Dars-e-Nizaami Booklet PDF

Title Dars-e-Nizaami Booklet
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Dars-e-Nizaami Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem



all the Deeni Madaaris in the Indian subcontinent comprising of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, is known as Dars-e-Nizaami. The period of the Dars-eNizaami course of study varies from five years to ten years. A student pursuing the Knowledge of the Deen, who completes this course obtains the Alim Faadhil qualification. The title of this Aalim is Molvi. The Molvi who pursues an extra year or two of higher studies is known as a Mufti. HE CURRICULUM OF

The one who has accomplished the Dars-e-Nizaami course of study is a Sanadi Aalim. His Isnaad (Chain of Ilm) through numerous Links extends directly to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). In his Isnaad there is not a single missing link. All the Asaatizah (Teachers) in this glorious Chain of Knowledge are known and the Chain links up with Nabi- e- Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

By: Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa PO Box 3393 Port Elizabeth 6056 South Africa

By means of self-study or studying under teachers who are not Sanadi Ulama, one will not be a qualified Aalim regardless of natural talent, or having studied and even memorized many kitaabs. A person may be a genius who has mastered the Arabic language, all the Hadith and Fiqh books, but if he has not acquired his knowledge under the supervision and guidance of expert Sanadi Ulama, he will not be a qualified Aalim. He remains a layman, and in some cases more ignorant than a layman since he wallows in selfdeception created by his ego. A man who studies Deeni Knowledge at the higher/academic level without the supervision of qualified Asaatizah becomes a danger to himself and to Muslim society. Shaitaan becomes his ustaadh (teacher).




The initiator of the Dars-e-Nizaami syllabus was Hadhrat Mullah Nizaamuddeen Muhammad Sahaalwi (rahmatullah alay), born in 1088 Hijri, and died in 1161 Hijri. The glorious syllabus which he had formulated has become so Maqbool (Accepted) that, despite the Ulama having effected changes in the curriculum over the past couple of centuries, Dars-e-Nizaami remains the syllabus of all the Madaaris of the Indo-Pak subcontinent and of the Madaaris in other countries established by the Dars-e-Nizaami Ulama - those who had acquired their Ilm at Dars-e-Nizaami Madaaris. Indeed, Allah Ta’ala has bestowed a lofty status to this wonderful syllabus of Mullah Nizaamuddeen Muhammad (rahmatullah alayh). It is unsurpassable. Whilst changes have been effected, the fundamental framework remains Dars-e-Nizaami, and, Insha’Allah, so shall it remain. The Ulama- e- Haqq will resist with might every attempt to secularize and kufrize this wonderful and glorious Dars-e-Nizaami syllabus.

Qur’aan, He has created the Institution of the Ulama. The evidence for this abounds in the Qur’aan and the Hadith. Hence, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Verily, only the Ulama are the Warathaa (Heirs) of the Ambiya.” The Estate of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is this Deen of Islam, and the Ulama have inherited its Knowledge from Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Thus they are Ulama with a sacred Isnaad. They are not rudderless cranks who have picked up knowledge from here and there – from the refuse bins of secular universities, books and the like.

THE MAQSOOD (OBJECTIVE) OF DARS-E-NIZAAMI Allah Ta’ala has assumed on Himself the responsibility of protecting and guarding the Deen of Islam. The Shariat of Islam which Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) delivered to mankind will not suffer the same fate of interpolation, mutilation and destruction which has overtaken the Shariats of Nabi Musa (alayhis salaam), Nabi Isa (alayhis salaam) and of all the Ambiya (alayhimus salaam) of bygone times. Declaring His Responsibility of guarding Islam, Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’aan- e- Hakeem: “Verily, We have revealed the Thikr (the Qur’aan), and verily, We are its Guards.” (Al-Hijr, aayat 9) The Qur’aan which is the fundamental basis of the Shariat has two inter-related dimensions. One is its Text and the other is its Meaning. For guarding the Text of the Qur’aan, Allah Ta’ala has created the Institution of Huffaaz. For guarding the Meaning of the 3

Dars-e-Nizaami, having been designed to give practical expression to the aforementioned Qur’aanic aayat, caters for both dimensions of the sacred Objective of guarding and protecting the Shariat of Islam – the Thikr – which Allah Ta’ala mentions and whose protection He has undertaken. The zaahiri asbaab (the material and ostensible means) which Allah Ta’ala has created for guarding the Deen are the Institutions of the Huffaaz and Ulama. This then is the Objective of Dars-e-Nizaami. This sacred curriculum has no objective other than guarding and protecting the Deen. The Deeni Madaaris have been established, not to impart the secular know-how of constructing oxen wagons, donkey carts, ships, laying drain pipes, erecting toilets, filthy standing urinals with which the Saudis are so enamoured, building bridges, establishing banks, and the rest of the needs of the mundane world. Dars-e-Nizaami does not cater for the means and ways of earning a livelihood. Its Objective demands focus on the Aakhirah, diversion from the dunya, Zuhd (renunciation of the world) and Tawakkul on Allah Azza Wa Jal. Its Objective is the very antithesis of the objectives of secular institutions whose only objective is to teach how to construct donkey carts and lay toilet drain pipes. The ultimate goal of secular education which the western secular universities impart is the acquisition of expertise in the advanced art 4



of building donkey carts, albeit a different dimension of it whilst the primary and ultimate objectives and goals of Dars-e-Nizaami and the Madaaris are guarding the Deen and Allah’s Pleasure.

fitnah. And, the provision (Rizq) of your Rabb is better and more enduring.” (Taahaa, aayat 131)

Since the objectives and goals of the two different kinds of education are divergent, their attributes and the ethos permeating them will necessarily be as different as are heaven and earth or Jannat and Jahannum. The determining and controlling attributes of worldly/secular education are greed, avarice, lust, selfishness, pride, arrogance and ostentation which all breed fisq, fujoor and kufr, hence we find the western educational institutions, especially universities being academic brothels. On the contrary, the attributes of the sacred Dars-e-Nizaami education are sacrifice, munificence, abstinence, philanthrophy and altruism. The ethos of the Madaaris stems from the Qur’aanic Ta’leem: * “And, the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement whilst the abode of the Aakhirah is best for him who adopts Taqwa. What! Have you no intelligence (to understand this transcendental truth of life’s purpose on earth)?” (Al-An’aam, aayat 32) * “The life of this dunya is (nothing) but provisions of deception.” (Aal-e-Imraan, aayat 185) * “The life of this world has been adorned for the kuffaar; and they mock the People of Imaan (of the Camel Age. But they should know that) the People of Taqwa will be elevated above them on the Day of Qiyaamah. And, Allah provides (Rizq) for whomever He wishes without limit.” (Al-Baqarah, aayat 212) * “Never drag your eyes (i.e. do not focus) towards the glitter of this worldly life which We have bestowed (temporarily) to the different groups among them (the kuffaar) in order to cast them into 5

Regarding this ephemeral worldly life, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: *

“This world is jeefah (carrion).”

* “This world is a prison for the Mu’min and a paradise for the kaafir.” * “If you knew what I know (of the futility of this life and the reality of the Aakhirah and of the torments of the grave and the terrors of Qiyaamah, and of the punishment of Jahannum and the wonderful life of Jannat), then you would laugh less and cry much, and you would not derive pleasure from your wives on your beds, and you would (leave this world) and flee into the wilderness.” The Qur’aan and the Ahaadith are absolutely replete with such verses and narrations which create the ethos of Dars-e-Nizaami and the Deeni Madaaris. Thus, the thought of secularizing Dars-eNizaami and diluting the holy ethos and atmosphere which should permeate the Madaaris is obscene, unthinkable and a capital crime. It is the Waajib obligation of the Ulama to zealously and jealously guard the sacred Dars-e-Nizaami curriculum, and never incline a listening ear to the ghutha which the modernist morons disgorge about the system of Ta’leem of the Madaaris.

THE CALL OF THE MORONS There are some modernist molvis - quarter-baked ones – morons – who entered the Madaaris with corrupt motives, who wasted their time at Madrasah and who emerged failures and enemies of not only the Madaaris, but of the Deen itself. Added to their failure at the Madaaris is their acquired disease of mental inferiority which has created in their hearts an awe for western secular institutions. They 6



compare the Madaaris with the external glitter of western universities. They stupidly view the effects and fruits of the Madaaris in the light of the technological progress and the acquisition of well-paid jobs which stem from secular education, and when seeing no such consequences emanating from the Madaaris, they label the Madrasah curriculum out-dated and antiquated.

and academic ability) acquired from the Dars-e-Nizaami curriculum coupled with Taqwa, have embellished these Ulama with adequate expertise to study any subject in any field of knowledge, which requires a Fatwa of the Shariah.

This opinion simply mirrors the jahaalat of these moron proponents of change. They call for the Madrasah syllabus to be changed and brought in line with the devil’s curriculum in the hope of the Deeni Madaaris also becoming institutions of material science and technology. One moron, crank ‘molvi’ who happens to be the imaam of a Musjid in the U.S.A. displaying his jahaalat says: “The point is that the ulema must be kept abreast with contemporary developments, which is not possible if one argues that the dars-enizami should remain unchanged.” The miscreant has not explained what he means by being ‘abreast with contemporary developments’. There is not a contemporary development with which the Ulama – the true Ulama – are not abreast. It should be understood that not every molvi is an Aalim of the Haqq. Molvis who pursue Deeni Ilm with corrupt motives – worldly and nafsani agendas – end up in the dumps of materialism. Some become halaal inspectors certifying carrion; some become the employees of the riba banks certifying riba – making riba halaal; some take up imaamate jobs, then talk rubbish like the jaahil whose statements we are refuting in this article. The true Ulama who had correctly and diligently pursued the Dars-e-Nizaami course of study become the Ulama- e- Haqq – the Guardians of the Shariah – the Representatives of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Despite them not having pursued secular subjects academically, they are fully capable of issuing Fatwa on any secular development. Their Ilmi isti’daad (intellectual 7

For the Ulama who are the Guardians of the Shariah to issue the correct Fatwa of the Shariah pertaining to any secular field, there is absolutely no need for diversion from Dars-e-Nizaami nor for pursuing secular education at a secular institution nor is there any need whatsoever to hybridize and pollute the pure, lofty, spiritual Dars-e-Nizaami with the unholy, material sciences. The intellectual accomplishment of the Ulama- e- Haqq endows them with sufficient ability to research any subject pertaining to the material and mundane sciences which require a Shar’i Fatwa for the guidance of the Ummah. If necessary, the Ulama can and do call on secular experts to explain an issue for sake of clarity. Thus, keeping abreast with contemporary developments does not require mutilation of the Dars-e-Nizaami curriculum which has been introduced by Ahlullaah. The Men of Allah were far-sighted, and their efforts and works exude barkat and immense benefit for the Ummah. They were illustrious personalities inspired by Allah Ta’ala. The one who calls for changing the wonderful Dars-eNizaami curriculum is a thorough moron, and he speaks nothing but ghutha. His call for change betrays his stupidity. It is evidence for the fact that the poor moron did not understand what he was studying whilst at Madrasah. Only a moron whose brains are fossilized or colonized by westernism will fail to understand the wonderful benefits of Dars-e-Nizaami. The moron, quarter-baked ‘molvi’ enamoured by western secular institutions avers: “How can you be considered to be a real scholar, an alim, if you study books written eight hundred or five hundred years ago, which is the case with the dars-e-nizami, and totally leave out modern books?” 8



The moron displays his jahaalat in this averment. He does not even understand what is the meaning of a true Aalim nor the function of an Aalim nor the attributes of an Aalim nor the requisites for being a true Aalim. If he had any understanding of these requisites, he would not have acquitted himself so stupidly. Firstly, the moron should understand that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The Ulama are the Waratha of the Ambiya.” The Ulama –that is, the true Ulama - acquire a share of the heritage of Nubuwwat. The functions of the mission of Nubuwwat are thrust on to the Ulama. It is the obligation of the Ulama to perpetuate the mission of Nubuwwat and to guard that Deen which the Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) delivered to mankind from Allah Azza Wa Jal. If the Ulama abstain from executing this obligation, who is there who will guard this Deen?

profession. The true Ulama who are grounded in the Ilm of the Deen will research the issue which requires a Shar’i directive, and the necessary Fatwa will be issued.

It is not among the functions of the Ulama to become shoemakers, plumbers, engineers, doctors, secular lawyers, astronomers, technologists, etc. The obligation of the Ulama is merely to guide the Ummah in the multifarious mundane avenues in which they have ramified in pursuit of their worldly goals. Secular qualifications are not requisites for a man to be qualified an Aalim of the Deen. The only essential requirements for a person to be a Waarith of the Ambiya and a Guardian of the Shariah is the Knowledge of the Shariah and Taqwa. If any one of these two fundamental requisites is missing, a man can never be an Aalim of the Deen. Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “Verily, only the Ulama of Allah’s servants fear Him.” Those bereft of khashiyat are devoid of Taqwa, hence they cannot be true Ulama.

For the purpose of discharging their Shar’i obligations, the Ulama are not in need of western secular educational accomplishments. The greatest Ulama of Islam were among the Sahaabah, the Taabieen and Tab- e- Taabieen, and in recent times too we have had some of the best Ulama, and throughout the history of Islam, great Ulama adorned the firmament of Shar’i Uloom. They were Warathatul Ambiya in the fullest meaning of this lofty designation. None of them had pursued mundane or secular courses of study for the acquisition of their Shar’i accomplishments and for the discharge of the duties and obligations of their sacred Office. Just as there is absolutely no need for an Aalim of the Deen to pursue secular education, so too is there absolutely no need to effect any change in the glorious Dars-e-Nizaami curriculum which our Madaaris teach. Only a moron who lacks understanding of this wonderful curriculum, and of the objective of its pursuit argues for change and for corrupting Deeni Uloom with the pollution of mundane branches of education. What are the “modern books” which this moron proposes should be introduced for mutilating the holy Dars-e-Nizaami syllabus? The Qur’aan and the Sunnah –that is, the Shariah, cannot be modernized. Modernizing any aspect of the Deen is kufr – clear-cut kufr which expels the moron from the confines of the Deen.

To be an economist, an engineer, a chemist, a doctor, a lawyer, etc., are not at all qualifications for an Aalim of the Deen. If a lawyer seeks a fatwa on a specific act of his profession, a true Aalim will study that specific act and present the Shar’i Fatwa. The same applies to any secular profession, and any mundane activity or

The moron speaks deprecatingly about books written eight or five hundred years ago without understanding that the Qur’aan and Sunnah are Divine Products of more than fourteen centuries ago. Whether a kitaab has been written five or eight centuries ago or whether it has to be written today, it will be the very same Shariah revealed fourteen centuries ago which will have to be written in





exactitude, just as it is recorded in the Books of the Shariah written a thousand years and more ago.

Then, the miserable moron, quarter-baked molvi with brains colonized by his western masters, avers: “But the dars-e-nizami is overloaded with books on antiquated Greek logic and philosophy….” Indeed, the brains of this moron are overloaded with the ghutha of mental inferiority and jahaalat. If Dars-e-Nizaami is ‘overloaded’ with ‘antiquated’ books pertaining to the rational sciences, it would follow that Logic and Greek philosophy are the primary subjects in the Dars-e-Nizaami curriculum. This averment made by the moron is a blatant lie. In the five or seven year course …about 10% of the kitaabs pertain to the rational sciences.

Nubuwwat has terminated. There is no new shariah to be revealed. Allah Ta’ala had perfected the Deen during the very age of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Then to adorn the Shariah with a systematic order and codification, Allah Ta’ala established the Quroon-e-Thalaathah which is the final era in the evolutionary process of codification of the issues revealed to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) by Allah Azza Wa Jal. This Deen does not tolerate the slightest iota of change. All the principles of the Shariah which are required for the formulation of Rulings on any new development until the Day of Qiyaamah have already been evolved and formulated from the Qur’aan and Ahaadith during the glorious epoch known as Quroon-e-Thalaathah. The Dars-e-Nizaami which was introduced by our Akaabireen, admirably and adequately fulfils the obligation of guarding the authenticity of the Shariah and for providing solutions and rulings for any developing expedient until the end of earthly time. Only those suffering from the disease of brain-colonization fail to understand the worth and efficacy of Dars-e-Nizaami. The moron should point out what the flaws are in our Dars-eNizaami and in the kutub which constitute this glorious and sacred curriculum which was introduced by Ahlullaah, not by fussaaq and modernist morons who masquerade as ‘scholars’ in this stupid age. What deficiency in Shar’i Uloom stems in the wake of studying Saheeh Bukhaari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nisaai’, Tirmizi, Muwatta Imaam Maalik, Ibn Maajah, Tahaawee, Mishkaat, Tafseer Baidhaawi, Hidaayah, Sharhul Wiqaayah, the books Ilmul Kalaam, Falsafah (Philosophy), Mantiq (Logic), Nahw, Sarf, Meeraath, etc., etc.? The moron should pinpoint the flaws he has discerned in this illustrious galaxy of kutub of the Shariah.


The moron criticizing the rational sciences taught at the Madaaris says: “….rational sciences, much of which is quite irrelevant now.” The conclusion of irrelevancy is due to his stupidity. Very few rational science kutub are taught at the Madaaris affiliated with Deoband. The emphasis at out Madaaris is on the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The o...

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