Cirrhosis Concept Map PDF

Title Cirrhosis Concept Map
Author Anonymous User
Course Nursing
Institution Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Pages 1
File Size 76.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 103
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cirrhosis ...


RI SKFACTORS ( Li f est yl e&Medi cal )

PATHO:Descr i bet hePat i entCondi t i on


Cirrhosis is an irreversible scarring of the liver caused by a chronic reaction to hepatic inflammation and Fatigue necrosis (Iggy, 1169). Slowly developed, this disease has progressive, prolonged, and destructive course Easily bleeding or bruising leading to end-stage liver disease. Loss of appetite Nausea Widespread scarred bands of connective tissue that change’s the livers makeup and is associated with Edema cellular regulation. Inflammation caused by toxins or disease destroy liver cells. Weight loss Itchy skin Jaundice Fluid accumulation in abdomen (ascites) DI AGNOSTI CS/LABS&RATI ONALE Spiderlike blood vessels on your skin Redness in the palms of the hands Liver Tests : show abnormal liver enzyme Confusion, drowsiness, and slurred levels to show liver damage. Cirrhosis hasspeech (hepatic encephalopathy) increased ATL, AST, ALP, bilirubin. Decreased blood proteins.

Alcohol abuse Overweight Viral hepatitis

CBC: signs of infection and anemia (internal bleeding) Liver biopsy: shows scarring on liver

PASTMEDI CALHI STORY:Rel at edt oPr i mar yDi agnosi s

MRI, Ultrasound, x-rays: show size, shape, texture, and stiffness of liver

POTENTI ALCOMPLI CATI ONS Portal Hypertension Coagulation defects Jaundice Portal-systemic encephalopathy Hepatorenal syndrome Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

TREATMENT&RATI ONALE Low sodium diet to prevent fluid buildup

Priority Medical Diagnosis Cirrhosis


NURSI NG DI AGNOSES( TopThr ee) Excess Fluid Volume Imbalanced Nutrition Risk for impaired skin integrity References with Page Numbers:


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