UNV-103 T4 Purpose Plan Online assignment PDF

Title UNV-103 T4 Purpose Plan Online assignment
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
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: For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions designed to help you find and plan your
purpose. These questions are broken into an Academic Plan, a Spiritual Plan, and a Career Plan. Please respond
to each of the questions directly on this document (the boxes will expand as...


Name: Margarita Torres-Ramirez Course: UNV-103 Date: 6/28/21 Instructor: Professor Prather

Topic 4 Purpose Plan: Academic Life, Spiritual Life, and Career Directions: For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions designed to help you find and plan your purpose. These questions are broken into an Academic Plan, a Spiritual Plan, and a Career Plan. Please respond to each of the questions directly on this document (the boxes will expand as needed) and then answer the two reflection questions at the end of the document. Academic Plan To help you get the most out of your GCU experience, GCU offers support, services, and resources that enhance your academic pursuits. Find your major and program on the following website https://www.gcu.edu/degree-programs and complete the table below: In which program of study are you enrolled, or plan to enroll? What are some of the program core courses you are looking forward to taking and why? Which courses do you anticipate being the most challenging? Explain why.

I am in the online program for the Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

One of the classes I am interested in taking is PSY-355 Child and Adolescent Psychology. In the future, my goal is to work with children so I know I would enjoy the course. Another course I am interested in is PSY-255 Personality Psychology. Learning about the different types of personalities is something I am looking forward to because it will help me understand people's behaviors and the way they think. One of the courses I believe will be a bit challenging is PSY-495: Professional Capstone Project because we have to create a proposal for a research project. In the past, I have taken research methods in psychology courses. It was a bit challenging because we had to come up with our own research and collect data. I believe PSY-495 will be similar to the research method course I took so I know there will be a lot of writing assignments and research.

Spiritual Plan GCU is committed to integrating faith across all aspects of the GCU community. This stems from GCU’s mission to educate students from a Christian perspective and to prepare them for careers that honor God while serving others. Read about GCU’s “One Foundation” and watch all three videos, “One Foundation: Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work,” “Ethical Positions Statement,” and “Doctrinal Statement Introduction” located at https://www.gcu.edu/why-gcu/christian-identity-and-mission. After clicking on the link, scroll down to the One

Foundation section to read, and then click on the video in that section. You will need to click on the drop down within the first video window to access all 3 videos.

What did you take-away from these videos? How can you apply this to your experience while at GCU? (50-100 words)

This videos gave me an insight of what GCU does to praise the lord and share his word. Before watching these videos, I asked my self, "What is GCU doing that has to do with Christian faith at their school?" Before watching these videos, I was not sure how GCU incorporated faith into their schools. Since I am not on campus, I have not seen much about Christianity on the online courses. But after watching these videos, it is clear that GCU is doing a lot to share Christian values with the students. I like that in the GCU campus, they have weekly Chapel and The Gatherings. This is a place where teachers, students and faculty members come together to share the Lord's word. This made me want to go to the GCU campus and join one of these gatherings. But unfortunately since I live in another state, I can not attend. However, I saw in the description that they have these gatherings live on their YouTube channel. This this is something I will check out because due to covid, I have not been to church and this would be a good way to worship God and hear his word. What does service When I watched the global outreach video, I thought that was a great way for GCU outside of the students to deliver God's messages to other countries and see how they praise the classroom mean to Lord. If I were in the GCU campus, this is a service I would love to participate in. I you? How can you love to help other people and if I had the chance to spread God's word to other apply service while at countries, I would do it. Service outside the classroom to me means helping others GCU? (50-100 without expecting a reward or praise from anyone else. Service outside the classroom words) can be doing things such as volunteering at food banks, giving a meal to the homeless people, donating to fundraisers, helping the animals at your local animal shelter, helping out at the church, and etc. I can apply service while at GCU by volunteering at the church I go to. Since I want to work with children later on in the future, I could go to the church classes and share God's faith with the students. Before Covid-19, I would go to church and read the bible to the children every Sunday. This is something I would like to continue to do now that Covid restrictions are lifted. Career Plan Grand Canyon University offers several career service tools to help you discover potential career paths, build a resume, search for employment, and more. Take a few minutes to take the Career Compass survey located at https://www.focus2career.com/Portal/Register.cfm?SID=810 (Access Code: Purpose). You can watch the video below to assist you with the registration process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnvvHOt5LvE8yBMYeHV4mGPW88Q86ftmw. Even if you have completed an assessment such as this in the past, it is good to reassess yourself every so often to reevaluate your goals, focus, and direction based on your growth. After you complete the survey, fill in the following table. Research the details 1. Acute Care Nurse:work with patients with acute conditions and usually are the ones who prep the patients for surgery. of your Career Compass results, and

then list and describe at least three job descriptions.

2.Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses: They assess, diagnose, and treat individuals or/and families with any psychiatric disorder.

3. Agricultural Sciences Professor: a teacher who teaches poultry sciences, range management, agricultural soil conservation, etc. Based on your I was surprised to see all my results because I am an Introverted person so seeing my results, what scores like professor in agriculture and nursing is shocking because those are careers surprises did you that involve a lot of talking. I was also surprised to see that I got matched with find? If there are agriculture because I have no interest in plants and barely have any knowledge in none, explain why. agriculture. I can see why I got Nursing as a result because I like to help people, but I (100-150 words) am not interested in surgery and blood drawing work. I am more interested in counseling people, listening and helping them get through their hardships. Since I am an introvert, I would prefer to have a job that involves independent work but I love children. So my goal is to become a Speech Pathologist. In this job, I will be working with children one on one and talk about their progress with their parents. I don’t find talking to parents as bad as having to talk to a sick patient’s family. After completing I am currently enrolled to complete my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology here at your current GCU. After I have completed this, my goal is to get my Master’s degree in program/degree, what Speech-Language Pathology. Since I live in California, I plan to go to a University in this state so that I can take the in class courses. I don’t want to get my Master’s online is your plan? (grad because I feel the courses have a lot of information that would be better explained by school, internship, a professor on campus. In the meantime, I would also like to shadow or interview a career plan, etc.) Speech Pathologist to get an insight of what they do and any tips they might want to give me to succeed in this field.

Reflection Reflection Question 1: In 100 - 125 words, please respond to the following prompt: In order to achieve the goals in your purpose plan, you will need to employ self- management and self-leadership strategies. What self- management and self-leadership strategies do you plan on using, and how will you use them? Hint: You may want to review some of the weekly readings for insights. The following readings in particular may be helpful: Goal-Setting and Action Planning (Topic 4), Juggling Act (Topic 1), The Power of Accountability (Topic 1). Some self-management and self-leadership strategies I plan on using are setting a goal, practicing self-awareness, organization, and accountability. I set a goal, it will help me picture what I want to accomplish in the future. By doing this, it will motivate me to reach that goal. For instance, my goal right now is to finish my B.A degree and after getting my M.S degree. Since I applied to GCU, I have been motivated to finish my B.A because in order to reach my main goal, I have to take a couple of steps to get there. Getting my B. A is my first step. In order to do this, I have to be organized, practice self-awareness, and be accountable. These Self-Management and Self-leadership strategies are what will help me get through all my courses and hopefully pass them to move on to the next step of my goal.

Reflection Question 2: In 100 - 125 words, please respond to the following prompt: GCU provides many opportunities and resources to help you accomplish the goals in your purpose plan. What are some GCU opportunities and/or resources you will engage in to help you accomplish your goals? Some resources I will use to accomplish my goals at GCU are using the student resources such as the online library, the student success center, technical support, and learning support. The online Library will be helpful to me when I need to do a research project for any of my classes because it has many reliable sources I can get my information from. I can also contact the librarian if I need further assistance in finding any sources. Student success center will be helpful to me because it has many things such as a writing center, math center, and science center. The writing center for me will be the most useful because I can use their feedback when I write my research papers. Since this is an online class, technical support is a must to have in order to be successful. If I am experiencing any difficulties logging in or getting access to any sources, I can contact technical support for help. I know the teachers and counselors are also here to help so if I am unsure about something, I can also contact them as well....

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