Lesson Plan In English 8: Prosodic Features of Speech PDF

Title Lesson Plan In English 8: Prosodic Features of Speech
Author jannel iyra masinsin
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education - English
Institution University of Rizal System
Pages 16
File Size 926.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Prosodic Features of speech suprasegmental, also called prosodic feature, in phonetics, a speech feature such as stress, tone, or word juncture that accompanies or is added over consonants and vowels; these features are not limited to single sounds but often extend over syllables, words, or phrases....


Republic of the Philippines UNIVERSITY OF RIZAL SYSTEM Province of Rizal www.urs.edu.ph/[email protected]

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 1st Semester - Academic Year 2021 - 2022 A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 I.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will able to: a. b. c. d. e.

Describe the prosodic features of speech; Value the importance of prosodic features in reading or speaking; Appreciate the poem African Child by Eku McGred; Compose a persuasive essay or speech; and Deliver the persuasive essay or speech using the correct stress, pitch and etc.

A. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information. B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior. C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES •

Describe the notable literary genres contributed by African writers (EN8LT-Ia-8);

Listen for important points signaled by volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and rate of speech (EN8LC-Ia-5.1);

Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection (EN8LT-Ic-2.2);

Use the correct sounds of English (EN8OL-Ib-3.11); and

Use appropriate cohesive devices in composing an informative essay/speech (EN8G-Ib-8).


Subject Matter Topic

: Prosodic Features of Speech Correct Sounds of English I am an African Child by Eku McGred

Reference Internet Sources


: “Voyages in Communication, English, Learner’s Material” (pp. 17-21) :


: Pictures, Visual aids, PowerPoint Presentation and Video Presentation

Values Integrated

: To develop unity, respect and self-confidence of the students.

Learning Procedure: Teacher’s Activities A. Preliminary activities 1. Prayer

Student’s Activities

Please all rise for our prayer.

The students will Standup.

Jhamaica kindly lead the prayer.

Let’s bow our heads and feel the presence of our Lord, Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for all the blessings and grace that we have been receiving. Guide us in our studies. Bless our teachers, our classmates, and our loved ones we left at home. Give us strength and wisdom. We ask these through Christ Our Lord, -Amen.


Greetings d morning Ma’am.

Good morning class! How are you doing today?

We’re doing great today Ma’am.

Oh, it is nice to hear that you are all doing great today. You may now take your seats.


(The students will take their seats properly)


As an energizer for today, you have to recite this tongue twister.

(The teacher will post the tongue twister)

Are you

ready? Yes, we are ready Ma’am! Okay that’s great! You may start. (The students will read the tongue twister)

(Some students are laughing because of the tongue twister) Okay! That’s great! Are you having fun? Did you enjoy the twisting of your tongue?

Yes ma’am!


Checking of Attendance

Now, let attendance.


check your

Jasmine (the class secretary) who’s absent for today? Oh, I see a lot of faces today.

Ma’am, It’s a great day. I am glad to tell you that all of us are present today.

Very good! You are doing great. 5.

Recall of Classroom rules

Thank you, ma’am.

Let us recall our classroom rules. • • • • • • •

Respect and listen to the teacher. Raise your hand to speak. Be prepared for class. Be quiet when the teacher is talking. Be quiet when classmates are talking Respect and listen to your classmates. Do not answer in chorus Always remember these class okay?

Yes Ma’am, we will.

B. Developmental Activities 1. Pronunciation Drill To make your day meaningful before we proceed in our lesson let’s have our pronunciation drill.

(The students will read the “P” and “F” words with correct pronunciation)

2. Review Now, let’s have a short review of what we have discussed during our last meeting.

Anyone who can give a short recap of what we have discussed?

Okay Xena, kindly give us a short recap of our lesson last meeting.

(The students will raise their hand to answer)

Our lesson last meeting was all about the introduction of Afro-Asian literature. In which, we have also discussed the different graphic organizers that we can use to visualize ideas in the lessons.

Exactly! Thank you Xena.

C. Motivation Have you ever tried to speak in a monotonous tone? Let’s watch this. (the teacher will play a video)

(the students will pay attention watching the video)

(After the video) D. Activity What did you observe in the video? Jhamaica

The speaker emotionless.


Okay, that’s right If you’re the audience how would you feel about hearing this monotonous speech? Yes Aria

I will be bored ma’am

Okay, so our topic have something to do to avoid this monotonous tone of speaking. E. Analysis Class, are you familiar with the word prosodic?

No, Ma’am.


Okay, later we will discuss that. But first, What word first in your mind when you heard the word stress? Yes Lhorreinne, tell us.

First, when I heard the word stress I think it is associated with the words sadness and problem. But referring to our subject, I think it is about the emphasis or “diin” in Tagalog

Okay, I got you there Lhorreinne. That’s right! F. Abstraction (The teacher will present a PPT presentation)

When we say Prosodic Features of speech, it is the rhythm and intonation (= the way a speaker's voice rises and falls) of language: This has five features, please read Celen.

(The student will read) The five prosodic features of speech are: Pause, pitch, stress, volume and tempo.

Thank you Celen. In your own words, how do you define pause? Yes, Steven.

Excellent! That’s correct Steven.

Student: Ma’am, it is a sudden silence that we do when we are reading or speaking.

But why do we need to pause? Here it is.

We need to have a temporary stop in order for the listeners to understand what we are saying. Do you think your listener will understand you if you are talking and talking without pauses? Yes, of course they don’t. Next is the pitch. Can you please read Florence.

Students: No, ma’am they will not understand.

Student: Pitch- the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.

Class, why do you think it is important to have changes in pitch whenever we are reading or speaking? Why do you think so?

Student: Ma’am, I think it is important in order to give expression to what we are saying.

Yes, Kiara. Exactly! That’s right. Because if we will be speaking without changing our pitch, we will be sounding boring. Class, if I say surprise in the low manner, will you get the feeling of excitement or happiness?

Students: No, ma’am.

Exactly! Because the pitch is maintaining in a low manner, so it is important to have changes in pitch. Did you understand class? Are we clear in that? That’s nice.

Students: Yes, ma’am clear as crystal.

Now let’s proceed to the third one.

So when we say stress in speech, it is about the emphasis given to the syllable or word. The stress helps in changing the meaning of the word. That is why it is important for you students, to know how to put stress in the words.

Read these class, put the stress on the highlighted syllable of the words. What have you noticed in the words that you have read? Patricia

(The students will read the presented words)

Ma’am, I noticed that they have the same spelling of words but because of the stressed we put on the highlighted syllable it turns out to have different meanings. Very good observation Patricia! Anything else? Yes, Kiara.

I noticed that the stressed syllables of the noun words are in the first syllable and the verb words had it in the last syllable.

Excellent! Thank you that’s right. Always remember that the noun words has it stress on the first syllable and the verb has it in the last syllable. And by the way don’t forget that the vowels are the one who are being stressed not the consonants and most especially not you.


Are we clear on that my dear students?

Yes, ma’am it is clear!

Okay, so let’s proceed.

Next is the volume, why do you think the volume is one of the important factor to consider in speaking? Yes, Reign.

Ma’am, it is an important factor to consider because it depends in our volume how we communicate with our audience. The listeners may feel bored if we have low volume and they will not hear us. Or the listeners may feel that we are angry if we have so much

high volume. That is why it is important to consider. I agree with you that’s right. Always remember that the listeners can also measure your confidence by your volume of speaking. Last but not the least, the tempo.

Please read everyone.

(The students will read the PPT presentation)

Okay, the tempo has something to do with your speed in speaking. In order for you to be a fluent speaker your tempo should not be very fast and not too slow.

Are we clear with the five Prosodic Features of Speech?

Yes ma’am

G. Application Okay, so now let’s have an activity. Have you seen an African child before? I have here some pictures of an African child.

Based from the pictures how can you describe an African child? Yes, Florence.

Yes ma’am.

Based from what I have saw in the and that picture, they are with skin color. They are slim because of the poverty and hunger in their country. What do you feel for them? Yes, Xena

I feel pity for them because they are too young for experiencing the hardships in life.

Okay, so now let have the Poem of Eku Mcgred Entitled I am an African Child. You will be reading it by group and make sure that you will read it with correct usage of the prosodic features of speech okay. (The teacher will instruct the students to read by group). Group 1 you may now start ….Group 2… Group 3

Yes ma’am.

Group 1 I am an African child Born with a skin the colour of chocolate Bright, brilliant and articulate Strong and bold; I’m gifted Talented enough to be the best I am an African child Often the target of pity My future is not confined to charity Give me the gift of a lifetime; Give me a dream, a door of opportunity; I will thrive I am an African child

Group 2 Do not hide my fault show me my wrong I am like any other; Teach me to dream

And I will become I am an African child I am the son, daughter of the soil Rich in texture and content Full of potential for a better tomorrow Teach me discipline, teach me character, teach me hard work Teach me to think like the star within me I am an African child Group 3 I can be extra-ordinary call me William Kamkwamba the Inventor; Give me a library with books Give me a scrap yard and discarded electronics Give me a broken bicycle; Plus the freedom to be me And I will build you a wind mill I am an African child We are the new generation Not afraid to be us Uniquely gifted, black and talented Shining like the stars we are We are the children of Africa Making the best of us Yes! I am an African child

(After reading the Poem) After reading the poem did your feelings for the African child change?

Students: Yes ma’am

Now, group 1,2 and 3 form a circle by group, then, In 10 minutes create a short persuasive essay or speech, Why does we don’t have to feel pity for the African children. And then choose one of your member to read your group essay or speech

(The students will form a circle)

Your timer starts now!

(The students will start brainstorming and composing their essay or speech)

(After 10 minutes)

(After 10 minutes)

Time’s up! The students will arrange their chairs.

You may now arrange you chairs. Group 1 you may now start presenting… Group2… Group 3…

(The students will present their essay or speech)

(After presenting) Very good it seems that you already know how to apply the 5 prosodic features of speech. For that, give your self a very good clap!

Congratulations my dear students! your group activity very well.

You did

H. Generalization Now since you know house the prosodic features of the Speech, can you explain why does these prosodic features of speech are important? Celen.

( The students will do the very good clap) 123..123..very good! Very good! Thank you ma’am!

The prosodic features of speech are important because it helps us to deliver what we are saying fluently and effectively. By using the correct English with the guide of these five Prosodic Features of speech, we can be understood by the listeners. Brilliant! That’s Right! So, always remember thee Prosodic Features of Speech.


Evaluation So, before we say goodbye let’s have a short quiz. Get a ½ Sheet of pad paper. Number it from 1 to 5. 1 It is the rhythm or intonation of a language. 2 The sudden stop that we make when we are speaking or reading is called _______. 3 It is the degree of highness of the tone. 4 The consonants are stressed in pronouncing words not the vowels. True or False. 5. In two sentences explain the importance of the five prosodic features of speech in our daily lives.

(The students will get a ½ sheet of pad paper) (The students answering)



After 7 minutes, exchange your paper with your seatmate. Then write checked by. Here’s the answers from 1 to 4. Then after you have checked it, return it to the owner. I’ll be the one to check the number 5 later. (the teacher will post the answers)

(The students will start checking)

Key to Correction: 1 Prosodic Features of Speech 2 Pause 3 Pitch 4 False. Vowels are the one that is stressed when pronouncing words. (after 2 minutes) Okay who got perfect scores? 3…2..1...And 0

(The students will raise their hand)

Okay, pass your papers forward V.

(The students will pass their papers)


For your assignment, kindly practice the th sounds in words for our pronunciation drill next meeting. That’s all for today my dear students, Goodbye and thank you! Make sure you clean the room before you go my students. Goodbye.

Good-bye and thank you Ms. Masinsin, see you next meeting.


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