Gen-Ana-Oral-Ana - NAProstho DENT MAT Revalida PDF

Title Gen-Ana-Oral-Ana - NAProstho DENT MAT Revalida
Course Dentistry
Institution Centro Escolar University
Pages 28
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Download Gen-Ana-Oral-Ana - NAProstho DENT MAT Revalida PDF


1. Maximum volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible inspiratory effort: 5,800ml" 2. Signals entering a neuronal pool excite far greater numbers of nerve fibers leaving the pool: Divergence" 3. The pterygomandibular raphe is a tendon between which muscle? Buccinator and superior constrictor" 4. Which of the following contributes principally to the increase in height of maxillary bones? Alveolar growth" 5. Which of the following cranial nerves have parasympathetic activity? III, VII, IX, X 6. Succinylcholine blocks neuromuscular transmission by: Depolarizing the motor endplate of skeletal muscle" 7. Fracture through the angle of the mandible can result in an upward displacement of the proximal fragment. Which of the following groups of muscles produces this movement? # Masseter, temporal and medial pterygoid " 8. The following are classified as mixed cranial nerves: CN 5, CN 7, CN 9 (1,2,3)" 9. This is smooth muscle that helps eject urine from the bladder: Detrussor muscle" 10. The cranial nerves that are associated with the tongue: CN 5, CN 7, CN 9, CN 12 (1,2,3,5)" 11. The foramen where the CSF passes were: Iter, Magendie, Monro, Luschka (1,3,4,5)" 12. In performing tracheostomy, the involved triangle is the: Muscular triangle" 13. The pitch of a sound is related mainly to which of the follow ing characteristics of a sound wave? Amplitude of waves " 14. Muscle cells use which of the following to store energy? Creatine phosphate " 15. Indentation in the medial border of the kidney’s for the passage of renal vessels and ureters: Renal hilus 16. Inner layer of the dura mater between cerebral hemispheres cerebellum: Falx cerebelli" 17. Which two muscle below form a sling around the angle of the mandible? Masseter muscle, Medial Pterygoid (2,3)" 18. Which three muscle are considered to be the circular muscles of the pharynx? Superior constrictor, Middle constrictor, Inferior constrictor (1,4,5)" 19. Which lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for hearing? Temporal lobe" 20. Which structures make up the brainstem? Pons, medulla oblongata, mesencephalon (2,3,4)" 21. The cardiac notch is a deep indentation on the: Superior lobe of the left lung" 22. Non-neuronal tissue of the CNS that performs supportive and other ancillary functions: Neuroglia" 23. Ovulation occurs as a result of: The estrogen-induced LH surge" 24. Which receptors are stimulated by distension of the lungs? Lung stretch receptors" 25. When a patient opens his mouth, there is an audible click. Which of the following represents the most plausible explanation? The disk and condyle lack functional coordination 26. A fracture through the neck of condyle can result in the forward displacement of the condylar head because of the pull of which muscle? Lateral pterygoid 27. During an inferior alveolar block injection, the needle passes through the mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle and lies lateral to which muscle? Medial pterygoid" 28. The internal acoustic meatus transmits which two of the following structures: Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), facial nerve (CN VII) (1,3)" 29. Where is the orifice to the fourth canal in a maxillary first molar usually found? Lingual to the orifice of the mesiofacial canal" 30. The lingual lobe of an anterior teeth is referred to as the: Cingulum" 31. Mesial developmental depression is characteristic feature of which premolar? Maxillary 1st"

32. Anterior teeth whose cingulum are located off center to the distal: Maxillary centrals, mandibular laterals, mandibular canines (1,5,6)" 33. “Primate spaces” in the primary dentition are found in which two locations: In the maxillary arch, located between the lateral incisors and canine, In the mandibular arch, located between the canines and first molars (2,3)" 34. How many planes of movement can the mandible move in? Three" 35. During a working side movement of the mandible, the oblique ridge of a maxillary first molar passes through which sulcus of a permanent mandibular first molar? Distobuccal sulcus" 36. Cusp of carabelli is found on which cusp of maxillary first molar: Mesiolingual cusp " 37. Cervical contours are closely related to the attachment of gingival at the neck of the tooth. The greatest contours of the cervical lines and gingival attachments occur on which of the following surfaces? Mesial surfaces of anterior teeth" 38. Surfaces of teeth that have a trapezoidal outline: Lingual of posterior teeth, labial of anterior teeth, buccal of posterior teeth (1,2,3)" 39. The mandible in its physiologic rest or postural resting position has: No contact" 40. This is a position assumed by the jaw when it is not engaged in any activity? Physiologic rest position" 41. Occlusocervically, the height of the distal marginal ridge of a permanent first molar is the same height as: The mesial marginal ridge of a permanent maxillary 2nd molar" 42. Oblique ridges of maxillary molars are formed by which two triangular ridges (TR)? Distal TR of mesiolingual cusp, TR of distobuccal cusp (2,3)" 43. Which among the premolars develops from 5 lobes? Mandibular 2nd- 3 cusp type" 44. When the teeth are in centric occlusion, the position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla is preimarily determined by the: Intercuspation of teeth" 45. The non-working condyle performs which of the following movements? Downward, forward, medial" 46. The mandibular molars have an inclination towards what direction? Lingually" 47. Y-shaped groove is characteristic of: Mandibular 2nd-3 cusp type" 48. One of its distinguishing landmark is mesiolingual developmental groove: Mandibular 1st" 49. This molar presents two major and two minor fossa? Maxillary 1st" 50. A well-developed transverse ridge is found on the occlusal of this tooth: Mandibular 1st premolar" 51. Tactile cells of Merkel: Determine texture of what is felt, Important in localizing touch sensations (A,B)" 52. Sensations transmitted by anterolateral system: Pain, Crude, Tickle and itch, sexual sensations (1,2,3,5)" 53. Kinesthesia: Position senses" 54. Intensity of this taste sensation is approximately proportional to the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration: Sour" 55. At birth, which of the following structures is nearest the size it will eventually attain in adulthood? Cranium" 56. When lowering the floor of the mouth of a patient, a practitioner detaches all or part of which muscles? Mylohyoid and genioglossus" 57. Which of the following is derived from the unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes? Prostaglandins" 58. After a threshold stimulus, the cell-membrane permeability becomes altered. The liberation of which of the following transmitter substances causes this alteration? Acetylcholine" 59. Gastric secretion is regulated by which two mechanisms? Neural mechanism, Hormonal mechanism (2,3)"

60. Which of the following represents the standard bipolar limb lead 1 of the ECG? Right arm (-) and left arm (+)" 61. Which valve composed of two cusps that prevent a back flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium during ventricular contraction? Mitral valve" 62. The longest and most convoluted portion of the digestive tract is: Small intestine" 63. Common opening of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct in the duodenum: Common bile orifice" 64. Which of the following substances is filtered but not reabsorbed by the kidney tubules: Insulin" 65. Which of the following is synthesized only by microorganisms and is not present in plants: Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)" 66. The liver is one of the two organ, along with the lungs to receive a dual blood supply. Which two structures are responsible for that dual blood supply to the liver? Hepatic artery, Hepatic portal vein (2,4)" 67. Which chamber of the heart receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cava and also from the anterior cardiac veins? Right atrium" 68. Rods and cones of the retina are examples of: Photoreceptors" 69. The action potential is an explosion of electrical activity that is created by a: Depolarizing current" 70. The difference in electrical charge between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane of an unstimulated (nonconducting) neuron is called the: Resting membrane potential" 71. Alveolar ventilation is expressed as: Respiratory rate x (tidal volume - dead space)" 72. When the lungs are in the resting position, the pressure within them, which is called the intrapulmonary pressure, is equivalent to which of the following: atmospheric pressure" 73. The unpleasant sensation of difficulty in breathing is called: Dyspnea" 74. In serial extraction procedures, concerns about the eruption sequence are usually related to the eruption pattern of which permanent teeth? Mandibular canines and first premolars" 75. Which of the following is the best way to palpate the posterior aspect of the mandibular condyle? Through the external auditory meatus" 76. When a permanent tooth clinically emerges, how much of the root structure is most likely to have developed? 2/3" 77. The space for eruption of permanent mandibular second and third molars is created by the: Resorption at the anterior border of the ramus" 78. When using an occlusal separator, a practitioner can expect which of the following types of TMJ disorders to respond most favorably? Muscle spasm" 79. Which of the following is the most likely indication for splinting? Mobility with patient discomfort" 80. Which of the following eruption sequences is most commonly found in the primary dentition? Central incisor, lateral incisor, first molar, canine, second molar" 81. Contraction of the posterior fibers of the temporals muscle results in the mandible: Retruding" 82. The muscle of mastication that is primarily responsible for synchronizing the movement of the condyle and the articular disc is the: External pterygoid (lateral pterygoid)" 83. Which among the permanent molars develops from 5 lobes? Mandibular 1st" 84. In a protrusive condylar movement, interferences can occur between which posterior cusp inclines? Inclines of maxillary distal, Inclines of mandibular distal" 85. Speech problems associated with cleft lip and palate are usually the result of: The inability of soft palate to close air flow into the nasal area" 86. The axial surfaces of teeth that have a rhomboidal outline? Mesial and distal of mandibular posterior teeth" 87. The part of the tooth that is exposed to the oral cavity: Clinical crown"

88. Which muscle plays an subsidiary role in mastication? Buccinator" 89. Bilateral contraction of the posterior fibers of the temporals muscle results in: Retrusion" 90. Which of the following jaw positions is determined almost exclusively by the behavior of the musculature? Postural" 91. During non-masticatory swallowing, teeth are usually: In contact in intercuspal position" 92. In periodontal structures, normal interdental osseous architecture is influenced to the greatest extent by which of the following? Proximal CEJ of adjacent teeth at the same level" 93. Which of the following groups of fibers of the periodontal ligament is most resistant to forces along the long axis of a tooth? Oblique" 94. When the mouth is open, there is more interocclusal distance anteriorly than posteriorly because of the: Rotary nature of the opening-closing movements" 95. In the edentulous mouth, placing the mandible in the retruded path of closure usually results in: An increase in occlusal vertical dimension, an increase in horizontal overlap, a decrease in vertical overlap (AOTA)" 96. This molar presents cusps that are almost equal in size: Mandibular 2nd" 97. This molar presents buccal roots that are plier-handled in shape? Maxillary 1st" 98. In the intercuspal position, facial cusps of mandibular teeth occlude with: Fossae and marginal ridges only" 99. Which of the following occur normally during the act of swallowing? Master muscles contract, teeth come into occlusal contact, the tip of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth (1,3,4)" 100.The movement of the TMJ in transverse direction occurs at? Superior joint compartment" 101.2. The TMJ meniscal disc has the following description, except? The thinnest part is at the anterior compartment " 102.The following describes the mandible, except? Condyle develops by means of membranous ossification" 103.Metopic suture is associated with what bone? Frontal bone" 104.The sphenoid bone develops from: Endochondral development " 105.The cervical vertebra and the hand and wrist bone is: Adjunct to determine the growth status of an individual " 106.Pterion comprises of the following: Sphenoid, temporal, frontal, parietal" 107.The hinge movement of TMJ is accomplished by, which among the following choices is incorrect: Anterior opening of the jaw and posterior movement" 108.The number of muscle present in man: 640" 109.Which of the following muscles is the smallest? Stapedius" 110.The 5th muscle of mastication is: Sphenomandibularis" 111.A segment of the lung that is pyramidal in shape, apex towards the lung root: Bronchopulmonary segment " 112.It is much easier to smile because when you smile there are 20 muscles that act on it, but when you frown there are how many muscle acts on it? 40 muscles 113.The following are paired cartilages of the larynx, except: Cricoid " 114.This muscle is also called caninus: Levator labii superioris" 115.The following are the origin of the trapezius, except: Lumbosacral fascia" 116.The following are the rotator cuff muscle, except: Teres major" 117.It extends the arm and medially rotates the glenohumeral joint: Subscapularis" 118.Muscular dystrophy a genetic disease that causes atrophy of the muscle fibers and it is also called the pompe disease: 1st and the 2nd statement are correct" 119.Superficial muscle that covers the lower jaw and anterior part the neck, what is the nerve supply of this muscle: Cervical Nerve"

120.The following are inserted into the intertubercular groove of the humerus, except: Teres minor 121.The main blood supply of the 2nd and 5th digits when blocked or injured will cause: Tunnel syndrome" 122.The sciatic nerve after passing through the gluteus maximus will run towards the following muscle, except: Piriformis " 123.The muscles of the thigh that is located at the lateral compartment moves the thigh in: Away from the midline " 124.Decompression fasciotomy is, except? Incision is made up to the muscle" 125.The cementoenamel junction of teeth curves in which two directions? Towards the apex on the facial and lingual surfaces, Away from the apex on the mesial and distal surfaces (I,IV)" 126.Primary teeth differ from the permanent teeth in that primary teeth have: Whiter crown, more pronounced cervical ridges, comparatively ridges larger pulp cavities, comparatively larger and slender roots (I,II,III,IV)" 127.A linear depression that crosses the mesial marginal ridge of maxillary premolar occlusally:# Mesial marginal developmental groove" 128.The sixth cusp of mandibular 1st molar located between the two lingual cusps is:# Tuberculum intermedium " 129.Occlusally, mandibular second premolar three-cusps type exhibits the following, except: Well-developed lingual cusp directly opposite the buccal cusp. " 130.The following ridges forms the perimeter of the occlusal table of maxillary first molars, except: Fifth cusp ridges" 131.The first evidence of calcification of maxillary third molar: 7 to 9 years" 132.Which of the following is not true regarding surfaces of the teeth? The surface that is towards the lips is the lingual surface." 133.The largest incisal/occlusal embrasure is located between: Maxillary lateral incisor and canine " 134.The following forms the perimeter of maxillary first premolar occlusally, except: Buccal and lingual triangular ridges" 135.The following features are TRUE of maxillary first premolar mesially, except :The groove and depression are connected with each other." 136.A peg shaped lateral incisor would developed from how many lobes? Two lobes " 137.Maxillary lateral incisors vary considerably in its development. Variations includes the following, except: Notch on the incisal ridge " 138.The height of contour of a mandibular incisor when viewed facially is located at what third of the crown? Incisal" 139.The mandibular central incisors exhibits which one of the following characteristics when viewed from the incisal aspect? The incisal ridge is almost at right angle to the line bisecting the crown LL." 140.The following are considered primary cusps of maxillary molars, except: Distolingual " 141.These molars has two antagonists, except: Maxillary third molars " 142.Which among the permanent teeth has its mesial marginal ridge located more cervically than its distal marginal ridge? Mandibular first premolar" 143.The following cusps of the maxillary molars that forms the maxillary molar primary cusp triangle. Mesiofacial, Mesiolingual, Distofacial (I, II, III)" 144.Cross sectionally, deciduous teeth as compare to permanent teeth are as follows, except: Enamel rods at the cervix slope gingivally instead of occlusally as in the permanent teeth.

145.Deciduous teeth, in comparison with their permanent counterpart, present the following, except: Occlusal surfaces of deciduous molars are wider than those of permanent molars." 146.What would you estimate to be the dental age of a child with the following teeth: all primary maxillary incisors, canines and molars; permanent mandibular incisors and first molars: 5 to 7 years" 147.All mandibular posterior teeth have crown outlines from mesial or distal aspect that is roughly rhomboidal. Their entire crown has a lingual tilt in relation to the root axis: Both statements are true." 148.The repeating units of nucleic acids or nucleotides are made up of the following molecules: # Pyrimidine/purine, sugar and phosphate " 149.In the cytoplasm, rRNA and protein combine to form a: Nucleoprotein " 150.In 1972, the Fluid Mosaic Model of membrane structure was proposed by: Singer and Nicholson" 151.The synthesis of specific proteins from the mRNA base sequence code is: Translation" 152.This type of RNA is characterized by bending on itself to form a cloverleaf structure that twists further into an upside down “L”shape is: tRNA. " 153.All are specific types of facilitated diffusion, except: Uniport" 154.Facilitated diffusion is significant to cells and humans because of the following, except: Glandular secretion" 155.All are applications of osmosis in cells and humans, except in: Movement of glucose and amino acids across the cell membrane" 156.Transmembrane proteins of opposite cells attach in a tight zipper-like fashion are seen in: Desmosomes " 157.This type of RNA carries the genetic code to the cytoplasm for controlling the type of protein formed: mRNA" 158.During this stage of mitosis, the 2 chromatids of each chromosome are pulled apart at the centromere and all 46 pairs of chromatids are separated forming two separate sets of 46 daughter chromosomes: Telophase" 159.When cells are no longer needed or become a threat to the organism, they undergo a suicide programmed cell death called: Apoptosis" 160.Arrange the following terms in the sequence that best reflects how the body maintains homeostasis, for example during a fever: Sensor activated, integrating center process, effector activated, negative feedback loops activated, return to set point (4,2,1,3,5)" 161.The transport of glucose molecules from outside the cell, across the membranes, and into most tissue cells (excluding the intestine or kidney tubule) occurs by the process of: Facilitated diffusion" 162.This type of contraction/s is/are propagated for only short distances and function to mix intestinal contents: Peristalsis " 163.The only means by which macromolecules, such as protein molecules can enter cells is by: Pinocytosis" 164.All are functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, except: Synthesis of proteins" 165.This structure serves as the site and carries the enzymes for protein synthesis: Ribosomes" 166.These are glycoproteins and/or glycolipids on extracellular surface which serve as ID tags to determine which species, which type of cell, or individual are the: Cell recognition proteins" 167.The extent to which the lungs expand for each unit increase in transpulmonary pressure is called: Compliance" 168.These are subtypes of transport proteins which bind to a substance and carry it across the membrane, can change in shape in ...

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