Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants. Vol. 3. E. Ludwig. E. Ludwig. PDF

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A LI O ROC E !=) E I N FOBCHEMICALANDPETROCHEMICAL PLANTS Volume 3, Third Edition Volume 1: 1. Process Planning, Scheduling, Flowsheet Design 2. Fluid Flow 3. Pumping of Liquids 4. Mechanical Separations 5. Mixing of Liquids 6. Ejectors 7. Process Safety and Pressure-Relieving Devices Appendix of C...


Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants. Vol. 3. E. Ludwig. E. Ludwig. Javier Ojeda

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Volume 1:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Volume 2:

8. Distillation

Volume 3:

Process Planning, Scheduling, Flowsheet Design Fluid Flow Pumping of Liquids Mechanical Separations Mixing of Liquids Ejectors Process Safety and Pressure-Relieving Devices Appendix of Conversion Factors

9. Packed Towers

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Heat Transfer Refrigeration Systems Compression Equipment (Including Fans) Reciprocating Compression Surge Drums Mechanical Drivers

APPLIED PROCESS D E S I G N FOR CHEMlCAl AND PETROCHEMICA1 PlANTS Volume 3. Third Edition Ernest E. Ludwig Retired Consulting Engineer Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Gulf Professional Publishing An Imprint of Elsevier


Oxford Auckland Johannesburg


New Delhi

To my wife, Sue, for her patient encouragement and help Disclaimer The material in this book was prepared in good faith and carefully reviewed and edited. The author and publisher, however, cannot be held liable for errors of any sort in these chapters. Furthermore, because the author has no means of checking the reliability of some of the data presented in the public literature, but can only examine it for suitability for the intended purpose herein, this information cannot be warranted. Also, because the author cannot vouch for the experience or technical capability of the user of the information and the suitability of the information for the user' s purpose, the use of the contents must be at the best judgment of the user. Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier -~,~

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Copyright 9 2001 by Ernest E. Ludwig All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher and the author. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Science and Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK. Phone: (44) 1865 843830, Fax: (44) 1865 853333, e-mail: [email protected]. You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage: by selecting "Customer Support" and then "Obtaining Permissions". O

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ludwig, Ernest. Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plants/Ernest E. Ludwig.- 3rd ed. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13:978-.0-88415-651-2 ISBN- 10:0-8841-5651-6 (alk Paper) 1. Chemical plantsmEqulpment ana supplies. 2. Petroleum industry and trademEquipment and supplies. I. Title. TP 155.5.L8 1994257 660' .283--dc20 94-13383

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Contents F o r e w o r d to t h e S e c o n d E d i t i o n ...........


P r e f a c e to t h e T h i r d E d i t i o n ...................


10. H e a t T r a n s f e r .................................... Types of Heat Transfer Equipment Terminology, 1" Details of Exchange Equipment Assembly and Arrangement, 8; 1. Construction Codes, 8; 2. Thermal Rating Standards, 8; 3. Exchanger Shell Types, 8; 4. Tubes, 10; 5. Baffles, 24; 6. Tie Rods, 31; 7. Tubesheets, 32; 8. Tube Joints in Tubesheets, 34 Example 10-1. Determine Outside Heat Transfer Area of Heat Exchanger Bundle, 35; Tubesheet Layouts, 35; Tube Counts in Shells, 35; Exchanger Surface Area, 50; Effective Tube Surface, 51; Effective Tube Length for U-Tube Heat Exchangers, 51; Example 10-2. Use of U-Tube Area Chart, 51; Nozzle Connections to Shell and Heads, 53; Types of Heat Exchange Operations, 53; Thermal Design, 53; Temperature Difference: Two Fluid Transfer, 55; Example 10-3. One Shell Pass, 2 Tube Passes Parallel-Counterflow Exchanger Cross, After Murty, 57; Mean Temperature Difference or Log Mean Temperature Difference, 57; Correction for Multipass Flow through Heat Exchangers, 72; Example 10-4. Performance Examination for Exit Temperature of Fluids, 72; Heat Load or Duty, 74; Example 10-5. Calculation of Weighted MTD, 74; Heat Balance, 74; Transfer Area, 75; Example 10-6. Heat Duty of a Condenser with Liquid Subcooling, 74; Example 10-7. Calculation of LMTD and Correction, 75; Temperature for Fluid Properties Evaluation m Caloric Temperature, 75; Tube Wall Temperature, 76; Fouling of Tube Surface, 78; Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients for Plain or Bare Tubes, 87; Example 10-8. Calculation of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient from Individual Components, 90; Approximate Values for Overall Coefficients, 90; Film Coefficients with Fluid Inside Tubes, Forced Convection, 94; Film Coefficients with Fluids Outside Tubes, Forced Convection, 101" Shell-Side Equivalent Tube Diameter, 102; Shell-Side Velocities, 107; Design Procedure for Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Exchanger Design, 109; Example 10-9. Convection Heat Transfer Exchanger Design, 112; Spiral Coils in Vessels, 116; Tube-Side Coefficient, 116; Outside Tube Coefficients, 116; Condensation Outside Tube Bundles, 116; Vertical Tube

Bundle, 116; Horizontal Tube Bundle, 119; Stepwise Use of Devore Charts, 121; Subcooling, 122; Film Temperature Estimation for Condensing, 123; Condenser Design Procedure, 123; Example 10-10. Total Condenser, 124; RODbaffled| (ShellSide) Exchangers, 129; Condensation Inside Tubes, 129; Example 10-11. Desuperheating and Condensing Propylene in Shell, 134; Example 1012. Steam Heated Feed PreheatermSteam in Shell, 138; Example 10-13. Gas Cooling and Partial Condensing in Tubes, 139; Condensing Vapors in Presence of Noncondensable Gases, 143; Example 10-14. Chlorine-Air Condenser, Noncondensables, Vertical Condenser, 144; Example 10-15. Condensing in Presence of Noncondensables, Colburn-Hougen Method, 148; Multizone Heat Exchange, 154; Fluids in Annulus of Tube-in-Pipe or Double Pipe Exchanger, Forced Convection, 154; Approximation of Scraped Wall Heat Transfer, 154; Heat Transfer in Jacketed, Agitated Vessels/Kettles, 156; Example 10-16. Heating Oil Using High Temperature Heat Transfer Fluid, 157; Pressure Drop, 160; Falling Film Liquid Flow in Tubes, 160; Vaporization and Boiling, 161; Vaporization in Horizontal Shell; Natural Circulation, 165; Pool and Nucleate B o i l i n g - General Correlation for Heat Flux and Critical Temperature Difference, 165; Reboiler Heat Balance, 169; Example 10-17. Reboiler Heat Duty after Kern, 169; Kettle Horizontal Reboilers, 169; Nucleate or Alternate Designs Procedure, 173; Kettle Reboiler Horizontal Shells, 174; Horizontal Kettle Reboiler Disengaging Space, 174; Kettel Horizontal Reboilers, Alternate Designs, 174; Example 10-18. Kettle Type Evaporator - - Steam in Tubes, 176; Boiling: Nucleate Natural Circulation (Thermosiphon) Inside Vertical Tubes or Outside Horizontal Tubes, 177; Gilmour Method Modified, 178; Suggested Procedure for Vaporization with Sensible Heat Transfer, 181; Procedure for Horizontal Natural Circulation Thermosiphon Reboiler, 182; Kern Method, 182; Vaporization Inside Vertical Tubes; Natural Thermosiphon Action, 182; Fair's Method, 182; Example 10-19. C3 Splitter Reboiler, 194; Example 10-20. Cyclohexane Column Reboiler, 197; Kern's Method Stepwise, 198; Other Design Methods, 199; Example 10-21. Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler, Kern's Method, 199; Simplified Hajek Method--Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler, 203; General Guides for Vertical Thermosiphon Reboilers Design, 203; Example 10-22. Hajek's Method--Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler, 204; Reboiler Piping, 207; Film Boiling,

207; Vertical Tubes, Boiling Outside, Submerged, 207; Horizontal Tubes: Boiling Outside, Submerged, 208; Horizontal Film or Cascade DripCoolers--Atmospheric, 208; Design Procedure, 208; Pressure Drop for Plain Tube Exchangers, 210; A. Tube Side, 210; B. Shell Side, 211; Alternate: Segmental Baffles Pressure Drop, 215; Finned Tube Exchangers, 218; Low Finned Tubes, 16 and 19 Fins/In., 218; Finned Surface Heat Transfer, 220; Economics of Finned Tubes, 220; Tubing Dimensions, Table 10-39, 221; Design for Heat Transfer Coefficients by Forced Convection Using Radial Low-Fin tubes in Heat Exchanger Bundles, 223; Design Procedure for Shell-Side Condensers and Shell-Side Condensation with Gas Cooling of Condensables, Fluid-Fluid Convection Heat Exchange, 224; Example 10-23. Boiling with Finned Tubes, 227; Double Pipe Finned Tube Heat Exchangers, 229; Miscellaneous Special Application Heat Transfer Equipment, 234; A. Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers, 234; B. Spiral Heat Exchangers, 234; C. Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers, 235; D. Heat Transfer Flat (or Shaped) Panels, 235; E. Direct Steam Injection Heating, 236; F. Bayonet Heat Exchangers, 239; G. Heat-Loss Tracing for Process Piping, 239; Example 10-24. Determine the Number of Thermonized| Tracers to Maintain a Process Line Temperature, 243; H. Heat Loss for Bare Process Pipe, 245; I. Heat Loss through Insulation for Process Pipe, 246; Example 10-25. Determine Pipe Insulation Thickness, 248; J. Direct-Contact GasLiquid Heat Transfer, 249; Example 10-26. Determine Contact Stages Actually Required for Direct Contact Heat Transfer ha Plate-Type Columns, 251; Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers, 252; General Application, 259; Advantages--Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers, 260; Disadvantages, 260; Bid Evaluation, 260; Design Considerations (Continuous Service), 263; Mean Temperature Difference, 267; Design Procedure for Approximation, 269; TubeSide Fluid Temperature Control, 271; Heat Exchanger Design with Computers, 271; Nomenclature, 273; Greek Symbols, 278; Subscripts, 279; References, 279; Bibliography, 285

11. Refrigeration Systems ....................

301; Capacity, 301; Performance, 301; Example 112. Heat Load Determination for Single-Stage Absorption Equipment, 302; Lithium Bromide Absorption for Chilled Water, 305; Mechanical Refrigeration, 308; Compressors, 311; Condensers, 311; Process Evaporator, 311; Purge, 312; Process Performance, 312; Refrigerants, 312; ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-1992, "Number Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants," 312; System Performance Comparison, 318; Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, 321; Example 11-3. Single-Stage Propane Refrigeration System, Using Charts of Mehra, 328; Example 11-4. Two-Stage Propane Refrigeration System, Using Charts of Mehra, 328; Hydrocarbon Mixtures and Refrigerants, 328; Example 11-5. Use of Hydrocarbon Mixtures as Refrigerants (Used by Permission of the Carrier Corporation.), 333; Liquid and Vapor Equilibrium, 333; Example 11-6. Other Factors in Refrigerant Selection Costs, 350; System Design and Selection, 353; Example 11-7. 300-Ton Ammonia Refrigeration System, 353; Receiver, 359; Economizers, 361; Example 11-8. 200-Ton ChloroFluor-Refrigerant-12, 361; Suction Gas Superheat, 362; Example 11-9. Systems Operating at Different Refrigerant Temperatures, 362; Cascade Systems, 363; Compound Compression System, 363; Comparison of Effect of System Cycle and Expansion Valves on Required Horsepower, 363; Cryogenics, 364; Nomenclature, 365; Subscripts, 366; References, 366; Bibliography, 366

12. Compression Equipment (Including Fans) .............................. General Application Guide, 368; Specification Guides, 369; General Considerations for Any Type of Compressor Flow Conditions, 370; Reciprocathag Compression, 371; Mechanical Considerations, 371; Specification Sheet, 380; Performance Considerations, 380; Compressor Performance Characteristics, 411; Example 12-1. Interstage Pressure and Ratios of Compression, 415; Example 12-2. Single-Stage Compression, 430; Example 12-3. Two-Stage Compression, 431; Solution of Compression Problems Using Mollier Diagrams, 433; Example 12-4. Horsepower Calculation Using Mollier Diagram, 433; Cylinder Unloading, 442; Example 12-5. Compressor Unloading, 445; Example 12-6. Effect of Compressibility at High Pressure, 448; Air Compressor Selection, 450; Energy flow, 451; Constant-T system, 454; Polytropic System, 454; Constants System, 455; Example 12-7. Use of Figure 12-35 Air Chart ( 9 T. Rice), 455; Centrifugal Compressors, 455; Mechanical Considerations, 455; Specifications, 470; Performance Characteristics, 479; Inlet Volume, 480; Centrifu-


Types of Refrigeration Systems, 289; Terminology, 289; Selection of a Refrigeration System for a Given Temperature Level and Heat Load, 289; Steam Jet Refrigeration, 290; Materials of Construction, 291; Performance, 291; Capacity, 293; Operation, 295; Utilities, 295; Specification, 296; Example 11-1. Barometric Steam Jet Refrigeration, 299; Absorption Refrigeration, 299; Ammonia System, 299; General Advantages and Features,



Drums and Piping for Double-Acting, Parallel Cylinder, Compressor Installation, 593; Example 13-2. Single Cylinder Compressor, Single Acting, 596; Frequency of Pulsations, 596; Compressor Suction and Discharge Drums, 597; Design M e t h o d - Acoustic Low Pass Filters, 597; Example 13-3. Sizing a Pulsation Dampener Using Acoustic Method, 602; Design Method m Modified NACA Method for Design of Suction and Discharge Drums, 608; Example 13-4. Sample Calculation, 609; Pipe Resonance, 611; Mechanical Considerations: Drums/Bottles and Piping, 612; Nomenclature, 613; Greek, 614; Subscripts, 614; References, 614; Bibliography, 614

gal Compressor Approximate Rating by the "N" Method, 491; Compressor Calculations by the Mollier Diagram Method, 493; Example 12-8. Use of Mollier Diagram, 495; Example 12-9. Comparison of Polytropic Head and Efficiency with Adiabatic Head and Efficiency, 496; Example 12-10. Approximate Compressor Selection, 500; Operating Characteristics, 5 0 4 ; Example 12-11. Changing Characteristics at Constant Speed, 509; Example 12-12. Changing Characteristics at Variable Speed, 510; Expansion Turbines, 512; Axial Compressor, 513; Operating Characteristics, 513; Liquid Ring Compressors, 516; Operating Characteristics, 517; Applications, 518; Rotary Two-Impeller (Lobe) Blowers and Vacuum Pumps, 518; Construction Materials, 519; Performance, 519; Rotary Axial Screw Blower and Vacuum Pumps, 522; Performance, 523; Advantages, 524; Disadvantages, 524; Rotary Sliding Vane Compressor, 526; Performance, 528; Types of Fans, 531; Construction, 535; Specifications, 535; Fan Drivers, 542; Performance, 544; Summary of Fan Selection and Rating, 544; Example 12-13. Fan Selection, 547; Pressures, 547; Example 12-14. Fan Selection Velocities, 549; Operational Characteristics and Performance, 549; Example 12-15. Change Speed of Existing Fan, 559; Example 12-16. Fan Law 1, 560; Example 12-17. Change Pressure of Existing Fan, Fan Law 2, 560; Example 12-18. Rating Conditions on a Different Size Fan (Same Series) to Correspond to Existing Fan, 560; Example 12-19. Changing Pressure at Constant Capacity, 560; Example 12-20. Effect of Change in Inlet Air Temperature, 560; Peripheral Velocity or Tip Speed, 561; Horsepower, 561; Efficiency, 562; Example 1221. Fan Power and Efficiency, 562; Temperature Rise, 562; Fan Noise, 562; Fan Systems, 563; System Component Resistances, 564; Duct Resistance, 565; Summary of Fan System Calculations, 565; Parallel Operation, 567; Fan Selection, 569; Multirating Tables, 569; Example 12-22. Fan Selection for Hot Air, 571; Example 12-23. Fan Selection Using a Process Gas, 573; Blowers and Exhausters, 573; Nomenclature, 573; Greek Symbols, 577; Subscripts, 577; References, 577; Bibliography, 580


Reciprocating Compression S u r g e D r u m s ....................................


M e c h a n i c a l Drivers .........................


Electric Motors, 615; Terminology, 615; Load Characteristics, 616; Basic Motor Types: Synchronous and Induction, 616; Selection of Synchronous Motor Speeds, 619; Duty, 625; Types of Electrical Current, 625; Characteristics, 627; Energy Efficient (EE) Motor Designs, 628; NEMA Design Classifications, 630; Classification According to Size, 630; Hazard Classifications: Fire and Explosion, 631; Electrical Classification for Safety in Plant Layout, 647; Motor Enclosures, 650; Motor Torque, 651; Power Factor for Alternating Current, 652; Motor Selection, 653; Speed Changes, 654; Adjustable Speed Drives, 659, Mechanical Drive Steam Turbines, 661; Standard Size Turbines, 662; Applications, 662; Major Variables Affecting Turbine Selection and Operation, 663; Example 14-1,666; Selection, 666; Operation and Control, 671; Specifications, 672; Performance, 672; Steam Rates, 674; Single-Stage Turbines, 677; Example 14-2: Full Load Steam Rate, Single-Stage Turbine, 680; Example 14-3: SingleStage Turbine Partial Load at Rated Speed, 680; Multistage Turbines, 681; Gas and Gas-Diesel Engines, 681; Application, 681; Engine Cylinder Indicator Cards, 681; Speed, 683; Turbocharging and Supercharging, 683; Specifications, 683; Combustion Gas Turbine, 683; Nomenclature, 686; References, 686; Bibliography, 689

Index ........................................................


Pulsation Dampener or Surge Drmn, 581; Common Design Terminology, 582; Applications, 585; Internal Details, 591; Design Method mSurge Drums (Nonacoustic), 591; Single-Compression Cylinder, 591; Parallel Multicylinder Arrangement Using Common Surge Drum, 592; Pipe Sizes for Surge Drum Systems, 593; Example 13-1. Surge



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Foreword to the Second Edition The techniques of process design continue to improve as the science of chemical engineering develops new and better interpretations of fundamentals. Accordingly, this second edition presents additional, reliable design methods based on proven techniques and supported by pertinent data. Since the first edition, much progress has been made in standardizing and improving the design techniques for the hardware components that are used in designing process equipment. This standardization has been incorporated in this latest edition, as much as practically possible. The "heart" of proper process design is interpreting the process requirements into properly arranged and sized mechanical hardware expressed as (1) off-the-shelf mechanical equipment (with appropriate electric drives and instrumentation for control); (2) custom-designed vessels, controls, etc.; or (3) some combination of (1) and (2). The unique process conditions must be attainable in, by, and through the equipment. Therefore, it is essential that the process designer carefully visualize physically and mathematically just how the process will behave in the equipment and through the control schemes proposed. Although most of the chapters have been ...

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