28 Close-Up B2- 7-14 - hand out about b2 close up PDF

Title 28 Close-Up B2- 7-14 - hand out about b2 close up
Course Business Administration
Institution Caucasus University
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hand out about b2 close up...


UNIT 7 Right or Wrong Student’s book p. 84 Teen Courts to grow more concerned about sth.- ufrometaddardobde (nerviulobde; ganicdide, gawuxebdes. iyoSeSfoTebuli) offence – danaSauli; samarTaldarRveva; offender -damnaSave; samarTaldamrRvevi; hearing – saqmismosmena; saqmisgamxilvasasamarTloSi; to hold hearing - saqmisgamxilvasasamarTloSi; to place more responsibility onsmb. – daakisroufrometipasuxismgebloba; defendant – braldebuli; on a voluntary basis- nebayoflobiT; sakuTarisurvilissafuZvelze; prosecution – braldeba; prosecutor –bralmdebeli; prokurori; to try – gasamarTleba; eligible –uflebamosili; to sentence – ganaCenisgamotana; misdemeanor–[ˏmisdi’minə]naklebadmZimedanaSauli (administraciulisasjeliT dasjadi) subsequent – momdevno; Semdgomi; self-esteem – TviTpativisvema; TviTSefaseba; TavmoyvareobisgrZnoba; overwhelming – (aq)iuzarmazari; to reoffend – danaSaulisganmeorebiTCadena; p.86 Ex. A to plead guilty– cnoTavidamnaSaved; hostage – mZevali; to make statement- gancxadebisgakeTeba; Cvenebismicema; to confess (to)-aRiareba; aRsareba; to dismiss the case – saqmisSewyveta; sarCelisarmiRebasasamarTloSi; p. 86 Ex.B undercover- secret; secretly; plain clothes- samoqalaqotansacmeli; hardened- utterly fixed in a habit or way of life seen as bad; gamousworebeli; hardened criminals; a hardened liar; to hold up – gaqurdva; gaZarcva; p. 87 Ex. F scheme- [ski:m]-maqinacia; gegemasqema; programa; to charge with – oficialuradbraliswayeneba; fraud – TaRliToba; fraudster = swindler = conman= con artist – TaRliTi; to expose – gamoaSkaraveba;

p.87 Ex. H life sentence- uvadopatimroba; parole – vadamdepirobiTgaTavisuflebacixidan; to free / to release smb on parole high profile cases –attracting a lot of attention or publicity. p. 88 Ex. D ransom – gamosasyidi; raging storm- intensiuri/ ZlieriStormi; $20 bill – ocdolarianibanknoti; p.89 Ex. E to vacate- dacla;gaTavisufleba (adgilis/Senobis/ binis/ oTaxis/ sastumros nomris/ Tanamdebobis; Capoeira- [kæp əu'eərə]originates from African slaves in Brazil. In recent years, it has become popular worldwide as a means of personal expression through a combination of dance and martial arts. Capoeiratakes place in a circle and participants take turns to play instruments, sing and divide into pairs to dance with each other. The dances are impressive mix of acrobatics, dance moves and martial arts punches and kicks. It takes a great deal of technique and strategy to perform capoeira. The circle represents the fights for freedom, dignity and peace that are played out in the circle of life.

UNIT 7 Right or Wrong Workbook to restore – aRdgena; restavrireba; restorative – aRmdgeni; to hand out – darigeba; micema (rCevis, wamlebis); daufiqrebladmicema; inmate – prisoner to perpetrate – to comit; Cadena, Sesruleba; perpetrator – Camdeni; petty crime- wvrilmanidanaSauli; to herd- make peoplelive and move in a group. given that – TugaviTvaliswinebT, rom; to breed ground for – SeqmnassafuZveli; option to- alternative to to make amends for – dafaromiyenebulizarali; kompensireba; gamosworeba; groundbreaking-innovative; pioneeringnovatoruli; revoluciuri; it takes tremendous courage- sWirdebauzarmazariZala; remorse-sinanuli; sindisisqenjna; to make up for – anazRaureba; kompensacia; on track - following a course that is likely to achieve what is required they are given suitable treatment- maTutarebenSesaferismkurnalobas; UNIT 8 Environmental Affairs

Student’s book to power- amoqmedeba, amoZraveba; kveba (energiiT); to carve –Wra, kveTa; graviura; daSla, dayofa; whip up fun– to encourage people to feel fun; to~ interest- interesisaRZvra; to tear – gaWra, gaqaneba; to go very fast; airborne - in the air or carried in the air.haerSi; miwasmowyvetili; unevenly- araTanabrad; constant-mudmivi; sail – ialqani; to hoist- raise , lift; aRmarTva (droSis); gaSla (ialqnebis); to harness- 1.gamoyeneba; ~nuclear energy; ~computer potential/ rivers/ sun energy; 2. Sebma (uRelSi); Sekazmva (cxenis) 3. moToko (brazi, emocia); moist –sveli; teniani; to be topped with – iyosgadaxuruli; Tavzeqondes; steel blade – foladisfirfita; to account for – Seadgendes; column – ['kɔləm]-sveti; to spin- triali; brunva; xveva; wreak – [ri:k] – 1. grZnobebisgamovlena to wreak havoc or destruction- to causes a great amount of disorder or damage. to wreak revenge – to take revenge; gust- short, strong, sudden rush of wind. to shoot the breeze – to have casual conversation; uSinaarsolaparaki; ybedoba;

p.98ex.A coastal - used to refer to things that are in the sea or on the land near a coast.sanapiro; evaporate – aorTqleba; moisture – teni; nesti rainfall –atmosferulinaleqi; wvima; torrential- Tavsxma (wvima) Ex. B p.98 draught – [dra:ft] –orpiriqari; 2. gamwovi; gamwovimowyobiloba; 3. qaCva; drought[draut] – gvalva; to trap- xafamgSimomwyvdeva; crude-gadaumuSavebeli/ dauwmendavi(navTobi); gamoumwvari (aguri) raw - umi, nedli; raw materials – nedleuli; Ex. C p. 98 current – dineba; downpour – kokispiruliwvima; Ex. H p. 99 dodo – gadaSenebuli Citi mtredisebrTaojaxidan, romeliccxovrobdaindoeTis okeaniskunZulebze; igigadaSenda 17-18 saukuneebSi am kunZulebze

RorebismoSenebisSedegad. Ex. I p. 99 to beaver away - to work very hard at sth. clam – moluski; to clam up –to be quiet; to refuse to speak; to fish for – to try to get information from smb. that he/she does not want to give; to horse around – not to be serious ; to play; to pig out – to eat a lot; to rat on –to tell the police or someone in authority; worm[wɜ:m]-matli; to worm something out of someone- to get the truth or secret out of someone with difficulty;

UNIT 8 Environmental Affairs Workbook p. 61 Help the environment get into shape with the 360º Energy Diet! to get into shape with – gaxde, miiRokargi forma; sacrifice-msxverpli; disposal – gadagdeba, TavidanmoSoreba; utilities-komunalurimomsaxureba; to eliminate – aRmofxvra; to come under fire- to be criticized; to stick to – misdio; miemxro; darCeerTguli; argadauxvio; vegan-someone who never eats meat or any animal products such as milk, butter, or cheese. tall order- task or job that is difficult to carry out. intake-sakvebiracioni; to graze –saqonliskveba; to opt for- arCeva; roof rack - metal frame that is fixed on top of a car and used for carrying large objects. sabargulimanqanissaxuravze; boot – sabarguli; to car pool –to take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. to swap – to exchange; mains-el. qseli; 2. magistralurigazsadeni an milebi; to strive- ecado, ibrZolo; power shower- a shower using an electric pump to produce a high-pressure spray; a shower that produces a very strong flow of water; nozzle – a short tube that is put on the end of a hose or pipe to control the way a liquid or gas flows out; tuCi; cxviri; rozeti; to cut down on – Semcireba; UNIT 9 And What Do You Do? Student’s book

p.110 overall–sruli, mTliani;overalls-spectansacmeli; kombinizoni; p.112 Ex. A to commute- to travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work. to hire = to employ= to recruit- samsaxurSiayvana; ≠to fire= to dismiss= to sack= to give the sack; p.112 Ex.B leave –n- Svebuleba; to get on with smb. – ewyobode (xasiaTiT) p.112 Ex. C freelance-StatgareSe; to be made redundant – SemcirebaSimoyola; excessive - more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; too much; p.112 Ex. D to be around the corner – iyosZalianaxlos;

p.112 Ex. I to break your back- to work extremely hard or to put a lot of effort into achieving something; to cook the books-to give false information about the company or the financial accounts of a business in order to avoid paying taxes; to think on your feet- to be capable of making good decision quickly; donkey work-unpleasant boring part of a job; monkey business-an activity which is organized in a dishonest way; p. 114 Ex. E janitor-kariskaci; daraji; Sveicari; to get revenge on – SurisZieba; bully-moZalade; SiSismomgvreli; xuligani; p. 115 Ex. I on the spot- at the scene of an eventadgilze/ movlenebisganviTarebisadgilze; without any delay; immediately maSinve/ dauyonebliv;

UNIT 9 And What Do You Do? Workbook

p.70 Reading branch -1.filiali; 2. toti; press release - written statement about a matter of public interest which is given to the press by an organization concerned with the matter. floor staff – people whowor kbasi cal l ywher epeopl ear eandnotbehi ndades kordoor . prize draw- prizebisgaTamaSeba; to set up – daarseba; junior school- school for children between the ages of about seven and eleven. to be concerned with – iyoSeSfoTebuli; recession – the period of low business activity; to major- to specialize in (a particular subject) at college or university; to see smth. first hand – sakuTariTvaliTixilo; p.71. Ex. A output-produqti; produqcia; nawarmi; temporary – droebiTi; permanent-mudmivi; p. 72 Ex. D miserable – sawyali / sacodavi/ mowyenili. all the better- miTukeTesi; opportunity-Sansi/ SesaZlebloba; p. 73 Ex. E apprentice-Segirdi, mowafe, moswavle; p.74 Ex. D to be in charge of – iyopasuxismgebeli / xelmZRvanelobde; kindergarten-sabavSvobaRi; to hand in – Cabareba; to handle- marTva, regulireba, kontroli, gadaadgileba (tvirTis, saqonlis) TavisgarTmeva; p. 74 Ex. E perks= fringe benefits- bonus; SeRavaTebi, damatebiTi “lgotebi’; to fulfill obligations- movaleobisSesruleba; keen –enthusiastic/ eager; hassle-a situation that is difficult and involves problems, effort, or arguments with people. white collar position- saofisesamuSao;

UNIT 10 Learn to Learn! Student’s book The Capuchin Monkey- belongs to the New World Organization. They only live in the trees and they only are active during the day. Night time is for hiding well from predators while they are able to get plenty of rest. They are considered to be the most intelligent of New World

Monkeys. As a result they are often used in lab experiments. lifespan-sicocxlisxangrZlivoba; quadriplegic[kw ɔ:dripli:dʒik]a person who is permanently unable to use their arms and legs. to embark on – dawyeba; wamowyeba; xelismokidoraimesaqmes; in earnest – seriozulad; to scratch an itch- 1.mofxano adgilebi, romlebicgeqaveba; 2. dauTmovinmessisusteebs; treats-saWmeli/sasusnaoriTicumaspinZldebian; distinct-calkeuli, individualuri; Taviseburi, gansxvavebuli; distraction-sagani an movlena, romelsacyuradRebagadaaqvssxvaze; placement - the act of putting things or people in a particular place or position. match – Sesabamisi, Sesatyvisi (sagani, adamiani); to get under way= to be under way - tohave started and in progress; being done or carried out; welfare – keTildReoba; around the clock – 24-saaTiani; around the clock emergency phone support - 24-saaTiani gadaudebelisatelefono daxmareba; free of charge- ufaso; ufasod; to launch – to start/ to introduce/ to present; to raise awareness – cnobadobisgazrda; p.124 Ex. A to enroll –Caewero, gaxderaimeswevri; to retake an exam – gamocdisgadabareba; to repeat the year – CarCeklasSi; to raise – aweva (or pirianizmna); to rise – adgoma, awevazrda (erTpirianizmna);

p.124 Ex. B coach – mwvrTneli; counselor –konsultanti/ mrCeveli; faculty – professor-maswavlebelTaSemadgenloba; head teacher -a teacher who is in charge of a school; ufrosimaswavlebeli; tutor – repetitori/ kerZomaswavlebeli;

p.124 Ex. C boarding school – school where students sleep and go home only at the end of term; skola-pansioni; dormitory = dorm- studentebissaerTosacxovrebeli; fees-swavlissafasuri; schedule – cxrili / grafiki; scholarship- stipendia; co-educational- attended by both boys and girls. to mature – to become an adult.

p. 125 Ex. G Collocations and expressions I racked my brains- I tried hardest; tvinsviWylitav; he’s a brain – he is extremely intelligent; I’m brain-dead – I am extremely tired mentally; I had a brainwave- I had a brilliant idea; he has got ~ on the brain – he is obsessed by ~

UNIT 10 Learn to Learn! Workbook p.76 Outdoor Kindergartens to bloom – yvaviloba; gafurCqvna; blooming generation – mozardiTaoba; Taoba, romelicariszrdisasakSi; fjord[fjɔ:d]- a strip of sea that comes into the land between high cliffs, especially in Norway. to impose- Tavsmoxveva; daweseba, SemoReba, moTavseba; Wellington boots – rezinisCeqmebi; botebi; to be set for sth.- to be ready for sth. hammer –CaquCi; saw – xerxi; driftwood-pieces of wood which are floating on the sea or have been washed ashore; nafotebi, romlebicmoaqvswyals an gamoriyanapirze; to exploit – to use, to utilize, to practice; perspective – Tvalsazrisi, Sexeduleba; preschooler –skolamdeliasakisbavSvi; to make it to ~ - mixvidesadme; invaluable = priceless- Seufasebeli, fasdaudebeli, Zvirfasi; perseverance-Seupovroba; uneven – uswormasworo, reliefuri; terrain-teritoria, adgili; p.80 Ex.C to dread- geSinodes, SiSisagankankalebde; p.80 Ex.D pine cone – fiWvisxisgirCi; p.87 ex.C to suit smb.down to the ground – to be extremely convenient or appropriate for smb.

p.87 ex.D to let down – uRalato, daaRalato, imedebigaucruo; sentence – ganaCeni; lenient – [li:niənt]- msubuqi, rbili, damdobi; ~ punishment, sentence, judge;

UNIT 11 wish you were here! Student’s book P. 136 Best Family Adventure Holidays A 1. resort –kurorti; 2. secluded – ganmartovebuli, izolirebuli, damaluli; 3. soothing – damamSvidebeli, dasasvenebeli; mosasvenebeli; 4. retreat-1. ganmartoveba; 2.ukan daxeva; 5. to wear out – 1. daRla, daqancva; 2. gacveTa; 6. to put up a tent – karvisgaSla; 7. stable – Tavla, sajinibo; 8. aged eight and up –rvawlis da zemoT (9, 10…) 9. guided ride – cxeniTgaseirnebameTvalyurisTanxlebiT; 10. to take in – to see; daTvaliereba (xedebis); 11.ridge- a long narrow hilltop; a chain of hills or mountains; qedi; 12. ridgetop –the summit of ridge; 13. fabulous- zRapruli, miTiuri (silamazis); 14.shuttle–avtobusi, romelicdadis or konkretulpunqtsSoris; B 1. inflatable boat – gasaberinavi; 2. tortoise[tɔ:təs ] -ku 3. to take into account- mxedvelobaSimiReba; C 1. at your own pace- at a speed you are comfortable with;imtempiT, romelicSengawyobs; 2. minke whale- [minki]a small whale with a dark grey back, white underparts, and pale markings on the fins and behind the head; 3. humpback whale- kuzianiveSapi; D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

takes centre stage – ikavebscentralur (mTavar) adgils; paired up – dawyvilebuli; ranging from … to – dawyebuli…...… damTavrebuli .... to put up – moaTavsoRamisgasaTeveblad; wetlands –Waobianiadgili /teritoria; William James Nesbitt- an actor, presenter and comedian from Northern Ireland

p. 138 Ex. A & B quay – navsadguri,navmisabmelinapiri inn-patarasastumro; to backfire – ukuSedegebismiReba;

to backstab –zurgSilaxvariCasce, uRalato; itinerary – marSruti, gegma, kursi; package tour – turistulisagzuri, romelSicSedismgzavroba, sastumro, kveba da eqskursiebi; p. 138 Ex.C to ground – miwazedaSveba, miwazedadeba (iaraRis);

Jurassic period [dʒu'ræsik]iuruliperiodi; Cretaceous period[kri'teiʃəs]–carcisperiodi

shutters-darabebi; rusty – Jangiani; p.146. Ex .A

House swapping – when you stay at someone else’s house for an agreed amount of time while they stay at your house; House sitting – when you look after someone else’s house while they are away on holiday; For next to nothing – you pay a small amount of money for something Browse a property – to look at photographs and read descriptions of a building, piece of land online Visit a property – to go and seea building, piece of land up close; Not very often –rarely; More often than not –usually;

p.146. Ex.C arid-[ærid]uwylo, mSrali, gamomSrali; smoothly – uproblemod, mSvidad, Tanabrad;

UNIT 11 wish you were here! Workbook p. 89 Reading A 1. 2. 3. 4.

crown – gvirgvini; must – aucilebloba, valdebuleba; It’s a must –aucilebelia; would-be-chefs- momavalimzareulebi; hand on course- praqtikulikursi;

5. sous- [su:(z)]-(TavsarTi)- moadgile, TanaSemwe; 6. sous-chefs – Sef-mzareulisTanaSemwe; 7. authentic- namdvili, WeSmariti; 8. superb- Cinebuli; 9. breathtaking – gasaocari, Tvalwarmtaci; 10. vineyard [ 'vinjɑ:d]- venaxi; 11.orchard- bostani; 12. olive grove-zeTisxilistye; 13.staple – [steipəl] – mTavari/ ZiriTadiproduqti; B 14. musically inclined –musikisadmimidrekilebismqone; 15. djembe-[dʒembei]a kind of goblet-shaped (bokalisformis) hand drum originating in West Africa; 16. bongo- a small drum that you play with your hands; 17.conga – laTino-amerikulicekva; 18. doumbek –goblet drum; 19. surcharge –damatebiTigadasaxadi; C 20.to fancy – Zaliangindodes/ gsurdes; Taviwarmogedginos; 21. charcoal –[ tʃɑ:kəul]- naxSiri (SeSis) iyenebensaxatavad; 22. stunning- gasaocari; 23. to mingle- urTierTobisqona, arevaSereva; D 24.scent- suni, surneli; signature- a distinctive pattern, product, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified; safirmo; 25.essence -very concentrated liquid that is used for flavouring food or for its smell.esencia; 26. to use sth. to your advantage – gamoiyenoraimeSenssasargeblod; 27. at your leisure –[leʒə] – Tavisufaldros; rocamogexerxeba;

p.90 Ex. A, B harbor–navsadguri; porti; dock - an enclosed area in a harbour where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired. cove-part of a coast where the land curves inwards so that the sea is partly enclosed.бухта p. 90 Ex. D to pick out – to choose; to rave – abodebde, giJdeboderaimeze; AaRgznebiTlaparaki; yvirili; n- a big event at which young people dance to electronic music in a large building or in the open air. Raves are often associated with illegal drugs. holidaymaker – damsvenebeli; stranded – rTulmdgomareobaSi; gaWedili (gzaSi); “ukapikod”; gzaabneuli, gamoriyuli

p. 91 Ex. E does not appeal to me- I don’t like; p. 92 Ex. E reputable – kargireputaciis; to disembark – napirzegadmosvla; napirzegadmosxma (mgzavrebis); in the midst of – in the middle of; among; horticultural – mebaReobis; samebaReobo; en-suite cabin-[ ɑ:n'swi:t]a cabin with private bathroom and toilet;

UNIT 12 Fit for Life Student’s book termite mound – termitebis (mwerebis) nayari; bug – xoWo; to pop – Cagdeba; to squirm –grexva, klakvna; Not until he bit down on it did it stop squirming – sanamkbiliardaaWiraxoWomar Sewyvitamisenazeklakvna; 6. crunchy – xraSuna; 7. grasshopper – kalia; 8. creepy-crawly- when insects give you a feeling of fear or disgust. 9. plentiful – bevri, uamravi; 10.if you would rather skip the insect course- TugirCevniaromgamotovomwerebiskerZi… 11. Maybe bugs do not make your mouth water – SeiZlebamwerebzenerwyviarmogdiT; 12. whiff – 1.nakadi (haeris); 2.suni; 3.stvena, 4.wuili (tyviis); 5.sigara; 6.nafazi 13. to get a whiff of – dasuno; suniigrZno; 14. to put smb. off – zizRisgamowveva; 15. spike – ekali; xorkli; шип 16. fiber - boWko; 17. carbohydrates-[kɑ:b ə'haidreit]- naxSirwylebi; 18. The Americas- North America and South America 19.filling – damanayrebeli; 20. to grate –gaxexva; 21. pulp- rbilobi;sirbile; 22. to squeeze – gaWyleta, wvenisgamowurva; 23. strainer- sawuri; 24. to drip – wveTva; 25. chubby –msuqani, mrgvalsaxa; 26. porcupine-[po:kjəpain] – zRarbi; 27. to tingle-dabuJeba; 28. thrill- aRgzneba, mRelvareba; TrTolva; 29. husk-qerqi, kani, apki; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

p. 150 Ex.B rash –gamonayari; to break out- ucebdawyeba; chicken pox – Cutyvavila; p. 150 Ex. C cell –ujredi; kidney – Tirkmeli; catching- gadamdebi; remedy – wamali, (samkurnalo) saSualeba, zoma; anorexia- an illness in which a person has an overwhelming fear of becoming fat, and so refuses to eat enough and becomes thinner and thinner. bulimia- an illness in which a person has a very great fear of becoming fat, and so they make themselves vomit (Rebineba) after eating. p. 150 Ex. D braces-orTodontuliwamaliavi (‘breketebi’); brace-korseti; bandaJi; first-aid kit – pirveladisamedicinodaxmarebisCanTa; gauze – [gɔ:z]dolbandi; hot water bottle- saTbura, грелка; stethoscope – stetoskopi, fonendoskopi; syringe-[sirindʒ]Sprici; p.151 Ex. G range – speqtri, gama, diapazoni; intake – miReba p.151 Ex. H to make a full recovery – sruliad (savsebiT) gamojanmrTelde; to skip btreakfast– gamotovosauzme; to lose appetite –madisdakargva; to fill prescription= to make up prescription- wamlisdamzadebareceptismixedviT; to apply the cream –krem...

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