When Technology and Humanity Cross PDF

Title When Technology and Humanity Cross
Course Science, Technology And Society
Institution Technological Institute of the Philippines
Pages 2
File Size 36.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 469
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When Technol ogy and Humani tyCrossH - human beings'U - unequivocalM - meansA - and privilege thatN - need to beR- respectedI - in order toG - gain success for humanityT - today and tomorrow in relation toS- Science and TechnologyWhat are human rights?Human rights are rights inherent to all human be...


WhenTechnol ogyandHumani t y Cr oss H-humanbei ngs ' U-unequi v oc al M -means A-andpr i v i l eget hat N-needt obe R-r espect ed I-i nor dert o G -gai ns uc ces sf orhumani t y T -t odayandt omor r owi nr el at i ont o S-Sc i enceandTechnol ogy Whatar ehumanr i ght s ? Humanr i ght sar er i ght si nher entt oal lhumanbei ngs ,what ev erournat i onal i t y ,pl aceof r esi dence,sex ,nat i onaloret hni cor i gi n,col our ,r el i gi on,l anguage,andt hel i k e.

Humanr i ght si nt hef ac eoft ec hnol ogi cal ands ci ent i ficadv ancementar ecr i t i cal f act or s i none' sj our neyt owar dagoodl i f e.Pr ot ec t i ngt hewel l bei ngandpr ot ect i ngt hedi gni t y oft hehumanper sonmustbeatt hecor eofcont i nuedsc i ent i ficandt echnol ogi cal pr ogr es sanddev el opment .Suchi st hef oc usoft hehumanr i ght sbasedappr oac ht o s ci ence,t ec hnol ogy ,andsoc i et y .

Thef ol l owi ngar et het hr eei mpor t antdocument s: 1.

Uni ver salDecl ar at i onofHumanRi ght sThi sdocumentaffir msever yone' sr i ghtt o par t i ci pat ei nandbenefitf r om sci ent i ficadvances,andbepr ot ect edf r om sci ent i fic mi suse.Ther i ghtt ot hebenefi t sofsc i encec omesundert hedomai nof' c ul t ur e, ' s oi ti s us ual l yex ami nedf r om acul t ur al r i ght sper s pec t i v e.


UNESCO Recommendat i onoft heSt at usofSci ent i ficResear cher s-Thi s documentt hatal ladvancesi nsci ent i ficandt echnol ogi calknowl edgeshoul dsol el y begear edt owar dst hewel f ar eoft hegl obalci t i zens,andcal l suponmemberst at est o devel opnecessar ypr ot ocolpol i ci est omoni t orandsecur et hi sobj ect i ve.Count r i es

ar eas k edt oshowt hats ci enceandt ec hnol ogyar ei nt egr at edi nt opol i ci est hatai mt oens ur e amor ehumaneandj ustsoci et y . 3.

UNESCO Decl ar at i onont heUseofSci ent i ficKnowl edge-Thi sdoc umentst at es , " Today ,mor et hanev er ,s c i enceandi t sappl i c at i onsar ei ndi spens abl ef ordev el opment .Al l l evel sofgover nmentandt hepr i vat esect orshoul dpr ovi deenhancedsuppor tf or bui l di ngupadequat eandevenl ydi st r i but edsci ent i ficandt echnol ogi calcapaci t y t hr oughappr opr i at eeducat i onandr esear chpr ogr amsasani ndi spensabl e f oundat i onf oreconomi c,soci al ,cul t ur al ,andenvi r onment al l ysound devel opment .Thi si spar t i cul ar l yur gentf ordev el opi ngcount r i es . "Thi sdecl ar at i on encompas sesi s suessuchaspol l ut i onf r eepr oduct i on,effic i entr es our cesus e,bi odi v er s i t y pr ot ect i on,andbr ai ndr ai ns .

Ahumanr i ght s-appr oacht osc i enc e,t ec hnol ogy ,anddev el opments et st hepar amet er s f ort heappr ai sal ofhowsc i enc e,t ec hnol ogy ,anddevel opmentpr omot ehumanwel l bei ng. Thus ,t hedi sc uss i ononhumanr i ght si nt hef aceoft hechangi ngs ci ent i ficand t ec hnol ogi cal cont ext smus tnots er v easmer el yadecor at i v emor al di mens i onof s ci ent i ficandt echnol ogi cal pol i c i esbutr at hert hev er yhear tofsus t ai nabl ef ut ur es . Humanr i ght sshoul dbei nt egr at edi nt ot hej our neyt owar dt heul t i mat egood.They s houl dgui dehumansnotonl yt oflour i shasi ndi vi dualmember sofsoci et ybutal sot o as si s teac hot heri nflour i shi ngcol l ect i v el yasasoc i et y .Humanr i ght sar er i ght st o sust ai nabi l i t y,asMukher j eeputi t .Theymayf unct i onast he" gol denmean, " par t i cul ar l ybypr ot ect i ngt heweak,poor ,andvul ner abl ef r om defici enci esand excessesofsci enceandt echnol ogy.Byi mposi nguponsci enceandt echnol ogyt he mor al andet hi caldut yt opr ot ec tanduphol dhumanr i ght s,t her ecanbeamor eeffect i v e andsus t ai nabl eappr oac ht obr i dgi ngt hegapbet weenpoorandr i chcount r i esonbot h t angi bl eandi nt angi bl eas pec t s.Ul t i mat el y ,al l t hes ewi l ll eadhumanst oflour i sh t oget hert hr oughs ci enceandt ec hnol ogy .

Summar y I ns ummar y ,t hegoodl i f eent ai l sl i vi ngi naj us tandpr ogr essi v esoc i et ywhosec i t i z ens hav et hef r eedom t oflour i sh.Thehumanper sonhast heaut onomyt omak ec hoi ces whi chmayenabl et hefl our i shi ngofhi s/ hersel fands oc i et y .Tobeabl et oat t ai ns ucha goodl i f e,onemustneedt oex er ci se,andt opr ot ec thi sorherr i ght sf orhumandi gni t yi s t heul t i mat ecor eofman' sexi st ence.Thus,t heUni t edNat i onspr oc l ai medUDHR asa gl obals t andar dt oensur et hatt her i ght sofaper s onar er ecogni z edandappr ec i at edby i ndi vi dual sr egar dl es sofr ace,gender ,r el i gi on,andeducat i on.Al so,what ev er endeav or sonehast oengage,whet hersci ent i ficornotoneneedst oknowt hathuman r i ght smustbepr ot ect edi nt hef aceofchal l engi ngcondi t i ons ....

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