312010 21028 - PHẠM NGỌC HẰNG PDF

Title 312010 21028 - PHẠM NGỌC HẰNG
Course Microeconomics - UEH
Institution Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Pages 44
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Class: 21C1MAN50205801 Lecturer: Đặng Hữu Phúc (Ph.d) Student: Phạm Ngọc Hằng Student code: 31201021028


Abstract The demand for human resources, particularly qualified human resources, has risen in tandem with the Vietnamese economy's rapid development and international integration in recent years. Human resources will have an impact on the enterprise in the production process; they will have an impact on business operations in both positive and negative ways, and this will have a direct impact on the business's profitability. Human resources are the most important component in determining whether or not a company will survive and grow. As a result, effectively recruiting, training, and managing human resources is a frequent problem that every manager must address. How to keep employees by utilizing human resources. Finding a solution to how to keep employees and successfully use human resources will be a vital topic for managers to solve. As a result, the business team will be more stable, saving time and money, reducing internal errors, and assisting enterprises in operating more efficiently and improving product and service quality. Moreover, gain clients' trust. Understanding the importance of Human Resource Management in Operations and Production Management, I want to go through this small research paper to summarize some of the most general perspectives on human resource management, as well as analyze a corporation with an excellent human resource management strategy that is Unilever, consider how to use the company's human resource management theories, resulting in correct perspectives and effective human resource strategies, contributing to good resource management to generate competitive strengths, and so understanding another component of Operations Management.


Table of Contents 1.


Theoretical Basis.................................................................................................................................5 1.1.

What is human resources?...........................................................................................................5


What is human resources management?......................................................................................5


The role of human resource management....................................................................................6


HRM Objectives:.........................................................................................................................7


HRM Functions:..........................................................................................................................8

Human resource management in enterprises:.....................................................................................10 2.1.


Human resource planning..................................................................................................10


Job analysis activity...........................................................................................................12


Recruitment activity...........................................................................................................14



Training and development activities..........................................................................................17




Influential factors...............................................................................................................18



Attracting human resources activity...........................................................................................10

Maintaining human resources activity.......................................................................................19


Assess employee performance...........................................................................................19


Methods of evaluating employee performance...................................................................20


Remuneration, reward and welfare activity........................................................................23

Western human resource management theories.................................................................................24 3.1.

Theory of X...............................................................................................................................24


Theory Y....................................................................................................................................25


Theory of Z................................................................................................................................26


Compare 3 theories X, Y Z........................................................................................................27

Introduction:......................................................................................................................................29 1.1.

History of formation and development......................................................................................29


Industry, field of operation and business....................................................................................30 3


Practical relation to the application of Western human resource management theories in Unilever Vietnam 31



Application in human resource recruitment...............................................................................31


Applying Western management theory in human resources recruitment....................................33


Applying in the arrangement and use of human resources.........................................................34


Applying in training and developing human resources..............................................................35


Applying in assessing human resources.....................................................................................38

Evaluation and recommendations for human resource management of enterprises...........................40 3.1.

The results achieved when applying Western management measures........................................40


Some limitations in human resource management of Unilever Vietnam and proposed solutions......41




1. Theoretical Basis 1.1.What is human resources? An organization's or business's human resource is the collection of all employees with skills in a specific field who make up the workforce engaged in any activity to achieve the business's or organization's goals and objectives. Human resources are the foundation of any business or organization.

1.2.What is human resources management? Human resource management is a set of concepts, policies, and operational actions aimed at attracting, training, developing, and retaining a company's personnel in order to create the best possible results for both the company and its employees. According to Mathis & Jackson (2007), human resource management is the establishment of formal procedures in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human potential to achieve organizational goals. Human resource management is one of the fundamental roles of organizational management, and it entails planning (planning), organizing, directing, and managing actions to attract, utilize, and develop personnel in order to meet organizational goals. In terms of content, it is defined as the recruitment, selection, maintenance, development, use, motivation, and provision of facilities for human resources within an organization in order to attract, build, and develop, employ, evaluate, preserve, and maintain a workforce that meets the organization's quantity and quality requirements. The essence of human resource management, on the other hand, is the management of people within an organization, i.e., how the company treats its personnel.


Personnel Management

Human Resources Management 5


Labor is an input cost

Human resources are valuable assets that need to be developed.

Training Objectives

Help employees adapt to

Invest in human resource development

their positions Perspectives

Short and medium term


Competitive advantage

Markets and Technology

Quality of human resources

Machines + Organizations

Technology + Organization + Quality of

Basis of productivity

human resources

and quality Motivational factors

Money and career

Nature of work + Promotion + Money

advancement Attitude towards change

Employees are often

Human resources can adapt, face

resistant to change


1.3.The role of human resource management Human resources are a crucial component of any business, and human resource management is a key area of operations and production management. With increasingly advanced and modern technology and scientific equipment, as well as increasingly complex and demanding work needs, whether human resources can be assured or not has become a strategic component, generating a competitive advantage. Organizations and businesses face competition. At this moment, the organization's survival and robust development are dependent on a team of human resources with extensive expertise and experience. Businesses must be able to manage and train personnel, as well as provide an ideal environment for employees to work comfortably and commit their energies to the firm, in order to do this. 6

Economically, HRM gives businesses the opportunity to fully exploit the potential capacity of human resources. As a result, the appropriate decisions about hiring the right person for the right tasks are made, resulting in increased labor productivity and competitive advantages for businesses in the market. In terms of society, human resource management demonstrates a fundamental understanding of employees' rights, preserving their values and status inside the company. Focusing on a mutually beneficial agreement between the interests of the organization, the enterprise, and the interests of the employees, in order to reduce labor-capital conflict.

1.4.HRM Objectives: Human resource management's purpose is to ensure that firms have a productive staff. Managers must know how to recruit, develop, evaluate, and retain their staff in order to achieve this goal. Human resource management must attempt to achieve the following four main goals in order to gain human resources to meet the development strategy: Personal Objectives: Managers must assist their staff in achieving their personal objectives. Managers must understand that if employees lose sight of their personal objectives, productivity will suffer, and employees may leave the company. Specific human resource management activities are required to attain the above objectives. Functional Objectives: Because each department has its own set of functions and responsibilities, each department must contribute to the company's overall goal. Organizational Objectives: Human resource management is all about determining the best way for departments and the entire company to have effective personnel. Human resource management is not the aim in and of itself; it is merely a tool to assist the organization in achieving its objectives. Societal Objectives: Businesses must fulfill the requirements and difficulties of society; they exist to benefit society, not just themselves.

1.5.HRM Functions:


Human resource management is a large system with various activities to exploit; the function of human resource management is highly dependent on changes in the business environment, labor market fluctuations, ... organizational structure, financing, and the level of development in the enterprise, ...Therefore, each manager has a different view of the function of human resource management. However, we can separate human resource management functions into three primary groups that serve the organization, such as: 

Functional group of attracting human resources

This functional group's main goal is to ensure that the number of personnel has the proper skills and competencies to complement the organization's and business's task. Enterprises must base themselves on production, operating, and business plans, as well as the present circumstances of employing human resources in the enterprise at the past and current period, in order to identify how to recruit excellent human resources for the job. Determine which positions require additional staffing and what number of personnel is required to meet the company's needs. 

Functional group of training and developing human resources

After you've hired personnel, the following step is to train them and help them advance. This functional group focuses on developing the professional competence of employees who have been chosen for positions within the organization, so that they may better understand the business and do the tasks allocated to them. Simultaneously, we acknowledge and encourage them to reach their maximum potential in order to benefit themselves, their work, and the business. This functional group is easily noticeable in any organization when new employees join; the company will create training sessions for them, analyze and explain roles when the company's production needs or technical procedures alter. Career guidance, skills training for employees; promoting company culture, enhancing professional skills, and updating new technology information relevant to the organization for staff and professional departments are typical activities under this group. 

Functional group of maintaining human resources


Retaining human resources is the final essential functional group. An effective management firm understands how to recruit, use, and, most importantly, retain human resources so that they may put their training and knowledge to work for the company and the business. The motivating function is linked to remuneration policies and activities that encourage employees in the enterprise to work effectively, conscientiously, with a sense of responsibility, and to complete work to the highest possible standard, assign highly challenging tasks, let employees understand what it means to meet the organization's requirements, and evaluate their professionalism; paying employees based on their abilities and rewarding each initiative, each contribution that benefits the company, raising production and business efficiency, and enhancing the company's reputation, among other things, are efficient alternatives. to hire and retain a talented staff for the company. To be able to promote employees, managers must know how to plan suitable salaries, have policies on compensation, promotion, punishment, benefits, and allowances, and objectively evaluate employees' capacity. and keep your company's human resources in good shape. The industrial relations function is responsible for tasks such as signing labor contracts, settling complaints, resolving labor disputes, and engaging with employees that are aimed at enhancing the working environment and working relationships. Employees contribute to a better working environment by providing social advantages such as health insurance, social insurance, and workplace safety. Good management of this role will produce a pleasant working environment for employees, as well as connect everyone in the company, preserve traditional traditions, and foster cultural values. In today's turbulent market, owning a business helps enterprises hold steadfast in the face of fierce competition.

2. Human resource management in enterprises: 2.1.Attracting human resources activity 2.1.1. Human resource planning Conception The initial phase in the human resource management process is human resource planning. This is a study process that involves systematically assessing human resource requirements in order to develop 9

policies and programs to ensure that the company has sufficient human resources with the appropriate traits and skills. ideal for doing tasks of high quality, productivity, and efficiency.

Human resource planning process

Human resource planning takes place in the sequence of 5 steps as follows: 

Step 1: Forecasting human resource needs

Forecasting human resource demand is projecting the number of future employees of the proper quality and quantity in relation to the company's strategic plan over a specific time period. Demand forecasting is both the most important and the most difficult component of human resource planning. It's difficult for a variety of reasons, but it's especially difficult because there are no ultimate solutions.


Quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods are the two types of forecasting methodologies available. Both methods can be used to track the overall performance of the workforce, individual

employees, or business units. Anecdotal observations are included in qualitative reporting, while quantitative data is statistical or more detailed. Choose the techniques that make the most sense in your situation. The work-study approach, which determines the required working hours to produce units, may not make sense in a non-manufacturing organization, for example. You can identify issues that are affecting your company's productivity by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data, and then develop a well-rounded forecast to improve the company's efficiency, ensure you're not over or understaffed, and understand future needs by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. 

Step 2: Analyze the current human resource condition.

Examine the benefits and drawbacks of the company's current human resources. Each employee's structure, qualifications, talents, experience, working attitude, responsibilities, and authority must all be 11

evaluated. From a business standpoint, you must evaluate the company's human resource management policies, goals, operational strategies, working environment, and so on. 

Step 3: Decide whether you want to enhance or decrease your human resources.

Compare the enterprise's existing status of human resources to the forecasted future human resource needs. You can then assess whether the company's human resources are redundant or insufficient, and propose strategies to boost or decrease human resources. 

Step 4: Ma...

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