technology has been a factor that shrunk the world and made it flat. It has provided a new environment for learning; new ways teachers teach and new ways of how learners learn. In the beginning it has created a divide between the digital natives and the digital immigrants. However, as the years go by, such divide has become narrower and even blurred. This has led to the new educational revolution in teaching and learning which has been triggered by technology and resulted to better learning outcomes in the 21st century. You, as a pre-service teacher is a part of this new educational revolution. In this module you will be able to familiarize yourself with the standards that you must possess to become a better 21st century teacher. You will learn the basic concepts of ICT that you will be dealing with. As you accomplish each activity in this module, you will be able to maximize your understanding on how technology directly affects the teaching and learning process.

MODULE LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this Module, you should be able to 1. Identify the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in the Pre-Service Teacher Education. 2. Familiarize with the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards. 3. Define the basic terms of ICT conceptually and operationally. 4. Use the concepts and terms of ICT with peers; and 5. Identify the roles of technology in teaching and Learning.

ICT COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR PHILIPPINE PRE-SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION Who is better equipped to handle the 21st century learners, a teacher with traditional technology or a teacher with digital technology? This question has been a debatable topic since the start of the 21 st century. However, the CHED and UNESCO provided in 2017 the Policy Standards and Guidelines for Pre-Service Teacher Education. The program outcomes for teacher education degrees clearly state that every future teacher must demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of information, communication, and technology resources in promoting quality teaching-learning process. To ensure that the program outcomes related to ICT shall be achieved, competencies were identified to be developed by every pre-service teacher. The ICT Competency Standards is made up of Seven Domains. Each domain has a set of competencies. The competencies are expressed and desired learning outcomes. Becoming proficient in the different competencies will enable you to handle learners of the 21st century in your future classroom. List of domains and corresponding competencies are indicated below. ICT Competency Standards for Pre-Service Teachers Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education 1.1 Demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in Education 1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching-learning PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY



1.3 Contextualize ICT Policies to the learning environment Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment 2.1 Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles, and theories of ICT systems as they apply to teaching-learning 2.2 Evaluate digital and non-digital learning resources in response to students’ diverse needs 2.3 Develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching-learning. 2.4 Use ICT tools to develop 21st century skills: information media and technology skills, learning and innovation skills, career skills and effective communication skills. Domain 3: Pedagogy 3.1 Apply relevant technology for classroom activities 3.2 Use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support student collaborative activities. 3.3 Model collaborative knowledge construction in face to face and virtual environments. Domain 4: Technology Tools 4.1 Demonstrate competence in the technical operations of technology tools and systems as they apply to teaching and learning 4.2 Use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to support community of learners. 4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to support teaching and learning. Domain 5: Organization and Administration 5.1 Manage technology-assisted instruction in an inclusive classroom environment. 5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-making using technology tools. Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning 6.1 Explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional content and pedagogical knowledge. 6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice 6.3 Collaborate with peers, colleagues, and stakeholders to access information in support of professional learning. Domain 7: Teacher Disposition 7.1 Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources. 7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools. Likewise, the Department of Education issued DepEd Order 42. S.2017 mandating the use of the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers to start with the Beginning Teachers who are the fresh graduates from the Teacher Education Program. The document includes showing of skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate teaching and learning and show skills in the selection development and use of the variety of teaching-learning resources, including ICT to address learning goals. These competency standards to learn and master will assure the 21st century learners in your class of a more enjoyable, creative, and innovative ways in teaching and learning. An international organization for educational technology called International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) established standards for both teachers and students. These standards were also referred to in the development of the Philippine ICT Competency Standards which includes the following: ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T) Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experiences Standard 3: Teaching Learning and Curriculum Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues




Likewise, ISTE also develop standards even for students. These standards will be used as a guide by teachers to plan technology-based activities in which students achieve success in learning communication and life skills. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem solving and Decision Making Standard 5: Digital Citizenship Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts As Pre-Service Teacher Education Students now, you will have to master the knowledge and skills for the standards for students. However, since you will become teachers in the future you should harness the same knowledge and skills to become future teachers. LEARNING ACTIVITY 1

SELF-REFLECTION (Answer on the provided sheet for Activities) Before we go further, let us first reflect on our current standing. As Pre-Service teachers, you already have your knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to the competency standards set. Reflect on your knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to the indicator. You may write it in the boxes below.

KNOWLEDGE As a Beginning Teacher, I know…

SKILLS As a Beginning Teacher, I do…

ATTITUDES As a Beginning Teacher, I feel…

the definition of some terms in Information and Communications Technology. Since I had my ICT and E-TECH subject during my Junior and Senior High School. I know the functions of different applications in Microsoft. Aside from the knowledge and ideas that I’ve gained from my teachers in different subject,the most important knowledge that I have is knowing what is being a teacher. I am aware what career path that I choose. I have knowledge about the responsibilities as a beginning teacher and I am ready as a future teacher because I am d i d

have good communication skills because I’m a good listener. I can motivate others, when my classmates and friends were feeling down I drive them to believe themselves. I am also creative and innovative because I’m the person who is interested in learning new things. I have also skills in operating technology such as laptop, cellphone, computer, printer etc. I also do my own report and making presentation. I can make and edit picture, documents and videos.

Excited but also pressured. I’m excited to gain new knowledge and skills that will improve me to become better version of myself as aspiring teacher. But I’m also pressured because I know there are still many challenges, triumph and disappointment that I’ll face but I’ll always keep in my mind to take that as motivation towards my dreams.




UNDERSTANDING THE BASIC CONCEPTS IN ICT Let us explore various resources to have a clear understanding of this lesson. Let us unpack some concepts and terms related to technology for teaching and learning. You can further find more explanation here as you go along with other references in the library or in the web. Here are some terms and concepts that you need to know. 1. TECHNOLOGY- Refers to a mix of process and product used in the application of knowledge. 2. ICT LITERACY - Is the use of digital technology, communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information to function in a knowledge society. 3. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY- Refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning. Includes both digital and non-digital technology. 4. DIGITAL LITERACY - Is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create contents using information technologies and the Internet. 5. DIGITAL LEARNING- Is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. 6. ONLINE DIGITAL TOOLS AND APPS- Uses Internet connection to access the information needed. 7. OFF-LINE DIGITAL TOOLS AND APPS- Used without internet access. 8. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY- Is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning. 9. SOFTWARE- Refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation; stored on disks or tapes when not being used in the computer. 10. MULTIMEDIA- Is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in each presentation or self-study program. 11. INTERNET- Is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. Global network connecting millions of computers. 12. WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW)- A graphical environment on computer network that allows you to access, view and maintain documentations that can include text, data, sound, and videos. 13. WEB ACCESS- Is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during the lesson to take advantage of the array available education resources. 14. WEBQUEST- Inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all information that learners work with comes from the web. It is a teacher structured research experience for the students that is primarily based on the use of the www and typically takes one or more instructional periods. 15. PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS- Refers to any type of software associated with computers and related technologies that can be used as tools for personal, professional or classroom productivity. 16. TECHNOLOGY TOOL- Can be anything that help you accomplish your goal with the use of technology a. data/ calculation b. design c. discussion d. email e. handheld devices 17. BLOG- Online journal where posted information from both teachers and students are arranged. 18. WIKI- An editable website usually with limited access, allows students to collaboratively create and post written work or digital files, such as digital photos or videos. 19. FLIPPED CLASSROOM- Utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is required to use the web resources as homework or out of class activity as initial instruction of the lesson which will be discussed during class time. 20. PODCAST- Video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in the format of the radio talk show. 21. GOOGLE APPS- Cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in google server and is available for students both at home and in school. 22. VLOG- Is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text. 23. FACEBOOK- Popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide to present information on themselves and to the world.




24. VOIP (VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL) - Is a category of hardware and software that enables people to use the internet as a transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission. These are only few of the many terms found in our word cloud with your group mates explore in the web or reference books other terms that are defined and understood. LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 Create a simple Wordle Word Cloud using 20 ICT terms. You can use any layout, color, or font to emphasize. Save your Word Cloud as a JPEG File.

ROLES OF TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Are students of today interested to use technology to learn? Do teachers have the skills to use technology to enhance their teaching? With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nobody can deny the influence of technology in our lives. As future teachers of the 21st century, it is high time that you prepare yourselves to integrate technology in your classrooms. Using technology is a tool and a catalyst for change. What are the roles of technology for teaching and learning? As teaching and learning go together, let us explore what would be the roles of technology for teachers and teaching and for learners and learning. Educational technology has three domains: 1. TECHNOLOGY AS A TUTOR - Together with the teacher, technology can support the teacher to teach another person. Technology, when programmed by the teacher can be a shooter on its own. The teacher will simply switch on or switch off radio programs television programs or play DVDs or CDs that contain educational programs. There are online tutorial education programs, as well. 2. TECHNOLOGY AS A TEACHING TOOL - Like a tutor, technology is a teaching tool but can never replace a teacher. This is like the handyman which is just there to be reached. Like any other tool, it is being used to facilitate and lighten the work of the teacher. It will be good if the teacher can also create or develop technology tools that are needed in the classroom. 3. TECHNOLOGY AS A LEARNING TOOL - While the teacher utilizes technology as a tool for teaching, likewise it is an effective tool for learning. As a learning tool, it makes learning easy and PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY



effective. It can produce learning outcomes that call for technology-assisted teaching. Even the teachers who are teaching can utilize similar tools for learning. As a learning tool, it is a very interesting that even the elderly uses these tools for learning in life. There are numerous roles that technology plays in the job of teachers. As a tool, technology has opened wider avenues in management of resources and management of learning. Likewise, it has modernized the teaching-learning environment in schools. Here are some roles that technology can do for teachers and teaching.  Technology provides enormous support to the teacher as the facilitator.  Technology has modernized the teaching-learning environment.  Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching.  Technology opens new fields in educational researches.  Technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific outlook.  Technology supports teacher professional development. Teachers must also be aware that technology plays a great role in terms of learning. Here are some roles that technology can do for learners and learning.   

Technology support learners to learn how to learn on their own. Technology enhances learners’ communication skills through social interactions. Technology upgrades learners’ higher order thinking skills; critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.

REFLECTION QUESTIONS Answer the following questions. 1. How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner? Since I was in high school, technology influenced my life so much as a learner. The old me who is very innocent in using cellphone and laptop turned into a 21 st century learner who always hopping on the trend. I remembered when I was grade 8 when I started using the so called pisonet computer because my teacher gave an assignment that need to research. I didn’t know what to do then my friend helped me. She created my fb account but I got mad that time because I don’t have a time in that kind of stuff but later on I learned and enjoyed it. I realized that technology influenced my life as a leaner is bad and good. It is bad because I got addicted to social media sites wherein I’m no longer making the usual things that I do. However it has a good influence, through the use of technology I easily search and find the answers to the things that I don’t know. Back then, I was just lending cellphone with my classmate and I’d need to go to computer shop to search and do my homework but now I thank God for everything because I have already my cellphone, laptop and stable internet connection. Especially this time of pandemic, this time of new mode of learning, fortunately there is technology which helps me so much in guiding me to understand the lessons by searching and reading to the credible online resources. I do not have to buy books to find an articles or resources because one click in internet you will get the answer.

2. How will I use Technology When I become a Teacher? When I become a teacher someday, I will use technology responsibly. I’m gonna use technology to learn more knowledge and make me as an efficient and effective teacher. I will make it as my guide by searching more facts in internet about the lesson that I will teach to my students and I will make this as my instrument to demonstrate the topic. With the help of technology tools I will create new learning opportunities to support my teaching specifically to the 21 st Century learners. Lastly, I will use technology to take the attention and interest of my students to listen attentively and engage in class. I believe it’s the perfect tool to make my class to follow the instructions and lessons.




SUMMARY Here are some pointers to remember:      

ICT competency standards for pre-service teachers ensures every future teacher to demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of information, communication, and technology resources in promoting quality teaching and learning process. The ICT competency standards is made up of 7 domains. Becoming proficient in the different competencies will enable you to handle learners of the 21st century in your future classroom. ISTE developed standards for teachers and students to achieve success in learning communication and life skills through technology-based activities. Familiarizing concepts and terms related to technology for teaching and learning will greatly affect your competency as a future teacher. The roles of technology for teachi...

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