Week 8 Short Responses- HIS 200 PDF

Title Week 8 Short Responses- HIS 200
Author Jazmine Jackson
Course Applied History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 55.5 KB
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Module 8 Short answer responses...


Module 8 Short Responses – Question 1 Consider the following statement: The support of non-Native Alaskans was an important factor leading to the settlement of Alaska Native land claims. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.

No, the information in the learning block explains that the support of the Native's was a turning point for the settlement and there isn't enough evidence and without that support, the settlement agreement wouldn't have went as it did. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 2 Consider the following statement: ANCSA was a fair settlement for Alaska Natives. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.

Yes, the information in this block supports this statement. With the ANCSA Act, the Alaska Natives still got economic and financial benefits to have family security and more. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 3 Consider the following statement: ANCSA led to economic benefits for white Alaskans as well as for Natives. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.

In my opinion, the learning block supports this statement. ANCSA was helped all parties and was received by in Alaska by Natives and Non-Natives. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 4 For an American Literature course: What skills from this course would you use to develop a brief essay on the significance of Walt Whitman's "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd," a poem written in the summer of 1865?

The skills I could use from this course to help me with the brief essay is researching why he wrote the poem, his intended audience and help understand the meaning of the poem. I would also try to find secondary and primary sources that would help support my essay on the significance of the poem. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 5

For a Sociology course: What skills from this course would you use to produce an annotated bibliography for your course research project?

Again, I would research on how to properly write an annotated bibliography and use my APA formatting skills to product the bibliography. I could also use the Shapiro Library to look at examples and research other bibliographies to get a visual example. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 6 For a Business course: What skills from this course would you use to decide between two different investment proposals?

I would research the pros and cons of each investment proposal and found out the importance of each. I would then research about each proposal in order to make a accurate decision and to provide evidence of the decision I made.? Module 8 Short Responses – Question 7 How can history serve as a lens for the rest of the academic program you'll pursue at SNHU? Has this course changed the way you think about what you want to study? Why or why not? Please respond to this question in two to three sentences, using proper grammar.

My major is sports management so this course will help me be able to interpret the history of sports and how it has impacted our world today. This course hasn't changed the way I think about what I'm studying only because I have done much research on what I'm studying before I decided that's what I wanted to do. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 8 What did you learn about one of these topics or historical events that was new or surprising to you? Explain in at least two to three sentences; be sure to use proper grammar.

Something that was surprising to me in the School desegregation in Boston topic was the busing situations. I never knew about the busing programs, laws that were effective but when I learned about them in this course I was surprised how busing had an impact on school desegregation. I wouldn't have ever thought that it would have caused so much violence and lost education for children. Module 8 Short Responses – Question 9 In one paragraph, explain which parts of your historical investigation and analysis were most

interesting to you. Which parts were less interesting? Be sure to use proper grammar.

The most interesting part of my historical investigation was doing all the research. I love learning new things about certain problems, or situations so when I was doing all the research everyday I found something new about my topic and it was all very interesting to me. The least interesting to me was putting it all together and getting it all in the right places for my essay. I had trouble trying to figure out where exactly to put certain information but after I figured it all out, I was excited to reread over it and notice all the research I had done....

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