CPE Essay - Note: A PDF

Title CPE Essay - Note: A
Course Writing Expression
Institution Université Alger 2
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this essay will help you know the double questioning ...


DOUBLE QUESTION ESSAY “Final Exams”  Examinations have always been set as the perfect  grounding  for  assessment  in  order  to  form  great  intellectual minds for whom the future is to build. Ever since the latter concept was found, teachers have  tended to guarantee their students' successful knowledge grasping by evaluating them with an exam at the end  of each semester in many countries. It is agreed on that final exams are the perfect way for any classroom  manager to keep an  eye on her/his  pupils and  students'  progress  all along their studying journey, though there  is more than a way and type aside from the latter that ensures it.   One of  the  many  reasons  for  which  several universities and schools adapt the evaluation system via final  exams is to  closely  observe  over  their  elements'  learning  process.  Unlike  what most people think, exams are not  set for obtaining certain grades only but also to assess their understanding and what it lacks so they would be  fulfilled  in the  proceeding  study term. For instance, the final exam of the first  trimester  of  a  third  year  elementary students  of  languages  was  set  upon  the  grammatical structure  of sentences.  Though the pupils have  well-mastered it for that almost  all  of  their  answers were correct, some particular words were used to give an  unappropriate meaning; they did not learn effectively their language's semantic area. In the second semester,  their teacher  chose to give more space to learn the meaning of words through practical tips such as the "Guess  what" activities  accompanied with using each in a sentence to cover-up their illustrated lack. Besides it being a  mean for improvement, it also  examines how efficient the teacher's courses and method are. In other words,  students' performance in exams feedbacks the teacher's efforts in choosing his way of explaining and course  content, and  how  both  contribute  in  either  the  student's  failure  or  success.  For example, the majority of a first  year class students hit low scores, and the problem must have been in  either the method they are being taught  with or the course materials. When the teacher changed her  method and included more of audio visual m,  improvement is seen. At last, they prepare one for the life-defining graduation exams. When getting used to  evaluation atmosphere, one is sparred from the big block-ashoulder stress and anxiety that weakens his/her  performance. A student who is always assessed all along his studying journey would be more likely relieved  than the one who is not so familiar with the latter; he would be focused on what to answer and undergoes the  test rather than how to calm himself off. For all that is mentioned above of vivid reasons, final exams are  recommended and adapted in nearly all countries.    It is  true  that  assessing  one's  students  via  exams  at  the  end  of  each  semester  is  efficient, but there are other  ways by which the latter is sought. Final exams in many other countries are set by the end of each year instead  of it being  twice  a year.  Teachers  are  obtained  with similar feedbacks of those resulted from the first method  for that it doesn't only  give  them  sufficient  time  to  learn  more  and revise, but  also spare them from the burden  of stress  related  to  exams.  If  bachelor  students  in  Algeria  are  put  to  be  assessed,  for instance,  by  the end of their  year, they would have more time to focus on learning rather than worrying  about the timeline of their brains'  doomsday. Another successful procedure is to announce for exams until the administrative responsibles feel  their elements  ready  enough.  The  psychological  aspects of students such as readiness are held in great esteem 

for that fear of failure, state of being under stress and the weight of restricted rules can be too much for a  newly-motivated learner, and drags him to fall on his own face. For example, the Japanese educational system  assigns no tests nor exams in all  the  first three years of their students' studying journey tee because they care  about the  psychological  aspect of their future-building minds. They are well-acknowledged with the fact that  if their students were to endure such pressure, motivation would lessen and, thus, many would choose not to  ask for this weighing knowledge and soon would cut the trail of their studies. In addition to these direct  assessments, some adapt the oblique kind of evaluation. What students make of efforts on a year-long from  participating, presenting, doing homework, and ascending in the scale of improvement in many countries are  taken  into  great  measures.  Students might  perform less in exams due to different factors such as  stress,  confusion, or  even  personal  issues  to  blur  his  vision upon all else, thus, judging his performance regardless to  all these would be unfair. That is why this method is most recommended along with final exams that vary  according to each perspective and required needs.   In many  countries,  final  exams  established  by  the  end  of  each  semester  are  one  of the  chosen forms that are  used to assess students. The reason behind such procedures is to check students' unclaimed lacks in their  processing of information, help them learn how to undergo stress related to exams by getting used to testing  atmosphere, and for the teacher to examine his courses and they way they are explained. Though this method  is agreed on as an efficient one, there are other types  of  assessments  such as the ones held until the end of a  year, delay them for three years until they are ready enough, or set them just for the formality but not as a  crucial self-evaluation. The best kind of assessment, in my opinion, is the latter mentioned for that it takes in  account all the students' efforts during their study term along with final exams performance which makes it  considering and perfect for the task....

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