Unit 6 Juxtaposition Text 11 The Great Tide Pool PDF

Title Unit 6 Juxtaposition Text 11 The Great Tide Pool
Course English Language Education
Institution Universitas Negeri Malang
Pages 2
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Text 11: The Great Tide Pool Doc was collecting marine animals in the Great Tide Pool on the tip of the peninsula. It is a fabulous place, when the tide is in, a wavechurned basin, creamy with foam, whipped by the combers that roll in from the whistling buoy of the reef. But when the tide goes out the little water world becomes quiet and lovely. The sea is very clear and the bottom becomes fantastic with hurrying, fighting, feeding, breeding animals. Crabs rush from frond to frond of the waving algae. Starfish squat over mussels and limpets, attach their million litter suckers and then slowly lift with incredible power until the prey is broken from the rock. And then the starfish stomach comes out and envelops its food. Orange and speckled and fluted nudibranchs slide gracefully over the rocks, their skirts waving like little dresses of Spanish dancer. And black eels poke their heads out of crevices and wait for their prey. The snapping shrimps with their trigger claws pop loudly. The lovely, colored world is glassed over. Hermit crabs like frantic children scamper on the bottom sand. And now one, finding an empty snail shell likes better than his own, creeps out, exposing his soft body to the enemy for a moment, and then pops into the new shell. A wave breaks over the barrier, and churns the glassy water for a moment and mixes bubbles into the pool, and then it clears and is tranquil and lovely and murderous again. Here a crab tears a leg from his brother. The anemones expand like soft and brilliant flowers, inviting any tired and perplexed animal to lie for a moment in their arms, and when some small crab or little tide-pool Johnnie accepts the green and purple invitation, the petals whip in, the stinging cells shoot tiny narcotic needles into the prey and it grows weak and perhaps sleepy while the searing caustic digestive acids melt its body down. Questions 1. What is the amazing contrast between the Pool at high and low tide? What words convey the impression of the turmoil of the waters? 2. At low tide the little water world appears to be tranquil except for an occasional wave breaking over the barrier. What expression in the passage best describes the smooth surface? 3. What series of words does the author first employ to suggest the further contrast: tremendous activity going on beneath a surface so quiet and lovely? 4. What is “incredible” about the starfish? Why? 5. How does the author suggest the loveliness of the anemones? 6. “…the petals whip in”. How does this contrast with the loveliness? Suggest why it is such an admirable introduction to the remainder of the sentence? 7. Explain “tiny narcotic needles”. What other word or words in the sentence indicate the meaning of “narcotic”? 8. How is our attention drawn to the beauty of the nudibranchs?

9. What strong contrast is brought out by the juxtaposition of this sentence with the ones occurring immediately before and after? 10. “…then it clears and is tranquil and lovely and murderous again". What is unusual and effective in the juxtaposition of words here? 11. What is the main contrast which is suggested throughout? Answer key: 1. It is a fabulous place, when the tide is in, a wave-churned basin, creamy with foam, whipped by the combers that roll in from the whistling buoy of the reef. But when the tide goes out the little water world becomes quiet and lovely. The sea is very clear and the bottom becomes fantastic with hurrying, fighting, feeding, breeding animals. The words that convey the impression of the turmoil of the waters are wave-churned, creamy with foam, whipped by the combers. 2. The bottom becomes fantastic with hurrying, fighting, feeding, breeding animals. 3. It is a fabulous place, when the tide is in, a wave-churned basin, creamy with foam, whipped by the combers that roll in from the whistling buoy of the reef. But when the tide goes out the little water world becomes quiet and lovely. The sea is very clear and the bottom becomes fantastic with hurrying, fighting, feeding, breeding animals. 4. What makes it extraordinary is their million litter suckers, because they use that to slowly lift their prey until broken from the rock. 5. The anemones expand like soft and brilliant flowers 6. Because it is part of the body or the advantages possessed by Anemone. Anemone itself is a type of animal that can be expanded like a soft and bright flower, but it can also be deadly to its prey. 7. The other word to indicate the meaning of "narcotic" is stings or personal protective equipment. 8. Orange and speckled and fluted nudibranchs slide gracefully over the rocks, their skirts waving like little dresses of Spanish dancer. 9. A wave breaks over the barrier, and churns the glassy water for a moment and mixes bubbles into the pool, and then it clears and is tranquil and lovely and murderous again. Here a crab tears a leg from his brother. 10. What is unusual is the words "tranquil and murderous", while the words "clears and lovely" are effective. 11. Beautiful and deadly marine life....

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