UNIT 2 Essay Outline - homeowkr assignment PDF

Title UNIT 2 Essay Outline - homeowkr assignment
Author Holly Thach
Course English Composition I
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Pages 4
File Size 69.8 KB
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homeowkr assignment...


Unit 2 Ad Analysis Paper Notes Introduction -


You are allowed to use “I” You MUST include the following: o Brings the reader into the paper with an intriguing image, thought, or element of the ad. o Briefly summarizes the ad. o Includes a thesis statement that addresses your rhetorical findings in the ad and tells the reader whether or not you found the ad as a whole to be effective. Optional: You can start with a more “traditional” introduction. o For example: People see hundreds of ads each day. How do they know if an ad is effective? (blah blah blah) o

Description: What??? At least one full double-spaced page -

Product/service Company/School/Organization Does the Ad look like/ What happens in the commercial?

* You should put the product and company in the first paragraph of the description. I shouldn’t have to read further than 3 lines to find them. What does the Ad/Commercial look like? -

Elements (Unity, Balance, Clarity, etc) People, Animals or Objects in the Ad Any words that appear on screen/in the ad Any important phrases from the voice-over (commercial only)

How to build a paragraph: 1) Name the element. (ex: This ad has informal balance.) 2) Define the element (Informal balance means…) 3) Give the example from your ad. (All the pictures are at the top of the ad and the words are at the bottom.)

Summary Audience: Who??? ½ page or longer Describe who the ad/company is appealing to -



Age (kid, teens, 30 +, 60+) Race/Ethnicity Social Class/status o Relationship Status (Married, Single) o Income

Be sure to state: 1) The Obvious Audience 2) Who the Ad could be for 3) Who is left out (or who wouldn’t really care) Your summary should recap on the prior arguments without directly restating them. Take this brief section as time to contemplate how you formed this understanding of your ad and if the elements of your ad worked effectively overall.

Analysis: Why?? (At least 1.5 pages, 2 is better) -



Why Did They… o Pick any aspect (the background music, the colors, the people, the slogan)  This ad uses Queen’s “We Are the Champions” in the background. o Explain why you think they used this aspect. (Take an educated guess!) o EX: Why did they choose to use Al Roker, a celebrity weather man, in the commercial we watched about emergency preparedness?  “We Are the Champions” makes people think about winning, so they will associate winning with this product. o You should explain at least 3 aspects of your commercial Emotions o How does the ad make its intended audience feel? Logic o Does the ad make sense or is it completely ridiculous? Credibility o Is this company or school trustworthy or believable?  Why do we trust Best Buy when it comes to buying computers?  Why do we trust ESPN for sports news? Uses details from your description to make claims about the rhetoric of the ad. Whenever a claim is made evidence is provided to explain the reasoning behind the claim. Addresses (ethos/pathos/logos), 15 Basic appeals, persuasive techniques, elements of a successful advertisement. Is objective and does not contain the writer’s judgment of the ad.

NOTE: If there is a slogan or catch phrase (or any words), you should explain why you think they use it.

Evaluation: How Well?? ½ page or more -



Tell me what the ad did well. o Ex: The ad used a familiar song, “We Are the Champions,” to catch people’s attention. Tell me what the ad did poorly/badly o OR Tell me what you would change  Ex. I would have picked a different song to play in the background. I would have chosen LL Cool J’s “Mama Said Knock You Out.” Overall: Tell me if the ad was effective or ineffective o I WANT TO SEE THE WORD “EFFECTIVE” OR “INEFFECTIVE” Addresses claims from your analysis and comments on whether or not they were effective uses of rhetoric. Evaluates all individual claims in light of the target audience, and then evaluated the ad as a whole. Evidence is always provided to reinforce evaluations and to show why the judgment was made. Finally, a brief overview of your personal evaluation of the ad as a whole.

Possible Words to Use -

Useful v. Useless Good v. Bad; Well v. Poorly Terrible; Horrible; Awful Awesome, Creative, Clever

Conclusion -


You are allowed to use “I” Your conclusion is going to be very short (probably only 2-3 sentences); this is okay! You MUST include the following: o Restate your one sentence summary of the ad. o Tell me if the ad was effective, for the target audience, overall. -Restates the thesis Discusses your understanding of analysis after having taken on this assignment. Ends with an “open door” that allows the reader to continue thinking about your findings. This can be done through a striking image, a question, or provocative statement.


Optional: You can state whether or not you recommend this ad. o Ex: If you want to learn more about SIU, I would recommend you watch this ad....

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