Understanding consumer behavior and psychology: Samsung Brand PDF

Title Understanding consumer behavior and psychology: Samsung Brand
Author Angelina Lewis
Course Principles of Marketing Management
Institution Mt. San Jacinto College
Pages 11
File Size 173.4 KB
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Running Head: UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND PSYCHOLOGY 1Samsung Brand Author’s Name Course Instructor Name Assignment Due DateSamsung Brand Samsung Brand is among the leading and popular electronic line of products in the entire world. The company has managed to develop one of the leading bran...



Samsung Brand Author’s Name Course Instructor Name Assignment Due Date




Samsung Brand Samsung Brand is among the leading and popular electronic line of products in the entire world. The company has managed to develop one of the leading brand in consumer electronic industry by using different consumer behavior concepts to develop unique products with suitable marketing strategy that have improved their product visibility and sales in the market. Despite manufacturing a wide range of products, Samsung brand still produces tops products, such as smartphone, sound systems, fridge, and television. Samsung has managed to establish a top brand in the whole world by establishing suitable consumer psychographics (values and lifestyle), brand personality (Big 5), and consumer decision-making process to influence consumer purchasing patterns as well as popularity of their products in the market. Analysis Brand personality of Samsung As Aaker (1991) had put it, brand character is characterized as a cluster of human attributes related with a brand. Exploration made before Aaker's scale recommended that a brand is favored more if the human quality depict an individual are viable and can relate with, which Samsung has integrated into their brand well. By utilizing a big five human attributes, Samsung has managed to incorporate Aaker’s (1999) notions that built up a personality for their brand scale, with five attributes: sincerity, excitement, ruggedness, sophistication, and competence, inciting fifteen features in human beings and wide scope of consumers. Samsung has managed to employ brand personality notwithstanding its critics concerning its informal meaning, which is brought about by attributes like age, sexual orientation, classification confusion. An individual personality and character influence his/her purchasing patterns and conduct. Character is the obvious human attributes and practices that make an individual



different from each other. The attributes, for example, fearlessness, strength, friendliness, independence, security, flexibility, and power are utilized for depicting the character of a person. Customers are likely to buy the items or brands that coordinate with their characters (Aaker, 1999). Customers will in general recognize themselves with specific brands or use brands as a

methods for self-articulation (Puzakova et al., 2013) . It implies that brands are additionally seen to have the character similarly as people. Brands, such as Samsung have strived hard to get the right consumer perception to ensure that inherent need are met in a unique manner. There marketing technique also target different use personalities. Brand character influences purchasers' relationship to a brand just as the strength of the relationship. Properties of the brand, for example, appearance, cost, and quality, may change, yet the brand character is the part of the steady brand (Klink & Athaide, 2012). Brand character can prompt brand inclination, which may prompt dependability, which is expected to avoid rivalry. Samsung has managed to integrate excitement into their products. Most of products are utterly unique and captivating. One look at the Samsung products makes you feels excited and charmed, and blood races to your head, leaving your face flushed with shading. It is additionally sophisticate and cool. The innovation and products of Samsung inspire awe, with their sleek designs and quality products. They does not simply look prettify and cool; Samsung products are designed with super cool highlights that intrigue individuals deep down, attracting huge consumer bases that needs to own flashy Samsung item for their use and as way of lifestyle. Samsung products are ideal illustration of excellence and intelligence particularly with latest product lines of their smartphones and smart Television. On top of that, it additionally performs perfectly; its quality is reliable and dependable, which most consumer sort out in the market particularly when purchasing electronics.



Samsung items are exceptionally designed to guarantee consumer loyalty and address individual necessities at a specific time. Therefore, functional advantages are viewed as essential as customers can accomplish rational mental fulfillment. The tendency is to improve self-worth to their customer through emblematic significance and with information of using specific items (Hirsh, Kang, & Bodenhausen, 2012). In addition, the items are worthy among customers, hence expanding self-esteem, satisfaction, furthermore, building up an ability to be autonomous. Somehow, the brand has created technique to improve correspondence and mechanism for customer recognition in the given market and separate organizations. To accomplish a serious market favorable position and confronting contenders Samsung Company has made the items additionally engaging and appealing to customers (Hirsh, Kang, & Bodenhausen, 2012) . Using such, techniques build up and fortify the association of the organization with its consumer in the market. Samsung brand also constantly produces new items into the market. It improves acknowledgment and loyalty among purchasers to improve levels of market competitiveness. The company constantly upgrades and improves their designs and technology, to satisfy consumer needs and offer a wider variety of choices (Klink & Athaide, 2012). The main objective is to meet changing purchaser tastes and inclinations that guarantees market extension. All sum product also meet technology guideline, which has help improve their reliability in their competitive market. Consumer-Decision Making Process Samsung also uses anchoring and adjustment technique to help determine consumer decision-making process when purchasing their product. Anchoring and adjustment technique allow customers to compare prices of products before settling for the next best alternative. It enhances sale conversion, which Samsung has utilized in dominating the electronic market in the



whole world. For example, Samsung's items have different costs to help meet the diverse needs of their buyers. The different costs offer shoppers a wide scope of decisions essential in buying choices. Suitable pricing is essential for a firm as it guarantees that an organization imparts to the customers a worth, which they can connect to the item. This is specific in the situations where buyers utilize the value set as a heuristic for making purchases and settling on suitable choice of a specific item. Overall, estimating is a basic advertising component as it imparts the market and item estimation that a company delivers to their consumers. Presenting a new product is vital as it guarantees that the organization items in the market, which consumers can use to anchoring and adjustment to promote sales of previous products, which are still in sales in the market. Nonetheless, prior to presenting another brand or item to the market, Samsung normally survey the market to guarantee that the item being presented in the market addresses the issues and needs of their consumers. They achieve this by comprehending their contenders, customer conduct, and evaluating different variables that influencing the buying conduct of the consumer. Samsung apply personality to their brands that buyers can relate with, such as, bold, energizing, intense, refined, innovative, strong, and others. These characters are framed through correspondence of any sort between the brand and the customer. There is normally nothing inherent for a brand that makes it, for instance, refreshing, energizing, or customary; rather these characteristics are shaped through the immediate or aberrant contact a purchaser has with a brand, including the user of the product image. The Samsung logo also communicate all, sincerity Excitement, competence, sophistication (the front vowel), and ruggedness as shown below in figure 1. It show that products are also exudes openness, with high levels of creativity,



imaginative, and insightful, which are key factors that consumers examine when purchasing electronic gadgets.

Figure 1: Samsung Logo, [Online Image], 2020. retrieved from: https://www.designyourway.net/blog/graphic-design/the-samsung-logo/ Samsung Value and Lifestyle Lately, Samsung's prosperity is owing to the mainstays of its offer: advancement, plan, quality, and cost. Samsung has set up itself as an advancement chief, continually delivering items in a steady progression that are pressed with highlights enough to make a Samsung consumer covet until a new Samsung item is delivered. Samsung does not end at conveying innovative development to its customers, and it wraps the entirety of its persuasive highlights splendidly (Matz et al., 2017). Samsung items' are classy and exciting, oozing a disorienting expression of colorful style. Then again, Samsung's high detail for quality converts into the items that it discharges – and this does not go unnoticed by its buyers, as proven by its capacity to order a premium. At last, Samsung's value point gives another shopper a solid motivation to buy. Its costs are very more reasonable than Apple's, yet the worth that Samsung conveys to its supporter's matches, if not absolutely surpassing, the worth that they get from Apple.



. Functional feature in Samsung brand include offering products that are vital in the daily activities to help improve efficiency of its purchasers while enhancing their functionality (Schwartz, 2012). These include products like phone gadgets for example, tablets, and smartphones, which are essential for communication and socializing (Ashforth & Mael,1989). There is also the category for smart TVs offering a suitable form entertainment with quality picture and display. All these products permits clients to encounter unique performance that extremely light and convenient. The home appliance offered with Samsung brands are also easy to utilize coupled with a decent client support. All Products of Samsung brand guarantee that an individual belong and fits to a specific kind of lifestyle, which promotes a sense of belong (Ashforth & Mael,1989). Its products and unrivaled items are truly tough and have a high resale values, which most consumer prefer. Consumers can share content effectively with other users using their advanced devices. Lastly, Samsung consistently gives its buyers alternatives, regarding item assortment, however as far as its highlights too. Evaluation For Samsung to continue their market dominance as technology giants, they need to they will not make their brand more pertinent to lives of their consumers. Despite using various consumer behavior theories to determine costumer purchasing patterns and relevant values that attract to them, as long as a product does not solve the inherent needs of the consumer it is useless (Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004: Knowles & Gardner, 2008)). Most technology companies, including Samsung have made certain products that have failed to connect with their consumer at a more personal level despite being unique and sleek. Samsung brand should to strive to have their consumers at the mind before releasing any product into the market. The



company is also quick to end some of its campaign for specific products, and quickly jumps into new products, which have failed to connect with their customer at a more personal level. Samsung consistently attempts to make its product more pertinent to customers. Subsequently, it continues distinguishing problems spots in the customers' lives and creatively thinks of highlights that give answers for the purchaser (Reed & Bolton, 2005). Additionally, Samsung takes care of business by deciphering their items' advanced specs into something that is effectively reasonable for its customers. Using the latter technique, has help improve their brand personality and character, which has been plus in improving their reliability and trustworthiness in the market place. Samsung has shined regarding innovation. It has thought of a wide scope of results of the best quality, for example, cell phones, TV, fridges, cameras, and tablets. This system of concocting a top-notch item range has encouraged them produce what individuals require and make client trust. Based on what was accumulated in appraisals one and two, the clients being referred to require cell phones. With the always arising and developing patterns in innovation, various individuals over the world have cell phones. With the interest for devices developing, Samsung saw a colossal open door in the hardware producing area. Different elements draw in shoppers, a significant one being acceptable quality items. From the contextual investigation in evaluation one, after an intensive data search, the client discovered Samsung telephones to be of high caliber. A few highlights left the client, for example, high stockpiling limit, quality batteries, and expandable memory. Conclusion Samsung Brand is among reputable electronic line of items in the whole world. The organization has figured out how to create a top brand in the customer electronic industry by



utilizing distinctive consumer conduct to create remarkable items with a reasonable promoting procedure that has improved their item perceptible and sale. Regardless of assembling a wide scope of items, the Samsung brand actually creates tops items, for example, cell phones, home theaters, refrigerators, and TV. Samsung has figured out how to build up a top brand in the entire world by setting up appropriate buyer psychographics, brand character and personality, and customer decision-making process to increase their consumer purchases.



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Puzakova, M., Kwak, H., & Rocereto, J. F. (2013). When humanizing brands goes wrong: The detrimental effect of brand anthropomorphization amid product wrongdoings. Journal of marketing, 77(3), 81-100....

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