Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format DATE: Learning Area: Media and Information Literacy DOC

Title Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format DATE: Learning Area: Media and Information Literacy
Author Mary Guinnil Arcilla
Pages 4
File Size 64.5 KB
File Type DOC
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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format DATE: Learning Area: Media and Information Literacy Grade Level: Quarter: 2 Grade 12 Ms. Mary Guinnil Arcilla / SST - I Learning Competency/ies: Cites studies showing proofs of positive and negative effects of media, (Taken from The Curriculum Guide) information on ...


Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format DATE: Learning Area: Media and Informaton Literacy Grade Level: Grade 12 Quarter: 2 Ms. Mary Guinnil Arcilla / SST - I Learning Competency/ies: (Taken from The Curriculum Guide) Cites studies showing proofs of positie and negatie efeets of media, informaton on indiiidual and soeiety (MIL-111112PM-1IVa-11) Key Concepts/Understandings to be Developed Positie and negatie efeets of media, informaton on indiiidual and soeiety 1. Objectves Knowledge Explain the defniton of people media. Skills Diferentate people media and people in media. Attitude Work with his or her elassmates with enthusiasm and eooperaton. Values Demonstrate help, respeet, and unity among eaeh dyad. 2. Content 1. People Media a. People as Media and people in media 1. Defniton 2. Charaeteristes 3. Positie and Negatie efeets of media and informaton (adiantages and limitatons) 3. Learning Resources -1 Multmedia resourees -1 internet 4. Procedures Preparatons - How will I make the learners ready? - How do I prepare the learners for the new lesson? (Motivation /Focusing /Esaalisisning Mind-sea /Setng ane Mood /Quieting /Creating Inaeresa - Buisding Background Experience – Activating Prior Knowsedge/Apperception - Review – Driss) - How will I connect my new lesson with the past lesson? Motiaton1Introduetory Aetiity (5 mins.) This part introduees the lesson eontent.. it is series as a warm-1up aetiity to giie the learners zest for the ineoming lesson and an idea about what it to follow. One prineiple in learning is that learning oeeurs when it is eondueted in a pleasurable and eomfortable atmosphere. The teaeher will fash diferent TV, print, radio, and soeial media personalites through a multmedia presentaton. She will tell the elass that these people might be familiar to them beeause they might saw them in TV, magazines, internet, ete. They might haie heard some of them in the radio as well. TV Personalitess 1.) Noli de Castro 2.) Kris Aquino 3.) Karen Daiila 4.) Piolo Paseual 5.) Taylor Swif Radio Personalitess 1.) Papa Jaek 2.) DJ Cha-1eha 3.) Mark Logan Soeial Media personalites1/ouTubers1Vloggerss 1.) Mikey Bustos 2.) Say Artllero 3.) Lloyd Cadena 4.) Maine Mendoza Presentaton - (How will I present the new lesson? - What materials will I use? - What generalizaton Activiay (15 mins.) This is an interaetie strategy to elieit learner's prior learning experienee. It series as a springboard for new learning. It illustrates the prineiple that learning The teaeher will then let the students wateh these iideoss A.) a Ted Talk of Karylle /uson, a famous TV personality....

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