Leadership (1)-converted PDF

Title Leadership (1)-converted
Author Jonaly Galacal
Course Bachelor of Elementary Education
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 11
File Size 255.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Ms. Rahman...



LEADERSH IP Leadership- Is one of the highly regarded qualities of an individual to be successful in life it is also an important aspect of leading and managing effectively. Principles of leaderships

1. Take responsibilities of your actions- a leader must take responsibilitiesfor both his actions and those of hissubordinates. 2. Know yourself and seek self improvement- apply your knowledge of human behavior in an honest selfanalysis. 3. Set the example- be a model and exemplaryleader. 4. Seek responsibility and develop a sense of responsibility amongyour subordinates- a true leader does not shirkresponsibility. 5. Insure that the job is understood- proper understanding and supervision of a task to help ensure the accomplishment of anythingdesired. 6. Know your men and look for their welfare- a leader understanding and knowing his man has someadvantages. 7. Keep your men informed- the Filipino soldier will work harder and will cooperate more effectively if he understandswhy. 8. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities- a sign objectives that are possible ofattainment. 9. Train your men as a team- a team fails or succeeds only if every member does his share of thejob.

10. Make a sound and timely decision – the ability to make a rapid estimate of the situation and arrive at a sound and timely decision is necessary in order to take advantage of opportunities as theyoccur. 11. Know your job- knowledge of your job helps you to make sure of yourself and commands the respect of yourmen.

Virtues as foundation of leadership 1. Prudence- the habit which enables man to direct his actions to human life goal of knowing the right thing to do and applyingit. 2. Justice- the habit of giving each one his/ her due with constantand personalwill. 3. Fortitude- the habit of overcoming the difficulties and pressures of lifein the pursuit of good. 4. Temperance- the habit of bringing the desires and natural inclinationsof man under his control of rightreasons. 5. Industry- the habit of working hard and working perseveringly under pressure. 6. Loyalty- the habit of remaining true to your friends. 7. Responsibility- the habit of being accountable for onesactions. 8. Cheerfulness- the habit of being optimistic, positive thinking,seeing always the bright side of thethings. 9. Generosity- the habit of sharing the good that one has with otherpeople. 10. Magnanimity- the habit of nurturing noble ideas and ambitions of doing good.

Characteristic of a good leader 1. Integrity of character- the word is synonymous to honor. It is a fine sense of ethics,justiceandrighteousnesswithareadinesstoapplyittoone’sown conduct. 2. Willingness to accept the responsibilities- acceptance of responsibilities signifies a desire to lead and this desires is strengthened byincreasing interest.

Qualities of a good leader 1. Knowledge- this refers to the acquired knowledge of the profession not only in thejob. 2. Bearing- this is dignity in appearance andbehavior. 3. Courage- ability to accept or meetchallenges. 4. Endurance- mental and physical stamina to stand pain andhardships. 5. Enthusiasm- this is the higher degree ofinterest and sensitivity in responding to the needs of theorganization. 6. Integrity- a good moral character and impeccableintegrity. 7. Decisiveness- is the ability to decide promptly andcorrectly. 8. Dependability- is the ability to demonstrate higher degree ofinitiative. 9. Initiative- is the ability to start originates an idea andsuggestion. 10. Judgment- is the power of the mind to weight various factors and arrived at a sounddecision. 11. Justice- is the ability to render judgment to conform to the principles of reasons. 12. Loyalty- is the sincerity and faithfulness to the ideals of theorganization. 13. Tact- is the ability to deal with others without givingoffense. 14. Unselfishness-istheavoidanceofprovidingforone’sown. 15. Force- is the ability to demonstrate efficacious power within the bounds of law. 16. Humility- is the state of being reasonable modest and notproud. 17. Humor- is the mental disposition to appreciate amusing incidents of every life in a comicalway. 18. Sympathy- refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 19. Empathy- is the ability to wear someone else’s shoes; intellectual and emotional. 20. Wit- this refers to keen perception and appropriate expression of assuming words and ideals which awaken amusement andpleasure.

Leadership - Bureaucratic Style The Bureaucratic Leadership Style was one of three leadership styles described by Max Weber (1947). The bureaucratic leadership style is based on following normative rules and adhering to lines of authority. The Bureaucratic Leader is actually not even considered by modern management to be leadership at all and often distinguish it in the literature as “management”VS “leadership”. Bureaucratic leadership is where the manager manages “by the book¨. This manager is really more of a police officer than a leader. He or she equates enforcing the rules as effective “leadership”... Ifitisn’tcoveredbythebook,theBureaucraticLeaderreferstothenext level above him or her. You will often find this leadership role in a situation where the work environment is dangerous and specific sets of procedures are necessary to ensure safety. The characteristics of the bureaucratic style include:     

This style of leadership follows a close set of standards. Leaders impose strict and systematic discipline on the followers and demand business-like conduct in theworkplace Everything must be done according to procedure or policy and if there is no firm policy then additional administrative structures and procedures must be implemented. Leaders are empowered via the office they hold - position power and to ensure everything is done in an exact, specific way to ensure safety and/or accuracy. Followers are promoted based on their ability to conform to the rules of the office Follower should obey leaders because authority is bestowed upon the leader as part of their position in thecompany

Weber was the first to distinguish between Transforming style of leaders and bureaucratic leaders. Weber also believed that most leaders exhibited multiple characteristics of all three styles in their day to day managerial activities and use different styles based on the situation and the employee’s attitude. Benefits of Bureaucratic Leadership In the working world bureaucratic leadership skills would be best utilized in jobs such as construction work, chemistry-related jobs that involve working with hazardous material, or jobs that involve working with large amounts of money.In school work, you may find that bureaucratic

leadership skills are necessary when working on a group project for a science class. Precision is key in a science project, and meticulous notes are essential. A natural bureaucratic leader will tend to create detailed instructions for other members of a group. This type of leader would also be very successful working in student government roles. This style can be effective when:  

Employees are performing routine tasks over and over and need to understand certain regulatory standards or safetyprocedures. Employees are workingwith dangerous or delicate equipment that requires a definite set of procedures to operate especially where safety orsecurity training is critical Employees are performing tasks that require handling cash of financial activities of a detailed nature where even seemingly minor errors could be significant.

This style is ineffective when:  

 

Workhabitsandprocessesneedtoadapttonew“bestpractices”butthe old ways of doing things are hard to break, even if they are clearly no longer useful. Employees lose their interest in their jobs and in their fellowworkers. Employees are at work because they absolutely need the pay but dislike their day to day work activities and perform their role with little emotional engagement. Employees only motivated to do the absolute minimal expected of them and no more … even the opportunity for additional overtimethat generates additional personal income is seen as an intrusion. Typical Behavioral Factors/Competencies Establishes Order Demonstrates Community Consciousness Focus on Results Demonstrates Character Drives Achievement

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style Thelaissez-faireleadershipstyleisalsoknownasthe“hands-off¨style. Itis one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on theirown.

Laissez-faire ("let do") Leadership It works when:    

Employees are highly skilled, experienced, andeducated. Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are beingused Employees are trustworthy andexperienced.

This style should not be used when: Ontheotherhandthistypeofstyleisalsoassociatedwithleadersthatdon’t lead at all, failing in supervising team members, resulting in lack of control and higher costs, bad service or failure to meetdeadlines:    

It makes employees feel insecure at the unavailability of amanager. The manager cannot provide regular feedback to let employees know how well they aredoing. Managers are unable to thank employees for their goodwork. Themanagerdoesn’tunderstandhisorherresponsibilitiesandishoping the employees can cover for him or her. Typical Behavioral Factors/Competencies Establishes Order Demonstrates Character Demonstrates Strategic Vision

Leadership Styles Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are normally three styles of leadership.

Authoritarian (autocratic) This style is used when the leader tells her employees what she wants done and how she wants it done, without getting the advice of her followers.

Participative (democratic) This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything. Using this style is of mutual benefit -- it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make betterdecisions. Delegative (free reign) This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you have the full trust and confidence in the people below you. Do not be afraid to use it, however, use itwisely!

FORCES A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Leadership








direction, and motivation -- while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.  Charm and grace are all that is needed to create followers.  Self-belief is a fundamental need ofleaders.  People follow others that they personallyadmire. It is interesting to watch a Charismatic Leader 'working the room' as they move from person to person. They pay much attention to the person they are talking to at any one moment, making that person feel like they are, for that time, the most important person in the world. Charismatic Leaders pay a great deal of attention in scanning and reading their environment.

Charismatic Leaders use Vision andarticulation; Sensitivity to theenvironment; Sensitivity to memberneeds;  Personal risktaking;  Performing unconventionalbehaviour.   

A good leader give others credit after successes but taking personal responsibility for failures. TYPES OF NEEDS Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known as D-needs), meaning that these needs arise do to deprivation. Satisfying these lower-level needs is important in order to avoid unpleasant feelings orconsequences. Physio logical Needs These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival Security Needs These include needs for safety and security. Social Needs These include needs for belonging, love and affection. Esteem Needs These include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth Self – actualizing Needs This is the highest level of Maslow´s hierarchy of needs. Self – actualizing people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the options of others, and interested fulfilling theirpotential.

TipsforManagementSuccess The most important issue in management success is being a person that others want to follow. Every action you take during your career in an organization helps determine whether people will one day want to follow you. 

Communicates effectively in person, print andemail.

Listening and two-way feedback characterize his or her interaction with others.

Builds the team and enables other staff to collaborate more effectively with each other. People feel they have become more - more effective, more creative, more productive - in the presence of a teambuilder.

Understands the financial aspects of the business and sets goals and measures and documents staff progress andsuccess.

Knows how to create an environment in which people experience positive morale and recognition and employees are motivated to work hard for the success of the business.

Leads by example and provides recognition when others do thesame.

Helps people grow and develop their skills and capabilities through education and on-the-joblearning.

Activity 8 LEADERS HIP


Yr/Cr/Section:1/AB ENGLISH-B

Instruction: Answer the following questions briefly and submit your answer to your coordinator! 1. For you,what is a good leader?(15pts) Fro me, a good leader is one who is unselfish, honest, not arrogant, faithful and has good vision. Because being a leader with that kind of attitude can help him develop his community or anywhere he can help a lot. Many more will trust you and vote for you. If you have that kind of leadership. In addition, Do not led by force because a great leader does not lead by forcing people to follow. Instead, a great leader motivates people. They encourage others to follow them. If you have a god heart , it can

2. Answer the given situation. You are chosen to be come a leader in a certain activity in yours chool. The problem is that your members are not following your orders; instead they are doing what they want. What actions you will make them follow you?(15pts) Maybe I'll tell them, I'll talk to them in a good way that if they don't participate we won't end anything. Because being a leader, it is also my responsibility to teach them how or what we should do. You shouldn't get angry right away, you should tell your group members to participate because the way you treat your members well, the way they will respect you and that's where you or we can build what we do.

3. Make an illustration about a community without a leader.(20pts)...

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