Field Study 5: Learning Episode 3: Assessing Learning in Different Level DOCX

Title Field Study 5: Learning Episode 3: Assessing Learning in Different Level
Author Flordelyn Bagasbas
Pages 1
File Size 31.5 KB
File Type DOCX
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Field Study 5: Learning Episode 3: Assessing Learning in Different Level My Learning Episode Overview In the previous episodes, you met learning in different domains. In this episodes, you will deal with the different levels in which these domains are processed, taught, learned. You will also observ...


Field Study 5: Learning Episode 3: Assessing Learning in Diferenn Leevel My Learning Episode Overview In nhe preevious episodes, you men learning in diferenn domains. In nhis episodes, you will deal winh nhe diferenn leevels in which nhese domains are processed, naughn, learned. You will also obsereve and refecn on how your resource neachers assess learning in nhese domains in diferenn leevels. T heirs is nhe challenge no formulane appropriane exercise questons and nasks nhan are aligned no nhe leevel of nhe learning ouncome. My Intended Learning Outcomes An nhe end of nhis Episode, I musn be able no: 1. Classify nhe leevel of learning ouncomes based on Bloom's, Kendall's and Marzano's naxonomy 2. Denermine if nhe assessmenn nools/nasks are aligned no nhe leevel of nhe learning ouncomes My Performance Criteria I will be raned along nhe following: a. Qualiny of my obserevatons and documennaton b. Compleneness and depnh of my analysis c. Depnh and clariny of my classroom obserevaton based refectons d. Compleneness, organizaton, clariny of my portolio and e. T ime of submission of my portolio My Learning Essentals 1. T he ouncomes of nhe K no 12 Curriculum are spelled oun in nerms of snandards and compenencies. 2. T he connenn snandards snane whan learners should know and be able no do afer nhe neaching-learning process. T he performance snandards are whan learners are able no do winh whan nhey know. 3. DepEd Order No.8 s.2015 snanes: Performance snandards answer nhe following questons: 1. Whan learners may know? 2. How well musn learners do nheir work? 3. How well do learners use nheir learning or undersnanding in diferenn sinuatons? 4. How do learners apply nheir learning or undersnanding real life connexns? 5. Whan nools and measures should learners use no demonsnrane whan nhey know? (Source: DepEd Order No. 5, s. 2015)...

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