Intensificadores EN Inglés PDF

Title Intensificadores EN Inglés
Author Gustavo Meneses
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Pages 1
File Size 109 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 27
Total Views 131






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Tan o Demasiado

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VERY “That computer is very powerful” “That is a very powerful computer” REALLY “That computer is really powerful” “That is a really powerful computer” “That computer works really fast” SO (eventos normales) “That computer is so powerful, due to its new hard disk” “That is a so powerful computer, due to its new hard disk”

“That computer is such powerful, due to its new hard disk” “That is a such powerful computer, due to its new hard disk” TOO (eventos anormales) “That computer is too powerful, despite its old hard disk” “That is a too powerful computer, despite its old hard disk”


Excesivamente o En extremo

no unido a sustantivo

“That computer works so fast, due to its new hard disk” SUCH (eventos normales)

 “That computer works too fast, dispite its old hard 

Uso con adjetivo

WAY TOO “That computer is way too powerful, despite its old hard disk” “That is a way too powerful computer, despite its old hard disk”

 “That computer works way too fast, dispite its old hard disk”

unido a sustantivo

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