Bcg - test PDF

Title Bcg - test
Author sara rashid
Course Business e-commerce
Institution American University of Sharjah
Pages 6
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Multiple Choice Questions The origins of Business Policy & Strategic Management can be retraced to a) 1930 b) 1911 c) 1879 d) 1938

Ans: b Q.2.

BCG in BCG matrix stands for a) Boston Calmette Group c) Boston Corporate Group

b) British Consulting Group d) Boston Consulting Group

Ans: d Q.3.

Which of the following is not part of the micro environment? a) Technology b) Shareholders c) Competitors d) Public

Ans: a Q.4.

Which of the following is not a part the Macro Environment? a) Laws & Policies b) Demographics c) Suppliers d) Social Values

Ans: c Q.5.

Cultural values would be part of which of the following factor in macro environment? a) Demographic b) Social c) Ecological d) Natural

Ans: b Q.6.

What does Dog symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Introduction c) Maturity

b) Growth d) Decline

What does Stars symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Introduction c) Maturity

b) Growth d) Decline

Ans: d Q.7.

Ans: b Q.8.

What does Question Mark (?) symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Remain Diversified b) Invest c) Stable d) Liquidate

Ans: a Q.9.

What do Cash Cows symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Remain Diversified b) Invest c) Stable d) Liquidate

Ans: c Q.10. What does Green symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Invest & Expand c) Harvest & Divest Ans: a Q.11.

b) Select & Earn d) Both a & b

What does Yellow symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Invest & Expand c) Select & Earn

b) Harvest & Divest d) Both a & b

What does Red symbolize in BCG matrix? a) Invest & Expand c) Harvest & Divest

b) Harvest and Earn d) Select & Earn

Ans: c Q.12.

Ans: c


The GE 9 cell model is based on a) Industry attractiveness Business Strength c) Industry Attractiveness Relative market share

& &

b) Industry Growth rate & Business strength d) Industry Growth & Relative market share

Ans: a Q.14.

The BCG Matrix is based on a) Industry attractiveness Business Strength c) Industry Attractiveness Relative market share

& &

b) Industry Growth rate Business strength d) Industry Growth rate Relative market share

& &

Ans: d Q.15.

In strategic thinking, how long is the long term, approximately? a) 1 Month to 1 year b) 2 to 3 years c) 3 to 5 years d) More than 5 years

Ans: d Q.16.

Low cost, Differentiation and Focus are examples of __________________ a) Corporate strategies b) Operational Strategies c) Business Strategies d) Functional Strategies

Ans: c Q.17. The word tactic is most likely to be associated with: a) Business Strategy b) Corporate strategy c) Operational Strategy d) Functional Strategy Ans: c Q.18.

In BCG matrix, what is the label of the horizontal axis? a) Relative Market share b) Business Strength c) Industry Growth Rate d) Market Growth Rate

Ans: a Q.19.

In BCG Matrix, what is the label of the Vertical axis? a) Relative Market share b) Business Strength c) Industry Growth Rate d) Market Growth Rate

Ans: c Q.20.

In GE 9 cell matrix, what is the label of the horizontal axis? a) Relative Market share b) Industry Attractiveness c) Industry Growth Rate d) Market Growth Rate

Ans: b Q.21.

Another name for GE 9 cell model is a) Three colour matrix c) Strategic Portfolio Matrix

b) Stop light matrix d) Colour light matrix

Ans: b Q.22.

To find out what an organization's strategy is, you should: a) Read the mission statement b) Look at what the organization actually does c) Read the strategic plan d) Ask the CEO

Ans: c Q.23.

Which of the following statements is not true when describing a successful strategy? a) It provides some property that is unique or distinctive b) It provides the means for renewing competitive advantage c) It addresses changes in the external environment

d) It guarantees long term survival Ans: a


In the context of strategic management, stakeholders can be defined as: a) An individual or group with a financial stake in the organization b) An external individual or group that is able to impose constraints on the organization c) Internal groups or individuals that is able to influence strategic direction of the organization d) An individual or group with an interest in the organization's activities and who seeks to influence them

Ans: d Q.25.

Which of the following is NOT part of the micro environment? a) Competitors b) Customers c) Technology d) Publics

Ans: c Q.26.

In company’s environment, company’s customers are part of which of the following? a) Internal environment b) Micro environment c) c) Macro environment d) external environment

Ans: b Q.27.

Cultural values would be part of which of the following factor in macro environment? a) Economic b) Natural c) Social d) Ecological

Ans: c Q.28.

In the case where an organization acquires its supplier, this is an example of: a) Horizontal integration b) Forwards vertical integration c) Backwards vertical integration d) a and b

Ans: c Q.29.

When a firm seeks the benefits of global integration and local adaptation, it is best described as which type of strategy? a) Transnational b) Global c) Multi-national d) Global-local

Ans: d


14.'Reputation' in the context of an organization's resources can provide competitive advantage because: a) It is difficult to copy b) It is based on word-of-mouth c) It is a threshold resource d) It is explicit

Ans: a Q.31.

A strategic manager that seeks to reach acceptable profit targets as opposed to making as much profit as possible is making decisions of which type? a) Satisfactory b) Satisfying c) Irrational d) Optimal

Ans: d Q.32.

1In strategic thinking, how long is the long term, approximately? a) 1 to 12 months b) 1 to 5 years c) More than 5 years d) less than 5 year

Ans: c Q.33.

What are stages 2, 3 and 4 of the outline strategy process? a) Generate options; select strategy; implement strategy b) Strategy selection; strategy implementation; strategic control

c) Deliberate strategy; emergent strategy; realized strategy. d) Appraisal of strengths and weaknesses; choice of strategic direction; strategy implementation Ans: b


The strategy of TATA Motors would be: a) Functional Strategy c) Business Strategy

b) Corporate Strategy d) both b and c

Ans: c Q.35.

Growth, retrenchment and stability are examples of __________________? a) Corporate strategies b) Business Strategies c) Functional Strategies d) both a and c

Ans: a Q.36.

The word tactic is most likely to be associated with: a) Corporate strategy b) Business Strategy c) Operational Strategy d) both a and b

Ans: c Q.37.

Which of these is not a reason why some firms do not have strategic planning? a) Laziness b) Competitive leadership c) Honest difference of opinion d) Poor reward structures

Ans: b Q.38.

Developing a vision and mission, identifying an organization's external opportunities and threats, and determining internal strengths and weaknesses are all __________ activities. a) strategy-formulation b) strategy-implementation c) long-range planning d) short-range planning

Ans: a Q.39.

The _________ answers the question "What do we want to become?" whereas _________answers the question "What is our business?" a) Vision statement; mission statement b) Short-term objectives; long-term objectives c) Objectives; strategies d) Mission; vision

Ans: a Q.40.

What is the recommended length of an effective mission statement? a) One page b) Less than 200 words c) One sentence of 10 to 20 d) There is no recommendation. words.

Ans: d Q.41.

Which one of these is NOT a __________ part of Porter's competitive forces in industry analysis? a) Potential entry of new competitors b) Bargaining power of suppliers c) Development of substitute products d) Threat of substitute products and services

Ans: c Q.42.

__________ is based on the assumption that the future will be just like the past. a) Delphi forecasts b) Econometric models c) Linear regression d) Scenario forecasts

Ans: c Q.43.

__________ is adding new, unrelated products or services for present customers.

a) Concentric diversification c) Conglomerate diversification

b) Horizontal diversification d) Product development

Ans: c


Which of the following is not a limitation of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats) analysis? a) Organizational strengths may not lead to competitive advantage b) SWOT gives a one-shot view of a moving target c) SWOT's focus on the external environment is too broad and integrative d) SWOT overemphasizes a single dimension of strategy

Ans: c Q.45.

A marketing department that promises delivery quicker than the production department's ability to produce is an example of a lack of understanding of the a) Synergy of the business units. b) Need to maintain the reputation of the company. c) Organizational culture and leadership. d) Interrelationships among functional areas and firm strategies.

Ans: d Q.46.

XYZ Corp. is centering on the objective of low-cost, high quality, on-time production by curtailing idle productive facilities and workers. The XYZ Corp. is taking advantage of a ____________ system. a) Just-In-Time (JIT) b) Last In, First Out (LIFO) c) First In, First Out (FIFO) d) Highly mechanized

Ans: a Q.47.

Which of the following lists is comprised of support activities: a) human resource management, information systems, procurement, and firm infrastructure b) customer service, information systems, technology development, and procurement c) Human resource management, technology development, customer service, and procurement d) human resource management, customer service, marketing and sales, and operations

Ans: a Q.48.

Although firm infrastructure is quite frequently viewed only as overhead expense, it can become a source of competitive advantage. Examples include all of the following except: a) Negotiating and maintaining ongoing relations with regulatory bodies. b) Marketing expertise increasing a firm's revenues and enabling it to enter new markets. c) Effective information systems contributing significantly to a firm's overall cost leadership strategy. d) Top management providing a key role in collaborating with important customers.

Ans: b


The "advance work" in the strategic management process is comprised of a) Strategy formulation. b) Strategy implementation. c) Strategic posturing. d) Strategy analysis.

Ans: a Q.50.

Ans: d

Which of the following lists is the hierarchy of organizational goals in order from least specific to most specific? a) Mission statements, strategic objectives, vision statements. b) Mission statements, vision statements, strategic objectives. c) Vision statements, strategic objectives, mission statements. d) Vision statements, mission statements, strategic objectives.


An organization's mission, in contrast to its vision, should a) Be less detailed. b) Encompass all the major rules and regulations of the corporate work force. c) Encompass both the purpose of the company as well as the basis of competition. d) Be shorter in length.

Ans: c Q.52.

Vision statements are used to create a higher understanding of the organization's overall direction and purpose. Vision statements a) Provide specific objectives. b) Are very specific. c) Evoke powerful and compelling mental images. d) Set organizational structure.

Ans: c


As seen in Porter's Five Forces model, conditions under which a supplier group can be powerful include all the following except a) Lack of importance of the buyer to the supplier group. b) High differentiation by the supplier. c) Readily available substitute products. d) Dominance by a few suppliers.

Ans: c Q.54. The value chain is subdivided into two main headings. These are primary activities and: a) Peripheral activities b) Support activities c) Secondary activities d) Outsourced activities Ans: b Q.55.

In the value chain, primary activities are: a) Directly involved in the production, marketing and delivery of the product or service b) Those activities that are all undertaken in-house c) Those activities that support the production, marketing and delivery of the product or service d) Directly involved in the production and delivery of the product or service

Ans: a


Ans: b

One of the strategic decisions relating to the value chain concerns vertical integration. This would involve: a) Deciding whether to locate operations in the home country or in a foreign location b) Deciding whether the activity should be performed within the organization or by a different firm c) Deciding to link all activities using Enterprise Resource Planning d) Deciding whether to share certain activities across different products and markets...

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