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Course Strategic Management
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Which of the following statements about the Strategic Management Process are true? A) The tasks are independent from each other and need to be completed after one another B) The process doesn´t help to identify differences from planned strategies to firm performance a. A is false, B is correct b. Both are false c. Both are correct d. A is correct, B is false  Some sources to obtain a competitive cost advantage are given by:

a. Technological innovation b. The perception and valuation of the product by customers c. Spending on online marketing d. The variety of tastes and needs of customers  What is the VISION? a. The vision is an statement identifying a critical consumer need b. The vision is an statement defining what an organisation ultimately wants to be c. None of the answers is correct d. The vision is an statement defining what the organisation actually does Regarding strategic thinking: a. None of the answers is correct b. Strategic planning and strategic thinking are the same c. Strategic thinking implies that everyone in the organization should apply the knowledge of the strategic plan in every day to day decision, so that the decisions of everyone in the organization go hand in hand to move the organization to the same direction d. Strategic thinking is required only for the top management


Porter Value Chain: a. The core competency that is most responsible for adding value in each company. b. The firm's ability to create and modify its resources over time. c. The internal activities a firm does when transforming inputs to outputs. d. The unique strengths embedded within a firm.  Which of the following statemenst about the rivalry among existing competitors in the 5 forces analysis is true? a. Rivaling competitors only compete over market share, not profitability b. Intensity between rivals can be determined by exit barriers c. Rivals can only compete in a competition over price d. The weaker the other forces, the stronger the rivalry Which of the following elements can be considered part of the general or macroenvironment of the company? a. Increased competition b. Increased bargaining power of suppliers c. Increase in the trade balance deficit d. Lowering of entry barriers

Porter Value Chain: a. None of these answers is correct b. It's made up of horizontal links (activities outside, relating the organization to suppliers and clients value chain) and vertical links (activities within the organization value chain) c. Its objetive is to know in what activity the company is generating greater value and in which activity the company is genereting a lower value and coud be improve d. Possible capabilities for competitve advantage are to be found only in the basic activities but not in the supporting activities


In the 5 forces analysis, barriers to entry are defined. Which of the following is not a barrier of entry? a. Economies of scale b.Government policy c.Capital requirement d. Economic policy   Which of the following statements about joint ventures is false? a. Partners can only exchange explicit knowledge b. A partner can use it to enter foreign markets c. Partners invest equity d. Partners can misuse knowledge sharing  Some sources to obtain a competitive cost advantage are given by: a. Technological innovation b. The variety of tastes and needs of customers. c. Spending on online marketing d. The perception and valuation of the product by customers  Through external growth the company increases its market power because: a. It invest resources in new business different than the ones it had before. b. It reduces the number of competitors through horizontal integration with acquisitions or mergers. c. Invest its resources in new assets to increase its production capacity d. None of these answers is correct  


Strategy formulation and implementation is a continuous and changing process. For this to be effective it must involve: a. b. c. d.

All the answers are correct. The CEO and the board of directors. Middle managers and staff. The board of directors, the CEO, and the chief financial officer.

 Corporate Strategies: a. No answer is correct b. They define for example if the company competes in differentiation. c. They define the company's field of action, that is, in which markets and with which products does it compete d. They define for example how to enter in a new foreign market  In the context of company growth, the strategy of market developement can be achieve: a. Developing a new segment with new KSF different than the ones before b. None of the answers are correct c. Identifying new functions and benefits of the current products  d. Defining new resources  Regarding the areas or levels of strategy, which of these statements is correct: a. A strategy corresponding to the competitive level would be the acquisition by the company of another company. b. A typical functional level strategy would be to decide which businesses the company should enter. c. Competitive or business strategies are those that seek to find the competitive advantage of the company. d. Competitive or business strategies are those that seek to find the competitive advantage of the sector. 


The decision to follow a focus or segmentation strategy means: a. Competition in costs, to be able to set lower prices than the companies that compete in the entire sector. b. The specialization through a SBU that offers totally different product/services from each other. c. The selection of sources of exclusivity that the company will use to distinguish its offers from those of its competitors. d. Segment selection by geographical area, clients or products.  The generic business strategies (Porter) are: a. Cost leadership and Differentiation b. Cost leadership, Differentiation, and growth c. Cost leadership, Differentiation, and development d. Cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation. Segmentation is very different than cost leadership and differentiation.  In the context of company development strategies, the expansion strategy based on product development means: a. Traditional products in traditional markets. b. New products in new markets. c.New products in traditional markets. d. New markets for traditional products.  Some sources to obtain competitive cost advantage are given by: a. Productivity, logistics, etc. b. Style, prestige and reputation of the brand c. The variety of tastes and needs of customers. d. The perception and evaluation of the product by customers.


The ANSOFF model a. It deals with all corporate development strategies in general b.It deals with corporate growth strategies, distinguishing between different expansion strategies and diversification strategies c. It deals only with corporate expansion strategies d. It deals with competitive growth strategies, including expansion and consolidation  Which of the following statements about mergers and acquisitions is true? a. Both M&As could be a mechanism for horizontal integration. b. A disadvantage of M&As is that they are costly for both sides. c. M&As always create a competitive advantage d. Because of contractual agreements, M&As are not vulnerable to the conflict of interests between managers and stakeholders.  Which is the correct definition of an acquisition? a. When at leaset one partner takes a partial ownership in another partner. b.The joining of two independent companies to form a combined entity. c. The purchase or takeover of one company by another company. d. Standalone organizations created and jointly owned by two or more parent companies.  The generic business strategies (Porter) are: a. Cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation. Segmentation is very different than cost leadership and differentiation. b. Cost leadership and Differentiation c. Cost leadership, Differentiation, and growth d. Cost leadership, Differentiation, and development


What is the difference between cost leadership and focused cost leadership strategy? a.Focused cost leadership focuses on a broader market and therefore managers need to be more focused b.Focused cost leadership focuses on reducing the cost of a specific product c.Focused cost leadership has a different strategic position to cost leadership d. Focused cost leadership focuses on a specific part of the market  In the context of company's growth, the penetration strategy pretends to increase the volume of sales gaining new clients from: a. Same target group, attended by competitors b. A new group of clients that was attended by competitors c. All answers are correct d. A new market segment that was not covered before  In the 5 forces analysis, barriers to entry are defined. Which of the following is not a barrier of entry? a.Government policy b. Economic policy c. Economies of scale d.Capital requirement  According to the VRIO framework, what is a resource that is valuable but not rare? a. Temporary competitive advantage b. Suistainable competitive advantage c. Competitive disadvantage d. Competitive Parity 


Regarding the Strategic Plan: a. A 10% of the strategic plans fail due to bad implementation b. The participation of all the departments of the organization is important only in the implementation of the strategic plan but not in its elaboration c. It should be created by the top management and middle management d. Every department of the organization should be involved in the elaboration of the strategic plan.  The Vision of the organization differs from the Mission because: a. The vision is the reason why a company exists, and the mission is the direction in which the organization wants to go b. The definition of the vision and mission of a company is not so relevant as the formulation of the strategies. The formulation of the strategies is the most important. c. The vision is for an organization equivalent to the lighthouse for a boat. It indicates the place where the organization wants to be in the future.  d. The vision and the mission do not differ that much from each other, thats why many companies communicate these concepts in the wrong way.  Which of the following statements about a good strategy are true? I) A good strategy is a grandiose statement II) A good strategy includes a guiding policy Trieu-ne una: a. I) is false, II) is true b. Both are true c. b Both are true d. I) is true, II) is false 


Some sources to obtain a competitive cost advantage are given by: a.The variety of tastes and needs of customers. b. Neither answer is correct. c. Complements to the product (technical design of packaging, logistics, sales network, after-sales services, etc.) d. The perception and valuation of the product by customers.   Related to the Five Competitive Forces of Michael Porter, indicate the fact that implies less bargaining power for suppliers: a. Existance of substitute products  b. High differentiation of the suppliers c. Control in hands of small number of suppliers d. Little importance of the buyers for the suppliers  Porter Value Chain: a. Possible capabilities for competitve advantage are to be found only in the basic activities but not in the supporting activities b. It's made up of horizontal links (activities outside, relating the organization to suppliers and clients value chain) and vertical links (activities within the organization value chain) c. None of these answers is correct d. Its objetive is to know in what activity the company is generating greater value and in which activity the company is genereting a lower value and coud be improve In a SWOT an opportunity is: a. Very motivated employees b. To expand to international markets c. None of the answers is true d. To produce vegetarian products


Complexity is one of the elements of the strategy that differentiates it from other operational decisions in the organization. This complexity is due to: a. Companies operate in static competitive environments b. The culture of the organization is given and the strategy must be adapted to the same c. Too often, companies do not have enough strategic alternatives d. The strategy is about the future, which is difficult to predict   Which of the following is the definition of a business strategy: a. Are the firm's unique strenghts that are embedded deeply. b. The decisions that leaders make to compete in serveral markets c. The ways to compete in a market looking for the competitive advantage d. The variation of products a firm offers or geographical locations in which the firm competes  Emphasis in product design, slow market growth, and low rivarly are characteristics of an industry when it is in the stage of ______ in its life cycle: a. Decline b. Maturity c. Introduction d. Growth A strategic business unit: a. It corresponds to that area of the company that obtains benefits. b. None of the answers is correct c. It is a unit used for the formulation of the strategy but not for the implementation. d. It necessarily coincides with the established organizational units.  


Which of the following statements indicates the different levels of strategy? a. Industrial, organizational and international level b. Functional level, business unit and corporate level c. Micro, meso and macro level d.Individual, national and international level  Seat has just introduced the Mii electric, its first 100% battery powered car a. The strategy behind this news is a related diversification strategy b. The competitive strategy behind this news is product development because SEAT remains in the traditional vehicle market c. No answer is correct d. The corporate strategy behind this news is a penetration strategy  Be socially responsible considering the interests of multiple long-term stakeholders: a. It is beneficial only if there are significant tax benefits for socially responsible companies b. Increase transaction costs c. It can allow the company to differentiate itself from competitors d. It can improve the competitive position of the company whose target audience is very price sensitive  The pharmaceutical industry has high profits, due to, among other factors: a. The existence of low barriers of entry, such as patents b. The existance of substitute products for the prescription drugs c. The low differenciation of the products in this industry d. Backward vertical integration of the companies of this industry to meet their particular needs 


Strategic planning is an activity that refers to: a. The design of the profiles and responsabilities of the employees of the company b. A formalized process to make strategical decisions that includes a desired future position of the company.  c. A process that guarantees part of the achievments of the companies goals. d. Strategic planning refers to the adjustment of the capacities of the organization to create a competitive position  Regarding the criteria for the strategic evaluation of resources and capacities: a. To generate a competitive advantage: it is necessary to meet the criteria of scarcity and relevance. b. To generate a competitive advantage: It is NOT necessary to meet the criteria of  scarcity, relevance and durability c. For the appropriation of income: scarcity, durability and substitutability are necessary. d. To maintain a competitive advantage: durability, portability and relevance are necessary.  The degree of rivalry between companies in a sector is greater when: a.Industry is in the development or growth phase of its life cycle b.Businesses have low fixed or storage rates c. The products or services are very homogeneous d.Barriers to entry are high  Within the analysis of the value chain of a library, the acquisition, cataloging and filing of bibliographic funds can be considered as activities of: a. Operations b. Company infrastructure c. Outbound Logistics


d. Inbound Logistics  Point out the correct statement regarding the Porter Value Chain: a. The competitive advantage is achieved when the company develops and integrates the activities of its value chain in a better differentiated way than its rivals and therefore at a higher costs b. Porter value chain is a complement of Porter 5 Forces that helps to understand where the value of the chain supplier - company - client ist. c. The value chain consists of four basic elements: support activities, main activities, value generating activities and the margin d. The value chain analysis is an internal analysis tool that serves to identify sources of competitive advantage   The threat of retaliation in the pharmaceutical industry: a. It reduces the bargaining power of suppliers b. It increases the barriers of exit of the industry c. It increases the level of attractiveness of the industry for new entrants d. It increases the barriers of entry for new potential entrants Regarding the Strategic Plan: a. None of the answers is correct b. The most important part of a strategic plan is the mission vision and values. c. It includes goals, actions, timings, KPI's, responsible person d. It helps everyone in the organization to know where the company wants to go, and what are the strategical priorities in the coming years  Point out which of the following is a correct statement according to Michael Porter 5 Forces: a. Entry barriers do not affect the profitability of the industry. b. The higher the barriers of entry, the greater profitability of the industry.


c. The higher the barriers of entry, the lower the profitability of the industry. d. The exit barriers, does not affect profitability of the industry. Strategic planning is an activity that refers to: a. To design the functions of the people who make up the company. b. A process that provides the measure of the degree of fulfillment of the established objectives. c. The adjustment of personnel policies to the strategy and business of the company. d. A formalized decision-making process that produces a desired representation of the future state of the company.   Can the culture of the organization be considered as an important source of sustained competitive advantage for the company? a. No, since the culture of the organization can only produce ambiguity for a company in the application of certain strategies b. No, since a strong organizational culture can only be an obstacle for a company in achieving a sustained competitive advantage. c. Yes, since the organizational culture can be used as a means of control within the company and domination in the industry. d. Yes, since a company with a unique and valuable organizational culture may have an advantage that is difficult to imitate over other companies. What is the MISSION? a. None of the answers is correct b. The mission is an statement identifying a critical consumer need c. The mission is an statement defining what an organisation ultimately wants to be d. The mission is an statement defining what the organisation actually does  Ansoff model: a. Deals with business strategies , which include expansion and diversification b. Deals with growth strategies, and it differentiates the expansion strategies and diversification strategies.


c. Deals only with expansion strategies d. Deals with all the corporate strategies (growth and divest) We can affirm that: a. The criteria used to define the Strategic Business Units (SBU) have to do with the characteristics of the company's products, the markets in which it operates and the production process used. b. The SBU as a whole is the subdivision of any company diversified into the different businesses in which it participates. c. All the answers are correct d. The reason that justifies the need to defin...

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