Buu Ngoc Minh Anh-S3752277-Assessment Task Three-BUSM4188 PDF

Title Buu Ngoc Minh Anh-S3752277-Assessment Task Three-BUSM4188
Author Shinbia Minh Anh
Course Leadership and Decision Making
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 14
File Size 762.9 KB
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Assessment Task Three: Leadership Development Course Code: BUSM4188 Course Name: Leadership and Decision Making Location where you study: RMIT Vietnam Saigon South Campus Student Name: Buu Ngoc Minh Anh S3752277 1 Lecturer: Mr. Han Jung Woo Assignment due date: 18 th September 2020 Word count: 1627 ...


Assessment Task Three: Leadership Development


Course Code:


Course Name:

Leadership and Decision Making

Location where you study:

RMIT Vietnam – Saigon South Campus

Student Name:

Buu Ngoc Minh Anh - S3752277


Mr. Han Jung Woo

Assignment due date:

18 th September 2020

Word count:

1627 words

Table of content: Table of Contents I.

INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 3


EVALUATION................................................................................................................................... 3 1. a) b) 2. a) b) 3. a) b)


LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN...................................................................................... 5 a) b)

IV. V.

TRAIT THEORY...........................................................................................................................................3 Theory...................................................................................................................................................3 Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results...................................................................3 PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP THEORY.......................................................................................................4 Theory...................................................................................................................................................4 Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results...................................................................4 CROSS-CULTURAL LEADERSHIP THEORY.................................................................................................5 Theory...................................................................................................................................................5 Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results...................................................................5

Rationale...............................................................................................................................................5 Personal Development Plan.................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 8

REFERENCES................................................................................................................................... 8



APPENDIXES.................................................................................................................................. 11



If somebody asked me two factors forming effective leaders, I would answer they are the charisma helping the leader influence followers’ visions and the determination sprouted from clear understandings about the leader himself. As Osborne (2008) stated that we must be comfortable in our ‘own skin’ to effectively lead others and follow our life principles emerging from our experiences. Correspondingly, this paper aims to discuss deeply about my strengths and weaknesses associated with related theories of leadership traits, participative leadership style and cross-cultural leadership theory with the support of diagnostic tools. Then, my leadership development plan will be presented which illustrates clearly actions and detailed goals in order to intensify my strengths and ameliorate my weaknesses in the future.



1. Trait Theory a) Theory Acccording to Kirkpatrick & Locke (1991), aside from drive, desire to lead and honesty, selfconfidence and cognitive ability are crucial traits to form a good leader. While employees tend to commit to the vision and trust the leader who owns the self-esteem to generate quality a decision-making process, they tend to decrease loyalty with any uncertainty revealed by the head. Leaders are generally identified as intelligent and smart person to integrate abundance amount of data towards general situations accompanying with the company and himself abilities, to formulate sufficient strategies for sustainable growth of a whole organization.

b) Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results Regarding the self-confidence test in Appendix 1, I achieved a high and desirable level of self-confidence, the factor that helped me to surpass many candidates and become a member of the Business Club, the oldest and most well-known club for students in RMIT Vietnam. Self-esteem is also highly appreciated in both life and work, since without commitment, confidence and belief in ourselves, we will chase to other’s needs rather than ours and ideas will remain as idle thoughts and meaningless purposes (Premuzic et al. 2019). Based on the Five-factor model on the personality test (Appendix 2), my characteristics ranked high of 3

extraversion, conscientiousness and openness with the score of 44-42-45, respectively. It showed that I possess a high energy level and open-minded perception. Those traits are beneficial for my study industry, Bachelors of Digital Marketing, where the creativity and ‘outside-of-the-box’ thinkings are highly appreciated.

Despite being observed as a confident person, maintaining emotional stability is my limitation. I got a medium grade of self-awareness in Emotional Intelligence (EI) Test (Appendix 3) at 5, which is defined as traits or ability that help a person evaluate his own emotion, actions or skills (Church 1997). I am an emotional person and rapidly change between the bad mood and happiness due to minuscule events happened such as receiving negative words from teachers or raising good ideas in the class. My mood swings can cause uncomfortable feelings for others and reduce my work productivity.

2. Participative Leadership Theory a) Theory Ferrraris (2015) stated that participative or democratic leadership style takes the inputs of team members into account although the leaders take responsibility for final decisions. People feel they are respected and valuable when building important contribution for the common goals, thus, participative leaders boost peers’ creativity and performance efficiency in teamwork environment.

b) Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results My total score in team leadership skills test (Appendix 4) is 10, which depicted I refer to be a participative leader rather than authoritarian leadership style. There are two factors in EI foster participative style that I also ranked high includes self-management and socialawareness with 9 and 7 score, accordingly (Appendix 3). Social awareness mentioned the ability to empatize with others, who come from different races and cultures (Tait 2020) and self-management is the uncertainty and confusion’s supervision (Cottrell 2003). Thanks to those skills, I am able to connect with others and build a strong team. However, working in group assignment projects, I usually ignore my teammates ideas and make final decisions based on my intuition. This led to my low indicator of relationship management at 5 score in the EI test. It regards to how I develop and maintain a good relationship with people by inspiring and support them.


There is one more shortcoming that hinders me to become flawless participative leader, that is the poor evaluation towards myself ability and value. With a low score of 5 in selfawareness, Appendix 3 proved that I do not critically recognize my abilities and sometimes lose power control to someone else. Self awareness is defined as consciousness of one’s own character, feelings, motives and desires and this factor is a key to leadership excellence (Harris, 2020). As a consequence, I allocate unequal energy for my daily tasks and causes to the overloading tasks.

3. Cross-Cultural Leadership Theory a) Theory Globalization and innovation are not only shifted economy, politics, human behaviours but also transform the concept of leadership from traditional to global (Padilla 2012). As one leadership style might be effective in one nation but useless in other regions. Hence, top global leaders are those who can bridge the gap between culture barriers of their employees who come from different places and own different beliefs (Kerfoot 2010). Cross cultural skills is the ability that leaders can ‘respond to particular foreign environments of different countries and interpersonal work situations’ (Allon & Higgins 2005). The Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (GLOBE) is observed to help managers better understand and perform in international environment by analzing cultural difference over 62 countries influencing on leadership style (House et al. 2004).

b) Strengths and weaknesses analyzing based on test results Looking at cultural map test (Appendix 5), my culture’s preference in leadership behaviour skewed more on high-context cultures, which has a sophisticated communication, indirect criticism and hierarchical leading. It is revealed that I am not sufficient in cross-cultural leadership skill and get confused when expressing ideas with international peers. In fact, the misunderstanding and miscommunication proned me to get the lower grade in team assignment than individual work. Without cross-cultural skills, it is impossible for me to successfully lead others and receive their respects.


Leadership Development Plan

a) Rationale Mentioned to leadership’s traits, some researchers found that Emotional Intelligence is more important to a leader than Intellectual Intelligence and other technical skills when we are in higher positions (Dulewicz & Young 2005). Since the more responsibilities, the higher 5

requirement in our appropriate manners. On top of that, a good leader is a good listener and motivator. Goleman and his partners (2005) reported that remarkable leaders make people laugh three times higher than decent leaders. Compared to my career personal goals in the future, in which I want to become a marketer, building win-win relationships is more important than ever.

Self-awareness is seen as the key competency that participative leaders must develop to succeed in organizational environment by Stanford and other prominent schools (Showry & Manasa 2014). To productively work, I need to recognize my strengths and limitations to exploit them approriately. Additionally, Goleman (2000) opined that the disparity between high-performing and low-performing leaders is self-reflection (Church 1997). It is essential for me to evaluate personal value and intrinsic motivation that drives me for actions to increase the quality in decision-making process.

In terms of cross-cultural leadership, cultural intelligence is a core element for those who aim to succeed in foreign markets (Alon & Higgins 2005). I need to excel this skillset for a couple of reasons. Firstly, COVID-19 has ‘accelerated the adoption of fully digitized approaches’, in which digital and adaptability capabilities must be equipped for employees (McKinsey 2020). In my major, Digital Marketing, Internship program is compulsory and understanding of company’s requirement in the ‘new normal’ increases my career opportunities. Secondly, the cross-cultural skills are also irrefutable to achieve high score when group assignment dominates a high grade portion due to my school’s curriculum.

b) Personal Development Plan Goal 1. Enhance






Target Date per From


day, repeat 3 days



a week (Tang et al.



20/03/202 1



Spend 2 hours asking On

2. Better

every From


myself two questions ‘What weekends


personal value

makes people appreciate me?’


and ‘what can I improve my


unsatisfied performace?’


asking at least 2 friends for Twice




straightforward after finishing the



group assignment

assignments or club’s events.

From 25/10/202

or 0


to 25/01/202

4. Improve

the Follow a role model leader - One


1 per From


Sara Blakely and imitate how lesson,


she delegate tasks, behave twice a week








perceive objects by attending her Masterclass. 5. Become a good During communicate listener


Remember their names per month


and repeat what they


said in my head to














hairstyle, accents and gestures or being a sentence-grabber. That amount of money will be keep to donate for social charity such as blind association. 7

at From

least 2 new friends

responses. 


with Communicate

others, I force myself to:




questions understand

least to


deeper their

situation, beliefs and achievements. Learn from communication Once a week



experts on TED Talk like



Julian Treasure and Susan


n skills

David ( TED n.d)


6. Improve

20/12/202 7. Be confident in Join assignment project with At working

in foreign friends.



1 1 From per 20/09/202


year collaborating



foreign to

friends Learn one more language such Two as Spanish or Japanese to get day,


20/09/202 hours

1 per From

repeated 01/01/202

closer insight into different twice a week


culture and keep myself open-






Cultural Two

Intelligence’ credential from day, RMIT Cred.


2 per From

repeated 20/09/202

twice a week

0 to 05/10/202 0



All in all, leadership and decision making course offered me profound knowledge to evaluate if a leader is potential. Above all, it plays a fundamental role in shaping my leadership mindset and consolidating my understanding about leadership skills and competecies. Recognizing my leadership strengths and weaknesses in the age of twenties helps me better 8

prepare to turn it into my competitive advantages, especially leadership skills can be a plus point in the firce competition of top companies on those contemporary days. It is evident that the leadership development plan is designated based on my weaknesses in three main points: increasing self-awareness, relationship management and cross-cultural leadership skills. Although the plan has not reached to the highest satisfaction due to the author’s lack of experience, It will not demotivate me to tightly set commitment in achieving them. V.


Agrawal, S, Smet, A, Lacroix, S & Reich, A 2020, ‘To emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, companies should start reskilling their workforces now’, McKinsey & Company, 7 May,





. Alon, I & Higgins, J-M 2005, ‘Global leadership success through emotional and cultural intelligences’, Business Horizons, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 501–512, viewed 18 September 2020, Science Direct database. Church, A-H 1997, ‘Managerial Self-Awareness in High-Performing Individuals in Organizations’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 281-292, viewed 18 September 2020. Cottrell, S 2003, Skill For Success, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, viewed 18 September 2020, < http://my2.ewb.ca/site_media/static/library/files/414/successful-self-management.pdf>. Dulewicz, C, Young, M & Dulewicz, V 2005, ‘The relevance of emotional intelligence for leadership performance’, Journal of General Management, vol. 30, no. 3,pp. 71–86, viewed 18 September 2020, Sage Collection database. Ferraris, A-V 2015, ‘Lead from the front: Participative Leadership’, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 1413-1415, viewed 18 September 2020, Science Direct database. Goleman, D 2000, ‘Leadership that Gets Results’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 78-90, viewed 18 September 2020. Goleman, D, Boyzatzis, R, & McKee, A 2005, Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, USA. Harris, L 2020, ‘Self-Awareness Is Key To Leadership Excellence’, Forbes, 10 March, , viewed 18 September 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/03/10/self-awareness-is-key-toleadership-excellence/#1f6148e0384a.


House, R-J. Hanges, P-J, Javidan, M, Dorfman, P-W, Gupta, V 2004, Leadership and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: sage. Kerfoot, K-M 2010, ‘Listening to see: The key to virtual leadership’, Nursing Economics, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 114-118, viewed 18 September 2020, ProQuest database. Kirkpatrick, S-A & Locke, E-A 1991, ‘Leadership: Do traits matter?’, The Executive, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 48, viewed 18 September 2020, ProQuest database. Osborne, C 2008, Leadership, Dorling Kindersley, New York, The United State. Padilla, A 2012, Leadership: Leaders, followers, environments, John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey. Premuzic, C, Kanter, Moss, R, Su, Jen, A, Bregman, P 2019, HBR Emotional Intelligence Series, 1st edt, Harvard Business Review Press.

Tait, B 2020, ‘The road to social awareness’, Forbes, 5 June, viewed 18 September 2020, < https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/06/05/the-road-to-socialawareness/#7bd8f43d6f80>. Tang, Y-Y, Ma, Y, Wang, J, Fan, Y, Feng, S, Lu, Q, Yu, Q, Sui, D, Rothbart, M-K, Fan, M & Posner, M-I 2007, ‘ Short-term meditation training improves attention and selfregulation’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.104, no. 43, pp.1715217156.


VI. Appendixes

Appendix 1: Self Confidence test



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