Bo bai mau WT1 va WT2 tai hoi thao Education UK Tu Pham IPP IELTS PDF

Title Bo bai mau WT1 va WT2 tai hoi thao Education UK Tu Pham IPP IELTS
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1|Page Bộ ài ẫu IELTS Writi g Task à Writi g Task Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Task 1 - Bar ch...




ài ẫu IELTS Writi g Task

à Writi g Task

Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Writing Task 1 - Bar chart

The bar chart illustrates the data on major exports in Southland in 2000, 2016 and the estimated figures in 2025. Overall, while international tourism and dairy exports have generated more revenue since 2000, sales for meat products have experienced a downward trend. It is forecasted that by 2025, only the value of international tourism will continue to grow, whereas that of dairy and meat export industries will decline. Starting at just over 8 billion pounds, international tourism was by far the largest export in Southland in 2000. This figure has increased since then to the present number of nearly 9 billion pounds. Yet international tourism could not maintain its first rank, for it has been exceeded by dairy products with approximately 10 billion pounds of revenue. That is a dramatic improvement for a single industry, as dairy and meat were the two smaller exports in 2000, with just below 7 billion and 6 billion pounds of sales respectively. Meat export, however, has fallen to as low as 5.5 billion pounds since 2000. According to future projections, international tourism will regain its former top position with around 10 billion pounds in 2025. This industry is estimated to be followed by dairy products, which may undergo a slight depreciation to a number of 9.5 billion pounds in the same year. A downward trend is Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


also likely to be observed in the figure for meat products, and this industry may generate a relatively small sum of money –only 5 billion pounds in 2025. 250 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


Writing Task 1 - Table

The table illustrates the data on the underground networks in six major cities in the world. Overall, the networks in London, Paris and Tokyo are older, have longer routes and serve a larger number of passengers every year, compared with those in Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles. Established in 1863, London underground is the oldest and has the longest line length of route amongst the six with 394km, twice as much as the second-longest system in Paris, and serves 775 million passengers per year. The underground networks in Paris and Tokyo were opened in the first few decades of the 20th century and have 199 and 155 km of route respectively, which are far less than the network in London. However, these two systems have far more customers than that in London, with Tokyo underground being the busiest with 1927 million on a yearly basis. The three less busy underground systems are those in Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles, with the passengers per year figures of 144, 45 and 50 million respectively, which are just fractions of the figures for London, Paris and Tokyo. The newest system is in Los Angeles, which only began to operate at the turn of the new millennium, and has 28km of route. Both of those in Washington DC and Kyoto started to serve customers in the late 20th century, but while Washington has a relatively long underground route of 126km, the length of Kyoto underground is just 11km, the shortest amongst the six networks. 249 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


Writing Task 1 - Maps

The maps illustrate the changes that have taken place in a health care centre since 2005. Overall, the main building has been expanded and restructured. While the garden has been reduced in size, the car park has been enlarged to serve more patients. A new minor operations room has been erected in the top left hand corner of the main building. All the three consulting rooms have been narrowed and relocated to the bottom right hand corner of the building, and one more consulting room has been established. The entrance has also been moved to the southwest of the building, next to the new location of the re eptio desk a d i lose pro i it to a e hildre ’s pla area. Whereas the office has been reduced in size, the main hall has been broadened and more seats have been added around the hall. The physiotheraphy room has remained unchanged since 2005. The car parking area has been expanded to make room for 18 new parking slots. By contrast, the size of the garden has been cut down by a half. The fences have been relocated in accordance with the new areas for the car park and the garden. 196 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


Writing Task 2 - Discussion Đề thi thật gà

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tại V iệt Na

Some people believe the government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion. The methods of mitigating traffic congestion have been a heated topic of controversy. Some people argue that the construction of larger roads is the answer for the problem. However, I contend that such a solution is ineffective in the long term, while the option to construct railways and subways is a far better measure. There is a common fallacy that governmental spending on building larger roads could sustainably address the problem of traffic congestion. An increase in road size could reduce the traffic intensity in the short term, but larger roads also mean that the citizens are encouraged to purchase more individual vehicles. This leads to the fact that the roads, albeit larger, would soon be filled with intense traffic again. For instance, traffi ja s retur ed to Sha ghai’s ai streets ot lo g after the ere e pa ded in the early 1990s. In brief, if this solution were implemented, traffic jams would still persist in the long run. Rail and subway systems, however, could ensure that traffic congestion is properly addressed. Unlike cars and buses, trains are capable of transporting hundreds of people simultaneously and thus would meet the transport demand of a vast number of passengers. Moreover, trains do not have to go through intersections and traffic lights, and dedicated lines ensure their travel is hardly interrupted. In other words, trains are always on time regardless of the level of traffic. This level of punctuality would encourage many people to choose railways and subways as their primary means of transport, and the number of individual vehicles would decrease accordingly. As a result, traffic congestion could be tackled successfully. The existing data provides a concrete foundation to conclude that building more and larger roads is an unsustainable measure, while train and subway lines would be a much more effective solution for the problem of traffic congestion. 304 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


Writing Task 2 - Opinion Đề thi thật gà


tại Việt Na

Studies show that criminals get low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce the crime is educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Education for offenders during imprisonment as a method to reduce the rate of crime has evolved as ajor topi of o er i toda ’s so iet . While I agree that su h a solutio is effe ti e to redu e ri e, I am convinced that it is far from being the best method and there are many better ways of reducing crime. I accept that education for prisoners may contribute to the reduction of the crime rate. The primary reason is that such a form of education could provide offenders with the working skills that are essential when they return to the community. With improved job prospects, prisoners may therefore earn a living after leaving the prison and are less likely to commit a crime again. Another significant reason is that education could show the offenders that they are still valued by society. As a consequence, they may feel an enhanced sense of humanity and community, and become better citizens after their prison years. These people may then inspire many other people to live without crime. However, I am firmly of the opinion that education for offenders is not the best solution to reduce crime. This form of education is offered only to those who have committed a crime, and therefore has far less preventive value, compared to other stronger solutions. For example, severe punishments such as longer imprisonment for criminals could deter criminal acts by other members of the public who have the intention of carrying out a crime. There are also other educational methods that may have a stronger and more long-lasting impact on the reduction of crime. An excellent example of this is crime education at school, which helps equip students with the necessary knowledge about crime and crime prevention. This measure is undeniably a more sustainable crime-fighting solution than education for criminals. To conclude, I firmly believe that although educating prisoners is an effective way to reduce crime, it is not the best solution, as there are more preventive and sustainable measures such as crime education at school and stricter punishments for criminals. 342 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]


Writing Task 2 - Problem/Solution Đề thi thật gà



tại Việt Na

The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the causes of this situation? What are the solutions? The overconsumption of natural resources has evolved as a major topic of concern in recent years. This alarming trend is caused by a few factors, and it must be addressed by a number of definite actions. The increasingly high level of exploitation of natural resources could be ascribed to a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is the tremendous demand for resources in developing countries, such as China and Brazil. The citizens of these countries are becoming increasingly wealthy, and they may now afford a living standard that is associated with a higher level of resource consumption. A clear example of this is the widespread use of cars among tens of millions of middle-income Chinese nationals, which may have contributed substantially to the burning of oil on a global scale. Besides, the over-dependence on natural resources, such as fossil fuels, is another significant reason to consider. In Vietnam, for example, the majority of electricity is generated in thermal power stations, in which a vast amount of coal is the burnt on a daily basis. Some measures can be taken to mitigate the problem of over- o su i g Earth’s resour es. The most practical measure at the moment is to reduce the demand for resources in developing countries. This can be done by mass-producing energy-efficient products, such as hybrid cars, and selling these items at a low price to citizens of these nations. If such a measure is implemented, these people may still benefit from the modern living standard without over-consuming natural resources. Besides, the most sustainable solution is to lower the reliance on natural resources by taking advantage of alternative sources. For instance, wind and tidal power in the Netherlands, nuclear power in Japan and solar power in the United States have all proven their efficiency in energy production. These forms of energy should be used in other parts of the world as well, to minimise the global dependence on fossil fuels. All the existing data provides a concrete foundation that the overexploitation of natural resources derives from the strong demand in developing countries and the over-reliance on these types of resources. Strong measures, such as reducing the aforementioned demand and making use of alternative energy sources, must be implemented to tackle this situation. 372 words – Mr Tu Pham (MSc.)

Bộ bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Writing Task 2 – Diễn giả Tú Phạm tại Ngày hội giáo dục Education UK tổ chức ngày 12/3/2016. Mọi câu hỏi xin gửi về: [email protected]...

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