Klausur Wintersemester 2016/2017, Fragen und Antworten PDF

Title Klausur Wintersemester 2016/2017, Fragen und Antworten
Course Anglophone Cultures
Institution Universität Koblenz-Landau
Pages 26
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M3 Fragen & Antworten Part 1 & Part 2 für die mündliche Prüfung im WS17/18...


1. Compare chapters 1 and 2 in the course book with chapters 6 “Make space! Spatial dimensions in cultural research” and 7 “Time please! Historical perspectives” in Johnson’s Practice of Cultural Studies. Course book: Jody Skinner -> chapter 1 and 2 Focus more on facts, deals with both countries (US and UK divided into subchapters) Tells about one space: country itself Chapter 1: focuses on geographical facts like climate (in UK it is not always raining), population, political division, states etc. • Chapter 2: historical events: periods colonial, family trees of British monarchy like Tudors, Mary Start explained • • • •

Whereas: • Johnson: The practice of Cultural Studies -> more theoretical, more on research than on actual facts • Why cultural studies deal with geography and history, how is research done and why is it important • Chapter 6: how spatial dimensions influence researches we do, tend to focus more on practices that are familiar, BUT: different set of meanings in other countries • Chapter 7: how to historicise contemporary happenings

2. Compare education in British Civilization and American Civilization. • Were used a lot for the Teachucation presentation -> no sophisticated language, comprehensible, wellstructured, for students -> easy to understand • Similarities in structure and layout: same publisher (Routledge) & same authors (Mauk, Oakland) • Chapter provides further readings, exercises and are divided into subchapters (UK 8, US 5) • Same topics: educational history, higher education, attitudes towards education • Other topics in UK: school organization and examination • Other topics in US: elementary and secondary schools Example: chapter 10 UK: attitudes towards education: • Mixed, concerns about the quality of schools • Debates about goals -> traditionalist critics want disciplined learning rather than modern creative methods that are children-centred (problems in literacy, numeracy, not prepared for reality) Example: chapter 12 US: recent problems in US: • Students neglect basic skills -> they can choose to many electives oder activities -> not college-ready • State develops tests which measure students progress and quality of schools • Complain: teaching for tests narrows down the curriculum

3. Criticize and justify using Andrew Marr’s History of Modern Britain (2007) as a source for learning more about British political life. • Episode 3: „Paradise Lost“ • Justification: • Very nice introduction: prime minister Harold Wilson is speaking and claiming that they have to face an emergency -> aroused attention • Rest: Andrew driving a car, listening to radio, reporter is talking about events • Visits places where things happened, easy to follow • Example: contrast 60s (time of optimism) vs. 70s (British diesease, out of control, democracy fells apart, financial crisis) • Bloody Sunday: 1972: British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during peaceful protest of Catholics • Original footage (videos + pictures) shown • Critic: too little view into policy, just 60s and 70s • No contemporary witnesses, interesting to see what effects this could had have on current policy • Infotainment-character: information present, but sometimes overdramatic with music etc.


4. Say something about economics and international relations using three very different sources. • A-Z of Modern America: dictionary • Economic activity -> Silicon Valley: popular name for region in northern Carolina, number of research and production companies are located here, business computer industry • Named after silicon: material of which computer ships are made of • Britain by O’Driscoll: course book • Economy: shops were opening on sunday, shop-owners were taking a risk with law, BUT: laws were too old and not explicit enough • Some: Sunday should be special, day of rest, family time • Others: working women need extra day for shopping -> shopping = family time, won the argument • American civilization: introductory book • International relations: America’s expansion to Pacific -> justified by Manifest Destiny, tripled territory • Support from different sources: religious leaders, military to enable US shipping, business man want to open new markets

5. Say something about naming US/UK minority groups in the context of the seminar using your favorite sources. • American Civilization - An Introduction: African-Americans • second largest minority group after Latinos • late 1600: slavery as rule, slaves are owner‘s property • civil war, Lincoln freed slaves in southern states through Emancipation Proclamation, but: did not accept black people as equal -> Jim Crow Law (until 1960s): segregation • progress through Barack Obama, black middle-class grew • context of seminar: task group ,Who am I?‘ presented detailed + part of Jody‘s book chapter • Britain - For Learners of English: Northern Irish • north: people whose ancestors came from Scotland or England, consciously Protestant and want Northern Ireland to remain part of UK • south: people whose ancestors were native Irish, Catholic, want to become part of Irish Republic • lives are segregated: different schools, newspapers, radio and TV programs • first mixing: on universities, rare event talking to one of the ,others‘ • context of seminar: task group did not deal with Irish -> focussed only on US ; part of Jody‘s book, Fiona was half Irish

6. Say something about the most interesting American and British religious groups in context of our seminar. • Context of seminar: no task group presentation, everybody had to check on course materials and create flyers • USA: • Amish, 150,000 in parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio + Indiana • look very different to average • resist to things that we take for granted in our modern society, avoid use of electricity, telephones + cars • photography: sign of vanity, kind of theft of their souls • not supposed to go to Army -> belief in non-violence • UK: • Sikhs: founded in the 15th century in India • living honestly, work hard, treat everyone equally • less than 1 % of all British people, very few in Scotland or Wales • Bend it like Beckham offers a view on a Sikhs family


7. Say something about the environment and national identity in the US and the UK. • British Civilization: „Geographical Identities“ • Localism -> sense of belonging • many people do not know much about environment, different views on how active and sustainable they should act (oil, gas, coal -> energy) • Agriculture, fisheries, forestry • Isle of Man (Irish Sea) + Channel Islands: not part of UK, have their own identities, legal system, selfgoverning • American Civilization: • few people are willing to give up their modern and lavish lifestyles • many have understood that the quality of future life is dependent on reconciling environmental interests to manage their nation‘s resources wisely • Conservation of beauty and resources -> acceptance in late 1800, Yellowstone first national park in 1872 • our course book: • British people: some were not happy with the Channel Tunnel/connection to other country -> islandstatus gets lost • America: national symbol is the bald eagle -> symbol of strength and courage, indigenous to North America

8. Say something about media people and/or events in three course material items. • A-Z of Modern America: MTV: modern television channel established in the US in 1988, broadcasts daily 24 hours, music videos, interviews with music stars, programs about fashion/trends/lifestyle -> interesting for teenagers • course book: Fourth Estate: crucial importance of press • free newspapers were essential for a democracy to work -> people must be well-informed • power equal to other 3 estates: legislative, executive, judical branch / monarch, house of lords, house of commons • press as fourth estate: tradition of being a watchdog of the government • Who do you think you are? (Season 6 Episode 5 Gurinder Chadha) • moved to London, had worked in a Bank, was well-educated -> in London: menial job as postman, hard to find proper job -> never the chance to fulfill his potential • had to remove beard and turban (Sikh) -> effected religious customs, prayed to God as necessary to survive • born in Kenya: end of 19th century Britain took control over Kenya, needed cheap labour from other more established regions of the British Empire

9. Compare leisure time activities in British Cultural Identities and British Culture: An Introduction • similarities: • both are introductory books attended for foreign students • recently published, same publisher (Routledge) • cover topics concerning leisure time activities in UK • differences: • in in British Cultural Identities: leisure time activities completely covered • in British Culture: An Introduction: seperate chapters; covers general topics that are connected to leisure time activities, but those chapters don‘t only focus on leisure time itself, also on other topics in general British Cultural Identities (2013): chapter 2: Education, Work and Leisure, divided into headings • Leisure around home: watching TV as most popular, dominant medium for cultural exchange; for teenagers the internet is taking over • TV more than 3 hours per day, newly in pubs • Besides TV: hobbies like physical activities (jogging, fishing, bird watching) + reading magazines and books, sport, Public entertainment: pubs and cinema (pub as place welcoming men)


British Culture: An Introduction (2015): chapters are separated (eg. Theatre, Cinema, TV) • TV: growing in popularity with services such as Netflix, most popular: soap operas (4 hours per day) • sport: not just activities itself but also watching sports, listening to it and reading about sports are major leisure time activities

10. Describe in the context of the seminar US/UK places, people, and events mentioned in the first two chapters of the course book adding information from three very different course material items. • Britain by O‘Driscoll: EVENT: course book • Channel Tunnel: Jody‘s book: Britain had been an island for a very long time, tunnel changed special status • 90s: Queen Elizabeth Queen and President travelled under the sea • biggest building project in which Britain was involved in 20th century • people felt it was unnatural to travel underwater • A-Z of Modern America: PLACE: dictionary • Washington DC: Jody‘s book: had unofficial status as most dangerous city in US, not on the list of the top ten largest cities, Washington is not in any state -> has the status of a District • capital city of US, synonym with „The District“ • 600 000 residents, home of White House • American Cultural Studies by Campbell: FIGURES: introductory • Beecher Stowe‘s Uncle Tom‘s Cabin: Jody‘s book: author is mentioned as a small white lady who wrote one of the most famous novels in US, she portrayed the cruelty of slavery • most influent version of the South against slavery • many historians do believe that the novel was one reason for the upcoming Civil War -> convinced many Northern of the wrongs of slavery system

11. Say something about education in the Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture in the context of the seminar. • 2010: anthology of essays -> does not cover the topics like an introductory book would do • sophisticated understanding, hard to read because of many numbers and technical terms • different contributors, reliable -> quotes from experts like eg. Woods on his teaching strategies • Teachucation didn‘t really use it for their task group presentation • third essay: Schooling and Culture: by Ken Jones • starts with introduction: essay will be about compulsory schooling, primary and secondary school • comparison between Progressivm and Conservatism • Progressivm: changes in curriculum and pedagogy were needed; between 1960s and 1980s spending on education increased in unprecedented levels -> modification of school cultures • Conservatism: conservative cultural themes -> tradition, nation, authority, allegiance - never extinguished • no basic information about education, focusing more on political aspects -> changes of system

12. Compare insights into American political life in American Ways with the Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture. American Ways (2005): course book intended for students, easy to understand, comparable to our course book • chapter: government and politics in US -> gives an overall view and explains how the government is organized and how the elections work • Political Landscapes in 2000: Republicans and Democrats: • Democratic Party: emerged from idea that government should support all classes and all kind of people > less-privileged people, blacks, women -> more racially and ethnically diverse • Republican party: more freedom for businesses from government rules/taxes • „Independents“: just got a small percentage because of very strong two party nation •


• Cambridge Companion to Modern America (2006): anthology of essays -> many authors, harder to understand/read • no chapter that specifically deals with policy • found something about Democrats Party in chapter 2: American Century (p. 40): Civil Right Act 1960s; National Democrats were torn between northern labor union and southern democracy • no whole text on politics but I‘m sure, that there are small parts in every chapter that deal with policy • • • •

Differences: two different types of books (course book vs. anthology of essays) one covers politics explicitly, the other one does not one gives broad insight and introduction into policy as whole

13. Describe your favorite source dealing with international relations. • Britain by O‘Driscoll -> course book (2009) • book intended for students, very easy to understand, no sophisticated language • large book with large letters -> attractive layout, large pictures, large letters • references to other chapters in the book (like in Jody‘s book) • Chapter divided into subchapters: covers kind of every relation: to Europe, inside GB, Northern Ireland, rest of the world • extra information at margin of the book, eg. Ulster (name used for the part of Ireland that belongs to UK, nationalists do not like the name North Ireland bc it gives validity/value to an entity they don‘t recognize, other name „the six countries“ -> in paragraph „Great Britain and Northern Ireland“) • Catholic viewpoint: known as „nationalist“, Protestant view as „unionist“ • Major protestant: political power, Catholic Civil Rights movement -> British troops interfere -> Bloody Sunday 1972

14. Consider emigrating to the US and the UK in the context of the seminar using your favorite sources. • which country???# • hard time answering the question, very satisfied in Germany, no reasons (persecution, unemployment) for emigrating, no reasons, I am very happy here# • I love America bc of nature, visited Grand Canyon + Everglades -> nothing comparable in GB; BUT: intolerance, capital punishment + legal weapons + president...#

• American Civilization: eg. 3rd wave 1890-1930 (The people - settlement and immigration)# • American Dream -> bettering own and children‘s life# • religious persecution, war refugees, unemployment -> employment found in agriculture# • British Civilization: eg. Immigration from 1900 (The people)# • relatively free access, not treated as aliens# • jobs offered, war refugees (WW2), educational disadvantages# • integration: Britain has a stable diversity of cultures#

15. Justify and criticize using Ken Burns’ The Shakers for learning more about religion. • basic information: • Ken Burns film, historical documentary, released in 1984 • Shakers: American religious sect, founded in 18th century in England by Anne Lee, „Shaking Quakers“ bc of their ecstatic dancing during worship services, creating fine furniture, architecture and music • authentic christianity, equality to all members, do not marry or have children • justification: • view from historians: they are in many ways the American Dream (individualism); on one hand successful, in other hand in terms of lasting they are not successful


• much speaking in the background of Anne Lee: „I knew that God has chosen people and in America I saw them“ • today less than a dozen live in Maine -> show last Shakers who talk about their experience + beliefs • many old pictures of Shakers • sometimes singing of Christians songs -> very vivid, emotional • personal journals of former Shakers, commentaries of scholars and contemporaries • get to know the Shaker‘s life and ideologies • critic: • only one movement is presented -> would have been better to watch a documentary in which different movements are presented -> to get a better overview about religion as a whole • show many trees/houses -> not very exciting, diversified • not very up-to-date -> would have been interesting to know how Shakers life in 21st century • many speakers: not clear who is talking and where they get their information from

16. Say something about American and British attitudes towards the environment mentioning course material items. • American Civilization: The country • natural environment is very diverse, has to be protected by government, founding of national parks • conservation of natural beauty and resources • water pollution through industrial development in the North and oil- drilling in the South • Americans are exploiting all natural resources so that they have to depend on resources from other nations • problem: few Americans are ready to give up modern lifestyle and technology • British Civilization: The country - attitudes to the environment • polls (Umfragen) e.g. that a majority of British are uncertain about global warming, ignorant of its possible consequences and unwilling to give up flying and driving • changing climate, e.g. summer droughts and summer / winter floods have become frequent, vulnerable to rising seas -> affects wildlife and countryside • some people are willing to take measures themselves such as using energy- saving light bulbs or buying unleaded petrol, BUT: most of them are unwilling

17. Say something about television in the context of our seminar using A Companion to Television and American Civilization. • American Civilization: • chapter that deals with media + one text about contemporary broadcasting media • three networks: ABC (American Broadcasting Company), NBC (National Broadcasting Company), CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) • average home usage of TV was 34 hours per week • main source for political news and information • A companion to television: • anthology of essays • only source that explicitly focuses on television: theoretical overview, international television, history • American Idol + I‘m a Celebrity... have attracted up to and over 50 % of market share • context of seminar: task group ,leisure pleasure‘ • American Ways: 6 hours of TV a day, popular leisure time activity at home, watching sports very popular • Flyer: British Cultural Identities: dominant medium is TV, for teenagers Internet is taking over

18. Say something about multiculturalism in US/UK eating habits using your two favorite sources. • A-Z: • Hamburger: one of the most popular dishes in the USA, named after immigrants from Hamburg, popularized it after WW1, briefly known as ,liberty sandwich‘ • Soulfood: traditional style of cooking among African Americans during slavery; corn bread, greens, deepfried okra, black-eyed peas, leftover parts of animals; today eaten as a sign of pride • Mel‘s book for 5-minute report -> accustomed to it, handy for this task, check index „food & drink“


• coursebook: • Chicken tikka masala: national dish in UK, invented in Britain by a Bangladeshi chef • fish and chips: many think that this is the national dish, invented by Jewish traders in London • already read the text for class, so I knew that there was some information to use for this question

19. Give reasons for one country getting more detailed treatment than the other in chapter 3 of the course book. ➡ US is getting more detailed treatment • reasons: laws vary from state to state -> many decision to be made, often disagree...

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