Worksheet Adolescence PDF

Title Worksheet Adolescence
Course Adolescent Psychology
Institution Angelo State University
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Worksheet about Definitions on Adolescence...


ADOLESCENCE from XXX Chapters14-16 I. Describe puberty and the process that triggers it. It may be difficult to put these terms into your own words. Include the terms hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. Use the chart in your book as a guide. You can copy the chart here instead of using a verbal description, but make sure you understand each of the terms.

Puberty is a process a child/teenager goes through with the goal of reproduction and sexual maturity. The teenager changes in puberty which includes the physical and biological aspects, cognitive, social, and emotional factors. Puberty starts due to genetics, fat and muscles, and stress, and it takes about 3-5 years. Hormones are one of the most important factors in puberty that trigger the changes. Two sequences of hormones are the HPA and HPG axis. First, the HPA axis means Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Adrenal. The Hypothalamus sends a signal to the brain (Pituitary), which then results in the production of many hormones that trigger the growth spurt and the sex characteristics. From the Pituitary the signal keeps going to the adrenal glands that produce other hormones such as adrenaline. The HPG axis means Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Gonads. The Pituitary also sends signals to the gonads that now produce sex hormones. Girls produce estradiol and boys testosterone. The Pituitary, the adrenal glands, and the gonads produce more hormones that lead to the growth spurt, and the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics.

Describe the following terms related to puberty: Growth spurt Girls and boys both go through the phase of growth spurt. Almost all parts of their bodies are growing. This means not only that they are getting taller (height) but also all organs, muscles, and bones are growing. This can sometimes be awkward. One side of the body does not have to grow as fast as the other side which makes it asymmetrical. Moreover, fingers, feed, legs and arms grow faster, and the core of the body grows last. Girls also tend to reach their actual size in all body parts earlier than boys.

Primary sex characteristics The primary sex characteristics are necessary for the reproduction for women and men. It includes organs and other important body parts. Women have a vagina, the uterus, the ovaries, the clitoris and many more, whereas men have a penis, a prostate, testes, and a scrotum, for example. The primary sex characteristics develop during puberty.

Secondary sex characteristics The secondary sex characteristics are not necessary but they make men look masculine and women look feminine. They are simply nice to have and good to attract the other sex. Women get breasts, wider hips, smaller waists, a bigger butt, and in general more body fat as well as gaining height. Men gain muscles, get facial features, and they are getting taller. Moreover, both men and women get a deeper voice and body hair. These are the characteristics that develop in puberty and make the individual sexual.

Menarche The menarche is related to girls. It is the first time the menstrual cycle occurs. However, the first menstrual cycle is not an indicator to be reproductive already. The first ovulation occurs most likely after one or two years. The first menarche often occurs between the age 10 and 16.

Spermarche The spermarche is related to boys. It is the beginning of producing sperms in the testicles of the boy. Most of the time it also includes the first ejaculation, and therefore the boy is ready for reproduction. The average age of a boy with his first spermarche is about 13/14.

Circadian Rhythm The circadian rhythm is a period of time with about 24 hours. Human, plants, and animals have an inner clock. It is an inner, biological cycle that is influenced by hormones. The cycle tells us when we feel awake or asleep (day- night), and most people tend to be evening people. Also, people can get confused when flying long distance and get a jetlag. The cycle is mixed up and people have to readjust to the new time zone. List the major factors associated with the timing of puberty for both girls and boys. Genetics Fat, muscles Stress (Family stress / Sexual abuse)

List and describe 2 hazards to health during adolescence. One hazard is sexual abuse with unprotected sex. Some girls (or boys) are early in puberty and their bodies are changing and getting more sexual attractive. The percentage of rape is high and sexual abuse and even sex can cause early pregnancy. It can also result in sexual transmitted diseases. Another hazard is stress with clinical depression. Some teenagers have a different body imagine, lots of deficiencies in nutrition, and diet to be thin. Depression, stress, and different body images can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is self starving and bulimia is binge eating with purging. Boys can also abuse some substances such as steroids. Once a teenager has an eating disorder, it is difficult to cure it.

5. Briefly describe some of the advances in adolescent thought. There are four types of advances in thinking: Formal operational thought, hypothetical thought, analytical, and intuitive thought. The formal operational thought includes thinking about abstract ideas, and the teenagers start thinking about what their parents have taught them about religion, behavior, and other things. They start questioning if that is all correct. They use more systematic logic while thinking. The Hypothetical thought includes if – then propositions with possibilities and reasons that might not be reality. The Analytical thought is an analysis about pros and cons, logic rankings, consequences and facts. It is about logic that makes sense and about being rational. The Intuitive thought is based on emotional feelings, which are not rational logic. The past experience and the cultural assumptions influence the decisions.

Define and give an example of the following terms related to adolescent thought: Egocentrism Egocentrism is a term of Elkind, and it means that teenagers and young adults focus on themselves, their behavior, their appearance, and so on, and they do not think about other people. They are the center of their world. Their own personality and person is in the spotlight. Sometimes teenagers can also feel awkward in their own skin. An example could be a popular cheerleader at a High School. She is confident, wears the best outfits and is focused on herself. If she runs into a boy with a drink who is not popular, she will make it like she is the one who got ruined. The boy might fall on the ground and has the drink all over himself, but the girl would say “Oh you idiot! Because of you I spilled my drink! Pay attention where you are walking!” This is egocentric. The girl thinks that she is the center, that she is more important, and that the other boy is worth nothing. Invincibility Fable The invincible fable means that a teenager cannot get hurt or harmed. A boy could do anything what he wants, and he will not die even though he is doing something dangerous and life threatening. Teenagers take high risks, and think that nothing can happen to them. They might see a video on Youtube or on the Internet, and think that they can do the same. They are not scared of it and do crazy things. Personal Fable When a teenage boy has a personal fable, he thinks that his thoughts, actions, abilities, and potential are the best and unique. No one else can do and think what he can. He might think that he will become a famous soccer player or artist because of his skills. However, this fable can also turn out to be the opposite. The boy might think that he is the absolute worst, that he will not be able to accomplish something in his life, or that he can never be as smart as someone else in his class. Imaginary Audience This means that a girl, for example, has the feeling that the spotlight is always on her. All of the other people are watching her, and they notice everything and will judge her and never forget anything she did. It can be in a positive way as well as in a negative way. It is also an unrealistic and false way of thinking, which can lead to teenagers pay more attention on their appearance, way of talking and dressing, and lower self-confidence. A girl might worry about coming too late to class, ask the professor something stupid, or behave not in the right way. She thinks that no one will forget and she cannot do anything wrong or eye-catching. Describe risk taking during adolescence. List at least 3 ways that teens take risks. What types of risks did you take as a teen? Teenagers are more likely to take high risks. The invincible fable is one of the reasons why young adults do something dangerous. Three possible ways teens taking risks can be taking drugs with other neurological consequences, breaking rules, and experience high sensory activities such as speeding in a car and jumping of cliffs or heights. I love to go skiing. As a teenager, I always jumped over the big hills because it was fun. One time, I was jumping over a hill which was pretty high and I thought it will be fun and cool. However, I lost control over myself, landed on my butt, lost my ski, and felt down the hill. I was lucky that nothing worse happened to me. My parents told me that it looked pretty scary to them. I learned from it, and think about my actions now before I do something stupid.

Why is sexual activity so risky for an adolescent? The teenagers might do not know how to use correct protection. The girls maybe do not take the pill and they might do not know how to use a condom properly if they use one. Sexual activity as an adolescent can lead to early pregnancy. It can also cause sexual transmitted diseases. What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of modern technology with respect to cognitive development during adolescence? (eg. texting, video games etc.) Some benefits are that teenagers can use online learning, video websites, and have more online opportunities with education and online classes. They create great visual motor skills due to video games. Everything is also easier, and it can reduce stress. Some drawbacks are that the teenagers do not think that much anymore because they can look up all answers online and believe what it says. They can also get dependent on the technology and become addicted. They do not go outside to play games and develop face-to-face communication skills and do not learn to read emotions. Technology can also distract. Another con is cyber bullying, which can lead to suicidal ideation.

Describe the "sunk cost fallacy''. Have you ever experienced this? Describe. The sunk cost fallacy is a bad way of thinking. People make a mistake to believe that they should keep going with something instead of giving it up. They put a lot of effort, money, or time in something and will continue to do so. They think that their effort should not be wasted but it should be worth it. However, the best decision would be to stop. I have also experienced this fallacy. I was together with my ex boyfriend for about two years and we have experienced a lot together. We spent time together, shared our feelings, and went through tough times. But in the end we did not have feelings for each other anymore but still wanted to try to keep going. It was the wrong decision and in the end we were having a painful breakup. Now I know that we made the wrong decision trying to stay together but we did not wanted to face the truth at that point.

11. Describe a "high stakes test". Describe a test that you took that meets the definition of a high stakes test (if any). A high stakes test is a standard test. It is a single test that can determine someone’s future. Some tests might be the SAT, TOEFL, ACT, and GRE. Some pros are that is has the same standards, can be an alternative to a grade, it can be taken multiple times, and grade inflation does not take place. Some cons are that students are too focused on it, study too much, and get anxious about it. I took the SAT and TOEFL test to come to the US. It was pretty tough as a non-native English speaker. However, it was possible with a little bit of studying. The test should not be too tough for a native English speaker.

12.Describe the term “identity vs. role confusion". Identity answers the question “Who am I?” It includes political, religious, occipital, and sexual aspects. If teens do not know their identity yet, they have role confusion. It can also include the search for the sexuality of someone is hetero or homosexual. The teens might also experience a moratorium, which is an active search for identity. With a foreclosure the person just closes and does not open up to other possibilities and does not explore.

Describe the 4 aspects of "family closeness" listed in the book. The four aspects are communication, support, connectedness, and control. All aspects are important in a healthy family and relationships within the family. The family members need to communicate open not only about negative things and problems but also positive aspects. Apologies and compliments are important. Telling your mum that her food is delicious, that you have trouble in school, or that you are having a boyfriend is good. It is important that parents support their children. My parents, for example, always watched my soccer games, helped me in school, and even picked me up from a party if I was too drunk. I am thankful for supportive parents. Connectedness is about emotional closeness. It can include good night kisses to the mum, hugs if you say hello or goodbye, and tears if you go on vacation for only a week. The last aspect is control. Parents should not control their children all the time. They need to give them space to make mistakes, experience life, and become independent. 14. Describe "parental monitoring". Why is it particularly challenging during adolescence? Parental monitoring can be positive as well as negative. If there is a good, warm relationship with trust between the parents and the children, then they tend to become more confident and do less risky activities. However, if parents do not trust their children, are superstitious, question everything, and monitor their children excessive, it becomes a negative habit. Children might do the opposite to what their parents say during adolescence and want to break rules. Not only breaking rules that are set by the parents but also by the government. It is also challenging because the teenagers want to follow their peers, and start to think and question their parents’ rules.

15. Describe Peer Pressure and "Deviancy Training". Have you experienced either of these? Describe. Peer pressure is a bad thing. It means that in a group of people most of the people force one or more to do something that they actually do not want to do. They basically set them under pressure and force them. It could be a force to take drugs, drink alcohol, skip school, do something stupid, or do risky activities. Deviancy Training means that someone shows another how to rebel against peer pressure so they can say something against the other person and do not feel under pressure. I have also experienced peer pressure. Sometimes I do not wanted to go out and drink and my friends encouraged me still to drink and to have fun. I did not feel forced but I did not want to miss a fun night either.

16. Describe Clinical Depression. Have you ever experienced it? If not do you know someone who has experienced it? I clinical depression is a feeling that lasts for at least about two weeks. The person feels worthless, extremely sad, or does not have hope. I have experienced it when my grandfather died. I did not eat, sleep well, and cried for weeks. I woke up in the middle of the night with miserable feelings and emotions. However, after a few weeks and with help of my friends it got better. 17. Why is suicidal ideation so common when experiencing clinical depression? It is common because then people do not have hope anymore. They do not know what to do, cannot get help, and do not have a solution to their problems. They get thoughts about suicide because it will help and release them from emotional pain.

18. What are some of the warning signs of suicidal ideation? Some warning signs are of the person talks about killing himself, having pain, that life makes no sense, and feeling totally useless. The behavior can also be a warning sign. It can also be a sign if the person drinks more and takes more drugs, looks up suicide options online, isolates himself, visits family a last time to say bye, sleeps too much, and is aggressive. The mood also plays a role for warning signs with depressions, anxiety, and the loss of interest of everything. Not all signs mean that a person thinks about suicide, but a combination of many of the signs can be a warning signal.

How can we respond when we see the signs? You can try to talk to the person, the parents, and other friends. You should be supportive and try to understand. You need to take action, which can be being motivated, give the person a reason to live, or tell student counselors about it....

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