Chapters 5 & 17 - Ethical public speaking is discussed, such as ethos and other important components PDF

Title Chapters 5 & 17 - Ethical public speaking is discussed, such as ethos and other important components
Course Fundamentals Of Speech: Communication Requirement.
Institution Montclair State University
Pages 4
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Ethical public speaking is discussed, such as ethos and other important components of ethical public speaking. In addition, the methods of delivery and the different types. ...


Chapter 5: Ethical Public Speaking 1. Take Responsibility for Your Words a. Have the power to affect/change people’s opinions. b. Def: behave correctly towards or in respect of person/thing c. Ethics - culture demonstrates how people should act towards one another, moral conduct d. Communication ethics - responsibility of choosing morally ethical responsibilities, right or wrong. i. Includes listeners e. Demonstrate Competence and Character i. Ethos = character ii. Aristotle belief is that audience trusts the speaker who has pos ethos 1. Est. in beginning iii. Pos Ethos 1. Competence - grasp of subject matter 2. Good Moral - trustworthiness, honest presentation of mess. 3. Goodwill - respect to audience, concern for society iv. Source Credibility - solid grasp on subject, reasoning skills, honest, welfare of listeners = interested f. Respect Your Listeners’ Values i. Values - standards of life, important in us 1. Responsible for POV of world, behavior, judge others ii. Closely linked to identity - cannot attack values. 1. More diversity = more clashes iii. Proceed with sensitivity is important g. Evaluate Frameworks for Ethical Decisions Making i. Ethical Theories 1. Consequentialist Ethics - use informative data about topic, consequence of conduct = rightness 2. Rules-based Ethics - duty to do right, est. accepted norms (religions), determined by NCA’s 3. Virtue Ethics - Role of individual moral to guide ethical decisions, strive to est. positive character traits. (ex. Trustworthiness, integrity.) ii. Bring Your Own Values into Focus 1. Underlying values that determined position on certain issues. 2. Two values a. Instrumental - socially desirable beh. b. Terminal - living comfortable, desirable states of living 2. Contribute to Positive Public Discourse a. Public discourse = a must. i. Issue important to community. b. Invective - verbal attack

c. Conversation stoppers - demean a disagree-er d. Rules of Engagement - ways to relate to one another in public e. Use Your Right of Free Speech Responsibly i. Illegal Speeches 1. Fighting-words: provokes people to violence 2. Slander: defamatory, harmful to reputation in community 3. Invasive: invades privacy, personal info. (doctor) ii. Reckless Disregard for the Truth - legally liable if you knew it was false 1. Legal never means it is ethical iii. Avoid Hate Speech 1. Ethnocentrism - believes everyone shares on POV 2. Stereotypes - generalizing race, gender, ethnicities 3. Observe the Ground Rules for Ethical Speaking - foundation a. Focus on Dignity and Integrity i. Dignity: respect towards other and self. 1. No dignity = no trust ii. Integrity: incorruptibility b. Be Trustworthy - honesty + dependability i. No false info c. Demonstrate Respect i. Audience is unique ii. Issues = focus, people = not main focus iii. NO harsh words, gruesome pics iv. Heckler’s veto: silences free expression of ideas v. Tolerance for diff. Viewpoints d. Make Responsible Choices i. GO BACK TO 71 e. Be Civic-Minded - demonstrate care to community 4. Avoid Plagiarism a. Passing other’s ideas as your own b. Acknowledge source c. Rules for Avoiding Plagiarism - paraphrase, accredit source i. Oral also needs to include source d. Citing Quotations - PAGE 73 5. Fair Use, Copyright and Ethical Speaking a. Copyright - legal protection to the creators b. Public domain - anyone can reproduce is, free to public c. Intellectual Property - ownership of piece d. Fair Use - permits the limited use of copyrighted works without permission for the purpose of school, comment, new, reporting, etc e. Applies to music Chapter 17: Methods of Delivery

1. Qualities of Effective Delivery - controlled use of voice + body language = naturalness, enthusiasm, confidence and directness a. Strive for Naturalness i. Now = conversational. Early 90’s = elocutionary movement 1. Movement regarded speeches as a type of performance 2. Importance = delivery rather than the message ii. Show Enthusiasm 1. Topic excites you = audience is intrigued by what it is, in turn, they listen more closely 2. Audience interested = connection sensed iii. Project a Sense of Confidence 1. Confident speech = more attention to the message a. Only thing audience pays attention to iv. Be Direct 1. Ways of showing you care a. Message relevant to audience b. Demonstrate interest + concern to audience 2. Body language = direct eye contact, smiling, soft tone, animate facial expressions, physically close to audience 2. Select a Method of Delivery - Four types of speeches a. Speaking from Manuscript - speech verbatim, >15 min i. TelePrompTer - script word for word 1. Neg: no body movement, eye contact, monotonous a. Results in no trust 2. Used with the government due to that fact they can be quoted b. Speaking from Memory (oratory) - memorization of speech i. Neg: no eye contact, could forget parts of the speech ii. Occasions: toasting, entertainment purposes c. Speaking Impromptu - unpracticed, spontaneous, improvised i. Tips 1. Think about the listener's: interests + needs 2. Listen to what others around are saying: take notes, main points 3. Acknowledge other person’s statement when in agreement/disagreement 4. Stay on topic 5. Transition words d. Speaking Extemporaneously - b/w impromptu, manuscript, memorization i. Speak from outline of key words/phrases ii. Examples: Powerpoint iii. Pos: enables naturalness, conversational quality of the speech, control iv. Neg: repetitive, wordy, words might not recall point, time consuming In-class Notes 1. Brian Williams - Mislead the public

2. Standards a. Must be fair b. Public motivation c. Need to know d. Respect 3. Must know a. Podium = power b. Honesty, ETHICAL c. Info. literate d. No rumor, purposefully ambiguity, hidden agenda, emotional appeals e. Uphold unpop. Ideas...

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