ENGR 202 PAST Finals Revision - Google Docs PDF

Title ENGR 202 PAST Finals Revision - Google Docs
Course Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship
Institution Concordia University
Pages 10
File Size 228 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 104
Total Views 721


Please   stop   messing   around   guys!!!­   Acronyms   and   terms   that   you   have   to   define.   ...


Pleasestopmessingaroundguys!!!   A  cronymsa  ndt ermst haty  ouh  avet od  efine.( Makes  urey  ouk  nowT  KN=  T  otal KjeldahlN  itrogenb  ecausef ors  omer easonit'lls  howu  pint hee  xamd  espite neverb  eingm  entionedd  uringt hec  ourse.)  R  isk:T  hep  robabilityo  fa  s pecificu  ndesiredc onsequence C  FC:C  hlorofluorocarbons N  OAELthreshold:N  oO  bservableA  dverseE  ffectsL  evel F  .C.:F  ecalC  oliforms! T  KN=  T  otalK  jeldahlN  itrogen TDStotald  issolveds olids IPCCIntergovernmentalp  anelo  nc limatec hange M  CLM  aximumC  ontaminantlevels CAAC  leanA  irA  ct SWDASafeW  aterD  rinkingA  ct MSW M  unicipalS  olidW  aste VOCV  olatileO  rganicC  ompounds Definer isk:p  robabilityo  fa  s pecificu  ndesiredc onsequence Definea  lloys:a  m  ixtureo  f2  o  rm  orem  etals(brass)   N  ame3  s  tepso  fL  CA ·Inventorya  nalysis ·Impacta  nalysis  ·Improvementa  nalysis  G  ive2  r easonsw  hyL  CAisn  otm  orew  idelyu  sed ·G  atheringinfoistimec onsuminga  nde  xpensive. ·N  os tandardizedm  ethodology,assumptionsm  ightb  es ubjective  N  ame3  c  onsequenceso  fg  lobalw  arming 1. Waterlevelr ising 2. Morefrequenta  nds everew  eather 3. Dirtiera  ir( airp  ollution) 4. Morea  cidico  ceans 5. Viabilitytoa  nimalsa  ndp  lantsw  hoa  retryingtoc opew  iththec hanges 

 D  efineG  WP ● GlobalW  armingP  otential:T  hea  mounto  fh  eattrappedb  ya  p  articularg  astothat ofC  O2.  D  efineH  Q ● HazardQ  uotient:isthem  etricu  sedinr iska  ssessmentstoc omparea  na  ctual doseo  fa  c hemicaltother eferenced  ose.Isd  efineda  sther atioo  fthea  verage dailyd  ose( ADD)o  fa  c hemicald  ividedb  yther eferenced  ose.  E  xplainw  hyp  opulationg  rowtha  nde  conomicg  rowtha  reimportant,a  ndw  hya  re theyn  otincludedine  nvironmentala  nalysis ● P  opulationa  nde  conomicg  rowtha  reo  utsidether ealmso  fa  ne  ngineer’s domain.Ino  thersw  ordse  ngineeringc annotc ontrolthesefactors. ● PopulationG  rowthisimportantb  ecauseitisd  irectlyp  roportionaltother aw materialu  sed. ● EconomicG  rowthisimportantb  ecausem  orea  ffluenceincreasec onsumption ● Becausey ouc an’tr eallyq  uantifythemd  irectlyinton  umberstob  efedinto mathematicalm  odels,thustheylieinthefieldo  fthes ocials ciences.  Somethinga  boutf uelc  ells?  Itisa  g  aspowerede  lectrochemicalb  atterythattakesh  ydrogena  ndo  xygena  ndm  ixes themto producee  lectricity.T  heb  yproducto  fthisr eactionisw  ater.T  hey’rev erye  xpensive.   G  ivey  ouro  piniona  boutc  ontrollingt heo  verpopulationo  fE  arth  Thep  opulationg  rowthisd  irectlyr elatedw  ithe  nvironmentalimpactsb  ecausem  ore resourcesa  ndlanda  reu  sed,s oifw  eh  avec ontrolo  verthep  opulationg  rowth,less emissionsa  ndw  astesa  rer eleasedtothee  nvironment   N  ame3  s  ourceso  fu  ncertaintiesa  ssociatedw  ithr iska  ssessment ● Ther eferenced  oseis a  k eyp  arameteru  sedinr iska  ssessmentstoc haracterize thes afed  oseo  fa  n  oncarcinogenicc hemical.

● Hazardq  uotient( HQ)isthem  etricu  sedinr iska  ssessmentstoc omparea  n actuald  oseo  fa  c hemicaltother eferenced  ose.Isd  efineda  sther atioo  fthe averaged  ailyd  ose( ADD)o  fa  c hemicald  ividedb  yther eferenced  ose. ● Differentp  eoplec anh  aved  ifferentr esponsestov ariousd  oses.?? ● Measuremente  rrors u  ncertaintyinh  owm  uchisa  bsorbed,h  owm  uchisa  ctually presenta  roundlargelocations,r esponseino  thero  rganisms( animals)n  otw  ell known    Whatst hem  odificationf actor?  ● Afactortom  odifyther eferenced  osefora  p  articularc hemicalo  re  xposure pathway  E  xplaint hed  ifferencesb  etweend  oseresponsec  urvesf orc  arcinogensa  nd noncarcinogens  ● Carcinogens=  linearr elationships imilartoy =xc urve ● Nonc arcinogens=  C  urveisflat=  ( RfD,N  OAEL)u  ntil( Actualthreshold)then curves imilartoy =x^2,a  dversee  ffectss tarttob  eo  bserved.    N  ame3  a  dvantagesa  nd3  d  isadvantageso  fb  atterypoweredc  ars ● Pros:C  onsumelesse  nergy,N  od  irectp  ollutants,d  oesn  otc onsumefossilfuels (renewable) ● Cons:E  xpensiveinitialc ost,limitedd  rivingr ange,lacko  ffuelings tations??? Oftenv erylongtor echarge.W  astefromb  atteries >indirectp  ollutionb  yu  sing electricityg  eneratedb  yp  ollutingp  owerp  lant...  N  ame3  w  ayso  fc  hargingf uelc  ells  1. ?????? 2. Chargingu  singh  ydrogen U  singa  h  ydrogenc hargerthata  rea  vailableins ome gass tations. 3. Performh  ydrolysistoo  btainh  ydrogen  E  xplainw  hyism  ercuryr eceivingp  articulara  ttentionins  cientifics  tudies L  ongt erme  ffectso  nt heb  rain. 

● ● ● ●

Neurologicald  amage Bioaccumulatesintheb  lood Caricogen?  ? Fatalife  xposedtoh  ugea  mounts

  ( Cal,f ormulag  iven)W  hatw  ouldb  et het emperatureo  nt hes  urfaceo  fV  enusifit hadn  oa  tmosphere T  =  T  sun* ( (1A)^.25)* ( Rsun/2D)^.5 Tsun=5800K,A  =Albedo( venus=.75),R  sun=7e5km,D  (venustos un)=.723(AU)w  here1  AU=1e8kmS  o…...withoutG  HG/a  tmosphere,T  =285K( roughe  stimate)n  ots urew  hich formulatheyw  illg  ive,b  ecausetherea  rem  any…likew  ithp  owerd  istribution…  Okays oIthinkifiguredo  utthee  rrorintheO  THERT  emperaturee  quation Hereisw  hatIthinkistheg  oodv ersion:T = (

So* (1− A) 0.25 ) σ

So=S  olarO  utput( 342W),A  =Albedo( 0.3e  arth,.75v enus)a  ndσ = 5.67x10 −8  Tvenus=197K Tearth=255K( aloto  fs itesg  ivethise  stimate) ughhd  oesntm  atchw  ithe  quationa  boveb  uty eahm  ayber oundinge  rrors?  ( Cal)H  owm  anyy  earsw  oulditt akef ort hep  opulationt od  oubleift heg  rowthp  er yearis5  % 14.2? Justu  setheformulaP  =Po(1+r)^t   ( Cal)T  hato  neq  uestiona  boutw  hethert hek  idc  anp  layint hec  ontaminateds  ite mg

CDI=100 kg * 2x10 −4 

kg d


1 15kg



* 4 d * 1 24h *

350d 365d


12y 70y


5 mg kg *d

CancerR  isk=  C  DIx P  F=  3.65x10 −5 * 6.1x10 −3 = 2.2x10 −7  7 2.2x10− < 1 .6x10−6 H  EC  ANP  LAYlol#  fuckcancerthough#  dontplayidiot Thisk idk eepsp  layinginthep  laygrounde  veryy ear……….F  uckkingk ids...  W  hatisb  ado  zonea  ndw  hatist hec  ause Airp  ollutanto  zoneo  ng  roundlevel.C  auses a  utomobile,factoriesa  nde  tcN  Oxa  nd VOCinvolvedinp  hotochemicalr eactionsg  enerateO  zone  W  hatise  utrophicationa  ndw  hatist hec  ause

Overe  nrichmento  fn  utrientso  nw  aters ucha  sn  itrogena  ndp  hosphorusc ausedb  y runoffo  fa  griculturalfields  (froma  2  009f inal)a  )W  hatisa  p  athogen? Pathogensa  red  iseaseproducingo  rganismsthat growintheh  ost( herew  ater).P  athogensthata  re associatedw  ithw  atera  rev iruses,b  acteria, protozoa,a  ndh  elminthes. •P  athogensinw  aterc anc auseh  umanillnesses. •Inm  anyc ountries,thep  resenceo  fp  athogensin waters uppliesiss tilla  nissue.  b)(froma  2  009f inal)D  efineM  CLf ord  rinkingw  ater  a)(froma  2  009f inal)W  hatist hed  ifferenceb  etweenP  otencyF  actora  ndC  hronic Dailyintakeo  fa  c  arcinogenicc  hemical? PFr epresenttheincrementallifetimec ancerr iskc orrespondingtoa  C  DIo  f1  m  g/kgda ofa  p  articularc hemical. CDIistheA  DDo  fa  c hemicald  ividedb  ythelifetimeo  fa  nindividual  HowisC  hronicD  ailyIntakec  alculated? CDI( m  g/kgday)=  ( Averaged  ailyd  ose( m  g/day))*(totale  xposuretime)/( Bodyw  eight (kg))* totallifetime CDI:isthea  veraged  ailyd  oseo  fa  c hemicalo  verthelifetimeo  fa  nindividual.  Whatist hep  otencyf actor? PF( m  g/kgday)1=  IncrementallifetimeC  ancerR  iskfora  C  hronicD  ailyIntakeo  f1  mg/kgdayo  fa  p  articulars ubstance.  BONUSQ  UESTIONS:  whata  rethetypeso  fturbineu  sedinp  owerp  lantn  owa  d  ays,why? Impulse,r eaction,g  ravity  W  hata  ret hem  ainr awm  aterialst hata  reu  sedt om  ake1  .d  etergentsa  nd2  . screwdrivers 1. Phosphorus,n  aoha  ndfats 2  .n  ickel,aluminiumo  rz inc  W  hat’st hea  tmosphericw  indow? 

Radiationo  fa  c ertainw  avelengthp  assesthroughe  asilyw  ithoutinterferencefromthe atmosphere  Differenceb  etweenu  ranium2  38a  nd2  35?? ● 238m  orec ommonthan2  35 ● 235m  orer adioactivea  ndthush  asa  s mallerh  alflifethan2  38   Tracem  etalsw  ithe  levatedc  oncentrationsm  ayb  et oxic.N  amet hem  etalf ort he followingt oxice  ffects. ● Kidney>lead ● Nervouss ystem>Hg(mercury),lead ● Respiratoryc ancera  nds kind  isease >A  rsenic ● Learningd  isorder>Mercury 

Describes  omeo  ft hes  tabilizations  cenariosd  evelopedb  yt he intergovernmentalp  anelo  fc  limatec  hange( IPCC) ??????? Page5  17T  B

 Whata ret her esultso fther esearcha tVostok,Antarctica?  Understandthec limateofthep ast  Observer elationshipb etweengreenhousegasc oncentrationa ndtemperature  Observec hangeso fC  O2andMethanec oncentrationsf romthepastu ntil now  Names  ixa  irp  ollutantsa  ndt heirs  ources(2016w  inter) ● CO(incompletec ombustion) ● SO2(combustiono  fc oala  ndo  il) ● NO(fuelc ombustions) ● Lead(combustiono  fleadedg  asoline) ● Tropospherico  zone/bado  zone(photochemicalr eactionsb  etweens unlight andN  Oxa  ndV  OCslikeh  ydrocarbons) ● Particulatem  atter ● Cd(burningfossilfuel) ● HG(coalc ombustions) 

 List4  s  teps( ore  lements)o  ft her iska  ssessmentd  efinedin1  983b  yN  ational ResearchC  ouncil( NRC) ● Hazarda  nalysis ● Doser esponsea  nalysis ● Exposurea  nalysis ● Riskc haracterization  Majore  ffectso  fo  ilp  ollution?  ● Effecto  ne  conomy ● Effecto  ntourism ● Environmentale  ffects ● Effectso  nw  ildlife     Name4  m  ainp  owerp  lantp  ollutants  Emissionso  fC  O2 S  O2 N  Ox P  M( particulatem  atter)p  .167    Photochemicals  moga  ndt hep  ollutantsa  ssociatedw  ithit     

2016final  

A  cronymsa ndtermst hatyouhavetodefine.( Makesureyouk  nowTKN=TotalKjeldahl Nitrogenbecausef orsomer easonit'llshowupinthee xamdespiten  everbeingmentioned duringt hecourse.)  N  ame3s tepsofLCA inventorya nalysis impactsa nalysis 

improvementa nalysis d G  ive2r easonsw  hyLCAisnotmorewidelyu  sed Gatheringthedataistimeconsumingandexpensive. Thereisnou niversallyacceptedmethodology.Thea ssumptionsmademightbesubjective.  N  ame3c onsequencesofglobalwarming Risings ealevel,c hangeinweatherpatterns,viabilityo fplant/life  D  efineGWP Globalw  armingpotential  D  efineHQ Avgd  ailydoseo fnoncarcinogenicchemicalduringexposedperiodd  ividedbyr eference dose,iflowert han1,thennotdangerous  E  xplainwhyp  opulationgrowthandeconomicgrowtha reimportant,andw  hyarethey notincludedine nvironmentala nalysis  G  iveyouro pinionaboutcontrollingtheoverpopulationofE  arth  N  ame3s ourceso funcertaintiesassociatedwithriska ssessment  E  xplainthed  ifferencesb  etweendoseresponsecurvesforc arcinogensa nd noncarcinogens  N  ame3a dvantagesand3disadvantagesofb  atterypoweredc ars  N  ame3w  aysofchargingfuelcells  E  xplainwhyismercuryreceivingparticularattentioninscientifics tudies            ( Cal,formulag iven)Whatwouldbethet emperatureo nthes urfaceofVenusifithadno atmosphere  

( Cal)Howm  anyyearswouldittakef orthep  opulationtod  oubleifthegrowthp  eryearis 5%  ( Cal)Thato nequestionaboutwhetherthek  idcanp  layint hecontaminatedsite  W  hatisb  adozoneandwhatist hecause  W  hatise utrophicationa ndwhatisthecause   BONUSQ  UESTIONS: s omethingsomethingt urbinesinpowerplants(can'tr emembert hisone)  W  hatarethemainrawmaterialsthatareusedt omake1 .detergentsand2.screwdrivers     WINTER2 016  2016– WQ  uestionsfromDr.John  ‑WhatisF.C.,CFCs,G  WP  ‑Whatisther easonthatpreventstheusageo fLCAm  ore?  ‑Names ixairp ollutants  ‑Whata rethee ffectso fglobalwarming?  ‑Whata rether esultsoftheresearchatV  ostok,A  ntarctica?  ‑Whena ndwherew  ascoppermorevaluablethang old?(Ans:A  ncientEgypt)  ‑Namem  ajorcontaminantsf orundergroundwater.  ‑Describes omeofthestabilizationscenariosdevelopedbytheintergovernmentalpanelof climatec hange(IPCC)  ‑DefineH  azardquotienta ndhazardindex  

‑Whatisthed ifferenceb etweenreferencedoselevelandthresholdlevel?  ‑Whatisthep otencyfactor  ‑Whatistransuranicw  asteandhowtodistinguishb etweenhighlevelandlowlevelradiative wastes?  ‑Explains omeofthe“uncertainties”inassessingriskf ornoncarcinogens.  ‑Whatisthed ifferenceb etweenenvironmentalforecastandenvironmentals cenario?  ‑Q15.1,Q  15.2,andQ  14.3inthetextbook   


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