UNV-103 grand canyon university Topic3 Your GCU Experience Online worksheet completed PDF

Title UNV-103 grand canyon university Topic3 Your GCU Experience Online worksheet completed
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Your GCU experience online worksheet completed topic 3 grand canyon university managing the gcu site with lopeswrite programs....


Name: Jayme Sue Pauline Course: UNV-103 Date:07-18-21 Instructor: Sean Diana/ Tania Radda

Topic 3 Managing Your GCU Experience Directions: In order to gain insight into your professional and college experiences, answer the following questions. Record your responses to all questions on this document (the boxes will expand should you require more space).

What are some of the social and professional organizations specific to your program? How likely are you to join one of these organizations? Which one interests you the most, why? (Minimum 100 words total)

Set and share a goal for how you will become involved in a social /professional organization. Discuss how involvement in these types of groups could positively affect you as a student/employee? (Minimum 100 words total)

The APA (American Psychological Association) and the AAFP (American Academy of Forensic Psychology) are two of the most common and best rated organizations I have researched. The one I am familiar with and use already for informational purposes is the APA. I chose this organization because I do not have to become a member to be able to utilize some of the great benefits it offers. With that being said, the price for a membership is very reasonable so if I did decide to join, I know I would be confident with my purchase. The site itself offers many options to help guide me through my college career, including some self-taught options to continue learning on my own if desired. Another thing that I personally find useful is the financial assistance information they have available to navigate through. As a student, I appreciate having this resource on-hand. When I am more financially able, my goal is to purchase the one-year membership that the APA has to offer. In purchasing this membership, I will be able to utilize and explore all benefits available to me with no limitations. I believe it will help me grow more as a student and provide more insight on which direction I want to go with this. I would also like to explore the option of reviewing and speaking with a specialist in my field that could give me better insight and detail first-hand rather than just reading articles relating to it. It would help give me a visual idea of how I can apply real-life work with my education.

What do you need to achieve academically to be successful in the future? Are there any GPA requirements, volunteer hours, or employment experience associated with your future career that you learned more about or that you would like to learn more about? (Minimum 100 words total)

Utilizing the gcu.edu website https://www.gcu.edu, locate and explain GCU's Mission and Vision, Five Mission Competencies, and GCU’s Christian Identity and Mission. (Minimum 100 words total)

Depending on which direction I take with this and if I decide to further my education to go beyond a bachelor’s degree, there are a few career paths that I am interested in learning more about. To achieve my first goal in receiving my bachelors, I would be somewhat limited to career choices but the main reason I want to take this course is because the subject is something I want to understand more in depth and have a full grasp of. One career choice that piqued my interest most is a position in which I could be a Victims Advocate. From what I have researched, some employment experience/volunteer work would be required if I wanted to take on that path, otherwise it is obtainable with a bachelors. I would still like to learn more about this position, so it is not set in stone. I picked this career because I personally remember what my victims advocate did for me in my own DV case. To be able to help other people in that way would be rewarding on its own.  GCU Mission and Vision: “To prepare learners to become global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators and responsible leaders by providing an academically challenging, values-based curriculum from the context of our Christian heritage.” The vision is basically telling us that GCU is a Highly recognized Christian school that is making every effort to change our society educationally. Grand Canyon will prepare us to be a well-rounded citizen who will be able to perform and simulate anywhere on the globe. We will be effective critical thinkers, effective communicators, and better leaders once we have completed our course of studies The vision is telling us that GCU is a highly recognized Christian school that makes an effort to help our society meet today’s educational standards under Gods will. GCU will help us practice and successfully master critical thinking, effective communication, and help us be leaders in life following in his path.  Five Mission Competencies: Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the

workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globally Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globally Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globally Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globall Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills

ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globall Leadership: graduate will have superb leadership skills ii) Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in any public forum iii) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is important to problem-solving in the workplace. iv) Technology: upon the completion of your studies you will be able to tackle most of life's new technological challenges, use technology to your advantage. v) Global Citizenship: Students will be able to work and perform globall Leadership: Graduates will have outstanding leadership skills. Communication: Graduates will be able to communicate with ease in any public setting or forum. Critical Thinking: Graduates will know how to effectively problem-solve in everyday situations. Technology: you will be up-to-date with technology to use to your advantage. Global Citizenship: Graduates will be able to work and perform globally with no limitations.

The GCU Academic Catalog lists the

 GCU’s Christian Identity and Mission: “GCU's identity and mission have remained deeply rooted in "the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3) for nearly 70 years.” This mission I believe helps to uplift students so they can discover themselves spiritually and lead a Christfilled life.  University Foundations give students who

university's General Education Requirements. (They are also listed in the box to the right.) Use the link below to locate and describe the five General Education Competencies in your own words. https://www.gcu.edu/academics/academicpolicies.php

successfully show academic strengths and skills along with great leadership qualities the experience to further their growth. 

Effective Communication is useful for graduates to be able to communicate efficiently in a public or group forum.

Christian Worldview helps graduates of GCU to be able to confidently express their religious views and teach others about Christian heritage.

Critical Thinking is encouraged with students so they will be able to apply problem-solving thinking when needed in their everyday lives.

Global Awareness, Perspectives and Ethics will be included in our academic learnings so we will be aware and be able to relate to the history and current events around the world with ease.

(Minimum 100 words total)

The box to the right lists some situations you may encounter as a student at GCU. For each situation, list the steps you would take, and anyone you may need to contact in order to resolve each one. (Minimum 100 words total)

 Failing a class: If I were in this situation, I would start a private forum with my professor to see what I could do to correct my mistakes. If it were simply due to not understanding my learnings, I would seek a tutor through the Learning Center.

 Missed an assignment/exam due date: I would talk with my professor and let them know why I was delayed in turning in my work and if the reasons behind my mistake were understandable, I would ask for an extension.

 Feeling nervous or overwhelmed: If I had these feelings of nervousness or of being overwhelmed, I would seek counseling from my Student Services Counselor or my University Counselor.

 Scheduled for the wrong course/class: If I were ever scheduled for the wrong course or class, I would inform the Professor of the class to let them know of the mistake and then I would contact my Student Services Counselor, Mary Thompson.

 Cannot log into LoudCloud/GCU Library: I would start by going to GCU Technical Supporthttps://support.gcu.edu/hc/en-us and from there, I would follow the prompts that best fit my issue to resolve my problem. Worst case scenario I would contact the Technical Support Helpline....

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