Woordenlijst met de moeilijkste woorden en uitleg/vertaling PDF

Title Woordenlijst met de moeilijkste woorden en uitleg/vertaling
Course Economisch Engels I [en]
Institution Universiteit Gent
Pages 19
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Woordenlijst met de moeilijkste woorden en uitleg/vertaling...


VOCABULARY ENGLISH A payroll A vacancy (To be) headhunted Moonlighting A temp To resign To lay of To dismiss A remuneration An unemployment benefit Social security A fringe benefit A perk To purchase/ To make a purchase A current/ checking account A deposit account A savings account Economical To suspend To raise To rise To withdraw An overdraft To overdraw an account A savings account A debit card A credit card To owe A loan An invoice A mortgage

Loonlijst Vacature Gescout (zijn) Zwartwerk Interim worker Ontslag nemen Ontslaan Ontslaan/wegsturen Loon Werkloosheidsuitkering Sociale zekerheid Bijkomend voordeel Een ‘extraatje’ bij het loon Kopen Lopende/zichtrekening Zichtrekening Spaarrekening Zuinig Schorsen Doen stijgen Stijgen “(Geld) afhalen” Tekort, bankschuld In het rood gaan op een bankrekening Spaarrekening Bankkaart (direct van rekening) Kredietkaart Verschuldigd zijn Een lening Factuur “A loan for a house”/ hypotheek

A standing order

Automatische betaling via bank An account manager “The liaison with customers and suppliers Real estate Vastgoed Assets Activa Liabilities Passiva Bankrupt Failliet A turnover Omzet A yield Opbrengst A quarter Period of 3 months A subordinate Onderdaan A strike Staking A merger (to merge) Fusie (fusioneren) A takeover Overname Public limited company (NV) A plc Incorporated Inc Limited liability (BV) Ltd Small or midsized enterprise SME Eénmanszaak A sole trader A head office Hoofdkantoor Headquarters Official location of the company A share (shareholder) Een aandeel (aandeelhouder) A branch Filiaal Solvency Financiele betrouwbaarheid qua nakomen betalingen Corporate BedrijfsSWOT = Strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats A margin Winstmarge A division Een afdeling A market share Marktaandeel Price, promotion, place, product The four P’s Brand awareness Naamsbekendheid A product launch Lancering van een product A plant Industriele machines / fabriek An assembly line Lopende band The shop floor Werkvloer A warehouse Magazijn/Loods A competitor Concurrent Demand & supply Vraag & aanbod

A shipment A recession Regulation A volatile market Sustainable growth Raw materials Resources (An) emission To pollute A shortage/scarcity (scarce) A glut Emerging markets

Lading Deflatie/Recessie Richtlijnen, regeling, wet Things can change very fast in this volatile market Duurzame groei Grondstoffen All the things you need to run a business(money, people..) Uitstoot Vervuilen Gebrek, schaarste (schaars)

Verzadiging, overschot Country that has some characteristics of a developed market, but does not meet standards to be a developed market The stock exchange Beurs A stockbroker Beursmakelaar A flotation Beursintroductie An NGO Non-governmental organization Outsourcing Uitbesteden v/d realisatie v opdrachten aan externe uitvoerder A trade union Vakbond Social expenditures Sociale uitgaven (v/d overheid) A subcontractor Onderaannemer To economize Besparen Monetarism idea that an economy can be controlled by a central bank influencing the money supply Freshwater economics reduction of taxes encourages more earnings, savings and investment, and thereby expands ecomic activity and the total taxable national income Saltwater economics government spending and growth in the money supply stimulates the demands for goods and services and therefore expand economic activity Domestic market Binnenlandse markt Market-driven Influenced by market knowledge and customers’

To enter/penetrate a market To corner a market Market forces An equilibrium A supplier To allocate resources A labour dispute Wealth The monetary system

A gain/loss Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per capita GDP Gross National Product (GNP) The Green GDP The GINI coefficient

The business cycle A bubble

To overheat A depression A downturn A slump (being in a slump) Creeping inflation Runaway/ Double-digit inflation To contain/curb inflation An inflationista A deflationista

needs Toetreden tot een markt Een monopolie verwerven Forces that decide price levels Een evenwicht Een leverancier Middelen toebedelen Arbeidsconflict Rijkdom The set of institutions by which a government provides money in a country's economy. Winst/verlies Bruto Binnenlands Product GDP gedeeld daaar #inwoners Bruto Nationaal Product (GDP + winst in buitenland) Measure of sustainable growth Measure of inaquality (mate van ongelijkheid van ontwikkeling) Conjunctuur (= verandering v/h groeipercentage v/d econcomie of productie op de korte termijn) Trade in an asset at a price or price range that strongly deviates from the corresponding asset's intrinsic value.

Demand rises too fast Sustained period of negative economic growth Terugval Plotse daling – depression A gradual (geleidelijke) but continuous rise in inflation An increase in prices at a rate of between 10% and 99% Inflatie in de hand houden Economist who predicts high inflation “ “ “ low inflation


Considering inflation that results from low interest rates as not a real problem “ “ “ as a serious problem Hawkish Expenditure Uitgaven A budget deficit (surplus) Tekort (overschot) op de begroting Welfare stature (welfare = Verzorgingsstaat welzijn) An affluent society Welvaartsstaat Government interference Negative term to describe governement intervention State-run Overheidsgecontrolleerd State-owed VB: NMBS A (monetary) policy Beleid Austerity measures Strafmaatregelen Fiscal discipline Saving on public expenses to reduce the budget deficit To deregulate To remove national government controls or rules from a business Consumerism Consumption as a way of life Purchasing power Koopkracht Disposable income Money you can spend as you want Competitive Concurrentieel Law that makes it illegal for An antitrust law Market-rigging Invisible trade Trade barrier An export licence (BrE) / license (AmE) To undercut To dump A subsidy (to subsidize) An occupation/ profession

companies to restrict completion, set up a monopoly or control prices The practice of unfairly or illegally controlling the sale or the price of products

Trade in services Smt that makes trade btwn 2 countries more difficult Uitvoervergunning To charge (vragen) less than a competitor Onder de prijs verkopen Subsidie job

An applicant An application An application letter (form) To apply A curriculum vitae/ a résumé A referee

A reference A testimonial A qualification To qualify for Adept (being adapt at ingfrm) Degree Proficient Enthusiastic Computer-literate A self-starter A troubleshooter

Sollicitant Sollicitatie Sollicitatiebrief (formulier) Solliciteren CV Person who provides info about you when you try to get a job Aanbeveling/ verwijzing Aanbeveling A degree or diploma that you get when you successfully finish a course of study

In aanmerking komen voor Behendig Mate/grad/rang/gradatie Vakkundig Able to use a computer A person who is able to work effectively without regularly needing to be told what to do Someone who is employed by a company to deal with serious problems it is having


Being ready for changes and doing smt to influence them

Affirmative action

Giving advantage to those groups in society who are often treated unfairly

Reverse discrimination Equal-opportunities programme Colourism Blondism Youthism/adultism Weightism/sizism/heightis m Linguicism Favouritism Prejudice To nitpick

Positieve discriminatie A company’s policy to treat all people the some Discriminatie obv huidskleur Blond haar Leeftijd Gewicht of lent Taal Favorietjes Vooroordeel To find faults in unimportant

To get pigeon-holed

Wage discrimination The gender pay gap/divide The glass ceiling To hobnob A bigwig A fat cat An executive A CEO A CFO Incentive

details Wanneer mensen foute vooroordelen gevormd hebben over je Equal work, different wage Loonkloof Glazen plafond To spend time being friendly with someone who is important or famous

A person who has a powerful or important position A wealthy person Leidinggevende Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Smt that induces action or motivates efforts

An incentive scheme

Employee motivational programme which encourages you to work harder


Iemand die ontslaan is helpen bij zoeken naar nieuwe job Onkostenrekening To pay back

An expense account To reimburse (reimbursement) Job security To demote To make redundant Sick leave Maternity/ paternity leave Educational leave Annual leave Teleworking Severance pay A golden parachute

A golden goodbye A golden handshake

Werkzekerheid To give someone a job with a lower rank/ pos. than before Ontslaan Ziekteverlof Moeder/vaderschapsverlof Verlof om te studeren Jaarlijks verlof Working at home Ontslagvergoeding A large payment made to someone who has an important job with a company when that person is forced to leave their job A large amount of money that a company pays an executive when they leave their job: Reword for very long and good

A golden hello

service in their job, when they leave An extra payment that is given to someone for accepting a new job

Golden Handcufs

Payments made to employees, especially those in a high position, as a way of persuading them not to leave their jobs and go and work somewhere else

A commission fee

Part of the price goes to the one who closed the deal

To poach

1. Iemand van een ander bedrijf overtuigen bij jou te komen 2. To take smt unfairly The activity of calling or visiting a possible customer to try to sell them something without being asked by the customer to do so Describes way company thinks, feel & act


Corporate culture Canteen culture To schedule To prioritize An extension To gauge To be prone to Anxiety (anxious) A commute Absenteeism Presenteeism

To dress down To discriminate against somebody To bully (a bully) Hazing To mediate (mediator) Stereotypical An expat Ambush/stealth marketing

Describes how employee’s act in practice Plannen Prioriteiten stellen Vergoeding voor overuren To estimate, to measure Vatbaar voor Bezorgdheid – stress - angst Daily trip from work to home Persistent absence A loss of workplaceproductivity, resulting from employee health/ personal problems 1. Boos zijn op iemand 2. To wear informal clothes Iemand discrimineren Pesten (pestkop) Ontgroenen Bemiddelen Stereotype Someone who does not live in their own country Situation in which a company tries to

advertise its products in connection with a big public event, without paying any money, although they are not the official sponsor

To market A niche Target market/audience Buzz/viral marketing Guerilla marketing

Op de markt brengen Special area or demand for a product or service Doelpubliek A method of selling a product by getting people to talk about it to other people, especially over the internet

Any form of marketing that is original, unusual, and not expensive

Above the line promotion

Advertising on mass media like TV, radio and magazines Below the line promotion Uses media to target a niche Word of mouth advertising Mond-tot-mondreclame Advertising for products and Point of sale advertising Infomercial

services at the places where they are bought A long television advertisement, that contains a lot of information and seems like a normal programme

A jingle

A short simple tune, often with words, that is easy to remember and is used to advertise a product on the radio or television

Nation branding To endorse Celebrity endorsement

Reputation of countries Aanbevelen

A toy premium Product placement

Extra speeltje bij AK product

A sweepstake A cross promotion To redeem To twofer A bogof A loyality card To sample/ a (free) sample A freebie

Fameus people endorse a product to make people purchase it A way of advertising a product by supplying it for use in films or television programmes Type of gambling (bv. Horse race) Promotion involving two companies selling their products togheter To turn in and receive smt in exchange

Two for the price of one Buy one, get one free Klantenkaart Een steekproef nemen (to taste/ try small amount) Iets gratis weggeven om klanten te


Retail (retailer) Wholesale (wholesaler) The fine print A checkout/counter Cash on delivery A scam Counterfeit (adj) Coca-Colonization Brazilification No Logo The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention

Kleinhandel Groothandel De kleine lettertjes De kassa’s/ waar je betaalt Meteen betalen bij levering Oplichting Namaak Growing influence multinationals Groeiende inkomensongelijkheid, middenklasseverdwijnt

Battle against big corporations Counties involved in international trade won’t go in war with eachother

Golden Straightjacket

Landen moeten naar Amerikaanse model

National Sovereignity

A nation’s ability to indepedently organize its institutions When a company moves factories abroad

Of shoring To campaign To lobby BRIC PI(I)GS/ GIPSI Big Mac Index The haves and hove-nots A sweatshop To exploit A code of conduct To comply with To breach regulations To monitor Confidential Desertification Deforestation Photosynthesis

Campagne voeren Politiekers overtuigen Brazil, Russia, India & China Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal (financial problems) Koopkracht berekend op basis van Big Macs in een land Not poor and poor people Small factory (hongerlonen, arme landen, bad conditions) Uitbuiten of benutten Gedragscode To act according to an order, set of rules, or request

Wetten breken, niet naleven Carefully check how a situation changes Vertrouwelijk Land –> desert The cutting down of trees in a large are Fotosynthese

Resource depletion Ores To emit The ozon layer In-season food A treaty Sustainability Solar energy/power To insulate (insulation) Dispose of waste A landfill To decompose Biodegradable To commit (commitment) A conveyer (belt) Spare/excess capacity Surplus capacity Economies of scale Craft industrie Learning curve A delay A by-product Spin-of To dispatch A bill of lading A letter of credit Handling Handling charge Penalties Lead time Simultaneous A works Capital goods Labour-intensive To phase in/out A roll-out

Unsustainable use of resources Ertsen Uitstoten Ozonlaag seizoensvoedsel Verdrag Duurzaamheid Zonne-energie Isoleren Afvalverwerking Stortplaats Ontbinden Biologisch afbreekbaar Engageren, ertoe verbinden Lopende band Onderbezetting Overbezetting Schaalvoordelen Thing made by hand The rate at wich you learn a new skill Uitstel, vertraging Bijproduct Product ontstaan uit een belangrijker product Verzenden Connosement (eigendomsdoc.) Kredietbrief (Schuldbekentenis) Goederenverplaatsing Vergoeding voor transport Boetes Leveringstijd Gelijktijdig Fabriek Duurzame productiemiddelen Arbeidsintensief To gradually start/stop using or providing smt New product available for the

first time To conform with / meet the specifications A breakthrough Doorbraak Cutting/leading edge Most exciting and newest stage in the development of smt State-of-the-art (adj) Ultramodern R&D Research & Development To monetize to make money from smt Create whole new market by marketing Blue ocean strategy innovative products that have no existing competitors yet

Competitive advantage Stakeholders Crowdsourcing

Intrapreneurship A gatekeeper

Comparatief voordeel Belanghebbende Asking input from the general public to come up with innovations Developing new ventures inside an organization Person in charge who can promote or kill a new idea

A pitch (to pitch)

A speech or act that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something


Payment made to someone who owns a copyright or patent Product met de bedoeling snel te verouderen zodat snel nieuw wordt gekocht Verouderd Grote particuliere bank Bouwkas Storten Geld overschrijven

Built-in/planned obsolescence Obsolete A high-street bank A building society To make a deposit To transfer money to an account Remittance (to remit) An advance On hire-purchase An instalment To fall into arrears A band statement

Overmaking Voorschot Meteen deel betalen, erna geleidelijk terugbetalen Op afbetaling, huurkoop Achterop raken Uitreksel

Due Overdue A cash dsipenser To charge A banknote A bridging loan

Collateral A security

Expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time Te laat Pinautomaat Aanrekenen Bankbiljet Overbruggingskrediet (volgende maand krijg je 100 000 euro maar vandaag al nodig = overbruggingskrediet)

Waarborg Property you promise to give if you cannot pay what you owe them

Liquidity A debt An outstanding debt Debt rescheduling Debt servicing To default on payment To settle a bill A quote/quotation Creditworthiness To sue a damage To inherit (inheritance) Bookkeeping Accounts payable Accounts receivable Current/floating assets Fixed assets (In)tangible assets Liquid assets Credit Debit A debtor Gearing/ leverage

Ability to make payments Schuld Openstaande schuld Schuldherziening Paying off debts To fail to pay something Pay a bill Offerte Kredietwaardigheid Schadevergoeding eisen Erven Boekhouding Sum owed by a company Sum owed to a company Vlottende active Vaste active (Im)materiële active Liquide middelen Money owned Money owed Schuldenaar

Indebted A cost-benefit analysis Depreciation/appreciation (despreciate/appreciate) To amortize (amortization)

Owing money Kosten-batenanalyse A gradual loss/rise in value of something To reduce a debt by paying small regular amounts

The amount a company has borrowed compared to its share capital

To write of/down Book value An audit (to audit) (In)solvent (solvency) The bottom line To break even The valley of death Creative accounting Window dressing To fiddle with the books To cook the books A whistleblower To blow the whistle on … A watchdog

White-collar crime

Emblezzlement Money-laundering Insider dealing/trading To bribe A bribe/kickback Active corruption Passive corruption To levy taxes Tax avoidance Tax evasion

Afschrijven Boekwaarde Official examination of the accounts of a business Being (un)able to pay money that is owed Total profit or loss of a company To have no profit or loss Period between start-up of a company and break-even Ways of explaining how money has been spent, that hide what has really happened to it Camouflaging negative trends in accounts by diverting liabilities to another fiscal year To change something dishonestly, especially to your advantage

To keep false financial records for an organization Klokkenluider To bring something to the attention of other people in order to stop something bad from happening A person or organization responsible for making certain that companies obey particular standards and do not act illegally

Witteboordencriminaliteit (misdaad door mensen met hoge status) Verduistering Witwaspraktijken Effectenhandel met voorkennis Omkopen Steekpenning (geld ontvangen bij omkopen) Actively intervene in some way Look the other way Belasting heffen Belastingsontwijking (legal) Belastingsontduiking (illegal)

A tax bracket Tax-deductible A tax exemption A tax shelter A tax haven Capital flight Race to the bottom

Tax rebate VAT = Value Added Tax A wealth tax Robin Hood tax Tobin tax Death tax A capital gains tax Customs, to go through customs Exise duties The fine print

A credit rating

Belastingschijf Fiscaal aftrekbaar Belastingvrijstelling Fina...

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