Abnomal psychology exam 2 PDF

Title Abnomal psychology exam 2
Course  Abnormal Psychology
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 3
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1. Mark was diagnosed with schizophrenia many years ago. Most recently has been exhibiting some bizarre behaviors. For example,he stands for hours in unusual postures. Marks motor dysfunction is called ___ a. Catatonic immobility 2. Which of the following is the persecution type (i.e. paranoid) of psychotic delusion a. People are out to get you 3. Which of the following is one of the first steps in treating PTSD a. Exposure to triggers 4. Which of the following diagnoses would require the noticeable loss of weight a. Anorexia nervosa 5. Outcome research regarding the long-term success of treatment for eating disorders indicates that ___ a. Bulimia nervosa patients tend to have a better prognosis than anorexia nervosa patients 6. Bulimia indicates *compensatory behavior* an example of compensatory behavior is ____ a. Feeling out of control while binge eating 7. The most common type of hallucination experienced by psychotic individual is ___ a. Auditory 8. In the textbook case of Arthur, he said that he had a “secret plan to save all the starving children in the world” after Arthur showed other bizarre behavior and also said he was going to climb the fence of a government building, his parents tried to have him admitted to a psychiatric hospital. They were not able to do that because ____ a. He was not considered a danger to himself or others 9. What is the primary characteristic of anorexia nervosa a. Not eating enough to maintain a healthy body weight 10. The purpose of creating mini panic attacks in panic control treatment therapy is to a. Allow the patient to develop alternative attitudes about the feared situation 11. The term “psychosis” means a. A loss of contact with reality 12. Eugen Bleuler’s concept of of schizophrenia as an “associative splitting” of the basic functions of personality led to the incorrect use of the term to mean a. Multiple personality 13. Which of the following describes a delusion of grandeur a. One is a famous or important person 14. Binge-eating disorder is characterized by ___ a. A lack of compensatory behaviors 15. Individuals who experience a loss of control of their eating and consume a great quantities of food but not engage in any attempts to compensate for their binge would be diagnosed with ___ a. Binge-eating disorder 16. Janet is making her annual visit to her dentist, Dr. Palmer. She is surprised when Dr. palmer suddenly asks if janet has bulimia. What clue led Dr. Palmer to ask about bulimia a. Eroded dental enamel

17. Which of the following is the most accurate definitions of anhedonia? a. The inability to experience pleasure 18. A common medical complication found in both bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa is a. Cessation of menstrual cycle 19. John, the central character of “people Say I am Crazy” is treated for the symptom of schizophrenia with clozapine. Clozapine is ___ a. An atypical antipsychotic 20. In working with schizophrenia patients, mental health professionals typically distinguish between ___ symptoms (pathological excesses of normal behavior) and ___ symptoms (pathological deficits in normal behavior) a. Positive, negative 21. In “People Say I am Crazy” John Cady, at one point, experiences catonia. Which of the following is an example of his symptom of catatonia a. He appears frozen in place, like a mannequin 22. The negative schizophrenic symptom called avolition is defined as a. Inability to initiate and persist in activities 23. According to statistical data, the prevalence of schizophrenia is about ___ in the general population a. 1% 24. All of the following are symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) except a. Sleeping too much 25. Individuals with bulimia nervosa are typically a. Within 10% of their normal weight 26. Some of the defining features of social anxiety disorder are a. All of the above 27. Eating disorders are currently ____ prevalent than in the past; eating disorders are ___ prevalent in Western industrialized countries than in other types of societies a. More; less 28. Individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder display a characteristic set of symptoms including all of the following except a. Decreased startle response and chronic under-arousal 29. Generalized Anxiety disorder is a pervasive condition in which the sufferer experiences a. Continual apprehension and anxiety about future events 30. What do anxiety disorders and PTSD have in common a. Avoidance and anxiety 31. The area of the brain most often associated with anxiety is the a. Limbic system 32. When people experience severe anxiety, they a. Often know it is irrational, but cant help it 33. The contrast between John Cady, in the class documentary, and Lyonel Childs, in the class scenario, suggest that the best description of schizophrenia is by__ a. Behavior and symptoms that aren't necessarily common to everyone with the diagnosis

34. Consistent with research John Cady in the documentary “people Say I am Crazy” is an individual with schizophrenia who exhibits flat affect a. But is capable of experiencing emotion 35. Which of the following is not a symptom of a panic attack a. Hyperventilation 36. Which of the following terms is most associated with generalized anxiety disorder a. Worry 37. Mr Hunt believes that he is the president of the U.S and that he will soon become the king of the universe Mr. Hunt beliefs are an example of a. Delusion 38. For generalized anxiety disorder the pharmacological treatment of choice has been the category of drugs known as a. Benzodiazepines 39. If an individual is diagnosed as psychotic it usually means that the person has ___ a. Delusions and hallucinations 40. The most common feature of bulimia nervosa is a. Binge eating followed by compensatory behavior 41. People with a psychological vulnerability to panic attack tend to __ normal physical sensations a. Catastrophize 42. Anxiety is ___ and fear is __ a. Future -oriented, present- oriented 43. The anxiety disorder called social anxiety disorder, involving anxiety about evaluated or criticized, usually begins during ___ a. Adolescence 44. How do the symptoms of panic disorder differ from the symptoms of normal fear a. Panic symptoms are without an immediate threat 45. Which of the following would not be considered an example of social phobia a. Someone who cannot take public transportation without a family member present 46. Toward the end of the 19th century, Emil Kraeplin studying the disorder we now call schizophrenia used the term ___ because he observed that the onset of symptoms often occurred before adulthood a. Dementia praecox 47. Which of the following is an accurate statement about anxiety a. An inherited tendency can make us tense or upright 48. Veterans returning home to the U.S after the end of the war in vietnam, experienced a high rate of PTSD due in part to a. An absence of social support 49. ___ is an emotion that is commonly associated with PTSD a. Anger 50. John Cady, in “people Say I am Crazy”often display flat affect that is defined as a. A lack of emotional response, blank facial expression...

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