Inglese Stati PDF

Title Inglese Stati
Course Sociologia delle comunicazioni di massa 
Institution Università degli Studi di Udine
Pages 10
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page 43

The official name of Australia is Commonwealth of Australia. The official language is English. They use Australian dollar as currency. And the capital city is Canberra. OVERVIEW Australia is an island continent situated in the southeast of Asia. It is renowned for its beauty, multiculturalism and diverse population. KEY CONCEPS  EGALITARANISM Australia has a very egalitarian culture. The society avoids differentiation between individuals. Australians generally avoid drawing too much attention to academic qualifications, personal achievements or business, it may be perceived as arrogance . 

OPENNESS A highly valued aspect of Australian culture is the open and direct manner in which daily life is conduced. Australians are direct and very respectful people. In a business they are receptive to new ideas and encourage lively discussion or debate.

INDIVIDUALISM Is a very prominent characteristic in the behaviour and in the way they interact with other members of society. They consider very important personal privacy so personal relationships are treated with caution.

WORKING PRACTICES - Commonwealth of Australia was established in 1901, consists of 6 states and 2 territories. Aboriginal were the first settlers until the Seventeenth century when Europeans began to explore the territory. - Natural resources helped to rapidly develop the nation’s agricultural and manufacturing industries. In recent years, Australia has become one of the most dominant and advanced market economies in the world. - Punctuality is an essential part of Australian business practice. Lateness may create the impression that you are careless in your business. It is advisable to schedule business appointments 1 month in advance. - Business hours in Australian tend to be 9 am to 5 pm, from Monday to Friday. And you should avoid making business trips around Easter and Christmas cause most business people are on holiday. - Company structure is generally flat. The authority of making decisions is not always in the hands of the high level executives. - In Australia is actually essential to establish personal relationships with those you are conducting business with. - The use of titles is not an essential part of Australian business culture. They tend to be more informal in the business dealings. But when you initially introduce you should say Mr, Mrs or Miss. It is common to shake hands at the beginning and end of a meeting. - Australian business culture prefers a more collaborative approach to work and therefore managers and subordinates alike will give their input and consider the options before reaching a final decision. - Initial small talk before a business meeting begins is expected. That’s an important part of business etiquette. At the same time personal space is highly valued. As I said before privacy is an important element of everyday life, aggressive sales techniques while negotiating are usually counter-productive.


page 63

The official name of China is The People’s Republic of China. The official language isn’t only one, but there are 7 main languages including Mandarin, Cantonese and Wu. The capital city is Beijing. The currency is Yuan also referred as the Menminbi. OVERVIEW China is the most populous country in the world and it’s one of the major global economies. Understanding the basic Chinese cultural, ethical and business values is paramount to any organization wanting to conduct business in today’s rapidly processing China. KEY CONCEPS  GUANXI this concept in Chinese means relationships or connections. Is a network of relationships promoting trust and for centuries was the main way of accomplishing everyday tasks. In business, possessing the right guanxi is crucial, establishing a sincere and supportive relationship based. 

MIANXIIn business interactions the issue of MIANXI or face is very important. Face is a mark of personal pride and forms the basis of an individual’s reputation and social status. For successful business saving face, loosing face and giving face are vital. To lose face means public humiliation or inappropriate allocation of respect. To give face means praising someone in moderation before their colleagues and can aid negotiations.

KEQI The notion of this word is a mix of 2 words KE meaning guest and QI behaviour. This concept advocates thoughtful, courteous and refined behaviour. In business is very important to demonstrate humility and modesty.

CONFUCIANISM is based on the teachings and writings of the philosopher Confucius. The major concepts are relationship, responsibility and obligation. It’s a vital cultural factor in the development of Chinese society and still in Chinese business culture as well.

WORKING PRATICTICES - Since 1978 the country has undergone immense political and economic change. Today China offers a huge potential market for investment and sales with her main industry generated from iron, steel, coal, textiles and petroleum. - Punctuality is considered extremely important, being on time is essential. - Hierarchical structures are based on a strict observation of a rank where the individual is subordinate to the organization. During a meeting senior members generally lead the negotiations and will direct the discussion. - The collectivist way of thinking is still important in Chinese business today and will influence many negotiations. Trust is very important. - The exchanging of business cards in customary in Chinese business culture is appreciated. One side should be printed in English and one in Chinese. Chinese side facing up. Never put it in the back pocket, it seems rude. - An important element before commencing a business meeting in China is to engage in small talk, this may include quite personal questions. Handshakes are the most popular gesture. - Titles and their last name when you address to counterparts.


Direct negative replies should be avoided, as they are considered impolite. Instead of saying no, answer maybe or I’ll think about it.


page 75

The official name is Republic of Finland. The official languages are Finnish and Swedish. The currency is Euro. The capital city is Helsinki. OVERVIEW After the wars, Finland has become a highly industrialized and successful nation with one of the freest markets in Europe. Finns enjoy tranquillity of the countryside. There are a lot of lakes and there is a northern temperature climate. Finland is renowned for its educational system, high standards of living, technology and healthcare. Finns are hard-working and highly educated and introvert. KEY CONCEPTS  EQUALITY Finns emphasise equality and egalitarianism and believe that every person deserves the same advantages and opportunities. This attitude prevails in the business world as well, as women and minorities have a strong presence in political and corporate life. 

INDIVIDUALISM Finns tend to be very private and group work isn’t so much popular. They are typically introverted and become friendly once they know their colleagues better.

PRAGMATISM Most of Finns prefer to make decisions based on facts rather than emotions. They are open to new ideas but prefer to keep a realistic perspective when negotiating and planning.

DIRECTNESS Finns have a very upfront and direct style of communication. They would rather their business partners to be straightforward.

WORKING PRATICES - Finland has a free market economy with highly industrialised manufacturing sector. Finland has been named one of the most economically and politically stable countries in the world. Finland has continued to attract foreign investments due to its economic success, high standards of living and flourishing business development. - Meeting aren’t typically scheduled during the summer months as most Finns are on holiday in July. Most offices operate between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. They are very punctual and if you are running late it is best to apologise and let them know. - The work place organization is usually flat. - Finns are uncomfortable with small talk and tend to avoid it. - Saunas are a large part of Finnish culture and symbolise Finnish ideals of hospitality and cleanliness. Accept an invitation to a sauna, it is an excellent way to connect with your colleagues wile learning about Finnish culture. - Finns are reserved. Personal relationship with colleagues aren’t as important as in other business cultures. It is not required to build friendships with business partners. - Maintain formality in business meetings and negotiations. - Eye contact is important and speak directly. - Avoid interrupting your Finnish colleagues during presentations, save your questions until the end. - Avoid to compare Finns to Swedes, there is a firm rivalry between them. - Don’t be critical or opinionated.


page 87

The official name is Republic of Hungary. The capital city is Budapest. The official language is Hungarian. The currency is Forint. OVERVIEW Hungary is a nation with a flourishing economy and stable market, it has attracted numerous foreign investments and enterprises. Hungary has joined NATO and EU and continues to solidify its position as an emerging economic power. KEY CONCEPS  INDIVIDUALISM after Communist rule, Hungarians have moved towards a more individualistic society. Today’s Hungarians value independence, freedom and self-reliance. They still retain a sense of community and family ties but they have adopted many Western business practices. 

RESPECT respect and formality are the key concepts of Hungarians culture. Respect is always present at home and in a business environment. Hungarians will not use first names until they know their partners well enough.

RELATIONSHIPS Hungarians highly value their relationships with others. Business should be conducted face to face whenever possible. Relationships drive business in Hungary so it is very important to know your business partners on a personal level.

WORKING PRACTICES - Hungary has one of the central Europe’s most prosperous economies. Hoping to adopt the euro, Hungary has attracted a third of central Europe foreign investment, Hungary is also a member of World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund. - Punctuality is very important in Hungarian culture, they are usually on time or early for meetings and they expect the same. - Traditional working hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. When doing business with Hungarians counterparts you should also carefully consider what you wear and ensure it is not offensive or loud. - Status and hierarchy are very important to Hungarians. Typically, managers will make all major decisions without the consultation of lower-level employees. - Hungarians do not use first names when meeting someone for the first time, so when meeting new colleagues, you will be introduces with you family name followed by your first name. Business is extremely relationship oriented, doing business involves much socialising outside the workplace like large lunches and dinners. - Most Hungarians conduct business in German or English. Details are vital, they will spend more time negotiating and reviewing things before making a decision. - Deadlines are an important part of Hungarian business culture. - In negotiations they do not hesitate to interrupt, argue or criticise if they feel is needed. - Familiarise yourself with Hungarian history, read about composers and scientists and be prepared to discuss global Hungarian contributions with your business partners. They will appreciate it. - Avoid cancel a meeting at the last minute it is seen as a discourtesy and this could potentially harm the trust you have established.


page 91

The official name is Republic of India. There are 21 official languages including Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Kashmiri as well as English. The currency is the Indian Rupee. The capital city is New Delhi. OVERVIEW India is a creative blend of cultures, religions, races and languages. This country is one of the oldest civilisations in the world. One of the fundamental components of Indian culture is an understanding of the traditions and ways of communicating with others to succeed in business. KEY CONCEPS  HINDUISM AND THE TRADITIONAL CASTE SYSTEMIn India, religion is a way of life and must be respected in order to maintain successful business relationships. Despite the elimination of the traditional caste system, that was a direct outcome of Hinduism, attitudes still remain and influence the structure of business practices. 

FATALISMThe concept of fatalism stems from one of the most characteristic traits of Indian culture, spirituality. The notion of Karma and that everything happens for a reason is still significant in the decision making process of many Indians.

COLLECTIVISMIn India there is a clear absence of privacy and smaller concept of personal space, where several generations often live together under one roof.

WORKING PRACTICES - India is the home of the sacred River Ganges and the Himalayan mountains. This country has a history of invasion and migration that has influenced both its culture and its economy. India benefits from its close proximity to the major Indian Ocean trade routes. India is also recognized for its fiercely competitive education system and is one of the largest providers of experienced workers. - Indians appreciate punctuality but may not reciprocate it. Business appointments should be made for late morning or early afternoon, making decisions is often a slow and thoughtful process in Indian culture. - During meeting discussions are almost always lead by the most senior person. Final decisions rest with the final highest ranking business executives, therefore it’s important to maintain a strong relationship with senior figures in Indian business. - Meeting will begin with friendly small talk, it is important to remember that the family unit is highly valued, therefore showing interest and respect towards your Indian counterpart’s family is vital for establishing successful relationships. - The disagreement is rarely expressed in a direct manner, the word no is often avoided and is replaced by other non-verbal signals and indirect communication. - Use title whenever possible, such as Professor or Doctor. You can also use Mr, Miss or Madame. - Don’t refuse any food or drink offered to you during business meetings as this may cause offence. It is useful to know that traditionally, Indians are vegetarians and don’t drink alcohol.


page 111

The official name is United Mexican states. The languages are Spanish, Various Mayan, Nahuatl and other indigenous languages. The currency is Mexican peso. The capital city is Mexico City. OVERVIEW Mexico is the northernmost and westernmost country in Latin America. Mexico’s ethnic composition, its prominent regional identities and vivid culture have all been shaped by the nation’s history of immigration and various outside influences from indigenous (Maya, Aztec…) Spanish and African civilisations. KEY CONCEPTS  COMMUNICATION STYLE In Mexico, communication tends to be indirect and subtle, Mexicans are diplomatic indeed they will often cover ‘no’ responses such as ‘maybe’ or ‘we’ll see’ with the aim of maintaining harmony. 

FAMILY Family is a fundamental Mexican value. As a collectivist culture, family is a dominating factor of daily life. In a business context, the importance of family is evident in many Mexican companies. There are a lot of family-owned business in fact you will often find relatives working for the same company. Establishing trustworthy contacts will be crucial for your success.

TIME In Mexico, time is considered to be flexible, relaxed and circular. The word ‘manana’ in literal terms means ‘morning’ or ‘tomorrow’ however it is also a way of saying ‘later’. It means that you should expect things to be done some time in the near future. Business meetings usually run slowly. Punctuality and time keeping are less closely observed. Also planning a daily schedule should be avoided.

WORKING PRACTICES - Mexican culture and politics is very influenced by the following 3 centuries under Spanish rule. Mexico’s economic achievements are many: the country increasing manufacturing output, rich natural resources and major exports are significant in the economy. - It is important to schedule business appointments in advance and confirm them once you have arrived in Mexico. Business lunches are a favourable method of conducting business in Mexico, also breakfast meetings are popular to establish more personal relationships. - Working hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. - Hierarchy and social status are significant in Mexican culture, final decisions are generally made by a central authority figure. - Cultivating close personal relationships and building trust are considered vital components for a successful working environments. - In business meetings you have to use curtesy titles like Mr/Senor, Mrs/Senora, Miss/Senorita and professional titles like Licenciado, Doctor and Profesor. - Warm and firm handshakes are appropriate during an initial business meeting. When a more personal relationship has developed it is common to kiss on the cheek or a friendly embrace. - Translate all your marketing literature and any other documents for your business dealings into Spanish. - Take your time during business dealings with your Mexican colleagues and avoid pressing for final decisions. - A small gift will be gratefully accepted and appreciated.


page 115

The official name is Kingdom of Norway. The capital city is Oslo. The official languages are Bokmal and Nynorsk Norwegian, Sami and Finnish. The currency is Norwegian Krone. OVERVIEW Norway is located in Northern Europe and borders the Norwegian and North Sea. In 1949 this country became member of NATO and changed its neutrality approach. Norway is famous for its magnificent landscapes and Fjords. It is also renowned for its health system, education and high standards of technology and quality of life. KEY CONCEPTS  EQUALITYNorwegians consider equality as a key value. There is no discrimination between men and women for instance and both genders expect to be treated in the same way. In fact there us an high number of woman and members of minorities involved in politics or occupying key positions in companies. 

CARING SOCIETY In Norway, people look after each other in every aspect of life, they have a protective welfare system since 1960, it guarantees full health cover for every Norwegian.

HONESTY Honesty is valued above all. When doing business you have to tell the truth and never hide or retain information.

WORKING PRACTICES - The Norwegian market offers fantastic opportunities for goods and services retailers or manufacturers. Some sectors are extremely well developed such as the extraction of nature resources like oil, gas, wood and minerals. - Meetings are scheduled in advance and need to be carefully prepared. Punctuality is extremely important. The typical working day is from 8 am to 4 pm. Knowing a few words in Norwegians can help you to break the ice and show interest in their culture. - The hierarchy tends to be fairly flat. Decisions are made only after a consensus with every member of the group. - Norwegians don’t hesitate to use the first name during interactions but they expect to maintain professional behaviour. Maintaining eye contact is important. - Accept dinner invitation because there are rare and should be considered as an honour. - Do not offer expensive presents and avoid complaining about the high cost of living. Norwegians are proud of their welfare state system even if it comes with a price.


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