Jlpt n3 Vocabulary PDF

Title Jlpt n3 Vocabulary
Author Nadia Ramos
Course Italijanski A1
Institution Univerzitet u Beogradu
Pages 78
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Japanese Proficiency Test N3 Vocabulary...


฀List created by www.mund-tandem.com It contains ~3700 words and is using ~690 kanji. あっ あっ "(interjection) Ah!, Oh!, Alas!, Yes, Indeed, That is correct, Hey!, Yo!, ああ ああ , Yeah yeah, Right, Gotcha" 愛 あい "(noun,) love, affection" あいかわらず あいかわらず "(noun) as ever, as usual, the same" 愛情 あいじょう "(nouns) love, affection" アイスクリーム アイスクリーム "(noun) ice cream, icecream" 間 あいだ "(noun) space (between), gap, interval, distance, time (between), pause, b span (temporal or spatial), stretch, period (while), relationship (between, amon g), members (within, among); (conjunction) due to, because of" 相手 あいて "(noun) companion, partner, company, other party, addressee, opponent (spo tc.)" アイデア/アイディア アイデア/アイディア あいにく あいにく "(nouns) unfortunately, Sorry, but ..." アイロン アイロン (noun) (electric) iron 合う あう "(intransitive) to come together, to merge, to unite, to meet, to fit, to to suit, to agree with, to be correct, to be profitable, to be equitable; (Goda n) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... to each other, to do ... together" アウト アウト (noun) out 青 あお "(noun) blue, green, green light, black (horse coat color); (prefix) immat nripe, young" あおぐ あおぐ "(transitive) to fan, to incite, to instigate" 赤 あか "(noun) red, crimson, scarlet, red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, or Red (i.e. communist), red light; (noun) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-readi ng), (in) the red; (noun,) complete, total, perfect, obvious" "(noun) baby, infant" あかちゃん あかちゃん "(adjective) bright, colourful, cheerful, familiar (with), knowled 明い あかるい , fair (e.g. politics), clean" あき あき "(noun) space, room, emptiness, gap, opening, vacancy, empty seat, free ti me to spare, disuse, unused thing" 秋 あき "(noun) autumn, fall" 明らか あきらか "(noun) obvious, evident, clear, plain" "(transitive) to give up, to abandon" あきらめる あきらめる "(intransitive) to be amazed, to be shocked" あきれる あきれる "(transitive) to open (e.g. a bank-account, festival, etc.); (intransitive 開く あく pread out, to open up (flower bud, umbrella, etc.), to widen (gap, distance, wid th), to hold, to give (party, conference, etc.)" 空く あく "(intransitive) to become less crowded, to thin out, to get empty, to be h あくしゅ あくしゅ (noun) handshake アクセサリー アクセサリー (noun) accessory (noun) accent アクセント アクセント あくび あくび "(noun) yawn, yawning (and stretching)" "(adverb) to the end, to the bitter end, to the last, stub あくまで あくまで to the utmost" 明くる~ あくる~ 開ける あける "(transitive) to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package), to (for business, etc.), to empty, to clear out, to make space, to make room; (intr ansitive) to dawn, to grow light, to end" 明ける あける "(transitive) to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package), to (for business, etc.), to empty, to clear out, to make space, to make room; (intr ansitive) to dawn, to grow light, to end" あげる (=やる) あげる (=やる) あこがれる あこがれる "(intransitive) to long for, to yearn after, to admire, to 朝 あさ (noun) morning あさって あさって (noun) day after tomorrow あし あし "(noun) foot, leg, gait, pace, bottom structural component (i.e. radical) anji, means of transportation"

"(noun) flavor, flavour, taste, charm, style, experience; (adjectival) sma 味 あじ ever, witty, strange" あした あした (noun) morning "(noun) at one's feet, underfoot, gait, pace, step; (pronoun) you, 足元 あしもと (noun) tomorrow 明日 あす "(transitive) to look after, to take care of, to keep, to あずかる あずかる custody, to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit, to res erve (judgment), to leave undecided" あせ あせ "(noun) sweat, perspiration, moisture, condensation" あそこ あそこ "(nouns) there (place physically distant from both speaker and listener), here, that place, yonder; (noun) genitals, that far (something psychologically d istant from both speaker and listener), that much, that point" 遊び あそび "(noun,) playing, play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing but lever has an effect)" あたためる あたためる "(transitive) to warm, to heat" 頭 あたま (counter) counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle) 新しい あたらしい (adjective) new あたり あたり "(noun) on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond), (in the) neig ood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby" "(nouns) natural, reasonable, obvious, usual, common, ordi あたりまえ あたりまえ "(pronoun) here and there; (noun) to get things in the wro あちこち あちこち t), to become muddled up" あひら あひら あっち あっち "(nouns) that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener), over , yonder, that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener), that; (pronou n) that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or so meone not present but known by both speaker and listener), there (place distant from both speaker and listener), over there, foreign country (esp. a Western nat ion)" あちらこちら あちらこちら "(pronoun) here and there; (noun) to get things in the wro t), to become muddled up" 厚かましい あつかましい "(adjective) impudent, shameless, brazen" 集まり あつまり "(noun) gathering, meeting, assembly, collection" 集める あつめる "(transitive) to collect, to assemble, to gather" あてな あてな "(noun) (addressee's) name, (recipient's) name and address" "(Godan) to apply (a rule), to be applicable, to come unde あてはまる あてはまる fill" あてはめる あてはめる "(transitive) to apply, to adapt" あてる あてる "(transitive) to hit, to expose, to apply (e.g. patch), to allot, to call eone (e.g. in class), to guess (an answer), to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)" 後 あと "(nouns) behind, rear, after, later, after one's death, remainder, the res cendant, successor, heir, past, previous; (adverbial) more (i.e. five more minut es)" "(noun) trace, tracks, mark, sign, remains, ruins, scar" あと あと "(nouns) behind, rear, after, later, after one's death, remainder, the res あと あと cendant, successor, heir, past, previous; (adverbial) more (i.e. five more minut es)" あな あな "(noun,) hole, deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc. ancy, opening, flaw, profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, upset victory (with a large payoff), pit (of a theater), hiding place, underbell y (of society, etc.)" (noun) announcer アナウンサー アナウンサー あなた あなた "(nouns) you (referring to someone of equal or lower status), dear (what a calls a husband)" 兄 あに (noun) older brother 姉 あね "(noun) older sister, elder sister" あの あの "(pre-noun) that (someone or something distant from both speaker and liste r situation unfamiliar to both speaker and listener)" "(noun) apartment building, apartment block, apartment hou アパート アパート

浴びる あびる "(transitive) to bathe, to bask in the sun, to shower" 油 あぶら (noun) oil アフリカ アフリカ (nouns) Africa あぶる あぶる "(transitive) to warm (i.e. one's hands over a fire), to dry, to scorch, t l, to toast, to grill" "(intransitive) to overflow, to brim over, to flood" あふれる あふれる あむ あむ "(transitive) to knit, to plait, to braid, to compile (anthology, dictiona c.), to edit" 雨 あめ (noun) rain アメリカ アメリカ (noun) America あやまり あやまり "(noun) error, mistake, slip, bug" "(adverb) almost, roughly, approximately" あら あら 新た あらた "(noun) new, fresh, novel; (adverb) newly, freshly, re-" "(pre-noun) all, every" あらゆる あらゆる あらわす あらわす "(transitive) to write, to publish" ありがとう ありがとう (Expressions) Thank you あるいは あるいは "(Expressions) or, possibly" 歩く あるく (intransitive) to walk アルバイト アルバイト "(noun) part-time job, side job; (noun) albite" (noun) album アルバム アルバム "(noun) that (indicating something distant from both speaker and listener あれ あれ ace, time or psychologically), or something understood without naming it directl y), that person (used to refer to one's equals or inferiors), over there; (noun) down there (i.e. one's genitals), period, menses; (interjection) hey (expressio n of surprise or suspicion), eh?; (noun) that (something mentioned before which is distant psychologically or in terms of time)" あれこれ あれこれ "(pronoun) one thing or another, this and that, this or th "(transitive) to match (rhythm, speed, etc.), to join toge あわせる あわせる bine, to add up, to face, to be opposite (someone), to compare, to check with, t o cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate), to place together, to connect, to ove rlap, to mix, to combine, to put blade to blade, to fight" あん あん "(noun,) idea, plan, thought, draft plan, motion, rough copy, expectation" 安易 あんい "(noun) easy, simple, easy-going" あんき あんき "(noun) memorization, memorisation, learning by heart" 安心 あんしん "(noun) relief, peace of mind" "(noun) safety, security" 安全 あんぜん "(noun) stability, equilibrium" 安定 あんてい "(noun) antenna, person who collects information or opinio アンテナ アンテナ あんな あんな "(pre-noun) such (about something or someone distant from both speaker and ner, or about a situation unfamiliar to both speaker and listener), so, that, so rt of" あんない あんない "(noun) information, guidance, leading; (noun) to guide, t nduct" "(Expressions) to that extent, to that degree" あんなに あんなに "(noun) stomach, Chinese ""stomach"" constellation (one of the 28 mansions 胃 い ~い ~位 いい いい "(adjective) good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable, sufficient e used to turn down an offer), ready, prepared, profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial, OK" いえ いえ "(noun) house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family nam 言い付ける いいつける "(transitive) to tell (to do), to order, to charge, to dir ne), to report, to often say" 委員 いいん (noun) committee member "(Godan) to say, to call (i.e. to give a name)" 言う いう 家 いえ "(noun) house, residence, dwelling, family, household, lineage, family nam 以下 いか "(noun) not exceeding, and downward, ... and below, below (e.g. standard), (e.g. a level), the below-mentioned, the following, the rest" 意外 いがい "(noun) unexpected, surprising" いかが いかが "(adverb) how, in what way, how about" 医学 いがく "(noun) medical science, medicine"

"(noun,) bound for ...; (noun) going (to)" いき いき "(noun) breath, breathing, tone, mood" 息 いき いぎ いぎ "(noun) meaning, significance" "(noun) force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life, influence, aut 勢い いきおい might, impetus, momentum, course (of events); (adverbial) naturally, necessaril y" 生きる いきる "(intransitive) to live, to exist" いく~ いく~ 行く いく "(intransitive) to go, to proceed, to take place, to die, to pass away; (a ry) to continue" 育児 いくじ "(noun) childcare, nursing, upbringing" いくら~ても いくら~ても (noun) pond 池 いけ "(Expressions) wrong, not good, of no use, hopeless, past いけない いけない 意見 いけん "(nouns) opinion, view" 以後 いご "(noun) after this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter, since (verb) (afte form of verb), after (time), since (then)" イコール イコール "(adjectival) equal, the equality sign (=); (Expressions) 石 いし "(noun) stone, gem, jewel" "(nouns) doctor, physician" 医師 いし "(noun) intention, purpose" 意思 いし "(noun) maintenance, preservation, improvement" いじ いじ 意識 いしき "(noun) consciousness, awareness, sense, mano-vijnana (mental consciousnes nizer of sensory information)" いじめる いじめる "(transitive) to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chast 医者 いしゃ "(noun) (medical) doctor, physician" いじょう いじょう "(noun) strangeness, abnormality, disorder" いずみ いずみ "(noun) spring, fountain" いずれ いずれ "(nouns) where, which, who, anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, ally, at some future date or time" 以前 いぜん "(noun) ago, since, before, previous" 板 いた "(noun) board, plank, sheet (of metal), plate (of glass), pane, slab, cutt ard, chopping board, stage (i.e. at a theatre)" いたい いたい "(adjective) painful, sore; (suffix) exceeding" いだい いだい (noun) greatness いだく いだく "(transitive) to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to hug; (tran ) to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor), to bear (e.g. a grudge), to entertain (e.g. suspicion); (Godan) to sleep with; (Godan) to sit on eggs" いたずら いたずら "(noun) tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischief" いただきます いただきます (Expressions) expression of gratitude before meals いただく いただく "(transitive) to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to b to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), to have (as one's leader), to live under (a ruler), to install (a president)" いたみ いたみ "(noun) pain, ache, sore, grief, distress" ~いち (日本一) "(noun) place, situation, position, location" 位置 いち いちおう いちおう "(adverb) once, tentatively, in outline, for the time bein 一時 いちじ "(noun) moment, time" いちだんと いちだんと "(adverb) greater, more, further, still more" 一度 いちど "(adverbial) once, one time, on one occasion; (adverbial) temporarily, for ent; (adverbial) one degree, one tone, one musical interval" (adverb) all at once 一度に いちどに 市場 いちば "(noun) (town) market, (the) marketplace" "(adverbial) best, first, number one, game, round, bout, fall, eve 一番 いちばん " 一流 いちりゅう "(nouns) first-class, top grade, school (of art), foremost, top-no いつ いつ "(noun) being comfortable, relaxing" 五日 いつか "(noun) the fifth day of the month, five days" いつか いつか "(adverb) sometime, someday, one day, some time or other, the other day, i course, in time"

一家 いっか "(noun) a house, a home, a family, a household, one's family, one's folks, le" 一昨年 いっさくねん (noun) year before last "(noun) species, kind, variety" 一種 いっしゅ "(noun) moment, instant" いっしゅん いっしゅん "(nouns) together, at the same time, same, identical" いっしょ いっしょ 一生 いっしょう "(nouns) whole life, a lifetime, all through life, one existence, an age, the whole world, the era; (nouns) (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one' s life" いっしょうけんめい いっしょうけんめい "(noun) very hard, with utmost effort, with いっせい いっせい "(noun) simultaneous, all at once" "(nouns) much more, still more, all the more, (would) rath いっそう いっそう ell; (noun) single layer (or storey, etc.)" "(nouns) ...the heck (e.g. ""what the heck?""), ...in the world (e 一体 いったい he world?""), ...on earth (e.g. ""who on earth?""); (noun) one object, one body, unity, one form, one style, one Buddhist image (or carving, etc.); (adverb) gen erally, in general" いったん いったん "(adverb) once, for a moment, temporarily; (noun) one morn いっち いっち "(noun) coincidence, agreement, union, match, conformity, consistency, coo on" 五つ いつつ (noun) five "(adjectival) fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regular 一定 いってい sed, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribed" いっていらっしゃい いっていらっしゃい いってらっしゃい いってらっしゃい "(interjection) have a good day, take care いってまいります いってまいります "(Expressions) So long (lit:""(I'm) going a ater" "(Expressions) I'm off, see you later" いってきます いってきます "(adverb) (at) any time, always, at all times, whenever" いつでも いつでも "(adverb) before one knows, before one becomes aware of, u いつのまにか いつのまにか いっぱん いっぱん "(nouns) general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average" 一方 いっぽう "(noun) one (esp. of two), the other, one way, the other way, one other direction, one side, the other side, one party, the other party; (conjunc tion) on the one hand, on the other hand, whereas, although, but at the same tim e, meanwhile, in turn; (noun,) (after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb) just k eeps, being inclined to ..., tending to be ..., tending to do ..., continuously ..., just keeps on ...ing, only" "(adverb) forever, for good, eternally, as long as one lik いつまでも いつまでも atter what" いつも いつも "(noun) always, usually, every time, never (with neg. verb)" 移転 いてん "(noun) moving, transfer, demise" 糸 いと "(noun,) thread, yarn, string" いど いど (noun) water well 移動 いどう "(noun) removal, migration, movement, mobile (e.g. communications)" いとこ いとこ (noun) male cousin いとこ いとこ (noun) cousin (female) 以内 いない "(noun,) within, inside of, less than" いなか いなか "(nouns) rural area, countryside, the sticks, hometown" 犬 いぬ "(noun) dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris), snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, et noun,) counterfeit, inferior, useless, wasteful" いね いね (noun) rice-plant 命 いのち (noun) (mortal) life いはん いはん "(noun) violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach" いふく いふく (noun) clothes 今 いま "(noun) now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, (one) more" 今にも いまにも "(adverb) at any time, soon" 意味 いみ "(noun) meaning, significance" イメージ イメージ "(noun) (one's) image, (computer) image, artist's impressi 妹 いもうと (noun) younger sister "(noun) disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant" いや いや

"(noun) no, the noes" いや いや "(adverb) more and more, all the more, increasingly, at la いよいよ いよいよ ubt, (at the) last moment, worst possible time" 以来 いらい "(noun) since, henceforth" いらい いらい "(noun) request, commission, dispatch, despatch, dependence, trust" "(adverb) getting nervous, irritation" いらいら いらいら いらっしゃい いらっしゃい "(noun) (used as a polite imperative) come, go, stay, welc いらっしゃる いらっしゃる "(intransitive) to come, to go, to be (somewhere); (auxili , or the particle ""de"") is (doing), are (doing)" 入口 いりぐち "(nouns) entrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth" いりょう いりょう "(nouns) medical care, medical treatment" "(intransitive) to be (of animate objects), to exist, to stay; (auxiliary) 居る いる r the -te form of a verb) verb indicating continuing action or state (i.e. to be ..ing, to have been ..ing)" 入れる いれる "(transitive) to put in, to let in, to take in, to bring in, to insert, to a jewel, etc.), to admit, to accept, to employ, to hire, to accept, to comply, t o grant, to adopt (a policy, etc.), to take (advice, etc.), to listen to, to pay attention to, to include, to pay (one's rent, etc.), to cast (a vote), to make (tea, coffee, etc.), to turn on (a switch, etc.), to send (a fax), to call" "(noun) colour, color, complexion, appearance, look, love, lust, sensualit 色 いろ e affair, lover, kind, type, variety" "(noun) rock, crag" 岩 いわ 祝い いわい "(noun) congratulation, congratulations, celebration, festival, congratula ift" 言わば いわば "(adverb) so to speak, so to call it, as it were" いわゆる いわゆる "(pre-noun) what is called, as it is called, the so-called ~員 ~いん インク インク (nouns) ink インキ インキ (nouns) ink (noun) printing 印刷 いんさつ 印象 いんしょう (noun) impression 引退 いんたい (noun) retire インタビュー インタビュー "(noun) interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)" ウイスキー ウイスキー "(noun) whisky, whiskey" ウーマン ウーマン (nouns) woman ウール ウール (noun) wool "(noun,) above, up, over, top, summit, surface, on, before, previous, supe 上 うえ y, one's superior (i.e. one's elder), on top of that, besides, what's more, upon (further inspection, etc.), based on (and occurring after), matters concerning. .., as concerns ..., since (i.e. ""for that reason""); (noun,) suffix indicating higher social standing, place of one's superior (i.e. the throne), emperor, sov ereign, shogun, daimyo, noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman)" ウエートレス ウエートレス (noun) waitress (noun) fish 魚 うお うがい うがい "(noun) cormorant fishing, cormorant fisherman" "(transitive) to visit, to ask, to inquire, to hear, to be うかがう うかがう ore (a god for an oracle), to seek direction (from your superior); (intransitive ) to visit, to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)" うく うく "(intransitive) to float, to become merry, to become loose, to feel out of o be cut off (e.g. from those around you)" 受付 うけつけ "(noun) reception (desk), information desk; (noun) receipt, accept 動く うごく "(intransitive) to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing, to operate un, to go, to work, to be touched, to be influenced, to change, to vary, to fluc tuate, to waver, certain, factual, to be transferred" 牛 うし "(noun) cattle, cow, ox, oxen, beef, Chinese ""Ox"" constellation (one of mansions)" 失う うしなう "(transitive) to lose, to part with" 内 うち "(nouns) inside, within, while, among, amongst, between; (nouns) we (refer o one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.), our; (nouns) my spouse; (noun) imperial p alace grounds, emperor; (nouns) I (primarily used by women and children), me"

"(nouns) house, home (one's own); (nouns) (one's) family, (one's) うち (三つの~) "(noun) business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment" 打合せ うちあわせ うちゅう うちゅう "(noun) universe, cosmos, space" "(Godan) to hit (something inanimate), to strike, to beat (on something), 打つ うつ e, to tap (e.g. a key), to inject, to indulge in gambling, to visit (on a pilgri mage)" うっかり うっかり "(noun) carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently" 美しい うつくしい "(adjective) beautiful, lovely" うで うで "(noun) arm, skill" うどん うどん (noun) udon (thick Japanese wheat noodles) うなずく うなずく "(intransitive) to nod, to bow one's head in assent" うなる うなる "(intransitive) to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to to sough" うばう うばう "(transitive) to snatch away, to dispossess, to steal" 馬 うま "(noun) horse, promoted bishop (shogi)" うまい うまい "(adjective) skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful, delicious, appeti appetising, fortunate, splendid, promising" 生まれ うまれ "(noun) birth, birthplace" 生まれる うまれる (intransitive) to be born "(noun) sea, beach" 海 うみ "(noun) existence or nonexistence, presence or absence, consent or refusal 有無 うむ or no; (noun) flag indicator, presence or absence marker"...

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