GLC2O-Unit 3 Activity 2- Assignment 1 PDF

Title GLC2O-Unit 3 Activity 2- Assignment 1
Author Alfa Hamilton
Course Careers
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 10
File Size 306.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
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Problem Solving Worksheet One way to overcome a problem is to step back and break it down into chunks that are more manageable. Use the following worksheet to help you solve a problem. Step 1: Identify the problem.

The problem is: Jadon has received an early acceptance to his college of choice but needs Grade 12 English (ENG4C) to qualify for the program. He just got his mid-term report card and, while he knows he has slacked off a bit, he now realizes he is currently failing the course! It is already March – what can he do to solve this problem?

Step 2: Brainstorm Possible Solutions (Aim for a minimum of three).

Step 3: What are the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of the solutions? Try to find three of each.

Pros take more time when doing -creates time to work harder in class assignments and focus on -can raise marks school work (divide time -help him get into his first choice specifically for english class) college

Step 4: Rate the pros and cons 1 = Not feasible 2 = Somewhat feasible 3 = Debatable 4 = Likely successful 5 = Best chance for success 3

Cons -without dedication, his work won’t improve -time consuming -limits time for other classes and socializing during final year of highschool

get an english tutor

Pros -will have someone to encourage him -will gain extra help in english -will help him stay committed based on schedule with tutor Cons -tutors can be expensive -may not fit personal learning style -may worse the problem by stressing him out


ask the teacher for extra credit assignments

Pros -will show teacher his potential -can boost average if he does well -gives him an opportunity to relearn parts he didn’t understand well


Cons -if he does badly, it can bring down his average -adds more work to his current amount of school work -takes away time to be spending on regular class assignments Problem Solving Worksheet…page 2 Step 5: Given the choices, the best solution is ____because____:

Given the choices, the best solution is to get an english tutor because that way he is really focusing on improving his grades without risking to hurt his other classes. Also having a tutor will keep him on track and stay focused on all his assignments.

Step 6: The plan to implement the solution is: (It may help to break this down into steps using the SMART system: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bounded).

General Plan The general plan is to find a tutor and to work with them until the end of the semester to guarantee he gets a passing mark in english to maintain my college acceptance. Specific States basic plan and how he should plan to achieve it. Measurable He needs a passing mark. Achievable If he focuses and doesn’t give up, it is within his skills. Relevant Needs to pass course in order to go to chosen college. Time Bounded Must have a passing grade by the end of the semester.

Step 7: Follow-up: (Indicate how you will know the problem has been solved).

He will know the problem has been solved when he passes the course and is able to attend his desired college.

Step 1: Identify the problem.

The problem is: Fatima really wants to pursue a postsecondary pathway that includes an apprenticeship in a trade. While she has support from her Guidance Department and her Tech teacher, her parents are very traditional and do not think that a trade is a viable career option for their daughter. How can Fatima convince her parents to let her pursue this career goal?

Step 2: Brainstorm Possible Solutions (Aim for a minimum of three).

Step 3: What are the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of the solutions? Try to find three of each.

talk to them about other successful people who followed the same career path

Pros -show how much success can happen as a result -open up their perspective on postsecondary career options -influence their biased opinion to change by even using people whom they admire

Step 4: Rate the pros and cons 1 = Not feasible 2 = Somewhat feasible 3 = Debatable 4 = Likely successful 5 = Best chance for success 3

Cons -can make them feel even stronger about her going to university -decide that they want “better” for her -could make them disagree with her taking a trade even more based on the outcomes of other’s careers explain how the world is changing and that gaining experience in a trade is very valuable

Pros -can show them that she could have more opportunities by taking the trade -can demonstrate ability to earn more money faster than university or college would allow her to -open up doors in other aspects of her life if her parents see that a trade can


be beneficial Cons -can make them frustrated about her not understanding what they want -can make them feel that it's better to follow tradition then follow the changes of the world - will make the situation worse by making them feel more out of the loop with today’s evolving world try having a conversation between her parents, guidance counselor, teacher, and herself

Pros -show her parents that other trustable and knowledgeable adults believe it is an appropriate choice -get her teachers and guidance counselors to explain how they feel about trades -could result in parents being persuaded by guidance counselor and teachers


Cons -parents may feel overwhelmed -parents may believe they know best no matter what -parents don’t care about the opinions of others for her Problem Solving Worksheet…page 2 Step 5: Given the choices, the best solution is ____because____:

Given the choices, the best solution is to try to have a conversation between her parents, guidance counselor, teacher, and herself to show her parents how important and valuable a trade could be to her success within her life.

Step 6: The plan to implement the solution is: (It may help to break this

General Plan Her overall plan would be to convince her teachers and guidance counselor to have a meeting/discussion with her parents discussing her career plans and beneficial they can be

down into steps using the SMART system: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bounded).

to her life and this must be done by the end of the year so she can make any other further preparations. Specific Gives detail about what needs to be done and by when. Measurable Needs to be allowed to participate in her trade by her parents. Achievable Is within reach because parents would most likely value opinions of important people in their child’s life. Relevant In order for Fatima to pursue her dream career, this trade is considered an asset. Time Bounded Must be done by the end of the year to make further arrangements for her career plan.

Step 7: Follow-up: (Indicate how you will know the problem has been solved).

Step 1: Identify the problem.

You will know when this problem will be solved once Fatima’s parents make the decision as to whether or not they want to allow Fatima to attend her trade after the discussion between them, her guidance counselor, and teachers.

The problem is: Alex has been working hard to achieve the best grades that he can in all his courses and is looking forward to graduation. Recently, he has received an urgent message from his Guidance Counsellor. It seems Alex has been so focused on his classes that he still has 23 hours of Community Involvement Activities to complete or he won't graduate! It is already May and final exams begin in less than a month. How might Alex find ways to complete his hours in time?

Step 2: Brainstorm Possible Solutions (Aim for a minimum of three).

Step 3: What are the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of the solutions? Try to find three of each.

Step 4: Rate the pros and cons 1 = Not feasible 2 = Somewhat feasible 3 = Debatable 4 = Likely successful 5 = Best chance for success

volunteer at different events around his city (runs, charity and community events, etc)

Pros -become more involved -meet new people -gain hours


Cons -minimal amount of hours per event -can be hectic due to scheduling conflicts -doesn’t reoccur (one time only event)

Pros ask the guidance counselor if -shows commitment and interest in there are any opportunities to help out within the school finishing your hours -guidance counselors have many connections -can result in a recurring and regular volunteer job (5 hours a week until you finish your hours for example)


Cons -might not be any available opportunities -jobs may be for temporary amount of time (one time event and not able to complete all hours) volunteer anywhere you may have a connection (community centres you went to in the past, organizations your family finds important, sports teams, etc)

Pros -shows commitment and community involvement -builds a strong relationship with those who he works with (possible references in the future


Cons -may not have any connections -could not be able to find anywhere suitable and that would meet his interests Problem Solving Worksheet…page 2

Step 5: Given the choices, the best solution is ____because____:

Given the choices, the best solution is to ask the guidance counselor if there are any opportunities to help out within the school because it shows an initiative to complete your hours while making a difference in his school. Also, the guidance

counselor is very likely to be able to help you find a good volunteer position that would frequent a few times a week until he gets all of his community involvement hours required to graduate. Step 6: The plan to implement the solution is: (It may help to break this down into steps using the SMART system: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bounded).

General Plan His general plan would be to ask the guidance counselor for assistance in finding a recurring volunteer job within the school in order to complete 23 more hours before graduation. Specific It is specific because it gives an exact way to find hours and by when. Measurable It is measurable because he needs to complete 23 hours by graduation. Achievable It is achievable because he has a plan to follow that is within his limits. Relevant It is relevant in his life because he needs them in order to graduate from high school. Time Bounded It is time bounded because he needs to complete them prior to graduation (less than a month).

Step 7: Follow-up: (Indicate how you will know the problem has been solved).

Step 1: Identify the problem.

You will know when the problem has been solved based on when Alex finishes all the remainder of his hours by graduation.

The problem is: Sarah has had her heart set on going to university ever since she was a little girl. She comes from a single-parent family and, with two younger siblings and no other income, money has always been tight. To help pay for her postsecondary education, Sarah has been working at a part-time job since Grade 9 and saving her money so she can pursue her goal. Last night after work, Sarah came home to find out that her mom had been laid off. Sarah feels guilty – she has enough money saved to help her family financially,

but if she does so, this means she won't have enough for tuition. Sarah feels torn between family duty and her dream; she thinks she has no other options. What can she do?

Step 2: Brainstorm Possible Solutions (Aim for a minimum of three).

Step 3: What are the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of the solutions? Try to find three of each.

Step 4: Rate the pros and cons 1 = Not feasible 2 = Somewhat feasible 3 = Debatable 4 = Likely successful 5 = Best chance for success

she could apply for a student loan (osap)

Pros -helps to pay for university -can be paid back after completion of program -would give her more time to save money


Cons -interest is added when done program -will end up spending more in the end -longer process then paying for it by herself from the beginning she could apply for scholarships

Pros -free money based on grades, community involvement, sports, etc -money doesn’t have to be paid back -many available each year


Cons -could not win a scholarship -long process for each scholarship which can include essays and references -some scholarships she wouldn’t be qualified for she could give the money to her mother and take a year off in between highschool and university to work full time to gain more money for

Pros -gives her more time to work and save enough money for tuition -can help support her family using savings



-gives her more time to make the right decision for post-secondary Cons -starts post-secondary a year later -less likely to go back to school after a year of break

Problem Solving Worksheet…page 2 Step 5: Given the choices, the best solution is ____because____:

Step 6: The plan to implement the solution is: (It may help to break this down into steps using the SMART system: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bounded).

Given the choices, the best solution is to get OSAP because this way she can give her money to help her family, and get tuition money which she can pay after she completes the program giving her plenty of time to save up. General Plan The plan to implement the solution is to apply for OSAP and use that money for school, after she gets approved for OSAP she can give her money to her mother to support her family financially. She will need to do this before the OSAP deadline. Specific It is specific because it outlines how she can get the money and by when. It also says what she can do with her current money for her family. Measurable My plane is measurable because it can be measured by the amount she gets from OSAP and the amount of money she can afford to give to her mother. Achievable It is achievable because she would most likely be qualified for OSAP and she would be able to help out her mother as a result. Relevant It is relevant because she has wanted to go to post-secondary since she was young and it is important to follow her dreams while still helping her family. Time Bounded It is time-bounded because her application for OSAP needs to be submitted by the due date.

Step 7: Follow-up: (Indicate how you will know the problem has been solved).

You will know the problem has been solved when she gets approved by OSAP and is able to financially assist her family....

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