IMS552 Individual Assignment Article Review NUR Fazerra Azren Binti Abdul Majid (2018 423878) PDF

Title IMS552 Individual Assignment Article Review NUR Fazerra Azren Binti Abdul Majid (2018 423878)
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Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 23
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving me this opportunities to complete the task that have been given to me. I would like to express my gratitude towards my dear lecture, Profesor Madya Dr. Masitah Bt Ahmad who delivered her lectures clearly in order to make sure I am understand about this article review assignment. Without her constant supervision and guidance, this assignment would be impossible to accomplish. Besides, I would like to thank to my parents, as they are the person who did not give up by giving me moral support in order to complete this assignment. Last but not least, I would love to express my appreciation towards my classmate, IM2444EKA who devoting ideas and give constructive comments to help me finish this assignment. Without their help, it is impossible for me to complete this assignment. Thank you.

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TABLE OF CONTENT Acknowledgement



Table of content






Article 1



Article 2



Article 3



Article 4



Article 5






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INTRODUCTION In the face of this globalization, information technology is not unfamiliar towards today's society. According to information technology can be defined as the study or use of systems which is especially in aspect of computers and telecommunications for storing, retrieving and sending information. In other words, information technology has a lot in helping to make everyday life easier for everyone. However, the availability of information system management also helps to facilitate business in terms of the use of information technology. Referring to, information system is known as an integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data and also providing information, knowledge and digital product. Generally, there are various types of information system that have developed around the world such as Transaction Processing System (TPS), Management Reporting System (MRS), Decision Support System (DRS) and etc. Hence, this is article to review their articles regarding to the main topic which is about the importance of information systems in countries, institutions, organizations or communities based on five chosen research paper “Process-Based Information Systems: Technological Infrastructure and Development Issues”, “IoT Based information and communication system for enhancing underground mines safety and productivity: Genesis, taxonomy and open issues”, “Strategic alignment between sustainability and information systems: A case analysis in Malaysian public Higher Education Institutions”, “Hospital Information System adoption: Expert perspectives on an Adoption framework for Malaysian public hospitals”, and “A conceptual foundation of design and implementation research in accounting information systems.”

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ARTICLE 1 Pereira, J. L., & Oliveira E Sá, J. (2016). Process-based Information Systems: Technological Infrastructure and Development Issues. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 872–877. Problem Statement From this entire of article, there is no subtopic or heading that is exactly mention about problem statement of the research paper. It is more to the issue the use of specific IT technology in organization, however, the author has provide the point the need of information in organizations which it is mostly important to be quickly developed, rapidly reconfigured, and easily maintained. Objective The author point the objective of the research paper is they describe the needs of information system in the terms of a specific information technology (IT) infrastructure, inspired in the concept of business process, and mainly based on the functionalities provided by collaborative and workflow technologies, which might fulfill those needs. Literature Review The author (s) have obtained much kind of sources that is related to the topic of the study. In this research paper, the author(s) have argue about the specific kind of information technology (IT) solution. They were surely thought that this solution will allow the organizations to develop quickly in facing the changing of business requirement, and facilitates the combination between the existing and new technologies, simplifying the overall development and maintenance effort of information systems. According to the points, this shows that the author try to focus on issue that is related to the Process Based Information System (PBIS) in organization and comes out with information technology (IT). This because the PBIS seems to be effective and useful if it apply in the organization as mentioned by the author in this article.

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Research Methodology In this part, I have found the researcher(s) did not use any appropriate research methodology which is basically formed as qualitative or quantitative. However, there are some approaches that they used in conveying the audience(s) about issue in this paper. In this article, I have highlighted some approaches that have been applied by the researcher which is (macro-) component-based approach. According to this article, this approach promotes the incremental development of computer based information systems in a component based fashion, trying to maximize the reuse of large software building blocks (IT applications). However, there is no sampling or collecting data procedure mention in this article instead of just mention generally about approaching way that they been applied in working on this research. Findings Based on my observation for this entire article, there is no mention about findings heading. However, I have understand what the author(s) try to tell their audience about the research which the findings absolutely agreed for the implementation of Process Based Information System (PBIS) in the organization. This argue point completely proved with the strong evidence that come from applied approach methodology. This is because Process Based Information system (PBIS) strongly will give benefits when it applied in the organizations as it provide with effective and efficient specifications. Recommendations From the review, the application of Process Based Information System (PBIS) is important to the organizations. The author, states the organization should rapidly use the approaches to information system development (ISD) aligned with the needs of the business in maintaining the information systems. The author(s) also add that Process Based Information System (PBIS) promotes the synchronized development of the different components of the system which it can contributes to a faster development of the whole system. Finally, the researchers believe that this approach also considerably facilities the management of large information system development (ISD) projects and also mightily can be applied in the series of small (sub) projects.

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Significance of study The result of the study showed that the Process Based Information System (PBIS) bring more benefits towards the organizations. In facing the rapidly changes of technology today, the maintenance of information system must to be sustained aligned with the needs of the organization’s business. For sure, it is required with component based style which may deliver quick and suitable solutions, which are easily to be maintained. These requirement are very important for running the smoothly operation system in the organizations. Limitation of study From my observation through the whole article, there is no limitations study because this research was taken generally in the field of information systems. This study focuses on solutions for organizations in ensuring the quickly responds for changing business requirements. This solutions were from the used of Process Based Information Systems (PBIS) which simplifies the integration of new IT things.

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ARTICLE 2 Singh, A., Kumar, D., & Hötzel, J. (2018). IoT Based information and communication system for enhancing underground mines safety and productivity: Genesis, taxonomy and open issues. Ad Hoc Networks, 78, 115–129. Problem Statement In this article, the issue and problem that have been recognized is the critical factor of communication in the mining industry which is very important to ensure the safety and security of the underground working environment. This because this industry need for robust and efficient communication as it is the first aspect that they need to count. However, the author(s) as well provide about the taxonomy of security challenges which occurs in the UMC IoT combination. In addition, this paper have includes a conceptual framework for implementation of internet of thing (IoT) which to make this underground support system smarter such as Smart-SAGES. Objective In this research paper, the author (s) have pointed objective of the study which is about the implementation of IoT in the mining industry. This is because it play as the massive roles in the mining operations in the term of increasing the safety of the workers with enhanced productivity. By using IoT concept in the mining industry, it can avoid to reduce the incidence of fatal accidents while on duty and also helps this industry operate effectively. Literature Review From my observation through this entire research paper, the author(s) have provide much sources that related to the topic. The references is very significant for giving the informations in describing the issue in depth. The main purpose of this article is about the solving problem of communication issue among the mining industry workers by the use of internet of thing (IoT). As we know, IoT is no longer a far-off concept in human life today. This is because there are many benefits that can be gained from the use of IoT in the industry as well as in any other sector. However, the authors furthermore have outlined several advantages of IoT as well as the disadvantages that can be invoked in the application of IoT especially in the term of cyber-attacks 5|P ag e

in this research paper. For the findings, the author(s) have stated that this IoT is a hot topic that overtook the academicians and technology industries by storm. The review articles provides interesting insights about the IoT to be broken down into four blocks which are covering Information generation (GEN), Information processing (PROC), Information application (APP) and IoT protocols that have been described in details. Research Methodology In this part, the research plan used a proposed model mines IoT system which called as SAGES. It is used in the goaf area to support the unstable underground mines roof where coal has been freshly extracted. For instruments used to measure the variables, the researcher(s) have apply threat and risk analysis. It is used to identify the security needs so that the security concept can define targeted measures. As had mentioned in the article, IoT is easy to be exposed with the cyberattack so with this analysis, it helps to overcome this issue. In addition, this analysis covers several aspects which namely as security analysis, security risk evaluation, consequence classification, likelihood classification and risk calculation. Findings In this part, the author(s) have stated that the genesis of the underground mines communication which the tools used in this study had provided a good comprehension of the widely used communication technology and system. From this understanding, it will help in design and develop the efficient IoT communication channel. In the term of risk and threat analysis, it was successfully well performed based on the mine’s IoT system model in the research paper. This indicates that the application of the IoT is compatible for solving communications issues in the mining industry. Recommendation From the review the use of IoT concept in communication for mining industry, is a good option as it is very well-suited. In this part, the author(s) have explained in detail about the efficient recommendation that should be applied for the topic. The researcher(s) have identified that the threats and loopholes should be discovered as early as possible because it is regular activity and 6|P ag e

not a one-time process. In addition, it should be performed at regular intervals such as when a new component is added, or removal of an old component in the IoT mines architecture. In the term of security, the security considerations should be taken from the initial phase so the problem can be identified from the core. The researcher(s) also recommended that to incorporate ‘Security by Design’ approach while designing IoT application from the start of IoT block GEN till the APP block to avoid from unexpected issue to be happened. Finally, in the aspect of several open issues that have been indicated in the research paper, especially for mines IoT secure architecture, robust devices, seamless ubiquity, and IT security and privacy should be cautiously investigated and strongly addressed for the good sake in the future. Significance of study The result of the study showed that IoT technology can massively give advantages to the mining industry as it really compatible with the communication system. As for sure, the mining industry certainly has a great responsibility especially to the health, safety, law and social needs of the country's human and economic resources. However, not only limit in the mining industry, IoT technology also can be implemented into other sector such as education, agriculture and services and other sector too. Limitation of study From my observation through the whole article, there is no limitations study because the implementation concept and technology of this research can be applied in other sector and industry. This study focuses on how to solve issue of the communication system in the mining industry that is the most important for the safety of the workers as well as whether the IoT technology can compatible with it or not. However, in the end of this research paper, it showed that IoT technology is well-suited with the communication system and directly resolved the issue with effectively action plan.

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ARTICLE 3 Goni, F. A., Chofreh, A. G., Mukhtar, M., Sahran, S., Shukor, S. A., & Klemeš, J. J. (2017). Strategic alignment between sustainability and information systems: A case analysis in Malaysian public Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 263– 270. Problem Statement This study aimed to observe how the Higher Education Institutions implement the sustainability initiatives and to proof the knowledge gap in real practice. Before, there was numerous of studies have been conducted concerning an integrated sustainability into the missions and strategies of the Higher Education Institutions. But, there is a lack of works that highlight the important role of information systems to support the sustainability practices in Higher Education Institutions. Many factors that have influenced this issue that the author(s) have addressed in this research paper. Previously, they still depend with manual method in collected the sustainability metrics and assess their sustainability performance and this lead to the sustainability decision-making be isolated and they cannot evaluate their sustainable performance well. Objective The main objectives this article reviews to underscore the important role of information systems during the sustainability and identify the strategic alignment between sustainability and information systems that has been suggested by the author(s) through their statement, contribution, explanation and literature review. Literature Review In this part of article review, the author(s) have obtain enough literatures as possible which relates to the topic of the study. This literature review includes sustainability emerges and evolves, HEIs in the transition towards sustainability and review of studies on sustainability implementation in HEIs. The review of the literatures are exhaustive enough as each of the paragraph have in-text citation which show the references used by the author(s). For the findings, there are various of view have been given based on the reference material for the first subtopic in the literature review 8|P ag e

which one of it, Chofreh and Goni (2017) stated that by incorporating these three sustainability (environment, society, and economy) dimensions into the business and stakeholders, the organizations will be leading to a more sustainable outcome. While for the second subtopic of the literature review have found that HEIs are required to get the civic responsibility and be involved in the engagement at the organizational level (Boyle, 2007). For the finding in the literature review from third subtopic, fewer of the studies proposed for a sustainability implementation framework that incorporates the IS. Research Methodology From this reviews, the research plan start by inviting the top five public universities in Malaysia, according to QS University Rankings: Asia 2016 (QS Top Universities, 2016) to involve in the preliminary case analysis as they are also recognized as the only research universities in Malaysia. The process of preliminary case analysis that have been outlined from design questions to observe current sustainability implementation in HEIs, conduct an interview with Malaysian HEIs, analyze the results of the interview and for the final process which is identify problem and motivation. For the question of the interview, it consist into two parts which is general and specific. In the term of general questions, it is related to the general perspective of sustainability implementation while the specific questions one focused on IS utilization to support the sustainability implementation. Findings For this article, the result support the answer for the problem that have been occurred. According to the results of the preliminary case analysis, the HEIs are generally in the progress of embedding sustainability into their core components that includes of academic, research, operation and community. However, there are much problem that have been faced during this process which more related to the strategic component of the institution. One of the barriers and challenges is lack of green governance committee in HEIs especially in term of lack of support from the top level management, lack of sustainability policy enforcement aspect, longer implementation time and limited financial resources. Another main problem is the lack of IS to support the sustainability practices which the HEIs do not consider the IS strategy from the beginning of the sustainability implementation that indicates both misalignment between sustainability and IS strategies. However, the author is aware 9|P ag e

that the result is maybe not reliable as it was effected by the inaccuracy and inaccessibility of data an...

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